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Le rôle de l'arme du Génie pendant la bataille de Verdun (février 1916 - août 1917)Defretin, Jacques 04 December 2014 (has links)
L’historiographie relative à la première guerre mondiale s’appuie essentiellement sur une abondante bibliographie, dans laquelle il est très difficile de trouver des documents ou études relatifs au rôle du Génie pendant le conflit. Cette thèse a pour objectif de démontrer que, dans la bataille pour Verdun, située dans la période qui va de février 1916 jusqu’en août 1917, le Génie, malgré des effectifs incontestablement très faibles, est un acteur essentiel de la victoire. Il est présent à tous les niveaux, décisionnels comme d’exécution, de la chaîne des ravitaillements qui alimente cette titanesque bataille défensive. Il est également un acteur incontournable de l’organisation du terrain qui est une des clés du succès des engagements sur ce théâtre d’opérations restreint, sur lequel sont engagés des centaines de milliers d’hommes qui se battent sous un déluge permanent d’obus de tous calibres. Enfin, il assure la continuité de l’exercice du commandement par le maintien en état de toutes les communications du champ de bataille (chemins, routes, ponts, communications téléphoniques ou optiques, etc.). Pour être efficace sur l’ensemble du spectre de ses missions, le sapeur doit s’adapter en permanence à des ordres et à des conditions d’emploi auxquels il n’est initialement pas préparé. Le commandement éparpille les capacités du Génie pour une efficacité immédiate réduite, au détriment d’actions d’ensemble beaucoup plus productives mais nécessitant des délais parfois difficilement compatibles avec le rythme des opérations. En dépit d’une action permanente au profit et aux côtés des autres armes, le Génie est trop disséminé pour retenir l’attention du commandement, apparaître dans les communiqués et marquer une mémoire collective forgée par l’image héroïque de milliers de Poilus montant à l’assaut à travers la grêle des balles de mitrailleuses et sous le déluge incessant des obus. / Historiography of the first world war is largely supported by an abundant bibliography in which it is very difficult to find documents or studies relative to the role of the Engineer during the conflict. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that, in the battle for Verdun, from February 1916 to August 1917, the Engineer is, despite a strength which was undeniably very weak, an essential agent in the Victory. It is present at all levels of the supply chain, decisional as well as executional, which feeds this tremendous defensive battle. It is also an indispensable actor in the organization of the battlefield which is one of the key elements of success in the engagements in this limited field of operations, in which hundred of thousands of soldiers fight under a constant storm of fire. Finally, it ensures the continuity of the operational command by maintaining all communication lines of the battlefield (paths, roads, bridges, railways, telephone lines, optic communications, etc.). In order to be efficient in the entire spectrum of its missions, the Engineer has to adapt to orders and conditions of engagements for which he is not initially prepared. The commanders spread out the engineers’ capacities for an immediate though reduced efficiency, to the detriment of the more effective collective tasks, which require a longer time frame often incompatible with the rythm of operations. Despite a permanent engagement, for and alongside the other branches, the Engineer is too diluted to gain the attention of the Commandment, be formally acknowledged and be engraved in the Memory of the Nation as are the thousands of « Poilus » rushing towards the Enemy through a hail of machine-gun bullets and shellfire.
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Histopathological assessment of atroglial aquaporin-4 expression in chronic traumatic encephalopathyBabcock, Katharine Jane 03 July 2018 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The accumulation of misfolded proteins is a hallmark of many neurodegenerative disorders, including Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Intracellular protein degradation pathways appear to be insufficient in preventing or halting disease progression. A brain-wide waste clearance pathway mediated by astroglial aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels in the perivascular space called the “glymphatic system” has recently been identified. Disruption of this system due to mislocalization of AQP4 away from perivascular astrocytic endfeet (“depolarization”) is linked to reductions in solute clearance and the build up of toxic metabolites in different neurologic conditions associated with aging and traumatic brain injury. Accumulation of aggregated tau protein around blood vessels at the depths of cortical sulci is considered the pathognomonic lesion of CTE, and may reflect impairment of glymphatic pathway function in these perivascular spaces.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether changes in AQP4 expression or perivascular AQP4 polarization are present in CTE and to assess their relationship with CTE lesions. Additionally, AQP4 expression in CTE will be compared to subjects with a pathological diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and non-pathological controls without a history of head trauma.
METHODS: Postmortem frontal cortex samples from neuropatholigcally confirmed cases of CTE, AD, and non-pathological controls were provided by the VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank. Fixed tissue samples were cut at 20 microns from each case and immunofluorescently stained for AQP4, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and phosphorylated tau (AT-8). Slides were imaged using a Zeiss 880 Airyscan confocal microscope and analyzed using the HALO image software analysis platform. RESULTS: Increased perivascular AQP4 polarization was significantly associated with lesional vessels compared to non-lesional vessels in CTE (p=0.0187). When assessed between groups, CTE showed less AQP4 polarization surrounding non-lesional vessels compared to controls, and seemingly higher polarization around lesional vessels compared to AD, however these differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Blood brain barrier (BBB) breakdown is a common occurrence following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and has previously been confirmed in postmortem cases of CTE. The findings reported in the current study showing increased, rather than decreased, perivascular AQP4 polarization around lesional vessels compared to non-lesional vessels in CTE may therefore reflect a compensatory mechanism of astrocytes in response to secondary vasogenic edema in the face of chronic inflammation and disrupted BBB integrity, rather than acute cytotoxic edema which is likely the main driver of AQP4 depolarization reported in previous studies.
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Accounting for gender : a historical evaluation of the gendered hierarchy of the UK accounting professionEvans, Claire January 2016 (has links)
‘Accounting has come to occupy an ever more significant position in the functioning of modern industrial societies’ (Burchell et al 1980: 5). Almost 40 years have elapsed since this comment was made and during that time the UK accounting profession has secured a fundamental presence in the neoliberal global economy, wielding great power. However, the scale and scope of accounting’s success has been gender asymmetrical; women accountants have not achieved commensurate success with men either in terms of ICAEW membership or Big 4 partner numbers. This thesis charts the role and performance of women in the UK accounting profession from 1870 to 2013, critically assessing the reasons why women fail to do as well as men.
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Análise de mutações no gene arilsulfatase B em pacientes com mucopolissacaridose tipo VI do Brasil : definição de uma possível origem comum em Monte Santo/BAMotta, Fabiana Maia Moura Costa January 2011 (has links)
Mucopolissacaridose tipo VI é uma doença lisossômica causada pela deficiência de arilsulfatase B. A incidência de MPS VI é muito baixa, geralmente menos de 1 caso para cada 1.000.000 recém-nascidos. Até o presente momento, 133 mutações e 13 polimorfismos foram identificados no gene da arilsulfatase B. Entretanto, a maioria dos alelos mutantes ou está presente somente em um indivíduo ou em poucos pacientes, o que demonstra a grande heterogeneidade alélica da MPS VI. No município de Monte Santo, Nordeste do Brasil, foram identificados treze pacientes com MPS VI. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a(s) mutação(ões) presente(s) nos pacientes com MPS VI de Monte Santo/BA e os heterozigotos nas famílias; definir haplótipos utilizando SNPs para identificação de uma possível origem comum do alelo mutado nesta população e permitir aconselhamento genético eficiente, bem como orientações sobre a doença aos familiares com indivíduos afetados. Os 13 pacientes com MPS VI apresentavam a mutação p.H178L em homozigose e o mesmo haplótipo para os SNPs intragênicos. Nas viagens realizadas até o município durante este trabalho foram coletadas 236 amostras de sangue dos familiares, a mutação p.H178L foi detectada em 98 (20,8%) alelos, sendo 41,5% da amostra composta por indivíduos heterozigotos. Com base em dados atuais, a prevalência de MPS VI nesta região é estimada em 1:5.000 recémnascidos. As análises dos heredogramas indicam a presença de vários indivíduos com chance de 25% ou até 50% de serem heterozigotos. Monte Santo é uma região pequena e isolada e, os altos índices de endogamia fazem com que o alelo p.H178L permaneça frequente nesta região. Estes resultados, juntamente com a análise dos heredogramas, sugerem um efeito fundador, o que reforça a necessidade de um programa abrangente de genética comunitária para esta área, incluindo uma triagem neonatal e estudos com os membros das famílias para promover um aconselhamento genético. / Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI is a lysosomal disease caused by deficiency of arylsulfatase B. The incidence of MPS VI is very low, usually less than 1 case for every 1,000,000 newborns. To date, 133 mutations and 13 polymorphisms were identified in the arylsulfatase B gene. However, the majority of mutant alleles are present only in one individual or in a few patients, demonstrating the allelic heterogeneity of MPS VI. In the county of Monte Santo, northeast Brazil, thirteen patients with MPS VI were identified. The objective of this study was to characterize the mutation(s) present(s) in MPS VI patients from Monte Santo/BA and to detect heterozygous within the families. We also aimed to define haplotypes using SNPs to identify a possible common origin of the mutant allele in this population and allow efficient genetic counseling and assistance regarding the disease to families with affected individuals. The 13 MPS VI patients showed the p.H178L mutation in homozygosis and the same haplotype for intragenic SNPs. During field trips to Monte Santo along this study we collected 236 blood samples from family members, p.H178L mutation was detected in 98 (20.8%) alleles, and 41.5% of the samples were heterozygous individuals. Based on current data, the prevalence of MPS VI in this region is estimated at 1:5,000 newborns. Pedigree analysis indicates the presence of many individuals with a 50% and 25% chance of being heterozygous. Monte Santo is a small, isolated region and the high levels of inbreeding allows for p.H178L allele to remain common in this region. These results, together with the analysis of pedigrees suggest a founder effect, which reinforces the need for a comprehensive program of community genetics in this area, including a neonatal screening and studies of family members to promote a genetic counseling.
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Efeitos in vivo do estradiol e de fitoestrógenos sobre a sensibilidade à insulina e transportadores de glicoseDresseno, Luciana Pereira January 2012 (has links)
Resumo não disponível
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Effect of Monsoons on Beach Morphodynamics in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia : examples from Kuala Terengganu coast / Effets des moussons sur la morphodynamique des plages de la cote est de la malaisie peninsulaire : exemples du littoral de kuala terengganuBin Ariffin, Effi Helmy 28 September 2017 (has links)
En Asie du Sud-Est, la dynamique côtière est régie par un équilibre spécial entre les moussons du nord-est et sud-ouest. Dans un contexte de l'élévation du niveau de la mer et d’un changement climatique avéré, les régimes de la mousson ont commencé à évoluer et à modifier les équilibres hydro-morpho-sédimentaires sensibles au niveau des espaces littoraux. Cette situation engendre des phénomènes d'érosion le long du littoral, notamment le littoral NE de la Malaisie. Cependant, les autorités publiques ont tenté d'atténuer les problèmes d'érosion par la construction d’ouvrages de défense côtière. Ces derniers peuvent affecter le régime des houles, la circulation hydrodynamique et le transport des sédiments, réduisant ainsi la capacité du rivage à répondre aux facteurs du forçage naturels (régime de la double saison de mousson) et à fragmenter l'espace côtier. La présente thèse explore les problèmes des phénomènes d'érosion, l'évolution du littoral et la morphodynamique des plages le long du rivage de Kuala Terengganu sur la côte Est de la Malaisie péninsulaire par rapport aux facteurs naturels et anthropiques. Cette étude a été menée en trois phases pour aborder les sujets suivants: i) évolution long terme du trait de côte du littoral NE de la Malaisie de 2006 à 2014; ii) évolution moyen terme du littoral (suivi mensuel) de juillet 2013 à juin 2015 et; iii) suivi court terme à travers des campagnes de mesures hautes fréquences (mesures topographiques, hydrodynamiques et de transport des sédiments) sur quelques sites du littoral NE de la Malaisie pendant les moussons nord-est et sud-ouest. Sur la base d'un modèle morphodynamique pour simuler les processus saisonniers, il est apparu que l'érosion domine la plupart des stations suivies sur le littoral pendant la période de la mousson du nord-est, tandis que l'accrétion ou la recouvrement sédimentaire des plages sont observés pendant les moussons du sud-ouest. / In Southeast Asia, coastal dynamics are governed by a special equilibrium between northeast an southwest monsoons. In the context of sea-level rise and climate change, the monsoon regimes create an adaptation of the coastal dynamics. This situation gives rise to erosion phenomena along the coastline. However, public authorities have attempted to mitigate the problems of erosion by the construction of coastal defence structures. However, artificial structures can affect the wave regime, hydrodynamic circulation and sediment transport, thus reducing the ability of the shoreline to respond to natural forcing factors (such as with double monsoon season regimes) and also fragmenting the coastal space. The present thesis explores the problems of erosional phenomena, shoreline evolution and beach morphodynamics along the Kuala Terengganu shoreline on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, with the aim of understanding the natural versus anthropogenic factors. This study was conducted in three phases to address the following topics: i) shoreline evolution from 2006 to 2014; ii) mid-term surveys (bi-monthly) involving data collection from July 2013 until June 2015 and; iii) short-term surveys (twice daily) with data collection (Topographic, hydrodyanamic and sediment transport measurments) during northeast and southwest monsoons. Based on a morphodynamic model for simulating seasonal processes, erosion is found to dominate most of the stations during northeast monsoons, while accretion or beach recovery is observed during southwest monsoons.
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Collinsville, Illinois is the leading producer of horseradish is the nation. The river bottom geography surrounding Collinsville, Illinois near St. Louis, Missouri is a high-production area for horseradish. The development of soybean technologies resistant to dicamba or 2,4-D may allow horseradish growers to gain control of troublesome weeds, such as Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) or volunteer horseradish, but could pose risks as well. Drift of these two herbicides or carryover to horseradish could cause severe injury and possible crop loss. While synthetic auxin-tolerant soybean may also allow growers to control volunteer horseradish, herbicide efficacy may differ depending on the volunteer horseradish variety. These risks and benefits could affect the adoption rate of these new soybean technologies in horseradish production areas. A field trial was established in 2015 in Edwardsville, IL and 2016 Medora, IL to simulate drift of both dicamba and 2,4-D onto horseradish. Applications were made in horseradish to mimic drift of a mid-post emergence application in soybean onto the horseradish crop. Plants were monitored for injury and stand, height, and yield reductions throughout the season. Individual roots were evaluated post-harvest. Overall, 2,4-D caused more injury at all rates when compared to dicamba. Horseradish growers may see yield reductions if rates at or greater than 1/1000X of a field rate of 2,4-D drift onto their fields. Not planting horseradish near a 2,4-D-tolerant soybean field, as well as reading the herbicide labels and following application requirements, should help growers prevent serious injury and yield loss. On the other hand, rates of 2,4-D at or above a full field rate offered complete control of all plants; therefore, growers who struggle with persistent volunteer horseradish could rotate to a 2,4-D-tolerant soybean and gain needed control of those plants. Field experiments were conducted in 2014, 2015, and 2016 to investigate the impact of dicamba residues following applications in a dicamba-tolerant soybean crop on horseradish planted the following season. Carryover trials were conducted as two-year rotations of soybean followed by horseradish in Collinsville, Illinois. Multiple rates of dicamba were applied at several timings in dicamba-tolerant soybean and the crop was monitored for injury. The following season horseradish was planted and monitored for injury and stand, height, and yield reductions. No injury or reductions were observed with any treatment in either year, potentially indicating a lack of dicamba remaining in the soil. Horseradish plant stand counts, height as well as yields were not reduced when compared to the nontreated. Results from this experiment suggest that rotating from dicamba-tolerant soybean to horseradish should pose no threat to horseradish. Greenhouse experiments were carried out in 2016 in three separate runs. Each run consisted of three replications of five varieties of horseradish, 604, 788, 9705, Hungarian, and V7E3, and two rates of dicamba, glyphosate, and dicamba plus glyphosate . Plants were sprayed when at least one plant in each pot had reached a height of 17 to 23 cm. Horseradish was then rated for injury at 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after treatment (DAT). Heights were also taken at 0, 14, and 28 DAT. At 28 DAT plants were harvested, weighed and place in a dryer for 72 hours and weighed again. The lowest level of injury at 28 DAT was with variety 604. The control of horseradish roots is critical to ensure the plant is killed completely and does not return the following season as a volunteer. The concerns associated with auxin-tolerant crops can be mitigated with proper management of herbicides and crop locations. While off target movement of 2,4-D may cause damage to a horseradish crop, it could be used as a herbicide to control volunteer horseradish. Additionally, if a grower chooses to use a dicamba-tolerant soybean variety, they may have the choice to use a dicamba plus glyphosate premix which will also give good control of volunteer horseradish with little concerns of dicamba carryover to the subsequent horseradish crop. Capitalizing on the strengths and weaknesses of each technology will help horseradish growers manage many weeds and facilitate the production of this important specialty crop.
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An investigation of in-cylinder flow and combustion in a spark ignition engine using particle image velocimetryHaste, Martin J. January 2000 (has links)
Engine manufactures are currently seeking to develop spark ignition engines that are more fuel efficient, more refined and produce lower amounts of polluting emissions. To achieve these objectives an improved understanding of the factors governing the combustion process is required. Engine in-cylinder fluid motion is known to fundamentally affect fuel–air mixture preparation and flame propagation. Therefore, characterisation and quantification of the in-cylinder flow is an important step in the process of achieving the conditions necessary for optimal combustion. This thesis reports the application of two-colour Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to measure extended velocity fields within the combustion chamber of a firing production geometry optical engine. Two-colour PIV was used to obtain high spatial resolution fluid velocity maps for a range of crank angles and engine conditions. PIV measurements were obtained in the unburned gas ahead of the propagating flame and a combustible seeding material was used to clearly define the burned gas region. Data is presented for both the normal 2-valve running conditions and with one inlet port deactivated for both open-valve and closed-valve fuel injection timing.
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MONITORAMENTO de Vancomicina em Pacientes em Tratamento Hemodialítico Com Infecções de Corrente Sanguínea Por Staphylococcus SppVITORIA, M. P. 17 April 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-17 / A vancomicina (van) é empiricamente prescrita para o tratamento de infecções por estafilococos em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise (HD). O monitoramento das concentrações séricas mínimas (CSM) de van é utilizado como o mais preciso e prático método para se estimar sua eficácia, sendo recomendada a manutenção das CSM entre 10 e 20 µg/mL. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as CSM de van de
pacientes sob HD, em um período de dois anos e correlacioná-los com a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) deste glicopeptídeo para Staphylococcus spp recuperados de bacteremias nestes mesmos indivíduos. As amostras recuperadas (N=80) foram testadas quanto à CIM (diluição em ágar ou caldo) de van, gentamicina (gen), oxacilina (oxa), tetraciclina (tet), rifampicina (rif), ciprofloxacino (cip), penicilina G (pen) e daptomicina (dap). Foram coletadas 101 amostras de soro
de 22 pacientes em regime de administração de 1g a cada 4-5 dias, mais gen (1,5-2,0 mg/Kg) ao final de cada HD. As amostras foram coletadas antes de cada sessão de HD, nos tempos de 0, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas após a infusão do fármaco. As CSM de van foram obtidas pelo imunoensaio de micropartículas quimioluminescentes (CMIA). Doseamento microbiológico de van foi realizado por meio da técnica pourplate com ágar sais mínimos. S. aureus foi a espécie mais frequentemente isolada (24%), seguida de Staphylococcus spp coagulase negativa (ScoN) (15%). Maiores taxas de resistência ocorreram para oxa (17% e 58%), pen (85% e 84%) e cip (26%
e 45%) em S. aures e ScoN, respectivamente. Das amostras de sangue coletadas, 77,8% exibiram concentrações séricas de van <10 µg/mL e considerando apenas as coletadas imediatamente antes da próxima dose de van (CSM), 90,6% também continham concentrações inferiores àquelas recomendadas para efetiva atividade antiestafilocócica. Os valores de concentrações séricas de van obtidas pelo bioensaio apresentaram ótima correlação com o CMIA (padrão ouro) (R2 = 0,96), com valores estatísticamente similares (p<0,05) quando aplicado o fator de correção. A prevalência de Staphylococcus spp resistente à oxa sustenta o uso empírico de van, contudo, a alta taxa de isolados de S. aureus que exibiram CIM de van de 1 µg/mL (59,5%) associada às baixas CSM de van a que são submetidos a maioria dos pacientes indica chance de falha terapêutica e seleção de cepas resistentes. Assim, uma abordagem terapêutica individualizada e monitoramento da droga devem ser considerados. Para tanto foi validado o ensaio microbiológico que, pelo baixo custo e simplicidade da técnica facilita a implementação do monitoramento de van na rotina de laboratórios clínicos de pequeno porte.
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Síntese e Estudo de Ancoragem Molecular de Novos Híbridos Contendo Os Núcleos 1,4-naftoquinônico, Quinolínico e 1,3,5-triazínico Com Potencial Atividade AntineoplásicaFIOROT, R. G. 04 September 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-09-04 / O câncer é uma das doenças mais temidas pela sociedade, sendo uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo. Desta maneira, estudos contínuos buscando compreender seus mecanismos de evolução são imprescindíveis para que se possa erradica-lo do organismo. Embora a quimioterapia seja amplamente empregada em praticamente todos os casos de câncer, a resistência a múltiplas drogas tende a diminuir a eficiência deste tratamento. Para contornar esta problemática, o conceito de hibridação molecular vem sendo explorado entre os químicos orgânicos sintéticos, a fim obter fármacos variados que explorem diferentes mecanismos de ação.
Nas últimas décadas, a descoberta de vias de sinalização superexpressas em células cancerosas permitiu uma nova abordagem na terapêutica com efeitos colaterais diminuídos nos pacientes e eficiência elevada. Dentre elas, as enzimas PI3K e AMPK merecem destaque por constituírem vias de sinalização que desencadeiam uma grande quantidade de outras enzimas envolvidas no progresso do câncer, como Akt, mTOR e ERK
Neste contexto, o presente trabalho está baseado na síntese e estudo de ancoragem molecular utilizando as enzimas PI3K e AMPK como proteínas- alvo de híbridos contendo os núcleos naftoquinonas, quinolinas e triazinas - com reconhecida atividade antitumoral. Os resultados de ancoragem mostraram que a maioria dos híbridos propostos possui energia de interação receptor/ligante superiores aos fármacos controle para suas respectivas enzimas, sugerindo a inibição dessas vias de sinalização como possível forma de ataque ao câncer. Além disso, a natureza das interações e os resíduos de aminoácidos envolvidos na formação do complexo receptor/ligante são semelhantes para os fármacos controle e os candidatos propostos, corroborando com a assertiva feita acerca do mecanismo de ação baseada na análise da magnitude da energia de interação.
Resultados satisfatórios também foram alcançados na síntese dos candidatos a fármaco: um híbrido quinolínico-naftoquinônico 120, um triazino-
naftoquinônico 125 (ambos inéditos) e um triazino-quinolínico 127 foram
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