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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social loafing i kreativitetsprocesser : En studie om social loafing har någon påverkan på innovationsförmågan

Blbas, Gara, Moradian, Shirko January 2019 (has links)
Studien har som syfte att se om social loafing, som är ett socialpsykologiskt fenomen, kan påverka gruppers prestation och engagemang i innovativa kontexter. Innovationsprocesser sker oftast i grupp för att generera problemlösande idéer och nya potentiella innovationer. En kvantitativ metod med en experimentell forskningsdesign har varit studiens grund för att samla in data. Enkäter har även använts för att samla in data för studien. Med hjälp av insamlat datamaterial har studien kunnat analysera om det socialpsykologiska fenomenet har någon påverkan på prestation och engagemang i innovationsprocessens search-fas. Resultaten har visat att det finns signifikanta korrelationer mellan de grupper som testades för socialpsykologisk påverkan. Resultat från den, statistiska analysen har även visat signifikanta samband mellan engagemang och andra variabler i grupperna.

Det pedagogiska ledarskapet : En systematisk litteraturstudie med inriktning på betydelsen av kommunikation, motivation och delaktighet.

Vellbäck, Charlott, Eriksson, Marie January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Co-ordinating HIV/AIDS strategies: The case of NGO`s and other development actors in Zambia

Björk, Adina January 2019 (has links)
There have been many different efforts done to design coordination models for aid, but less research has been focusing on the efficiency and function of these implementation policies. Both the Paris Declaration and the Sector-Wide Approach has been launched with the purpose to improve countries aid coordination strategies. This by a joint cooperation between development actors at different levels of society, locally, nationally and internationally. This thesis aims to investigate what NGO`s, private businesses and the Zambian state are practically doing, through the methodological framework of a qualitative desk study. Focus will also be on Zambia`s aid coordination strategies within the health sector, and specially towards HIV/AIDS. This through a broad perspective, from the global policies which includes international donors, to the local level such as NGO`s (Sundewall, 2009).vThis paper aims to problematize the question of how development actors coordinate aid towards the health sector, to address the HIV&AIDS issue in Zambia. This by using social constructivist view, text analysis and two main analytical approaches. The community mobilization and the top-down & bottom up will be used as analysing tools, by an abductive approach (Klotz & Lynch, 2014; Campbell & Cornish, 2010; Fraser et al; 2005). Overall results provide information about two sides of argument of aid coordination. Some researchers argue for the negative impact of aid, through ineffective coordination through the existing fund mechanisms, like the current parallel funding within the health sector. These funds for HIV/AIDS are channelled separately through the National AIDS Council. However, others argue for the importance of aid to improve local community participation (Sundewall, 2009). Since the year of 2007 when Zambia adopted new aid policies by formulate the joint assistance strategy for Zambia JASZ, the country has had the structure to be able to follow the Paris declaration strategies from 2005. However, in practice the country still has overall improvements to do, since four of the indicators recorded a setback, while eight other targets showed a positive progress, but still need improvements (Leiderer, 2015).

Inhouse eller outsourcing lösningar för hantering av transportskador? : Hantering av transportskador ur ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv

Grans, Henning, Karlsson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
I takt med en ökad transportomfattning stiger också antalet transportskador. Eftersom att det är kunden som får en verksamhet att gå runt är det av stor vikt att ta hand om dem i samtliga aspekter, och så även när de har drabbats av en transportskada. En effektiv skadehantering är ett sätt för organisationer att bygga långvariga relationer med sina kunder. Denna studie har syftat till att undersöka och utvärdera två olika skadehanteringsprocesser inom två segment hos fallföretaget. Fallföretaget använder sig i dagsläget utav två skillda affärskoncept för processerna, vilka är inhouse och outsourcing. Studien svarar på två frågeställningar för att uppfylla arbetets syfte. Den första frågeställningen handlar om enjämförelse av inhouse och outsource lösningar för transportskadehantering och vänder sig främst till fallföretaget och dess anställda i hopp om att identifiera en gemensam lösning för de två segmenten. Den andra frågeställningen, vilka faktorer lägger grunden för en framgångsrik hantering av transportskador ur ett informationslogistikt perspektiv?, ämnar fylla det kunskapsgap som lokaliserats genom tidigare forskning. Studien har utgått ifrån två vetenskapliga teorier: teknik, organisation och extern miljö (TOE) och Empowered complaint management. TOE har i detta arbete representerat det informationslogistiska perspektivet genom att beskriva tre kontexter: teknik, organisation och extern miljö. Tre utvärderingar, som var och en är kopplade till informationslogistikens kontexter, har genomförts för att frambringa ett resultat. Empowered complaint management har använts som ett komplement till TOE för att beskriva den externa miljöns önskan. Denna teori beskriver vilka förväntningar kunderna har men även hur de som arbetar i processen bör agera i olika situationer. Resultatet från undersökningen påvisade att inhouse-processen är klart mer lämpad ur ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv än den outsourcade lösningen. Detta belyses genom de tre utvärderingar som genomförts, vilka visade på att medarbetarna inom inhouse-processen är nöjda med arbetsrutinerna, en hög grad av kundnöjdhet identifierades samtidigt som kostnadskalkylen tydligt pekade på att denna process är mer kostnadseffektiv än outsourcelösningen. Studien illustrerar att lösningar och processer som sker via outsourcing kan leda till negativa konsekvenser. Exempel på detta är tappad kontroll och kunskap gällande processen samtidigt som viktig kundkontakt förloras. Genom att arbeta med processen internt kan istället goda relationer byggas, vilket i sin tur ofta leder till långvariga kunder. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det inte är möjligt att peka ut en av de tre kontexterna för informationslogistik som den mest betydelsefulla. Istället är det samverkan och samspelet mellan samtliga kontexter som lägger en grund till en väl lämpad transportskadehantering ur ett informationslogistiskt perspektiv.

An Assessment of the threat of Right-Wing Populism in the European Parliament

Mkerenga, Elizabeth Neema January 2019 (has links)
Over 500 million citizens in Europe are affected by the decisions taken at the European Union. However, the complexities of this supranational institution have people feeling voiceless and disengaged in the political system. The European Parliament - the organ meant to represent the European people – is alleged to being an elitist body that no longer represent the will of the ordinary citizen. This outcry of the people created the pool of potential for the rise of right-wing populist groups across Europe and their support has grown tremendously in what seems like a short span of time. But the tide is about to change. The surge of right-wing populism threatens to take over the European Parliament in the 2019 elections. This research paper sets out to assess the sphere of influence of right-wing populism at the regional level. Using a bottom-up approach, the paper focuses on the attitudes and perceptions of the people and analyses their opinions by incorporating Eatwell and Goodwin’s four D criteria. As the analytical framework, Eatwell and Goodwin’s criteria offers the avenue for inspecting the legitimacy of the right-wing ideology. Once this is established, the question of influence is answered by looking at the potential implication of right-wing power. As a qualitative case study, the research implores the use of raw data from existing secondary databases. The paper acknowledges the extensive studies and cross-examinations that have been conducted at the national level and seeks to build upon this knowledge and illustrate the interconnected nature of our societies. In addition, this research paper was completed before the May 2019 elections were concluded. The study indicates that right-wing supporters are motivated by the distrust of politicians and institutions, the destruction of the national group’s historic identity, perceived deprivation from rising inequalities and the de-alignment of people’s political positions. Furthermore, findings show a rising pattern of grievances rather than its decline. An indication that the phenomena of populism is here to stay. The polarization of right-wing populist groups in the political system threatens to tame the tone of politics if the institution does not take preventive action – some of which are discussed in the paper. With this in mind, the research paper acknowledges the threat of right-wing populism in the European Parliament.

A comparative study of sustainability in the hospitality sector in Chinese hotels

YANG, KAI January 2019 (has links)
The development of an industrial civilization,and rapidurban economic growth, leads tomore and more pressure onthe natural environment. Furthermore, the tourism industry is one of the major industries in the world and to understand the importance of sustainable development for the environment and society, the tourism industry is the first to understand. Regarding China's tourism industry, the tourism industry's GDP accounts for 11.04% of the total GDP, and the tourism industry provides 28.26 million jobs (Travel China, 2019), so sustainable tourism is very important in China. However, China lacks literature on sustainable development and lacks systematic knowledge about sustainable development. Therefore, this thesis will study what implementation of Chinese hotels and what implement in globalhotels in sustainable development. Furthermore, it figuresout the differencebetween Chinese hotels and globalhotels, with regardstosustainability in China. In order to get the most accurate results, this thesis employs a multitude ofcase studiesand it gathers qualitative data by conducting semi-structured interviews, with 3 Chinese hotel and 3 globalhotels.In the empirical data, the researcher collected data from interviews with managers from three globalhotels and three Chinese hotels.Through the comparison and analysis of data, with regards to the research questions, Chinese hotels implement Energy, Emission and waste in sustainability work. globalhotels implement Energy, Water Emission, Supplier and Management in their sustainability work in China.The finding pointed to more sustainability in the globalhotels than the Chinese hotels

Från äventyret till traditionen : En bildanalys av omslag från tre universitets utbildningskataloger

Sayfoor, Elin Nermin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Bullermätningar på ropaxfartyg / Noise measurements on ropax vessels

Martinsson, Victor, Jonsson, Kristian January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats kommer att undersöka hur bullernivån på två systerfartyg förändrats sedan föregående mätningar gjordes 2009. Fartygen är av typen Ro-Pax färjor och har trafikerat Östersjön under sin hela livslängd. Med hjälp av en ljudnivåmätare har bullernivåerna mätts på däck 1 och 2 ombord på båda fartygen, på däck 1 och 2 i fartygen finns maskinrum och utrymmen för proviantering. Mätningarna protokollfördes och sammanställdes i ett Excel dokument och kunde sedan jämföras med tidigare dokumenterade mätningar ifrån 2009. Med hjälp av de nya mätningarna har en ny bullerkarta sammanställts. Jämförelser gjordes även mellan systerfartygen sinsemellan. Vad kan ha förändrats på dryga 10 år? Hög bullernivå är ett arbetsmiljöproblem, för dem som jobbar i utrymmen där hög bullernivå förekommer är det viktigt att rätt skyddsutrustning tillhandahålls. När mätvärden jämfördes mellan systerbåtarna uppmättes ungefär samma bullervärden. Vid jämförelse av de nya bullermätningarna med de gamla från 2009 så skiljde mätresultatet ytterst lite. Bara något enstaka utrymme hade högre värde 2009 än de nya mätningarna. Vad kan detta bero på? Vid en granskning av underhållshistoriken för respektive båtars maskinutrustning som genererar buller följs planen enligt tillverkarnas rekommendationer. Vid köp av reservdelar, exempelvis lager används alltid originaldelar. Inspektion av isolering i de uppmätta utrymmena har visat sig vara intakt och inte borttagen. Vid jämförelse av systerfartygens bullermätningar och frekvensanalyser erhölls likvärdiga mätresultat, vid en titt på gångtider mellan fartygens maskineri är dessa lika då fartygen delar upp sina turer jämnt under året, slitaget på fartygen blir lika samt samma underhållsrutiner gäller för fartygen. Frekvensanalyserna påvisade ingen större skillnad vilket borde vara det normala då fartygen har identiska maskinkomponenter installerade i fartygen. / This essay will examine how the noise level of two sister ships has changed since the previous measurements were made in 2009. The vessels are of the Ro-Pax ferries type and have operated the Baltic Sea for their entire lifetime. With the aid of a decibel meter, the noise levels have been measured on deck 1 and 2 on board both vessels, on deck 1 and 2 of the vessels there are engine rooms and spaces for provisioning. The measurements were recorded and compiled in an Excel document and could then be compared with previously documented measurements from 2009. With the help of new measurements, a new noise map could be compiled. Comparisons were also made between the sister vessels among themselves. What may have changed in just over 10 years? High noise levels are a work environment problem, for those who work in spaces where high noise levels occur, it is important that the right protective equipment is provided. When measured values ​​were compared between the sister vessels, approximately the same noise values ​​were measured. When comparing the new noise measurements with the old ones from 2009, the measurement result differed very little. Just a single space that had a higher value in 2009 than the new measurements. What can this be due to? In an examination of the maintenance history of each boat's machine equipment that generates noise, the maintenance plan is followed according to the manufacturers' recommendations, when buying spare parts, for example bearings, original parts are always used. Inspection of insulation in the measured spaces has proved to be intact and not removed. When comparing the noise measurements and frequency analyses of the sister ships, equivalent measurement results were obtained, at a look at the running times between the vessels machinery, these are even when the vessels divide their trips evenly during the year, the wear on the ships being equal and equal maintenance routines being followed between the vessels. The frequency analyzes showed no major difference, which should be normal when the vessels have identical machine components installed in the vessels.

Modelling CO2 emissions from passenger cars for Swedish municipalities

Willerström, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
The ratification of the Paris agreement has motivated nations to investigate howsubstantial greenhouse gas emission reductions can be accomplished for limiting globalwarming under two degrees Celsius. In Sweden, the magnitude of CO2 emissionsfrom domestic transportation is approximately one third of all other emission sectorscombined. It is therefore crucial for Sweden to stimulate substantial reductions in thissector. Local actors' possibilities to contribute to climate change mitigation arecentral to succeed albeit constrained in the transportation sector due to data andresource limitations. With the intention to benefit local climate change mitigationwork, a model capable of estimating the tailpipe CO2 emissions from passenger carswas created. The modelling exploited traffic work data from mandatory vehiclechecks conducted in Sweden for calculating CO2 emissions per car and year for theperiod of 1999-2017, to thereafter be aggregated for a municipality, i.e. a bottom-upapproach. The model and model results have been validated with official data andemission factors from HBEFA, whereas model configurations have also beencontrolled with sensitivity analyses. The model was applied for a case-study, Järfälla, amunicipality who recently had a carbon budget developed. Model results illustrated anincreasing trend in CO2 emissions for the period of 1999-2017 and were alsopresented over fuel technology, mass and car age. Moreover, the model was appliedto produce CO2 estimates per postal codes in the municipality for 2017 and toquantify the effect of explorative scenarios, i.e. policy goals, on CO2 emissions.

Hur kan ett utökat BIM-användande uppnås i infrastruktursektorn? : En fallstudie av NCC:s lokala projektorganisation i Uppsala / How can increased BIM-usage be achieved in the infrastructure sector?

Alfredsson, Axel, Berefelt, Erik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how BIM can be used in a more widespread way at a contractor's project organization within infrastructure. This includes an analysis of the factors that are important to take into account and what barriers an organization must overcome. The thesis has also compared infrastructure- and real-estate projects in terms of BIM-usage. A case study has been carried out at the construction company NCC in Sweden with a qualitative approach. The study builds on a theoretical framework and empirical data that have been gathered through a literature review and interviews. The results show that there is a need for at least one person responsible, and with mandate to drive change at a local level in the organization. The planning and production phase need a consensus on how to work with BIM and how the technology should be used within a project organization. There is also a need for a requirement and monitoring process towards planners and consultants before the planning process starts. Moreover, the study concludes that BIM usage in infrastructure projects differ from that of real estate project. It therefore suggests that the two should not be directly compared in terms of the potential of the technology. Keywords: BIM, Building information modelling, Infrastructure, Case study, Innovation, Project-based organizations

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