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Úloha dětské sestry ve školním stravování / THE ROLE OF CHILDREN´S NURSE IN SCHOOL CATERINGMÁGROVÁ, Milena January 2014 (has links)
Approaches to nourishment and eating habits are formed from early childhood under the influence of family lifestyle, gradually together with the influence of school and society where a child grows. Healthy lifestyle should systematically address all children during the whole school attendance, adequately to their age and needs. Comprehensive link between theoretical and practical influencing of pupils in subjects Human and Health and Education to Health with the possibility of link to school canteen. Then we will be on the good way to cooperation of all the involved parents, healthcare staff, teachers and school canteens leading to the common goal, which is GOOD HEALTH. The aim of the thesis was to assess the role of a children nurse in school environment, namely in school catering. The research tried to analyse catering standards for pupils of primary schools and to find the experience and satisfaction with school catering among parents and to map approaches of children of lower and higher level of primary school to school canteen meals. Quantitative and qualitative research was applied to the thesis. Data collection was performed by means of questionnaires for parents and children from the 3rd to 9th grades and focus group among children of the 1st and 2nd grades of primary school in Jindřichův Hradec. The questionnaires were processed and statistically evaluated by SPSS programme. We applied Parkinson's chi-squared test, a paired sample t-test for graph and table outputs. The focus group was performed in classrooms and in the canteen during break and during lunch at presence of a teacher and the vice headmistress. The research sample consisted of parents of children attending primary school in Jindřichův Hradec and pupils of the 1st to 9th classes of the same school. School catering, which is a frequent topic among professionals as well as the wide public in the whole Czech Republic and the results of our research are obviously an exception. Analysis of catering standards has shown that parents can only partially participate in preparation of menus, as they partially participate in financing of school lunches. From observation of 1st and 2nd class children we have found that children of this age are affected by the social environment they are in during the day. We have found that nearly all the children are satisfied with their meals. Pupils of 3rd to 9th classes formed another group. They commented and assessed canteen meals, where our sample differed from the other researches within the whole Republic. Satisfaction with canteen meals did not substantially differ with age as we expected. The research into satisfaction with school meals among parents has shown that parents of elementary school children are more satisfied that those of the higher level children, so the satisfaction among parents differs between the lower and higher primary levels. The research points out the connection of educational and healthcare systems, that there would be a place for a children nurse in this community, who operated in the school healthcare service before privatization of primary healthcare and still successfully operates there in many countries. It is necessary for community nurses to implement, lead and coordinate the care and for their care to be perceived as legitimate and essential in all spheres. The research results were requested by the vice headmistress of the school in Jindřichův Hradec in advance for possible correction of school catering and they might be also presented at seminars or conferences focused on nutrition and healthy lifestyle of children.
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Odkaz Leopolda Auera v jeho studentech / Leopold Auer's legacy in his studentsKirs, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Kirs, P. Leopold Auers legacy in his students ,
Prague 2014. Diploma thesis. Academy of performing arts in Prague.
Music faculty
The goal of this diploma thesis is to describe genesis of violin school in Petersburg, which is mainly connected with the name of Leopold Auer. I focus on his musical and pedagogical ideas. Subsequently I acquaint the readers with the most significant students of him and i want to clarify by analysis of their playing, why they became so successful.
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Rozvoj zdravotní gramotnosti u žáků základní školy / The health literacy development of elementary schoolsGRECMANOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the development of health literacy of pupils attending primary schools. In the theoretical part, it focuses on defining the concept of the health literacy, its importance for society, the importance of its development and the consequences of its lack. A literate person is characterized in here, the factors influencing health literacy and the assessment tools, how it could be measured. It also deals with health promotion and health education at primary schools, which are closely related to health literacy. It focuses on the influence on educational system on health literacy of pupils and on health promotion programs at school facilities. It deals with school age, its division, and the pupil's personality in common. At the end of the theoretical part, we discuss how the health literacy can influence nurses. The empirical part of the thesis is aimed at pupils of 7th and 9th grade of elementary schools, who have been inquired about their ability to look up and evaluate healthcare information. The aim has been to determine the level of health literacy of boys and girls and try to find out differences in their level of health literacy depending on the age and size of the city they are live in. A quantitative research survey has been selected to address this issue and identify the objectives set. The data was obtained using the abridged version of the standardized European Health Literacy Questionnaire HLS-EU-Q, namely the HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire. The research was attended by 208 pupils from two primary schools in Prague and one from Karlovy Vary.
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Řešení radonu ve vybraných středních školách v Jihočeském kraji / Radon solutions in selected high schools in South BohemiaPICHLOVÁ, Irena January 2018 (has links)
The principal aim of this diploma thesis was to monitor radon volume activity from the ground at the buildings of selected high schools in the South Bohemian Region. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis was processed by secondary data analysis. With the help of professional literature, valid legislation and Internet texts, radon problems were analyzed. I dealt with the penetration of radon from the subsoil, water and construction material into the buildings. Furthermore, its biological effects on human health, radon program, subsidies and legislation regulating radon problems. The research was proceed through a qualitative search using secondary data analysis. The needful data for the research part of the diploma thesis I got from my own measurement of radon volume activity in five high schools in the South Bohemian Region, supplemented by the measurement of carbon dioxide. I measured the radon volume activity with the continual monitor Radim 5B and the carbon dioxide concentration with the Wöhler KM 410 for climate assessment. Measured result values were processed using special programs on the computer and the results were displayed in graphs. The measurements made it clear that in selected schools up to one have not a greater problem with radon. From the measured values of carbon dioxide concentrations is evident that in schools is not enough ventilation, and the insulation of the building and the replacement of the windows on behalf of Eurowindows plastic or wooden has an fundamental effect. Consequently, the concentration of radon is then higher than it could be. In view of these facts, it would be advisable to carry out a ventilation system in schools or create vents in the masonry to ensure that clean air is drawn into the building.
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Spolupráce pedagoga s asistentem na 1. stupni ZŠ. / Mutual interaction between a teacher and an assistant at primary school.MARTÍNKOVÁ, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
My diploma thesis focuses on a vital issue our society is currently dealing with and that is the problematics of a cooperation between the teacher and the teaching assistant in primary schools. A crucial element of inclusive pedagogy is primarily the close mutual cooperation between the teacher and the assistant. In the theoretical part, the thesis is divided into three sections. The first section explains main terms of the inclusive approach to pedagogy, second part mentions various means of support and the final part is dedicated to the cooperation of the teacher and the assistant. The empirical part is a research, which explores cooperation patterns between the teacher and the assistant. The research uses a qualitative approach and employs a semi-structured interview method. The aim was to try to understand various ways of how the cooperation can be maintained on a primary education level.
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Prevalence závislostního chování na internetu a užívání návykových látek u vysokoškolských studentů technického a humanitního oboru / The prevalence of addictive behavior on the Internet and substance use among university students in the humanities and technical fieldKropáčková, Sabina January 2018 (has links)
At present, the topic of addictive behaviour on the Internet is a highly discussed topic. In conjunction with it, young adults are increasingly emerging as a vulnerable group, specifically individuals entering university. Students of different learning backgrounds also have different hobbies in the online world. Drug experiments often take place during this period. The main objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of addictive behaviour on the Internet and the use of addictive substances in two completely different university disciplines. Another objective was to find out whether there are any differences in the results of the respondents and whether there are some connections in the phenomena studied. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at CTU. For the purposes of this research, a questionnaire was selected, the questionnaire comprised of these standardized questionnaires: a Griffith questionnaire, selected questions from the European School Study on Alcohol and Other Drugs, the CAGE Questionnaire, the CAST questionnaire and the EIUS questionnaire by Škařupová. Respondents were first selected by means of deliberate purposeful selection. The next step in selecting the research file was...
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Vztah rodiny a školy: případ dítěte mezi institucemi v konfliktu / Communication between family and school: The case of a child between institutions in conflictMachová, Natálie January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to map out the area of communication and cooperation between the pupil's parents and school in a conflict situation. At the same time, this thesis examines the impact of said situation on the optimal development of the child, who is in conflicting posture against the two institutions. The theoretical part is devoted to introducing the basic functioning of family and school, its mutual relations and forms of contact between the two institutions. It also illuminates the possible modes of cooperation between parents and school and possible conflicts arising from the relationship. Theoretical framework is focused on the child at the start of compulsory education and his main developmental tasks during the primary school age. The main focus of the thesis is the empirical part, undertaken in the framework of quantitative methodological approach. The case study focuses on a pupil and the critical points of conflict among the school and family as institutions and the child between them. Using analysis of documents, semi-structured interviews and observations, the complicated relationship of particular family and school was researched, and as well the impact of the relations on the development of the child. The findings suggest, that ineffective cooperation and...
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Spolupráce rodiny a školy / Cooperation between family and schoolVrbická, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The content of the diploma thesis is to characterize the features of a quality school and find out whether the cooperation between the school and the family is also included in this term. In the theoretical part I focus mainly on research on cooperation and on the interest of cooperation with the school by parents, public and media. An important part is the typology of parental expectations towards school, its work and the education of students. Then I summarize traditional and non-traditional forms of cooperation, which are applied on Czech schools. I also characterize teacher assistant role during the lessons, his cooperation with teacher and parents. The aim of the practical part is to monitor the cooperation between the family and the school from the point of view of the beginning teacher and the assistant teacher. From the assistant teacher, it is about the way how is looked at his role in the teaching process, how his work scope is defined, his expectations and mainly the way how he communicates with the parents. From a beginner teacher's point of view I focus on the way how to implement quality communication with the teacher assistant, to define his and my work scope and together with him get the effectively communication with the parents. The latest part is a manual for a beginner teacher,...
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Analýza učebnic českého jazyka pro střední školy z genderového hlediska / Analysis of Czech Language Secondary School Text Books from the Gender Point of ViewDvořáková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The thesis examines the issue of gender in textbooks. The aim of the thesis is to analyse three sets of Czech language secondary school textbooks and ascertain, whether these textbooks contribute to the propagation of gender stereotypes in the society or whether they do not. The thesis is divided into a theoretical section and an empirical section. The theoretical section firstly explicates the fundamental concepts of gender, secondly focuses on the discrimination of women via language and on other topics from the field of gender linguistics. The last chapter of the theoretical section focuses on how gender stereotypes influence schooling. The empirical section encompasses the aforementioned analysis of the selected Czech language textbook sets. The analysis further investigates the manner in which men and women are represented in the curriculum, how men and women are portrayed in the illustrations, if the linguistic means are gender-balanced, and also whether the textbooks include any gender linguistics topics. The results of the analysis show that in all textbook sets, men are the dominant gender in illustrations, as well as among significant figures and authors of literary excerpts. In terms of roles, employment and character traits that are attached to individual characters, the sets of...
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Technické památky Tábora a jeho okolí, aplikace v základním školství / The technical sights of Tábor and its surroundings, aplication in elementary educationVAŠICA, Miroslav January 2007 (has links)
My diploma work gives the treatise about technical monuments in region of Tábor. They are presented chronologicaly according to their place of occurrence. They document the technical progress in our region and its influence on the progress of the society, as well as the standart of living in our region. One special chapter of my work contains the presentation of technical monuments for pupils aged 12 - 15. It can be used by teachers as a didactical material for explaining of related matters. It can be applied also in the interdisciplinary teaching or projects. The main objektive of this work is to explain the importance of technology in terms of the region, and to make pupils be proud of their nationality, their region and their country.
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