Spelling suggestions: "subject:"škola""
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Jak uchazeči volí vysokou školu? Aplikace Conjoint analýzy / How candidates choose their college? Application of Conjoint analysisEhrlichová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
(in English): In this thesis, I investigate preferences of humanities-oriented 3rd year students of grammar schools in their choice of university they would apply for. The theoretical part provides a summary and data for a content analysis of previous research, which I use to identify key features of universities, which may affect the choices made by students. In the methodological part, I introduce and define the conjoint analysis, which is a tool best suited for capturing the decision making process. The analysis shows that the most important factors are reputation and atmosphere. Other rather influential attributes include those proposed by other authors such as distance from home, location, peer influence and communication of the university with the prospective students. In contrast to findings from other countries though, the influence of the entry exams has been found only for students with excellent grammar school study results. This is directly contrary to the effect of this attribute in previous research. Another distinct feature of my research is the inclusion of the possibility to study abroad as an attribute, which has been completely ignored in previous studies of this type. In this case, it is the fourth most important attribute. There are tendencies which suggest that future research...
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Komunikace mezi školou a rodinou jako klíčový faktor při výchově a vzdělávání Romů školního věku / Communication between family and school as key factor during upbringing and educating Gypsies of school ageKUBÍNOVÁ, Radka January 2012 (has links)
This Thesis deals with communication between family and school as key factor during upbringing and educating Gypsies of school age. The theoretical part explains the terms integration and assimilation. It outlines romany hisrory. It mentions issues of co-existence of Gypsy minority and major society. It describes education of Gypsies throughout history to the present. It focuses on the causes of failing of Gypsy children at school and possible help in the process of their education. The closing part of the theoretical part focuses on cooperation of family and school. The practical part includes a research. Its goal is to find out whether the Gypsy children are more successful at school if their parents communicate and cooperate with school. It includes a quantitative research. It determines (by means of questionnaire which was given to the teachers) the influence of communication of Gypsy parents and school to the results of their children.
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Návrh geologicko-přírodovědné výukové trasy v okolí Mářského vrchu u Vimperku / The proposal of geological-biological teaching path around Mařský vrch near VimperkPOKORNÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to create a teaching path around Mařský vrch, which could serve as a supplement to teaching biology especially for primary schools and grammar schools (children of age 11 to 15). In this thesis, I focused on the processing characteristics of the area, didactical recommendation and the proposal of the path with various stops. Eleven stops were designed. Description and educational use for specific subjects, questions and challenges, or educational games to each of the stops were processed. Worksheets were created for some stops. Documentary photographs were made for all of the stops.
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Jednoduché experimenty s přírodninami v tématickém celku Rozmanitost přírody. / Simple experiments with products of nature as a part of the thematic unit Variety of natureHUBENÁ, Marie January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis ? Simple Experiments with Products of Nature as a Part of the Thematic Unit Variety of Nature ? deals with the integration of experiment into primary school teaching. The aim of the thesis is to record the range of experiments which are used in didactic materials and other literary sources where teachers can find various experiments. The thesis also focuses on selecting and verifying the set of experiments which might be relevant when teaching natural sciences at primary schools. These selected experiments have been provided with methodological notes and commentaries, which teachers may use as instructions on how to carry out each experiment. For selected experiments worksheets have been made, where pupils can enter their observations. This diploma thesis was solid within the scope of the projects GA JU no. 065/2010/S and 078/2013/S
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Cestovní ruch pro vybraný segment - zahraniční studenti vysokých škol / Tourism for the selected segment - students from the foreign universitiesVORÁČEK, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
Práce analyzuje segment zahraničních studentů jako skupinu ?návštěvníků?, která patří se svými specifiky k obtížené klientele, o kterou je třeba patřičným způsobem pečovat a poskytovat jí kvalitní univerzitní služby a pomoc. Práce také demonstruje obecné přínosy těchto hostů a trendy, se kterými se setkáváme na univerzitách. Větší pozornost byla zaměřena na vhodné doplnění programu letní školy pořádané na JU. Ve spojení s tímto doplněním programu se velká pozornost ubírala směrem ke zvolené atraktivitě - Stezce korunami stromů Lipno. Projektem diplomové práce je navržení a realizace projektu zatraktivnění této turistické atrakce v podobě aplikovaného nočního osvětlení, které přineslo provozovatelům nové možnosti využití a výhody. Druhá část projektu se pak zabývá prosazením tohoto místa do programu a to hledáním vhodné varianty pro reciproční spolupráci, které nakonec bylo úspěšně dosaženo. Stezka tak byla úspěšně prosazena do následujících programů letních škol pořádaných Jihočeskou univerzitou.
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Klima třídy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Classroom Climate at a Primary SchoolNAVRÁTILOVÁ, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation work focuses on societal climate of an elementary school class. The work is dividend into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part concentrates mainly on the knowledge related to the climate, explanation of the terms such as social group, class and school climate, environment and atmosphere. I characterize the younger school age of examined pupils in detail. Then there are other factors that have an influence on class climate. The practical part concentrates on the research of the actual and ideal school climate both in cities and in the country. I also focus on the difference of perception of the climate between boys and girls. This research was conducted at schools in Jihlava region, specifically in the fifth grades. ?My Class Inventory? questionnaire was used for the research and the results are arranged in charts and graphs with a commentary.
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Klima třídy / Class climateKŘIKLAVOVÁ, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the climate in the classroom on the second substage of the elementary school in the context of the ongoing reform of the education system. In the theoretical section are explained basic concepts - for example social group, social roles, positions in groups, school climate, class climate. There are also described determinants of class climate, climate participants and there aren´t missing current approaches to study the class climate. The conclusion explains what is school reform. In the practical part are defined objectives and assumptions. There are further specified measurement method and the measurement process. At the end assumptions are authenticated.
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Využití individualizace a diferenciace v hodinách fyziky / Use of Individualization and Differentiation in the Physics LessonsGARABIK, Bohumil January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on individuation and differentiation in our education system. The present work explains the concepts of individualization and differentiation, various types of differentiation, their possible pitfalls, their history and the applications of differentiation and individuation in alternative schools. The thesis includes a conversation with a physics teacher, analysis of annual elementary school reports, and an experiment. The experiment included a non-standardized achievement test and a survey.
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Percepce seniorů studenty Jihočeské univerzity / Perception of the Elderly by the Students of the University of South BohemiaLIDOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
Abstract This diploma thesis named "Perception of the Elderly by the Students of the University of South Bohemia" provides a detailed insight into the senior population viewed by the university students. The aim of this work is to register the students' attitudes and the opinions to this issue. The work consists of two parts a theoretical and the practical. The theoretical part deals with issue of ageing process, namely with the changes which are carried by this life period. Further, this part looks at personalities of university students and their needs in general. Next, it covers a general knowledge about interpersonal perception among humans. This part also describes problems of prejudices and stereotypes connected with a very actual issue ageism. The practical part of this diploma thesis contains an own qualitative research which includes a description of used methodology, examined sample, outcomes and further discussion. These data were collected during a field research in February 2014. It was used a technology of semantic differential. The research was undertaken within the University of South Bohemia. Students of Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Faculty of Economy and Faculty of Agriculture were asked to take a part in this study. They expressed their opinions via a web portal www.mojeanketa.cz. These faculties were chosen deliberately for their different fileds of studies. Thus, I compared the opinions of the students whose fields of studies are specialized either on the market and the business sector, or whose fields of studies are specialized on the help professions and, therefore, their further practice will be orientated to the non-profit sphere. Within this study there were distributed 400 record sheets in total (100 for each faculty) where the responders expressed their opinions. The opinions on the perception of the elderly were expressed within the scale from 1 to 5. The values of this scale has been of a contradictory character. For instance, there were these characteristics: beautiful/ugly, noisy/calm, self-sufficient/un-self-sufficient etc. There was also stated a hypothesis which has been predicted that the students of the University of South Bohemia perceive the elderly positively. The research proved this expectation. The outcomes also show that there is no big difference between the individual opinions of the students of different faculties. This result is actually very positive and, therefore, we can say that the students of the University of South Bohemia do not display any prejudices and stereotypes towards the senior population. The outcomes of this work might be very beneficial as sources for educational work beyond ageism. Further, there can be reached conclusions which will lead to reflection. This work can be used for further scientific investigations and publication activity.
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PROBLEMATIKA KLIMATU ŠKOLNÍ TŘÍDY NA 2. STUPNI ZŠ / The issue of the class climate at secondary schoolŠVEJDOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The main issue of this diploma thesis is the class climate. The goal of this thesis is to characterize, evaluate and compare the class climate measured in some selected schools in České Budějovice. In the theoretical part there are the essential terms established. For example terms class environment, atmosphere and class climate. It also deals with school classroom as a social group, about the participants of class climate, about school climate. There are also some contemporary approaches to study the class climate. The practical part defines the goals, assumptions and methods of the research. Next, there are the results of the research stated and interpreted. In the end there are the assumptions of this research being tested.
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