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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proměny životního stylu na venkově od první republiky po současnost - případová studie / Changes in lifestyle in the countryside since the First Republic to the present - case study

Ulrichová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Changes in lifestyle in the countryside since the First Republic to the present" is a case study providing information on lifestyle changes in the last 90-years in the village Zavisice and causes of these changes. The substantial change affecting all others is moving away from agriculture as the main means of sustenance. The crucial processes causing the changes in the country life the lifestyle of the rural population in studied time period were collectivization in the 50th, socialization in the 60th, centralization in the 70th and 80th and transformation after the year 1989. This thesis looks at this topic from many angles, generalizes some conclusions thus creating a comprehensive insight into the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Czech countryside in the last century. The contents of the largest in the text analyzes the transformation of customs, traditions, livelihood and leisure, children's games and duties, schooling, food, clothing, housing, change in approach to raising children, celebrating of the religious or secular holidays and family feasts, change of associations and interest groups. Information is gathered from the statements of witnesses, written historical materials (municipal, school and family chronicles, personal memoirs, newspapers) and the relevant...

Stochastické procesy v kombinaci životního pojištění a hypotečního úvěru / Stochastic processes in the combination of life insurance and mortgage

Kalendovský, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to describe stochastic processes in the combination of mortgage loan and fund-linked life insurance, and to construct and analyze suitable mathematical models related to them. The idea of the combination of mortgage loan and fund-linked life insurance consists in serving the debt via paying up the interest only and investing the rest of the instalment within a fund-linked life insurance, instead of amortizing the debt gradually. At the maturity time, the principal sum will be amortized at once, using assets which have been invested within a fund-linked life insurance.

Deliktní odpovědnost fyzických osob v ochraně životního prostředí / Delictual liability of natural persons within environmental protection

Koulová Marešová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Delictual liability of natural persons in environmental protection is the topic that represents the intersection of several branches of law. Passing the new penal code brings to criminal law some news in the branch of environmental protection. The purpose of my thesis is to describe the general conditions of delictual liability and then point out to the specifics of the particular types of delicts. The aim of the thesis is also to compare the responsibility for administrative offences and liability for crimes. I divided my thesis into two main parts - the general part and the special part. My thesis contents fourteen chapters, which are dealing with different problems of liability in environmental protection.

Judikatura Soudního dvora EU na úseku ochrany životního prostředí / Case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the area of environmental protection

Kubeček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Resumé The thesis named Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Area of Environmental Protection deals with three types of action in which the judicial protection of the environmental interests is provided. First the chambers of the Court of Justice of the EU are characterised - the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal. Chapters on particular types of action follow. Each of them is attached with analysed related significant cases that the Court of Justice of the EU adjudicated upon. The first type of action is the action for failure to fulfil obligations where the principal questions are possibilities of imposing fines on member states that infringe the EU law. Sanctions are imposed in two forms - a penalty or a lump sum. The second type of action is the reference for a preliminary ruling in which the Court of Justice of the EU interprets the EU law a helps courts of the member states apply the EU law. The final chapter examines the action for annulment in which the fundamental and very disputable question is the question of right of action in environmental matters. After the comparison with other areas of the EU law, in particular the area of the competition law, it results from the thesis's chapters that the Court of Justice of the EU provides a very...

Právní regulace nakládání s obaly a odpady z obalů / Legal regulation of packaging and package waste management

Bílová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This work aims to analyze legislation on the management of packaging and packaging waste. The object of the research is European legislation from the Czech -based treatment, which are discussed in detail. The focus of the work is the chapter dealing with the life cycle of the packaging. The rights and obligations of responsible persons related to different stages of the life cycle of the packaging are in Act No. 477/2001 Coll., On packaging and related regulations set out in detail so as to fulfill one of the basic principles of packaging issues "From the cradle to the grave." The work aims at the systematic distribution of these rights and obligations of the different stages. The last chapter focuses attention on beverage containers, specifically comparing the environmental impact of one-way and returnable beverage containers.

Ochrana životního prostředí a Světová obchodní organizace / Environmental protection and the World Trade Organization

Šmídlová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
Environmental protection and the World Trade Organization Klára Šmídlová Abstract The theme of this diploma thesis is the relationship of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to the environmental protection. In its three chapters, this paper carries out an analysis of the historical aspects of this relationship and also of the questions, which are being solved in the present. The first chapter outlines the evolution of the relationship between the international trade and the environmental protection since 1947 when the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was concluded. The second part of the paper focuses on the analysis of the provisions of the particular WTO agreements, which approach the issue of the environmental protection in different ways. The case law established by the WTO bodies during solving of the disputes between the member states is especially emphasised in analysis of the provisions of the WTO agreements. Finally, the last chapter is devoted to the research of the relationship between the WTO and multilateral environmental agreements, above all those making use of the trade measures to achieve their goals.

Právní úprava ochrany ovzduší před znečišťováním ze stacionárních zdrojů / Legal regulation of air protection against pollution from stationary sources

Kunert, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with legal regulation of air protection against pollution from stationary sources especially with the Act no. 201/2012 Coll. on the Protection of Air. The opening chapter introduces to the issues and systematics of the diploma thesis. The second chapter contains the overview of the most important pollutants with their impacts on human health and the environment. The third chapter concerns the international regulation of the air pollution protection including the European Union regulation. The fourth chapter describes the development of the air protection legal regulation in the Czech Republic. The fifth chapter gives attention to the definition of the stationary source of pollution. The sixth chapter deals with the level of pollution and the tools connected with this level. The seventh chapter is about the regulation of the sources of pollution. The final chapter summarizes the previous text and contains the evaluation of the legal regulation of the air protection.

Ochrana životního prostředí v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva / Environmental protection in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

Vyhnánek, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
- anglicky The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms does not guarantee any right to the environment, in spite of that the European Court of Human Rights developed an extensive environmental case-law. This thesis examines the aforementioned case-law and on the ground of this examination assesses what are the limits of protection granted by the Court to the environment. The thesis focuses particularly on the limb of the case-law in which endangerment of the environment is perceived as violation of certain rights protected under the Convention. Subsequently, from the analysis of the selected cases the conclusion is inferred that the Convention is even in its present-day form an instrument which may contribute to the protection of the environment, nevertheless, its environmental effect in the states which are parties to the Convention will probably not be particularly significant.

Životní spokojenost u somaticky nemocných / Life satisfaction in somatic patients

Kolínová, Magdaléna January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on evaluating changes in quality of life in overweight and obese persons. The theoretical part discusses quality of life, various aspects of obesity and the most relevant psychological context. The empirical part includes two studies: 1. Study in overweight / obese persons undergoing physical activity intervention - walking, lasting up to 1 year, and covering 24 female participants. The intervention resulted in a significant effect on the quality of life, assessed using the following instruments: IWQOL-Lite, OWLQOL and WRSM. 2. Study in overweight / obese persons undergoing STOB basic intervention lasting 12 weeks, and covering 17 female participants. The intervention resulted in a significant effect on the quality of life, assessed using the following instruments: IWQOL-Lite, OWLQOL and WRSM. Changes in self-esteem and self-efficacy were also assessed in this population using the instruments: RSE and GSE, respectively. Statistical significance was not achieved in either of these cases, although a trend toward change could be seen according to RSE and GSE, respectively. Keywords: Life satisfaction; quality of life; obesity; physical activity intervention; STOB

Vliv životního stylu na relapsy u pacientů závislých na alkoholu s opakovaným pobytem na detoxifikačním centru / The influence of lifestyle on relapsing among patients with alcohol dependence and with repeated stay at the detoxification centre

Duroňová, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this essay is to show that lifestyle has an influence on alcohol addiction and its process, but most importantly on maintaining abstinence after a treatment. From various research, which where made, is clear, that most of relapses are directly related to lifestyle of addicts (or at least to its parts such as health, social situation, economic status, hobbies etc.). That is why it is important to work on a lifestyle change during a treatment so that the addicts are in balance during the abstinence and are not exposed to risky situations which they do not know how to react to and deal with them. There is Relapse Prevention to learn these pocedures and it should be applied also during the treatment and after. Part of my essay is qualitative research, which should reflect previously mentioned phenomenons among ten respondents of detoxification centre, who experienced relapses before. I tried to prove that lifestyle and its disorders influence and increase the potential of relapse after completed treatment and it is necessary to change it during abstinence.

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