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Právní režim nakládání s komunálním odpadem / Legal regime of municipal waste managementSádlo, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Legal regime of municipal waste management This work about legal regime of municipal waste management in the Czech Republic begins with a chapter about some aspects of the municipal waste, especially the quantity in which the CR and the EU produces municipal waste, ways in which municipal waste is disposed and percentage limits which should be achieved in municipal waste management. Next part is started with a short flashback into the history of legislation of waste (and municipal waste as well) in the Czech Republic in the last 20 years - follows independence of the Czech Republic. Conception of municipal waste did not get throught a big changes during that decades, so didn't the system of municipal waste management. In the recent years there have been serious discussions about the new "waste" law and after the new Goverment was elected they started again, also we will see if the new law will see the lights of the world. The work then gives an explanation of basic terms - waste and municipal waste - in the Czech law and also in the European law. Because of being the member of European Union, the Czech Republic has quite similar definitions of these terms - new laws were prepared to be conformable with European law. Also the waste hierarchy, important for the approach to waste management, is the...
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Posuzování vlivu na životní prostředí v právu unijním, rakouském a českém / Environmental Impact Assessment in the European, Austrian and Czech Legal RegulationŠkrabalová, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
The process of environmental impact assessment is a control procedure that aims to summarize and evaluate the impact of a project on the environment at the stage of project planning and thus to reduce its potential negative impacts in the future. One of the main ideas of the EIA process is to avoid since the very beginning problems and confrontation which would otherwise appear in the future in connection with the planned project. This principle is particularly important in cases of transboundary assessment where communication between countries and joint consultations on the project in its early stages of planning might prevent potential conflicts and disruption of mutual relations in the future resulting from an already implemented plan. The cornerstone of a transboundary assessment is the understanding that the harmful effects of a specific project do not stop at the borders of one state, but can reach a territory of many other countries, mutual cooperation in this subject is thus with regard to environmental protection necessary. The necessity of such a cooperation on one hand, as well as its pitfalls and difficulties on the other hand, are illustrated in the case of transboundary EIA between the Czech Republic and Austria, that is specifically in the case of the construction of the nuclear power plant...
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Prevence obezity jako součást podpory zdraví dětí na primární škole / Prevention of obesity as a part of the primary school children's health supportWagnerová, Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the components of a healthy lifestyle, child nutrition, nutritional habits of early school-age children, causes of obesity, its prevention and treatment and on the area of health education in the curriculum of a school. The practical part includes the analysis of the results of experimental investigation and a project that affects primary school children's health.
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Vztah životního stylu a fyzické zdatnosti sportujících a nesportujících žáků gymnázia / Relation of Lifestyle and Physical Fitness of Sporting and Non-Sporting Pupils at General Grammar SchoolHolanová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Relation of Lifestyle and Physical Fitness of Sporting and Non-Sporting Pupils at General Grammar School This thesis compares the lifestyle standards of the Pupils at General Grammar School, who do sports regularly with the lifestyle standards of those who don't. Furthermore, it identifies the impact of this on their physical fitness and preferences associated with the healthy lifestyle. The thesis examines and compares the difference in the physical fitness and lifestyle of boys and girls. The work has two parts - theoretical basis and research. The theoretical part defines health, physical fitness and preferences associated with the healthy lifestyle. The research evaluates the results of the physical fitness testing and processes the survey whose objective was to determine the quality of lifestyle of Pupils at General Grammar School. . Keywords: physical fitness, lifestyle, UNIFITEST 6-60, pubescence, health, physical activity
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Právní úprava obnovitelných zdrojů energie a jejich využívání / Legal regulation of the renewable energy resources and their useMakovec, Václav January 2013 (has links)
Title: Legislation of renewable energy sources and their use Abstract The presented thesis deals with issues of legal regulation of renewable energy sources with target on legal regulation of system of support in the Czech Republic. The thesis contains the overview of documents and instruments from international enviroment. As a result of the Czech Republic membership in the European Union the thesis presents instruments of union legislation which due to integration of EU member states legislation and due to marking out obligatory goals aims to opened unified and liberal energy market. The thesis describes historical development of this phenomenon from partial legislation to complex and sophisticated legislation and artificially formed systems of support including and puts them into context with social economic aspects of pursued period of time. Due to comparative method the thesis brings not only comparation of legislation in the course of time in Czech and European background but also evaluate them and try to estimate progress and find possible solution. One of the thesis targets is to provide the comprehensive view on legislation of renewable energy sources from businessmen points of view and put this relationship into context with institute of environment protection.
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Lima: Problémy latinskoamerické metropole v souvislostech a vzájemné interakci / Lima: Problems of Latin-American metropolis in context and mutual interactionRataj, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the complex of problems which characterize Latin American metropolis on the threshold of the 21st century. It is illustrated in the example of the Peruvian capital Lima which cumulates high amount of the symptomatic maladies of the urbanized areas in this part of the World. The emphasis is mostly put on the issue of the internal migration in Peru and its consequence in a radical change of urbanization, especially the fast growth of the slums on the peripheries. The work also deals with the phenomena which are closely connected with it - criminality, decline in quality of life in the city and disruption of its structures, exhausted environment and predisposition to davastation caused by natural disasters. The aim is to show the coherence of above- mentioned aspects, their common origin and to put them in the context of problems in Peru when the main accent is on the aspect of poverty and cultural-racial barrier.
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Bioklima Liberce / Bioclimate of LiberecRubáš, Dominik January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis provides special studies from the human bioclimatology sector. Ten year sequences (2001-2010) of many meteorological components are processed here. The meteorological components are as follows: average daily air temperature, average daily wind speed, time of sunshine per day, duration of rainfalls, fogs and fumes and also monthly aggregate rainfall. The main study aims attention to evaluation of complex effects of selected elements on humans. The most and the least suitable season of the year for performing outdoor activities for a human were found, including optimal definition of summer holidays. Further studies concern the problems of air pollution related with synoptic situation. Sufficient space has been also given to more studies relating to wind chill or relations among individual meteorological elements, which can be helpful while forecasting the weather. With the help of particular data provided by Liberec hospital, the correlation between amounts of patients with particular diseases and changes of selected meteorological elements has been discovered.
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Kultura volného času v českých zemích v meziválečném Československu na příkladu letních bytů / Leisure Culture in the Czech lands in Interwar Czechoslovakia on Example of Summer ApartmentsŠoukal, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to leisure time during interwar time (1918-1938). The main interest concentrates on phenomenon of visiting summer apartments and his character, perception in society and specific relationship to leisure time. Summer apartments were symbol of good status and were very popular among the middle class, but thesis is also dedicated to tramping and beginning of living at the cottage because of specific atmosphere of Czechoslovak republic in 1918-1938. Keywords: Lifestyle, leisure time, summer apartments, tramping, living at the cottage
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Finančněprávní nástroje v oblasti ochrany životního prostředí / Financial and legal tools in the field of environmental protectionMaňák, David January 2013 (has links)
A favourable environment is without any doubt a necessary condition of human existence. Its state is negatively affected by various human activities. The state is thus forced to intervene and ensure its protection, using various means. The aim of my thesis is to describe and analyse the financial and legal tools used in environmental protection and suggest possible improvements. The thesis consists of two chapters. Chapter one, containing seven subchapters, mainly explores the general characteristics of financial and legal tools used in the field of environmental protection. Subchapter one defines the term of financial and legal tools of the environmental protection. Subchapter two examines the influencing of financial and legal tools. Subchapter three describes the externalities and their relation to environmental protection. The fourth subchapter outlines the functions of financial and legal tools of environmental protection. The fifth subchapter deals with their categorization. Subchapter six outlines the advantages and disadvantages of financial and legal tools. Subchapter seven presents the financial and legal tools used by the European Union. Chapter two focuses on individual types of financial and legal tools and their current legislation. This chapter is divided into four subchapters. The...
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Penzijní modely / Penzijní modelyKalaš, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the problem of sustainable spending towards the end of the human life cycle, which is a substantial quantitative problem in the pension framework. We gradually build a model, which coherently links the three key factors of retirement planning: uncertain length of human life, uncertain investment returns and spending rates. Within the framework of our intuitive model, we apply the method of moment matching to derive an approximation for the probability of individual's retirement ruin. The accuracy of presented approximation is analyzed via extensive Monte Carlo simulations. A numerical case study using Czech data is provided, including calculated values for the probability of ruin and maximal sustainable spending rate under various combinations of wealth-to-spending ratios and investment portfolio characteristics.
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