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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktivní životní styl a tělesná kondice adolescentů na zvolené střední škole v okresním městě Jihočeského kraje. / Active lifestyle and physical fitness of adolescents at selected high school in the district of the South Bohemian Region.

ROUČKOVÁ, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the active lifestyle and physical condition of adolescents at the chosen school in the district town of South Bohemia. The research was chosen by the Higher Secondary School of Social Studies and the Secondary School of Education in Prachatice and specifically by 53 students of the third year of secondary pedagogical school. The aim of the work was to monitor the body composition, aerobic capacity, muscle strength and mobility of the students on the basis of the batteries tested by the internet portal Indares. To compute the results, the Statistics program and it's forms of parametric and nonparametric tests were used. It follows from the calculations that, in terms of statistical significance, the students did not show very positive results, however, from the point of view of the subject matter it can be stated that according to the standards their performance was average, in some individuals it was above average. Research questions and hypotheses are partly confirmed at the end, but also partly disproved from what it can be concluded that more respondents would be needed for this research for more authoritative results.

Měření emisí zápachu a tuhých znečišťujících látek z intenzivního chovu drůbeže

BELKA, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
As agricultural production grows, the focus is on improving air quality, which affects not only residents around farms, but also climate change on a global scale. This thesis deals with the measurement of particulate pollutants and odor emissions in intensive poultry farming. The measurements were carried out at the Farma U Lesa in Sudoměřice u Bechyně in the spring and autumn of 2018. The production specific emission of odorous substances into the air was evaluated using dynamic olfactometry according to ČSN EN 13 725, which ranged from 0.01 to 0 according to the fattening cycle phase, 3 OUE. Ks-1. s-1. Compared to the BREF reference document, which lists emission odor values from 0.032 to 0.7 OUE. Ks-1. s-1 the measured values on the farm Mr. Šonky came out very low. Dust particles of PM10 fraction were measured according to the ČSN EN 12 341 methodology for the measurement of dust particles and the production specific emission of PM10 particles was found, which during the whole fattening cycle was measured to a maximum of 0.0025 kg. Ks-1.year-1. The measurement results were compared with the BREF reference document, where the maximum permissible production of solid pollutants of this fraction from 0.004 to 0.025 kg. Ks-1.year-1. In comparing the measured dust emission values with the BREF, the production of harmful emissions was very low.

Zhodnocení zásad "Správné zemědělské praxe" ve vybraném provozu s chovem skotu

ŠÍMA, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to the problematics of pollution of the environment by greenhouse gases and load gases from agricultural livestock production. The diploma thesis is focused on measurement and determination of concentration of emissions of gases of ammonia, methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide in a selected operation with dairy cattle breeding. Own measurements for this diploma thesis went on place in the stable on the family farm Mr. Michal Horák based in Žíšov not far Veselí nad Lužnicí. For the detection of concentrations of emission gases have been used a special device BAT center of the South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.

Životní styl a tělesná kondice dětí staršího školního věku / The lifestyle and physical fitness of older school children

DOMIANOVÁ, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Work is focused on life style and physical activity in older school-age children. The aim of the work is to demonstrate improvement with regular volleyball training. They were used for tampering INDARES test of physical activite and questionnaire of life style. The total number of tested persons was 60 persons.

Stravování a pohybová aktivita na základní škole. / Catering and physical activities at elementary school.

Sauerová, Dana January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the issue of eating and physical activity of children in elementary school by comparing two categories - younger and older school age. The aim of this work is first to map the situation, to find out what is the level of eating habits and physical activity and whether the results differ in relation to the child's age. To provide the background to the research, a set of questionnaire questions for pupils was devised, focusing on two aspects of this topic - morning and afternoon meals and leisure activities with an emphasis on physical activity. The main finding is the fact that both children and parents are well informed about good eating habits and the importance of physical activity and they are usually trying to apply them in practice. The result is a negative answer to the question whether the age of the child is directly related, respectively. the influence of parents on children, the quality of eating habits and the intensity of physical activity. KEYWORDS A healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, physical aktivity, younger school age, older school age, nutritional and movement recommendation

Bezdětnost jako životní styl / Childlesness as way of life style

Kolářová, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on childlesness in lifestyle concept. The aim of the thesis is to characterize the lifestyle of childless respondents. The work describes the various lifestyle related factors and reproductive plans. Comprehensive analysis is processed using logistic regression and determines how much a given factors affects repro- ductive plans and ultimate childlessness. Key words: childlesness, life style, fertility, reproductive behaviour 1

Právní úprava posuzování vlivů záměrů na životní prostředí / The legal regulation of the environmental impact assessment

Vondrášková, Terezie January 2019 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to provide a description and analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is one of the significant legal tools of environmental quality protection. This process precedes the development consent to the project and his purpose is to identify and comprehensively evaluate environmental impact of a project. The first part of this thesis is focused on the international and European legal context of the EIA. This part introduces the key international treaties related to the EIA (the Aarhus Convention and the Espoo Convention), then an example of the EIA's integration into policy of one of the international organisations (an example of the World Bank) and the reflection if the EIA procedure can be considered as part of the international customary law. In the second part of this chapter the context of the European law (especially the revised Directive 2011/92/EU) and the current Czech legal regulation is outlined. The second part of this thesis consists of the analysis of the Czech legal regulation of the EIA under the Act No. 100/2001 Coll., on the Environmental Impact Assessment, with the emphasis on its recent amendments (especially the amendment of Act No. 326/2017 Coll. effective from 1 November 2017). In this part the essential elements of the EIA...

Posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí v mezinárodním, evropském a českém právu / Environmental Impact Assessment in International, European and Czech Law

Dvorská, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
3 In recent years, the legislation on environmental impact assessment in the Czech Republic has undergone a great number of significant changes. The existing procedures in the EIA as well as in the subsequent authorization process have been substantially modified. The thesis aims to provide an overview of the EIA system in the Czech Republic, with particular regard to the recent changes made thereto. The thesis focuses on the main features of the EIA and analyses the institutes applied therein, considering the requirements of international and EU law and the conclusions of the judicial authorities or other independent bodies established to review the compliance with these requirements. Attention is paid not only to standard forms of assessment but also to special regimes in which certain project are assessed. The thesis also deals with the specifics that characterize the EIA procedure, such as public participation or impartiality and expertise of the assessment. The thesis identifies the pros and cons of the current legislation, including de lege ferenda proposals to address shortcomings where appropriate. Attention is also paid to the topics related to EIA currently discussed in the national, European and international fields, such as the streamlining trends which aim to enhance the quality and efficiency...

Zavádění systému environmentálního managementu v podniku Kanalizace a vodovody Starý Plzenec, a. s.

Marková, Pavla January 2006 (has links)
Systémy environmentálního managementu (EMS), uplatňované způsoby jejich zavádění a zhodnocení jejich přínosů pro podnik a pro životní prostředí. Charakteristika systému environmentálního managementu zavedeného podle norem ISO řady 14000, popis procesu zavádění, certifikace a následného neustálého zlepšování. Vymezení úkolů managementu v procesu zavádění a při provozu zavedeného systému, v rámci podniku a vůči veškerým dotčeným subjektům. Konkrétní aplikace systému environmentálního managementu dle ČSN EN ISO 14001 v podniku Kanalizace a vodovody Starý Plzenec, a.s. Detailní popis procesu zavádění systému v podniku, jeho dokumentace, vyhodnocení nákladů na zavedení systému a jeho přínosů. Doporučení možných zlepšení.

Ekologické zemědělství v České republice

Tučová, Jana January 2006 (has links)
Stále sílící diskuze o vlivu lidského jednání na životní prostředí se dotýká všech oborů lidské činnosti, tedy i zemědělství. Jako alternativa k zemědělství konvenčnímu se v posledních desetiletích vyvíjí zemědělství ekologické, kterému se daří docilovat rovnováhy mezi ekonomickými, sociálními a ekologickými aspekty. V České republice je ekologické zemědělství v současné době zavedeným, ale dále se rozvíjejícím zemědělským systémem, o čemž svědčí skutečnost, že je legislativně upraveno, má fungující kontrolní systém a je finančně podporováno státem. Na druhé straně jsou ekozemědělci s konkrétními problémy vznikajícími v praxi. Jako největší problémy ekologického zemědělství se ukazují příliš složité legislativní podmínky, komplikovaný systém státních dotací, chybějící zpracovatelský sektor, komplikovaná distribuce bioproduktů, nízká úroveň organizovanosti trhu s biopotravinami (svazy, družstva) a v neposlední řadě malý trh s biopotravinami. Řešením by bylo umožnit ekologickým zemědělcům podnikat v prostředí jednoduchých, dlouhodobých, stabilních a transparentních podmínek. Odpovědnost za další vývoj ekologického zemědělství by byla svěřena regionům. Ekologické zemědělství by v regionech mohlo být alternativním řešením nezaměstnanosti, vylidňování venkova, dále slouží k údržbě krajiny a je vhodným systémem hospodaření ve velkoplošných a maloplošných zvláště chráněných územích.

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