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Zhodnocení držení těla žáků 3. a 4. třídy základní školy a možnosti jeho ovlivnění / Body posture evaluation in students of 3rd and 4th grade of elementary school and its assessmentTauchman, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to evaluate body posture in students of 3rd and 4th grade of elementary school, to assess the impact of the intervention programme and to discuss further ways how the body posture can be affected. Methods: The body posture evaluation was performed through an experiment with elements of qualitative and quantitative research. Results: The body posture evaluation was performed using three selected tests: Mathias test, evaluation by Jaros and Lomička and measurement of the cervical and lumbar lordosis. Mathias test showed good posture results in only 14 students (16.9%), 69 students (83.1%) had poor posture. According to Jaroš and Lomíček, the head and neck were found to be the worst scoring areas, while the best scoring area of the body was found to be the chest. In terms of posture, the pretest revealed 27 students (32.6%) to have good posture, 54 students (65%) bad posture and 2 students (2.4%) were found to have very poor posture. The posttest revealed 36 students (43.4%) to have good posture and 47 students (56.6%) poor posture. Very bad posture was not found in posttest. Measurement of cervical lordosis was within the normal range for 10 (12%) students in testing (pretest) and for 12 students (14.5%) in the posttest. Lumbar lordosis testing was also in...
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Názor dětí staršího školního věku na pohyb, zdraví a sport / Opinion of children of senior school age on physical activity, health and sportŠindlerová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Name: Opinion of children of senior school age on physical activity, health and sport Aim: The aim of the diploma thesis is to create a comprehensive overview of issues associated with physical activity, health, sport and healthy lifestyle. This thesis investigates the knowledge and opinions of school children at second stage of Primary School on healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle. It further explores what factors influence students to take care of their lifestyles and whether there are differences in their opinions on healthy lifestyle influenced by gender, family or school they attend. The task of the work also determines whether the students of two selected primary schools in Slaný have a different opinion on the above mentioned physical activity, health, nutrition, physical education and sport. This thesis as well explains the students' motivation resulting in healthy lifestyle and discusses why are students entertained by physical education and sport as well as why they are not. Methods of the research: To obtain results relevant to the thesis, we have chosen a quantitative method - a questionnaire. It is a noninvasive anonymous survey which focuses on individuals in the older school-age - the second stage of Primary School. The essence of investigation is in collection of data and...
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Reprodukční biologie a pohlavní dimorfismus ještěra Lepidophyma smithii (Squamata: Xantusiidae) / Reproductive biology and sexual dimorphism in the lizard Lepidophyma smithii (Squamata: Xantusiidae)Kukačková, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The squamata reptiles present a wide array of reproductive strategies. In the genus Lepidophyma from the neotropical family Xantusiidae, there are 19 species, all of them live- bearing and diploid. Obligatory unisexuality is also present in some species. This obligatory unisexuality did not evolve via hybridization, which is unique among vertebrates. The genus thus presents a very interesting, but still poorly little explored group. Only recently our team has discovered a facultative unisexuality in Lepidophyma smithii. The unisexually produced offsprings are not fully homozygous are of both sexes, which is unique for vertebrates as well. The aim of my work is to describe the basic reproductive biology of this species, e.g. the relationship between female size and clutch size and offspring size. Additionally, my work focuses on sexual dimorphism. I tested whether L. smithii is dimorphic in body length and head size. These traits are often sexually dimorphic in squamatesu. Also, I documented the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism and reconstructed growth curves for males and females.
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Životní styl pedagogů na vybraných školách / Lifestyle teachers at selected schoolsMitáčková, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
This theses focuses on lifestyle of teachers at chosen primary and high schools. The thesis deals with issue of teacher's lifestyle at primary and high schools in two parts. The first part focuses on the theory related with healthy and unhealthy lifestyle and the second one deals with the practice research. The theory focuses on these terms: the health, the determinants of health, the lifestyle, the moves-activity, the nourishment, the psychic hygiene and the lifestyle diseases. The practical part contains the research which is accomplished using questionnaire survey. The main target is getting information about teacher's lifestyle at chosen schools It was fulfilled and we discovered the teachers at schools in Vlašim, Domažlice, Prague and Bělá nad Radbuzou are trying to live healthy, even though not all of them like this lifestyle. On the basis of these results was created a special lecture intended for the participants of our questionnaire survey.. KEY WORDS: Lifestyle, diet, sport, obesity, teacher, diseases of affluence
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Postoje žáků středních škol v Sedlčanech k vybraným aspektům životního stylu / Attitudes of high school students in the Sedlčany of selected aspects of lifestyleJanská, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Title: Attitudes of high school students in the Sedlčany of selected aspects of lifestyle Abstract: Diploma project covers adolescent's lifestyle in one region and high school students approach to risk aspects. Today's environment offers many options when comes to nutrition, free time activities and overall life style. Even there are many ideas and positive examples of good lifestyle, there are still negative cases that needs to be shown. Collecting of risk factors with adolescent is the duty of public health initiative. Therefore, adolescents should be primary target group when comes to designing preventive activities. Project consist of theoretical and practical part. Approach to life style of target age group is the main topic of theoretical part. Initial chapter covers high school student's approach, from one region, to lifestyle, nutrition, drugs & alcohol. Project is trying to come up with set of recommendations that could have a positive effect. Acquired data allows us to get insight to high school students in Sedlcany and sorted in tables and graphs. Student's survey showed a number of students understanding importance of a good lifestyle and its impact to overall health. One third of students does have some experience with smoking. Alcohol consumption is appearing as higher risk factor. Over...
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Přínos poradenské činnosti ke změně životního stylu / Contribution of consulting service to a change of lifestyleFojtíková, Monika January 2011 (has links)
Title of thesis: Contribution of consulting service to a change of lifestyle Summary: The question of healthy life style has been recently in the centre of frequently discussed topics. The population's lifestyle has changed noticeably in comparison with the past and high-quality nutrition and regular motion activity is frequently neglected. People suffer from stress, lack of sleep and all these factors bring an increased level of heath risk. Among others, the society reacts to this fact by founding an amount of consulting clinics which try to help people to change and achieve a healthier and better quality life style. This thesis is concerned with an effect of a programme individually formed by a consultant on a change of life style and consequently on a change of female physical constitution at the age of 18 - 65. The research is supposed to reveal whether the program itself, regular controls and feed - backs will bring positive changes of life style and if there consequently follows a reduction of body weight as well as improvement of other physical parameters. Objective of thesis: Our aim was to determine what kind of women seek for help and consultations in the area of healthy life style. We were also interested which effect individually formed programme has and whether this change also...
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Charakteristika aktivního životního stylu školní mládeže / Characteristics of the active lifestyles of school childrenHojdarová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Title: Characteristics of the active lifestyles of school children Objective: To provide information on the active lifestyle of today's youth, to show proper and improper factors to identify and assess the active lifestyle of selected pupils. Methods: Anonymous questionnaire was chosen as a most suitable method. Questionnaries were distributed into two primary schools located in South Bohemia region and were filled in by second-degree pupils. Town of Tábor and České Budějovice participate in this survey. Results and interpretations are presented in tables and plotted. Results: Surveyed second degree pupils proved themself largely positive attitude to physical education and sport. More than half of respondents are regularly doing sport. Key words: youth, lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition, risk factors
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Význam primární a sekundární prevence u kardiovaskulárního onemocnění / Importance of primary and secondary prevention in cardivascular disorderKoníčková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
1 Abstract: Title: The importance of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease Goals: Develop a theoretical basis for the selected topic. Describe the basic principles of primary and secondary prevention, and thus prepare the groundwork for creating questionnaires. Questionnaire compiled to complement the information obtained from the literature on insight into the practice. Confirm or refute the hypotheses chosen on the basis of a questionnaire. Discuss the most frequently occurring phenomena and compare them with the latest reported information. Draw conclusions and recommendations. Method: For the theoretical treatment of the retrieval method was used. I compared the information and inclined to the best proven. The theoretical part resulted in the goals and tasks of work. For the practical part was conducted by questionnaire survey, which has additional information on the issue of primary and secondary prevention. In the end I obtained data compared with information obtained from studying literature. Results: Lack of information on primary and secondary prevention is mainly for young people aged 10-15 years. This trend is accompanied by the deteriorating health situation and the occasional occurrence of the "diseases of civilization", which can produce complications in adulthood....
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Právo na informace o životním prostředí a přístup k právní ochraně v otázkách životního prostředí v Irské a České republice / Access to Information and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the Republic of Irealand and the Czech RepublicVítková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with access to environmental information and access to justice in environmental matters introduced by Aarhus Convention in the specific conditions of Czech Republic and Ireland. These rights are considered to be very important tools for environmental protection. At a time when people threaten their own existence by negative interference with the environment it is necessary that effective means for its protection exist. These means are access to environmental information and access to justice in environmental matters, which together can be called as environmental procedural rights. The first chapter of this thesis presents the sources of environmental procedural law and observes the development of law at international, European and national level. The most important international document in this field is the Aarhus Convention that was adopted in 1998 by most of the European countries and that provides for access to environmental information, access to justice and public participation in environmental decision-making. This convention has largely affected the law of the European Union, where several directives has been adopted, including most importantly the Directive 2003/4/EC on access to environmental information and the Directive 2003/35/EC on public participation in...
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Právní úprava nakládání s nebezpečným odpadem / Legal regulation of hazardous waste managementŠpicarová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This study analyses legal regime of hazardous waste management. Study analyses international legal regime and describes the most important conventions and agreements and also introduces relevant international organizations. Next part of study is about European legal regime of hazardous waste, on which is based Czech regulation. Final parts deal with Czech regulation. There si briefly introduced Act no. 185/2001 and short history view. Last part deals with every method of hazardous waste management and also analyses waste hierarchy.
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