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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Některé kvantitativní aspekty životních anuit / Some quantitative aspects of life annuities

Šťástka, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is describe the most common methods of financing pension plans, focusing on some of the methods of fund financing pension plans. To describe the individual methods, their numerical illustration and allow comparison, it is necessary to dispose of necessary instruments. Therefore in the thesis there are constructed the cohort life tables for the Czech Republic. The thesis also deals with the modelling life annuities in continuous time, in particular, with the shape of im- mediate pension anuity factor for Gompertz law of mortality. Namely, this factor is one of the parameters entering the calculation of the individual methods of fund fi- nancing for pension plans.

Právní úprava myslivosti / Legal regulation of hunting management

Kolmanová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my diploma thesis is to analyze the hunting legislation in the Czech Republic. The legislation regulates the hunt and game keeping as one part of the environmental law. It is also closely connected to administrative law. This thesis consists of eight chapters. First two chapters provide an introduction to historical traditions, principles and development of Czech hunting legislation. The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, so the third chapter deals with the hunting legislation in the international and European context and describes the international cooperation between states. The most important international organizations protecting wildlife are also mentioned. The fourth chapter contains the analysis of the effective Hunting Law. This chapter provides legal definitions connected to game management and the division of the wild game. Divided into eight parts it describes the main areas of the hunting legislation. It focuses on the use of the hunting plots, rights of landowners, protection of game management and wild game. It also regulates liability of the owners of hunting plots to damages, criminal liability and liability according to the administrative law. Liability of the state for damages caused by especially protected animals is also regulated. This chapter...

Výchova ke zdravému životnímu stylu na vybraných středních školách / Education on Healthy Lifestyle at Selected Secondary Schools

Šímová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Education on Healthy Lifestyle at Secondary School ABSTRAKT This thesis deals with am issue of healthy lifestyle among pupils at secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is to find out information, or knowledge, attitudes to and perception of the hidden curriculum of school corresponding to healthy lifestyles area. The theoretical part pursues the analysis of the concept of health and healthy lifestyle, includes a view of curriculum documents related to educational training for health and focuses on teacher as the major component affecting students in shaping the relationship and the principles relating to a healthy lifestyle. Practical part describes the level of knowledge of students, the degree of compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle and a measure of the hidden curriculum, which the pupils at the school are influenced by. Based on the results of the research the design for inspiration of the theme of healthy lifestyle education, which can be used in teaching practice, is stated.

Životní dráha ředitele školy / Career of the Director of the school

Vatalová, Jaroslava January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: Career of the Director of the School AUTHOR: Jaroslava Vatalová DEPARTMENT: Centre of School Management SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Václav Trojan, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with the life path of a headmaster of a school. It is based on the legal requirements for the performance of the headmaster and his managerial role required for the management of the school, which he has to manage. It describes an initial period of headmaster's dutin and it solves an subsequent phases of business. It highlights the influence of the length of time in managing activities in shaping the attitudes and improving the quality of school management. It describes the facts that brings the ever-changing conditions in the educational legislativ for the exercise of the headmaster, which significantly affect its access to the profession and life perspective.

Vztah mezi užíváním alkoholu, výskytem syndromu vyhoření a kvalitou života u nelékařských zdravotnických pracovníků: korelační dotazníkové šetření / The relationship among alcohol use, burnout syndrome and quality of life in paramedical staff: correlation survey

Miartušová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
BACKGROUND: This study focuses on a very sensitive and underestimated topic of drug addiction among medical staff. There is necessary interdisciplinary approach, focusing on psychosocial and environmental factors involved in the etiology of addiction among medical staff. The profession of paramedical staff demands to work with people and responsibility for their lives, so it is important that this work must be performed by a person in mental and physical well-being for performing adequate quality of care. Despite the awareness and exploration of burnout syndrome, the occurrence is still a current issue. Manifested mainly as a reaction to the working stress (Kebza, Šolcová, 2004). This working stress may penetrate also into the overall quality of life (Křivohlavý, 2013). Frequent helper in the stages of burnout syndrome is drinking alcohol, which shows the effects of antidepressants, which can be progress to alcoholism in certain situations (Ühlinger, 2009). OBJECTIVES: The research objective of this study is to determine the relation between alcohol consumption, occurrence of burnout syndrome and subjective evaluation of life quality among paramedical staff working in the hospital. METHODS: The study was performed by quantitative form and realized through standardized psychological instruments:...

The Impact of the Macroeconomic Environment on Insurance Companies / The Impact of the Macroeconomic Environment on Insurance Companies

Čepeláková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
i Abstract: This thesis assesses the impact of economic, institutional and demographic factors on the life and non-life gross written premiums of insurance companies. A dynamic panel data regression using the system generalized method of mo- ments is applied on data of 29 European countries collected by EIOPA covering the period from 2005 to 2013. The results reveal that economic and institutio- nal factors drive both life and non-life insurance industry. On the other hand, we cannot confirm that demographic factors are significant determinants of the growth in GWPs. Subsequently, the hypothesis that there are substantial cross-countries differences among the importance of different macroeconomic determinants on the insurance sector development is explored and confirmed. This work shines new light on the development of the quantitative macro- prudential framework used to determine different economic scenarios affecting insurance companies' balance sheets. Moreover, a broader set of panel data and more variables explaining the growth in insurance sector bring new contributi- ons to the current discussion in academic literature.

Obraz životního stylu v časopise Vlasta v letech 1990 až 1999 / The image of lifestyle in magazine Vlasta between 1990 and 1999

Čermáková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis "The Image of Lifestyle in Magazine Vlasta between 1990 and 1999" is focusing on media image of lifestyle in the nineties in Czechoslovakia, later Czech republic. The subjects which were investigated in terms of a lifestyle were: housing, fashion, health, eating, weight loss, sport, traveling, new technologies, consumer goods and beauty. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part there is a political, historical, cultural and media environment in nineties. Empirical part describes a history and editorial staff of the magazine Vlasta. A content analysis was chosen for examining the magazine and it is described in methodological part. The goal of a quantitative and qualitative analysis is to prove stated hypotheses. The nineties meant for Czech people a lot of social changes and also everyday life was affected. The transformation involved habits and interests of people which can be observed during the decade. This diploma thesis is focusing on changes in lifestyle because of commercialism. Observes how much more people were interested in traveling considering new possibilities and aims also on health lifestyle.

Alternativní pohony automobilů / Alternative drives of cars

Wachal, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with alternative drive cars that are still more popular these times. Due to limited supplies of oil fields car factories turn their attention to the development of alternative drives, which would be independent of exhaustible resources. The aim of the work will mainly compare the economic efficiency of current alternative fuel vehicles, where belong hybrid drives, electric drives, but also a unit for compressed gas or biofuels, to the current conventional drives. This comparison will be done from the perspective of the end consumer who will decide on the purchase of alternative drive mainly because of its indicating cost savings. Another important part of the evaluation is whether alternative fuels are actually more environmentally friendly and are actually counted all the costs. For this analysis I will provide a variety of specialized studies dealing with the issue of alternative propulsion friendliness to the environment.

Wellness - součást dnešního životního stylu / Wellness - the part of today's lifestyle

Novotná, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of contemporary lifestyle with the emphasis on wellness which has recently become its common part. The theoretical part defines the term wellness, describes its history and particular components, following chapter focuses on the providers of wellness services. The subject of the practical part is to analyse awareness of wellness products in public in order to find out how do the consumers approach to the question of healthy lifestyle and wellness.

Ekonomické a environmentální aspekty zemědělské bioplynové stanice Drahobudice / Economical and environmental aspects of biogas station in Drahobudice

Pudilová, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
The topic of my master thesis is analysis of farm biogas station in Drahobudice. It is machinery, which processes agriculture crops and garbage from animal produce. From these substrates is produced biogas and burning of this biogas arises electric and thermal energy. This system of production from renewable resources is in accordance with demands of European union on reducing emissions from burning fossil fuels. This thesis contains overview of legislation relevant to given issue, describes development of this project, technical solution and process of operation. A part of this work also covers analysis of economic efficiency this investment and considers effects on environment. The main objective of my thesis is to identify, analyze and evaluate economical and environmental aspects of biogas station in Drahobudice.

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