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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Connaissances et perceptions de l'Arabie et des Arabes chez les Anciens : (VIIIe siècle av. J.-C. - IVe siècle apr. J.-C.) / Knowledge and Perception of Arabia and Arabs among the Elders : (8th century B.C.E. – 4th century C.E.) / معرفة وتصور الجزيرة العربية والعرب عند الأقدمين : (القرن الثامن قبل الميلاد - القرن الرابع الميلادي)

Belkheir, Nadia 20 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse présente un corpus de sources gréco-latines relatif à l’Arabie et aux Arabes suivi d’un commentaire. Plus précisément, le corpus s’ouvre à l’époque archaïque avec quelques vers homériques et se termine au IVe siècle apr. J.-C. avec des extraits de l’Histoire romaine d’Ammien Marcellin. Les termes « Arabie » et « Arabe » de la tradition textuelle ancienne n’assument pas les mêmes acceptions qu’aujourd’hui. Au contraire, lorsque nous interrogeons le corpus sur ce qu’est l’Arabie en tant qu’espace géographique et sur l’identité des Arabes, nous aboutissons au constat que nous ne pouvons proposer une définition unique tant les auteurs anciens varient dans leur perception. La question de l’ethnicité est tout aussi complexe. Les sources anciennes désignent comme arabes des tribus qui ne se présentent pas elles-mêmes comme arabes dans leurs inscriptions : les Nabatéens sont désignés comme Arabes Nabatéens dans les textes tandis que cette auto-désignation est inconnue dans les inscriptions nabatéennes. / The dissertation provides a corpus of Graeco-Latin literary sources concerning Arabia and Arabs followed by a commentary. More precisely, the corpus opens in the Archaic period with some Homeric verses and ends in the 4th century C.E. with excerpts from the Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus. The words “Arabia” and “Arab” in the ancient textual tradition do not have the same meaning as they do today. On the contrary, after questioning the corpus on what is Arabia as space and on the identity of Arabs, we come to the conclusion that we cannot propose a unique definition because ancient authors vary in their perception. Likewise, the issue of ethnicity is equally complex. Ancient sources refer to tribes as “Arabs” who do not present themselves as Arabs in their inscriptions : Nabateans are referred to as Nabateans Arabs in the texts while this self-definition is unknown in Nabatean inscriptions. / تقدم الأطروحة مجموعة من المصادر اليونانية-اللاتينية المتعلقة بالجزيرة العربية والعرب، مشفوعةبتعليق. على نحو أكثر دقة، تفتتح المجموعة في العصر القديم مع بعض أبيات هوميروس، وتنتهي في القرنالرابع الميلادي بمقتطفات من التاريخ الروماني لأميان مارسلين.لا يحمل مصطلحا "الجزيرة العربية والعرب" في التقاليد النصية القديمة معناهما نفسه اليوم، بل علىالعكس فعندما نسائل هذه المصادر عن ماهية الجزيرة العربية بوصفها مساحة جغرافية وعن هويةالعرب، نتوصل إلى استنتاج مفاده أننا لا نستطيع اقتراح تعريف واحد؛ لاختلاف المؤلفين القدامى فيتصوراتهم.المسالة الإثنية معقدة بالقدر نفسه، فالمصادر القديمة تصف بالعروبة القبائل التي لا تقدم هي نفسها فينقوشها على أنها عربية، فمثلا يشار في هذه النصوص إلى الأنباط بأنهم عرب مع أن هذا التصنيف الذاتيغير معروف في النقوش النبطية.

Liens entre les représentations phonologiques et l'acquisition de la morphosyntaxe chez les enfants arabophones libanais avec et sans trouble développemental du langage

Kassir, Hiba 16 March 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse vise à étudier le lien entre les représentations phonologiques et l’acquisition des dispositifs morphosyntaxiques chez les enfants libanais avec et sans trouble développemental du langage (TDL). Nous y avons examiné la relation entre le développement morphosyntaxique d’une part et les habiletés méta-langagières et mnésiques d’autre part afin d’explorer un rôle prédictif probable de ces dernières au niveau du développement morphosyntaxique dans ses versants réceptif et expressif.Une série d’épreuves expérimentales ont été menées auprès d’enfants arabophones libanais avec et sans TDL. Plusieurs appariements ont été entrepris par niveau lexical réceptif ou morphosyntaxique réceptif ainsi que par âge réel. Différentes épreuves langagières ont été utilisées telles que la compréhension et la production des marques de genre et de nombre, la dénomination ainsi que des épreuves méta-langagières et cognitives, telles que la décision lexicale, la conscience morphologique flexionnelle, le jugement de grammaticalité et la mémoire verbale de travail. Nos résultats ont mis en évidence une différence significative du niveau de la spécification des représentations phonologiques chez les enfants avec TDL comparés à leurs pairs, appariés par niveau lexical réceptif. De même, les enfants avec TDL diffèrent significativement des enfants ayant un développement typique et appariés par âge réel au niveau des compétences langagières et non langagières. Il est, en outre, ressorti de cette étude une différence entre le niveau de la compréhension et de l’expression en morphosyntaxe chez les enfants TDL. Les préfixes verbaux /j/ et /t/ marquant le genre au présent en arabe libanais ont été identifiés comme indicateur clinique du TDL. Une corrélation significative est d’ailleurs présente entre les capacités langagières et les habiletés méta- langagières, notamment au niveau de la conscience morphologique et du jugement grammatical chez les enfants avec TDL. Une faible corrélation a par contre été relevée entre les capacités langagières et la mémoire de travail chez le même groupe. / This dissertation is the first study that examines the relationship between the phonological representations and the acquisition of morphosyntactic mechanisms in Lebanese Arabic-speaking children with and without developmental language disorders. Moreover, it explores the possibility of finding a predictive role for the metalinguistic abilities and memory skills at the morphosyntactic development level, in its receptive and expressive aspects.A battery of experimental tasks was conducted and several matchings were undertaken based on the lexical receptive skills or morphosyntactic level as well as chronological age. Different linguistic tests were used such as the comprehension and the production of gender and number as well as metalinguistic tests such as lexical decision, inflectional morphological awareness, grammatical judgment and verbal working memory. Findings reveal a significant difference between children with developmental language disorder and their peers matched by lexical receptive age at the level of specification of phonological representations. Similarly, children with language disorders differ significantly from typically developing children, matched on chronological age in terms of language and non-language skills. This study also shows a difference between the level of production and the level of comprehension in the morphosyntax among children with developmental language disorders. The verbal prefixes /j/ and /t/ marking the gender in the present tense in Arabic have been identified as a clinical indicator of language disorder. There is an evident correlation between the tests of the linguistic and metalinguistic capacities, particularly at the level of morphological awareness and grammatical judgment in children with language disorders. However, a weak correlation is found between language skills and verbal working memory in the same group. / تعتبر هذه الأطروحة رائدة في دراسة العلاقة بين ال ّتمثيلات الفونولوجية واكتساب القواعدلدى ال ّطفل اللّبناني في إطار تطور اللغة الطبيعي والإ ّضطراب اللّغوي ال ّنمائي. وتهدف أيضاً الى ت ق ي ي م م ه ا ر ا ت ا ل و ع ي ا ل ل ّ غ و ي و ا ل ّ ذ ا ك ر ة ل ت ح د ي د ا ل م ه ا ر ة ا ل ّ ت ي ت ل ع ب د و ر ا ل م ؤ ّش ر ف ي ا ك ت س ا ب ق و ا ع د ا ل ل ّ غ ة .ت ّم إجراء ع ّدة إختبارات ضمن دراسات مقارنة بين المجموعتين، الأطفال مع تطور طبيعي وأولئك الّذين يظهرون ا ّضطراباً لغوياً نمائياًّ، على أساس تطابق في مستوى فهم المفردات، فهم القواعد أو في العمر الزمني. وقد تض ّمنت ال ّدراسة إختبارات لغو ّية لقياس الفهم وال ّتعبير في مجال مورفولوجيا ال ّنوع والعدد بالموازاة مع اختبارات الوعي المورفولوجي ال ّنحوي، الوعي التركيبي وال ّذاكرة العمل ّية. وقد أظهرت نتائج ال ّدراسة وجود تباين واضح في مستوى تمايز ال ّتمثيلات الفونولوجية عندمقارنة المجموعتين المتطابقتين في مستوى فهم المفردات. كما تب ّين أ ّن مستوى الفهم القواعدي يتق ّدم على مستوى ال ّتعبير لدى الأطفال مع اضطراب اللّغة ال ّنمائي. وكذلك أثبت ال ّدراسة ترابطاً متيناً بين القدرات القواعد ّية ومستوى مهارات الوعي اللّغوي لدى أطفال المجموعتين في حين أ ّن العلاقة بين القدرات القواعد ّية وال ّذاكرة العمل ّية بدت ضعيفة. كما ش ّكل استعمال المورفيم الخاص باتباع الفعلبالفاعل من حيث ال ّنوع مؤ ّشراً عياد ّياً بارزاً في هذا الإ ّضطراب اللّغوي. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Understanding Parenting Challenges in a Migration Context : A qualitative study on Arabic‐speaking immigrant  parents´ experiences of raising their children while  integrating in Sweden

Attaallah, Israa Maher January 2019 (has links)
Experiences of parenting in migration contexts undergo particular changes that develop various challenges. This qualitative study aims at exploring challenges and concerns of Arabic-speaking immigrant parents in Sweden regarding parenting while integrating into a migration context that differs from their own upbringing. Moreover, the study sheds light on how those challenges are negotiated. In order to answer my research questions, six parents, representing four families, were qualitatively interviewed and the collected data was thematically analysed. The results of this study show that Arabic-speaking immigrant parents face the following main challenges: ´acquisition of new knowledge about the host society´s language and culture´, ´balancing parents´ responsibilities inside and outside their houses´ and finally the ´lack of social network´. The results also emphasise that parenting challenges in migration contexts need intensified and productive cooperation between immigrant families and different parties in host societies to achieve the best interests of immigrant children and parents. Participants, in general, reflect an eagerness to implement their traditional parenting practices in ways that do not contradict to the standard parenting practices in the Swedish context. Finally, this study implies immigrant parents´ need to be recognised in host societies through respecting them and their children and considering their qualifications and the circumstances they have experienced before, during and after migration.

Arabic-speaking Immigrant Parents´ Views on Heritage Language Maintenance and identity Construction for Children in Sweden

Attaallah, Israa Maher January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates how Levantine Arabic-speaking immigrant parents´ language ideologies, i.e how they think and feel regarding heritage language maintenance, and language policies influence heritage language maintenance or loss for their children. This overarching topic is explored by examining the following questions; (1) What do parents think about maintenance of heritage language for their children? and which concerns do they have? (2)How do they talk about and describe their children´s readiness or resistance to learn/maintain their heritage language? (3) What do parents believe their role is in maintaining heritage language? (4) In which way, according to parents, does maintenance of heritage language influence children´s construction of identity and sense of belonging? In order to answer these questions, I conducted five semi-structured interviews with five Levantine Arabic-speaking immigrant parents, from Palestine and Syria, residing in Sweden and analysed recurring themes using Braun´s and Clarke´s (2006: 87- 93) thematic analysis method. The study findings show that parents attached great significance to preserving their children's heritage language due to its close relationship with their cultural, religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds as well as strengthening their success opportunities in future. Furthermore, parents stated that their children did not resist maintenance of heritage language. Instead, results show that children were actively involved in discussions about heritage language maintenance and language practices. Parents confirmed that Arabic language is their children's heritage language. In relation to influence of heritage language maintenance on constructing children´s identity and sense of belonging, parents´ views varied between emphasizing its role in strengthening children´s sense of belonging to their Arabic background, allowing them a flexible ability to belong to two different cultures or communities, and that maintenance of heritage language is not the major influencer on constructing children identity. Participants discussed the methods they use to enhance Arabic language among their children, challenges they encounter, and potential solutions.

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