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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

美國歐盟及台灣價格具結措施之比較分析 / The comparative analysis of Price Undertakings under the U.S., the EU, and Taiwan’s Anti-dumping law

張瑞紋, Chang, Jui Wen Unknown Date (has links)
目前,有3件反傾銷案採行價格具結措施,包括原產於中國之毛巾,鞋靴及冷軋不銹鋼等涉案產品。財政部於鞋靴反傾銷案接受82家具結廠商,每季海關人員須監督該等具結廠商履行具結情形,爰該具結措施已造成龐大之行政負擔。本文檢視台灣價格具結實體程序及實務做法後,發現部分做法似不符合反傾銷協定或國際慣例。 歐盟於1981年至2001年時期,經常使用具結措施,但自2006年以來,使用具結措施之頻率急劇下降。美國較常採自願出口限制(數量限制),而較少使用價格具結措施。本文藉由相關文獻說明實施價格具結之經濟福利效果,並探討歐盟與美國有關價格具結相關法律與實務做法、歐盟近年來較少採價格具結之原因及歐盟接受或拒絕價格具結措施之理由等,該等研究分析將提供予台灣反傾銷調查之主管機關參考。 / Currently, there are 3 anti-dumping cases settled by using price undertakings including the subject products of towel, certain footwear and cold-rolled stainless steel originating in China or Korea. Among which, Taiwan’s investigating authorities even accepted price undertakings offered by 82 Chinese exporters of certain footwear. Such measure has already caused the considerable administrative burden in monitoring respect. After examining the practices of Taiwan's price undertaking cases, some procedural and substantive aspects seem inconsistent with Anti-Dumping Agreement or international customary practices. Price undertakings were frequently used by the EU during the period from 1981 to 2001, but the frequency has declined sharply since 2006. The U.S. has taken many voluntary export restrictions, but rarely used price undertakings to settle anti-dumping cases. This paper will explore the law and practice of the EU and the U.S. regarding price undertakings. It will also illustrate the reasons for decreasing use of price undertakings, and the grounds for accepting or rejecting price undertakings in the EU anti-dumping proceedings. In addition, this paper will use the relevant literature to elaborate the economic welfare of price undertakings. Finally, it will offer suggestion as the reference for Taiwan's investigating authorities.

阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止疾患與憂鬱情緒關聯性之探討 / Examining the relationship between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Depressive Mood

李偉康, Lee, We-Kang Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景與目的:近年來,有不少研究指出阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止疾患(簡稱OSA)患者呈現出高比例的憂鬱情緒,但其盛行率結果分歧,回顧過往文獻也發現OSA與憂鬱情緒的關聯性之結果亦呈現分歧的結果。值得注意的是,OSA與憂鬱情緒之間存在著類似的症狀表現——白天嗜睡,OSA患者可能依據OSA伴隨的嗜睡症狀,回應憂鬱問卷或診斷中的問題,而使其受到誤診或是使盛行率受到高估。為探討此議題,本研究進行兩項研究,分別以橫斷及長期追蹤的資料,探討(一)OSA患者的憂鬱情緒是否聚焦於身體面向,且OSA與憂鬱情緒之間是否受到白天嗜睡中介,以及(二)OSA患者睡眠檢查長期追蹤資料中憂鬱情緒的改變,是否與白天嗜睡程度有關。 研究方法:研究一以台北醫學大學附設醫院睡眠中心資料庫中,2010至2015年到台北醫學大學附設醫院睡眠中心看診並進行PSG檢測時所收集的資料(AHI、醒覺指標、缺氧指標、平均血氧飽和度、最低血氧飽和度、BDI-IA、ESS)進行分析,在排除小於20歲與睡眠疾患共病之後,共有2140位OSA(364女、1776男)患者資料被納入分析。本研究針對OSA患者的憂鬱情緒(BDI-IA)分數進行探索性因素分析,並以此因素結構與Beck與Steer(1993)所得之憂鬱情緒面向結構進行模型競爭,以求更適配於OSA患者之因素結構。再者,本研究取具輕度以上憂鬱情緒的OSA患者資料,以線性迴歸分析了解OSA嚴重度(AHI)、嗜睡程度(ESS得分)與憂鬱情緒(BDI-IA、身體面向、認知面向)之間的關聯性,並以拔靴法進行中介模型的檢定。此外,欲探討OSA患者的憂鬱情緒可能聚焦於身體面向,本研究亦將OSA患者依症狀嚴重度分組,並比較不同症狀嚴重度OSA患者的認知面向與身體面向憂鬱分數。研究二則是以台北醫學大學附設醫院睡眠中心資料庫追蹤一年至兩年間的OSA患者的資料進行資料分析,由於女性人數過少,因此僅納入81位男性OSA患者資料進行統計分析。 研究結果:研究一探索性因素分析結果顯示,「體重減輕」與「煩躁易怒」在因素分析結果的負荷量相當低,無法歸類至其一面向,予以排除,且「不滿自我」、「社交退縮」、「優柔寡斷」三題(原認知面向題項)在OSA患者樣本中被歸類至身體面向。競爭模型結果顯示,本研究所得之因素結構AIC值較低,因此以本研究所得之因素結構進行後續分析中認知面向與身體面向憂鬱情緒之計分與分析。以具憂鬱情緒的OSA患者資料進行相關分析結果發現,AHI 、覺醒指標、 缺氧指標、平均血氧飽和度、最低血氧飽和度皆與ESS呈現顯著相關;且ESS與BDI、身體面向、認知面向憂鬱情緒皆呈現顯著正相關。值得注意的是,OSA症狀嚴重度AHI雖未與BDI呈現顯著關聯性,但與身體面向憂鬱情緒達顯著正相關,且OSA病理機轉——醒覺指標、缺氧指標、平均血氧飽和度亦與身體面向憂鬱情緒達顯著關聯性。拔靴法結果顯示,在控制年齡與BMI後,ESS僅中介於醒覺指標與身體面向憂鬱情緒間的關聯性。將男女性分組後,女性患者的ESS中介於AHI與身體面向憂鬱情緒、醒覺指標與身體面向憂鬱情緒、以及缺氧指標與身體面向憂鬱情緒之間的關聯性,但男性OSA患者則無此中介效果。將OSA患者依症狀嚴重度分組,針對不同症狀嚴重度OSA患者的認知面向與身體面向憂鬱分數進行重複量數檢定,發現不論AHI為輕、中、重度,身體面向憂鬱分數皆較認知面向來得高。研究二檢視OSA患者一年至兩年間追蹤的結果,發現AHI改變量與BMI改變量,無論對於ESS的改變量、BDI-IA總分的改變量、認知面向以及身體面向憂鬱情緒的改變量,皆無顯著相關性;而ESS改變量則與BDI-IA總分的改變量、認知面向憂鬱情緒的改變量、身體面向憂鬱情緒的改變量呈現顯著相關性。依ESS改變量分組後,進一步以單因子變異數分析對BDI-IA改變量、認知面向憂鬱情緒改變量、身體面向憂鬱情緒改變量進行檢定,結果顯示,無論在BDI-IA改變量、認知面向憂鬱情緒改變量、或身體面向憂鬱情緒改變量,皆達顯著差異;而事後檢定顯示,無論在BDI-IA改變量、認知面向、身體面向憂鬱情緒,ESS升高組與ESS無變化組、ESS降低組呈現顯著差異,而ESS無變化組則與ESS降低組無顯著差異。 結論:本研究OSA患者自評BDI-IA的結果發現有高達35%的患者至少有輕度以上的憂鬱情緒,且本研究發現在女性OSA患者身上,OSA嚴重度、睡眠片段化病理機轉,與憂鬱情緒間,受到白天嗜睡程度中介;且OSA患者的憂鬱情緒明顯聚焦於身體面向上,此結果說明OSA患者的憂鬱情緒可能受到白天嗜睡程度所影響,本研究在於提醒臨床工作者對OSA患者進行憂鬱症臨床診斷時,需注意與釐清OSA患者是否以白天嗜睡的情況,來回應憂鬱症狀相關的嗜睡表現,以降低誤判OSA患者憂鬱情緒的可能性。 / Aims: Recent years, researchers found high prevalence of depression occurred in OSA patients. However, the inconsistency was also found in depression prevalence and in the association between OSA and depressive mood. Notably, excessive daytime sleepiness is one of common symptoms of both OSA and depression. High prevalence of depression might be an overestimation due to excessive daytime sleepiness reported by OSA patients. Two studies (cross-sectional and longitudinal studies) were conducted to examine (1) whether the depressive symptoms in OSA patients are more somatic in nature and whether mediation effect between OSA and depression exist, and (2) whether the changes in depressive mood correlate with the changes in excessive daytime sleepiness showed in long term follow-up data. Methods: Sleep test data (including AHI, arousal index, desaturation index, mean SaO2, lowest SaO2, BDI-IA, ESS) retrieved from database of Taipei Medical University Hospital Sleep Center from year 2010 to 2015 was used in Study 1. 2140 OSA patients (364 F、1776 M) were included after rule out patients who is under 20 year-old or comorbid with other sleep disorders. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to extract the dimensions of depressive mood in OSA patients and the dimensions obtained were further compared with those of Beck and Steer (1993) through competing models. Furthermore, correlations between OSA severity, OSA pathological mechanism, excessive daytime sleepiness, and depressive mood were analyzed in the data of OSA patients with depressive mood, and boostrapping method was conducted to test mediation effect. For examining whether the depressive symptoms in OSA patients are more somatic in nature, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension were compared within different OSA severity. One to two year follow-up sleep test data retrieved from database of Taipei Medical University Hospital Sleep Center was analyzed in Study 2. There were only 81 male OSA patient data included due to the small numbers of female patients. Results: Exploratory factor analysis in Study 1 showed that “weight loss” and “irritability” should be excluded due to low factor loading in depressive mood of OSA patients. “Dissatisfaction”, “social withdrawal” and “indecisiveness” were categorized into somatic dimension in OSA patients. Competing models indicated the factors obtained in exploratory factor analysis were preferred due to lower AIC value, which suggested the model was better fit to OSA patients. Correlation analysis showed that AHI, arousal index, desaturation index, mean SaO2, lowest SaO2, BDI-IA score, somatic dimension and cognitive dimension significantly correlated with ESS. Notably, although the correlation between AHI and BDI-IA was non-significant, AHI positively correlated with somatic dimension. OSA pathological mechanism (arousal index, desaturation index, mean SaO2) also significantly correlated with somatic dimension on BDI-IA. After controlling age and BMI, mediation effects of excessive daytime sleepiness were only found on the relation of arousal index and somatic dimension. Mediation effects were also found on the relation of AHI and somatic dimension, on the relation of desaturation index and somatic dimension, and on the relation of arousal index and somatic dimension in female OSA patients, but the mediation effect was not found in male OSA patients. Furthermore, 3 X 2 ANOVA repeated measurement showed somatic dimension was significantly higher than cognitive dimension on BDI-IA in different AHI severity group. Follow-up data in Study 2 showed the change of AHI and BMI were not correlated with the change of ESS, BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA. However, the change of ESS was significantly correlated with the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA. Furthermore, the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA were tested in different ESS change group. Results showed that the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension on BDI-IA were significant in different ESS change group. Post-hoc analysis indicated the change of BDI-IA, cognitive dimension and somatic dimension in ESS elevated group were significantly different from ESS maintained group and ESS descend group but the difference between ESS maintained group and ESS descend group was non-significant. Conclusion: 35% of OSA patients were classified as co-occurring depressive mood using BDI-IA. However, mediation effect of excessive daytime sleepiness was found in female patients on the relation of OSA severity and depressive mood, and also on the relation of sleep fragmentation and depressive mood. Furthermore, depressive symptoms in OSA patients are more somatic in nature. The results showed depressive mood in OSA patients was probably affected by the excessive daytime sleepiness. The findings suggested the need to clarify the effect of excessive daytime sleepiness to prevent the overestimation of depressive mood in OSA patients.


李進榮 Unknown Date (has links)
一、數人共同實施犯罪,例如甲乙丙三人計畫搶劫銀行,約定甲乙持槍衝入,甲先控制行員及顧客,乙搜括財物後,通知在銀行外車上待命兼把風之丙駛來接應,三人乘車逃離現場前開,如成功,三人依我國實務用語(如69年台上字第695號判例)有「犯意聯絡」及「行為分擔」,符合我國刑法第二十八條「共同實施」要件,皆論以共同正犯,但如失敗,特別有同夥尚無任何舉動時,其「行為分擔」或「共同實施」何在?三人能否論以(未遂的)共同正犯?此涉及共同正犯之歸責原理。如觀察前述強盜銀行案:甲本身僅實施「強制行為」,乙係「取走行為」,丙則稱不上構成要件行為,然三人最後卻均須對整個強盜結果負責,這之間歸責究係如何發生? 對此,我國及德國實務學說可大別下列三說: 1.)「團體說」:視數共同實施之人為一個「團體」,犯罪乃由該「團體」實施,有似一人實施般,該團體成員(縱僅一人)所實施者,即屬團體行為,其他成員自應一同負責。 2.)「相互歸責說」:稱正犯者,須符合刑法構成要件所有要素,共同正犯亦不例外,惟每一共同正犯通常僅實施部分構成要件,甚或與構成要件無關,因此,同夥間行為貢獻之相互歸責,始能圓滿說明每個共同正犯須對整體結果負責之理由,亦即,共同行為人不再融入團體中,而是化身為其他同夥。 3.)「個人本位說」:每個共同正犯之所以應對整體結果負責,毋須間接藉由「團體」或牽涉其他同夥,乃因其與整體結果間直接具有某種關係,例如支配即得說明。 二、從前述「既遂」歸責原理出發,則於探討共同正犯「未遂」如採「團體說」或「相互歸責說」,即一人所為屬團體行為,或應歸責其他同夥,則其他同夥有何舉動在所不問。準此,前述甲拔槍衝入銀行,已屬加重強盜罪之著手,雖立刻遭制伏,乙丙雖尚無舉動,三人均成立強盜未遂罪。反之,採「個人本位說」,不論其他同夥,僅針對自己本身所為,可否認與犯罪結果具有某種關係,如此,甲得論以加重強盜未遂罪,固無疑義,然無任何舉動之乙丙恐難構成未遂。 三、德國學說因前述歸責原理及未遂理論差異,逐漸對共同正犯未遂之成立形成三觀點:「一人著手,全體論以未遂」;「至少須著手於自己行為分擔」及介於兩者之間「著手於整體行為」,Schilling稱前者為「整體模式」(Gesamtl□sung),後者為「個別模式」「Einzelll□sung」,吾人稱第三者為「折衷模式」。 四、本文認為,關於共同正犯歸責,「團體本位」與「行為歸責論」均不足採,應直接經由共同正犯本身行為與犯罪結果間之關聯求得,亦即應從「個人本位」與「行為直接歸責」角度出發,Roxin之「功能性支配」及以此為歸責基礎之「個別模式」符合前開要求,本文採之。另「共謀共同正犯」僅參與謀議者亦得論以共同正犯,有處罰思想之虞。又僅參與謀議者本不為罪,卻因同夥著手,卻突然一躍成為正犯,其責任完全取決另一人之任意,淪為「正犯從屬性」。再者,承認「共謀共同正犯」使實務於認定罪刑時偏重自白之取得,與刑事訴訟法降低自白之證據原則背道而馳。 五、德國聯邦法院自1986年起接連出現三判決,其共同點係數人外觀上似擬實施某犯罪,然著手實施之人(稱為虛偽共同正犯)根本欠缺犯罪意思,其他同夥則尚未開始行動,此問題對「整體模式」(一人著手,全體未遂)最大挑戰在於該「一人」如屬虛偽,「整體模式」仍否適用?如何適用?聯邦法院各庭對此不僅見解歧異,更吸引多達十餘位學者在期刊、紀念論文集爭鳴,各具特點,令人目眩,為德國刑法史從有未之奇觀,此涉及共同正犯之歸責原理。 六、數人共同實施犯罪時,難免有人心生異念,或因恐懼,或與同夥不合,而起意退出,此際就脫離者本身而言亦屬「未遂」(中途退出,未完成犯罪),如其他同夥未受影響,仍繼續完成原定犯罪,則脫離者應如何論罪?能否構成未遂中止?此亦與共同正犯歸責原理亦相關。 七、在「整體模式」下,一人著手,全體論以未遂,但如該著手之人發生錯誤,致犯罪無從既遂,因依通說構成要件等價之客體錯誤(殺人罪之客體為人,茍認識其為人而實施殺害,則其人之為甲或乙,不因之有所歧異),不影響刑責,則「整體模式」能否適用?特別當發生錯誤之客體係其他同夥時,問題更形複雜。德國聯邦法院在六O年代曾出現「誤擊同夥案」,判決理由不僅當時引發學者激烈討論,迄今仍餘波蕩漾,為一檢視「共同正犯歸責原理」及「整體模式」之佳例。

醫療器材業自有品牌合作模式之研究-以個案公司為例 / Study of the Brand Cooperation Model in Medical Device Industry: A Case Study

李永川 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化價值鏈垂直分工的趨勢下,台灣企業大多扮演的是代工角色,但在低價競爭的模式下,代工產業必須考慮下一階段轉型策略思考,而品牌經營的轉型是目前許多代工廠商期待的策略方向。本研究以居家照護醫療器材領導廠商的立場,由品牌推廣的角度思考以策略聯盟合作進入新市場/新產品,並針對以下問題進行研究:  1. 在自有品牌經營型態的架構下,進入市場的策略計畫為何?  2. 為達到策略計畫的目標,如何選擇當地的合作對象與合作模式?  3. 如何評估合作模式之成效?   首先藉由外部產業分析、內部資源能力評估,確認這個新市場是否能夠符合企業成長的需求,規劃新產品進入新市場的產品定位及行銷策略。再以SWOT分析進行整合,找出環境之主要威脅且企業資源不足之處,以策略聯盟合作方式予以彌補。針對合作對象的選擇,主要考量本身對於夥伴的條件需求、對方與本身合作的動機、與此策略聯盟合作是否能夠符合雙方需求而定。並擬定策略聯盟合作的目標,以雙贏的4P行銷策略,相互提供知識基礎的資源,作為主要合作模式。最後以量化指標檢視是否達成原訂目標。   本研究藉由理論於實務上的應用,希望能發揮具策略性思考的價值,並且提出一具體可行的合作模式,協助廠商進入新市場並推廣與建立品牌。

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