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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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金控與非金控體系人壽保險公司業務員通路經營績效之研究 / Performance comparison of agency channel in FHC-type and Non-FHC type

廖學茂 Unknown Date (has links)
保險向來都是國人理財工具中不可或缺的一環,尤其近年來由於投資型商品的興起,讓保險在個人理財中的地位更大幅提昇,然而市場擴張之後形成競爭壓力,本研究以經營績效的角度來分析國內的壽險業生態,因為目前國人購買保險的管道仍是以業務員為主,本研究將標的放在業務員通路。民國92年金控成立之後,其提供客戶一次購足的銷售平台,加上通路整合所帶來的聯合行銷及交叉銷售的效益,讓消費者很容易就可以在銀行或證券公司就可以在櫃台購買保險商品。尤其投資型保險商品推出後,銀行體系及證券體系的銷售平台增加,顯見綜合型金融服務成型。這些都衝擊著保險業傳統的業務員行銷通路,對壽險業的影響更為劇烈。本研究會將國內主力通路以業務員為主的壽險公司,區分為金控與非金控兩個族群,以資料包絡分析法分析這兩種型態壽險公司其經營績效的差異。 本研究的研究方法採用資料包絡分析法,最大的差異則是針對所選取的投入變數計算其單位成本,讓投入要素更加清楚的展示其管理意義。從依分析4項效率值(成本效率/技術效率/純粹技術效率/規模效率)分析,歸納結論與建議如下: 1. 金控或非金控之壽險公司的業務通路,其成本效率值(CE)、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE)皆較前觀察年度呈現退步;從金控體系與非金控體系之壽險公司來看,非金控體系在成本效率值(CE)、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE) 這三項效率之平均值值皆高過於金控體系,只有在技術效率上低於金控體系之壽險公司。 2. 從金控體系之不同壽險公司而言,富邦人壽在成本效率、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE)均達最適配置,同時也是三家金控型態的壽險公司中表現得最優;從非金控體系之不同壽險公司來看,安泰人壽在成本效率、純粹技術效率值(PTE)、規模效率值(SE)均達最適配置。同時也是五家非金控型態的壽險公司表現最優。 3. 依成本效率,最高為非金控外商安泰人壽及金控本土富邦人壽;依技術效率,最高為金控的國泰人壽;純粹技術效率而言,金控的國泰、富邦及非金控的南山、安泰、三商美邦、台灣人壽並列最優;規模效率效率而言,依序是非金控的安泰人壽及金控的富邦人壽。 以業務員通路而言,所列舉金控的保險公司皆明顯高於所列舉非金控的保險公司的只有技術效率一項,而其餘三項效率以各別公司而言,則所列舉之金控/非金控的保險公司互有高低,故整體而言,這兩種型態的壽險公司,整體經營績效不明顯差異。建議如下: 1.所列舉之非金控體系的壽險公司較多為外商公司,進入台灣的經營時間均較金控體系的壽險公司來得短,即使能有集團母公司或區域總部之支援,仍應加強業務通路經營在地化,充份發揮全球策略與在地化服務。 2.國泰、新光等超大型金控的壽險公司,成立金控所訴求的規模經濟效益在業務通路尚未出現,除應加強規模經濟效益外,因業務員人數是採壽險公會登錄人數,而非其真正實動業務員人數,可能導致誤差。 3.本研究除先前研究方法章節中所提之限制之外,如果後續研究者有興趣深入研究此議題,可以將本研究的產出變數(總保費收入)再予以細分為業務通路所貢獻之保費將更有助於研究結果之準確。

人壽保險業務員通路於金控子公司共同行銷之風險管理 / The risk management of the cross-selling among the financial holding company’s subsidiaries by the channel of life insurance agents

高穎祥 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構跨業經營已蔚為常態,金融機構利用不同的整併模式,積極進行跨業資源整合及業務推動。金融控股公司的設立加速跨業經營的腳步,如何利用強勢通路進行共同行銷以達成綜效,成為決勝的關鍵因素。人壽保險業務員通路利用關係行銷,掌握客戶需求,面對面進行顧客服務,滿足客戶一站購足的全方位商品服務,帶動金控集團業績,肩負舉足輕重的戰略地位。然而居高不下的壽險申訴率,引發我們對業務員進行共同行銷時是否也會發生不當行為風險的疑慮,並思考如何提前辨識及因應。 本研究嘗試以保險申訴類型與現行壽險業務員共同行銷模式進行模擬比對,以辨識風險來源,經歸納推導得知壽險業務員趨利避害思維模式及價值觀,若無適當管控,將會引發共同行銷不當行為的發生,並且將隨業務擴展逐漸浮現。為回應風險,本研究結合實務經驗,分別對相關不當行為態樣及有關單位提出風險管理建議(1)在壽險公司方面,可注意強化業務員跨業行銷專業及法令教育,嚴懲共同行銷的不當行為以敬效尤,並善用保險機制以分散風險;(2)在金控公司方面,則應建立跨業風險預判及預防機制,善用集團的資源管理風險,並進行子公司間效率運作經驗的複製及移植;(3)在主管機關方面,可思考調整產險業界業績計算方式,從制度面進行改變導正,另為配合跨業行銷爭議處理機構之設立規劃,可先從金控、公會組織逐級試行申訴運作模式,待未來正式設立時即可移轉經驗及制度,讓消費者保護沒有空檔。期能透過各方面的配合,讓共同行銷的運作能更為完善,以提升金控集團經營效率並充分保護消費者權益。 / Cross-selling seems to be a popular business model for most financial institutions. Various M&A are employed by financial institutions for the purpose of resources integration and business growth across different sectors. The establishment of financial holding companies has further accelerated the scope of business. It is very critical to leverage the advantage of strong channels to enhance synergy via cross-selling. Life insurance agents position themselves importantly for the performance of the holding company groups as they provide one-stop service, face to face interact, and satisfy the demand with their customers by leveraging the customer relationship. But the high customer complaint rations arose the concern with the appropriateness of cross-selling of the agents and the legacy risk, and encourage us to identify the related risk and figure out possible solutions. This research tries to simulate the genres of complaints and the patens of cross-selling of the agents for the purpose of identifying sources of risk. It is concluded that the agents should be well monitored and restrained because of their trade-off mind-sets and value. If not, mis-behaviors can happen along with the growth of business. In response to the related risk, this research based on operation experience leads to several suggestions according to the genres of mis-behaviors to the related entities. First, the life insurance companies should play attention to the enforcement of cross-selling skills and education of regulation of the agents, the punishment of mis-behaviors, and insurance mechanism to diversify related risks. Secondly, the holding companies should build the mechanism of identifying, measuring, and preventing the related risks, manage the risk by using group resources, and replicate the experience and know-how among the subsidiaries. Finally, the supervisory authority should consider the adjustment of performance measurement of the P&C insurance sector, try to guide the sector by change of rules, and try to set up the complaint process from the level of the holding companies and the business associations sequentially, first and then transfer these accumulated experiences and rules to the institution handling arguments about cross-selling after its official establishment in the future. Then the consumers can be well protected without any gap. It is expected that the cross-selling model can be run much better to enhance the operation efficiency of holding company groups and protection of consumers due to the cooperation of related entities.

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