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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林宜靜 Unknown Date (has links)
銀行業的業務本質為由風險中獲取報酬,銀行經營過程亦存在許多不同的風險。近年來,金融市場的高度變動、新資訊科技的不斷應用、金融產品與服務的增加、財務工程之應用,甚或銀行業間無法停止之整合與購併,目的皆為使銀行經營朝向更好的方向不斷精進。然而,現象之另一面,亦代表更多複雜的跨單位、跨業務之流程規劃、資訊系統整合與內部人員管理,這使得妥善管理作業風險成為銀行業一項迫切重要的工作。本研究目的即在於瞭解銀行面對作業管理議題及相關管理層面之現況,探討銀行進行作業風險管理時可能遭遇之問題,並針對可能問題提出建議與看法,以健全銀行經營,確保股東及利害關係人之權益。 研究分析之過程,首先了解作業風險的定義,其次藉由風險管理最佳實務與策略運作五階段建立作業風險管理架構體系。而後,藉由個案研究之方式,分析個案銀行之作業風險管理流程與運行方式之狀況,瞭解個案銀行在作業風險管理模式下所投入之資源與人力,以及運作情況,並發掘作業風險管理過程中可能存在之問題。 由本研究探討之作業風險管理模式與當前問題中,可以發現:政府法令與主管機關之重視,對於各銀行之作業風險管理是莫大的動力;銀行善用人力資源管理之相關技巧,將有助於作業風險管理;清楚地認知作業風險管理之方向與組織架構,則有助於減少部門功能衝突,以及增加作業風險管理資源的使用效率。

作業風險管理之建構實務研究-以本土產物保險公司為例 / A study on the development of operational risk management in practice - Take example from a local non-life insurance company

張鳴文 Unknown Date (has links)
首先針對目前國內產物保險公司有關作業險管理尚未有完整之監理規範或管理實務,但是,因作業風險所導致之損失金額卻與日俱增,實為不可忽視之風險,故藉由探討產物保險公司建構作業風險管理機制,同時分析其中理論與實務之運作,盼能有助於國內產物保險公司在未來不論是主管機關的監理制度,或是與全世界風險管理趨勢的結合上,提供具有參考性之建議及方向作為研究的目的設定。 本研究透過文獻回顧及探討,對於國內外金融機構作業風險管理執行情況,可知作業風險管理與內部控制之關係應是互補的概念,不能單以內部控制取代作業風險控管,而唯有作業風險與內部控制相互充實,才能更能提昇作業風險管理之功能及能力。另對於產物保險相關之作業風險損失事件之收集彙整,瞭解作業風險損失可能產生重大的財務損失,或是影響公司之正常業務營運,由於作業風險與產險公司日常營運活動息息相關,且作業風險管理並非一全新之風險管理觀念,面對產險市場瞬息萬變,主管機關監理強度趨於嚴格,包括頒布保險業之風險管理實務守則,內容規範即可看出作業風險以結構化之管理,已成為潮流。如何透過管理流程,及輔以各項管理工具,與現行之內控、法令遵循等機制加以整合,將過去的被動轉換為主動的管理,不論是發生頻率低、損失幅度高的事件,或是發生頻率高、損失幅度低的事件,皆應平等重視。 個案研究則以作業風險管理之理論為基礎,逐一探討研究之標竿保險公司作業風險管理執行情形,可以得到下列四個結論:(一)落實風險管理之企業文化是關鍵成功因素、(二)作業風險管理專責單位或人員的建立應是有必要性、(三)建立完整之作業風險管理架構、(四)作業風險管理與內部控制制度是互補的、(五)無缺失不代表無風險。本研究最後提出以下建議:(一)師法目前Basel II銀行之作業風險管理經驗、(二)積極專業人才培訓是作業風險管理之成功要件、 (三)保險業者應儘速建立內、外部損失資料庫、(四)應設置隸屬董事會之風險管理委員會、(五)法令遵循自行評估之調整。以作為未來台灣產險業如何建制作業風險管理機制及有效控管作業風險之參考。 / Despite of the increasing exposure and loss due to operational risk to Taiwanese Non-Life insurance companies, an intergrated coorporate self-regulation or practical guidelines for operational risk management within financial institutions have not yet been developed. Therefore, through seriously study, discuss, and analyze the mechnisms on how to implement a thorough corporate operational risk management guidelines and a balanced operational point between theory and practice, I hope that this paper could give our local non-life financial institutes, regulators, and compliances some aspects on the regulatory governence development. Numerous articles and literature reviews on foreign and domestic businsses and financial institutions regarding operational risk management operations stated that interal control and operational risk management have substitutional effect. Therefore, only if both interal control and operational risk management simutaneously develop, will operational risk management’s functionality and ability be most effective. Massive information on opertaional risk loss event have been collected and compiled to study its impact to Non-life insurance companies, including the loss it may bring to the financial institution or the effect on daily business operation. Driven by legal changes and forever-changing business market, the local goverment have becoming tougher on regulatory governance, including promulgate the code of practice for operational risk management guildance, which we would see that structured operation risk management is the newfound trend. The intergration of current compliance, internal control and other mechanisms through management process in order for operational risk management corresponds to a much wider trend of “responsive” or “active”, not “passive” management is what we ought to act on. Also, we should treat low-frequency, high-magnitude events and high-frequency, how-magnitude events equally. This paper came up with five conclusions 1. implementing the enterprise culture of operational risk management is the key to success. 2. developing operational risk management response team is an ought to do 3. implementing thorough operational risk management structure 4. substitutional effect among operational risk management and internal control system 5. no merit does not mean no risk. At last, this conceptual paper gives some recommendations for future operational risk management development 1. take operational risk management experiences by Basel II as a model 2. cultivate ORM professionals actively is the key to success 3. develop internal and external risk loss database 4. The risk management committee should be subordinate to the board of director 5. adjustment of compliance’s interal accessment.

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