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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新巴塞爾協定(Basel II)在銀行風險管理系統之探討_以個案銀行為例

魏毅賢 Unknown Date (has links)
新巴塞爾資本協定將於2006年底實施,國際大型銀行已普遍使用風險模型,以衡量市場風險、信用風險及作業等風險,而我國銀行現況,除少數幾家銀行使用風險模型以控管交易市場風險,信用風險的控管為傳統管理方式,依中央銀行金融檢查處於民國92年12月對49家本國銀行進行調查,其中在計提信用風險所需資本,有6家計畫採用內部評等基礎法,43家則採用簡易標準法或是標準法來計提;而作業風險有19家將採用標準法,有30家採用基本指標法。 另根據台灣金融研訓院針對我國國內外金融機構在2004年11月的問卷調查中發現,僅有8%金融機構大致完成Basel II 準備。在全體機構方面,有不到20%的機構建置系統中,不到10%的機構大致完成Basel II 準備。 新巴塞爾資本協定,是由舊版巴塞爾資本協定衍生而來,舊版巴塞爾資本協定亦規範了市場風險及信用風險,新版增加了作業風險,新版協定將使銀行更能了解風險所在,進而強化風險管理,此外銀行自有資本計提也比現行版本自有資本計提更具風險敏感度。相較於現行巴塞爾協定的幾個缺失,新巴塞爾協定的主要特點即是將資本適足建構在相互強化的三大支柱上: 一、 第一支柱:最低資本要求; 二、 第二支柱:敦促各國金融主管機關加強銀行資本適足性計算方法即內部風險管理模型之監理審查程序 三、 第三支柱:加強公開揭露,發揮市場紀律之功能。 唯有三支柱相輔相成,才能有效健全銀行風險管理。 因此本研究針對巴塞爾協定發展的過程與差異,站在銀行風險管理的角度,剖析新舊版本的差異與對我國金融業的衝擊,銀行又該如何因應新巴塞爾資本協定,本研究提出銀行因應的具體做法,從風險管理的組織架構、風險管理的機制、風險的衡量以及如何導入風險管理系統,建立風險管理績效指標,並以個案銀行為例,探討個案銀行導入時所面臨的問題,提出具體的建議以供參考。

法人金融信用風險管理與徵審流程改革之探討 / Study to review and enhance corporate banking credit risk management and credit approval process

李博智 Unknown Date (has links)
自1991年開放民營銀行申請設立後,本國銀行業在整體市場需求無法與銀行家數呈等比例擴增下,獲利能力大幅滑落、產業競爭激烈,另在授信業務一直是本國銀行最主要之獲利來源下,如何管控授信品質、降低不良放款的發生,則是銀行業永續經營的關鍵。為有效控管信用風險,台灣銀行業者依相關法規及巴塞爾資本協定對風險控管之要求,於授信案件申請所要求之文件繁多,造成授信戶的不便與抱怨,已成為銀行業務推廣最主要阻力來源。 本研究重點即如何在業務與風險兼顧下,改善徵審流程效率,滿足客戶需求,讓銀行的法人授信業務能脫穎而出,創造客戶與銀行間雙贏的局面。本研究採個案研究方法進行,並選定在結構零散的台灣銀行體系中具有一定之能見度之A銀行作為探討之樣本。 本研究分別從硬性的「銀行制度」及軟性的「人力資源」兩構面出發,其中「銀行制度面」將由「流程」與「內規」兩方向著手,藉由制度面的調整,減少送審之步驟及建立起較具彈性之授信規範;另外,軟性的「人力資源」則分為「審查人員」及「業務人員」兩方面,將分從績效考核制度與本質學能之提升著手,整體而言,本文針對改善徵審流程效率所提出之建議共分兩大構面、四大方向及八項建議。 在實施本研究所建議之方案後,樣本銀行整體徵授信流程所需時間已明顯下降,惟自徵提資料至案件核准動撥所需時間仍與授信戶要求有所差距,仍具改善空間,衷心期盼後續研究者能做更深入的研究與探討。


郭美伶, Kuo,Mei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
近來我國金融市場掀起了新巴塞爾資本協定(BaselⅡ )的 熱潮,「風險管理」與「BaselⅡ 」被劃上了”等”號,於2006 年年底國際性銀行同步實施BaselⅡ , 亞洲國家中日本、新 加坡、香港以及台灣擠進第一波實施的行列,我國監理機關 與金融機構都面臨了重大的挑戰與轉型的契機,BaselⅡ 的精 神乃在引導金融機構正視風險管理的議題,以宏觀的經營角 度思考整體的風險與報酬。 證券市場這幾年來,因開放金控的設立以及國外券商來 台設立分公司, 整體金融產業的結構有很大的調整與變化, 新金融商品與衍生性商品的推陳出新與研發創新,使得證券 業可承作的商品日趨多樣化與多元化,相對地,證券商的專 業能力與商品的專業知識有明顯的技術落差,經營之整體風 險不斷的擴大與加劇,證券商將面臨內部極大的挑戰與外部 劇烈的競爭壓力與威脅, 面對瞬息萬變的金融市場, 實施 BaselⅡ 對健全我國金融市場的發展有積極正面的意義,其三 大支柱架構如下: 第一支柱 : 「最低資本計提」, 訂定最低資本適足門檻, 鼓 勵金融機構自行研發內部衡量法,計提信用風險、市場 風險、作業風險之最低資本需求, 以維持經營水準。 第二支柱 :「監理審查程序」,制定監理審查原則與程序,加 強監理機關審查之專業能力與執行審查之一致性。 第三支柱 : 「市場紀律」, 簡化資訊揭露的要求, 重著財務 資訊與風險管理資訊之揭露,提供市場參與者充分瞭解 金融機構風險概況, 以促進市場約制。 本研究針對證券業,以整體風險管理為考量來探究適用 BaselⅡ 風險管理的架構與導入風險管理的步驟,從制定風險 管理的政策、發展風險衡量的方法進而架構運行風險管理之 基礎建設, 著重落實風險管理的制度以達到風險管理的效 益, 並強調「風險管理」不是企業發展的限制, 而是未來企 業核心的價值、獲利的基礎與國際競爭之優勢。 / The financial market of our country has raised the upsurge of new Basel capital protocol (Basel Ⅱ ) recently , "risk management" has been considered as the equal term as " BaselⅡ",the international bank will implement Basel II in step at the end of the year of 2006 , the first wave of ranks implemented get into Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan in the Asian countries, Taiwan’s organs and financial institution are all facing the great challenge and opportunity of transition , the spirit of Basel Ⅱ is the topic leading the financial institution to face risk management, ponder over the risk and reward of the whole in terms of management of the macroscopic. Securities market over these several years, the license’s release of establishment of financial holdings and foreign securities trader come to Taiwan to set up branch company, whole financial structure of industry have heavy adjustment very and change. New financial instrument and derivatives products research and development innovation, make more diversified and complexities that securities can make. On the contrary , the professional ability and knowledge of the instruments of the dealer in securities have obvious technological drop. In the face of the fast changing financial market, securities will face the violent challenge internally and with great competition pressure and threaten externally. There are positive and positive meanings to the development which perfects the financial market of our country to implement Basel Ⅱ . Its three major pillars structure is as follows: First pillar - "minimum capital requirement", to stipulate minimum capital threshold, to encourage financial institution research and develop inside model by oneself, to count the minimum capital demand of proposing credit risks , market risk , operational risk, in order to keep the competence of managing. The second pillar - " review the process of supervisory", to make the principle and procedure for regulatory compliance, and to strengthen the professional ability and review in a consistency way. The third pillar - "market discipline", simplifying the request for information revealing, and focus on financial information and risk management information, to offer the participant in the market to fully find out about the risk overview of financial institution, and to make in order the market discipline. The thesis is more focusing on the securities business,and is researching into the framework of BaselⅡ compliance and implementation procedure of risk management in regard with enterprise-wide risk management. Starting from setting the policy of risk management, developing the risk measurement method to the structuring the infrastructure of risk management , is to highlight the importance of risk management system and to get the benefits of risk management. Also, that risk management is not a restriction of enterprise's development, but enterprise's core competence , lucrative foundation and advantage of international competition in the future.

Basel II 之銀行企金授信實務─以無財簽資料為例

蕭博仁, Hsiao, Po-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融機構將於2007年起逐漸採行新巴塞爾協定(Basel II),該協定主要規範金融機構之市場風險、信用風險與作業風險,要求提列一定水準之資本準備,目的係希望能夠穩定金融市場,避免因重大事件發生造成損失,導致金融機構無力償還的情形出現。 本研究對象乃係針對國內某金融機構於民國89年至90年的無財簽企金客戶建置違約機率(Probability of Default Model)模型,考慮建模方法使用上的普遍性、運作上的透明性及統計上缺乏理論與基礎的情況,本研究將採用羅吉斯迴歸(Logistic Regression)建置違約機率模型。模型之驗證部分,依據行政院金融監督管理委員會(2007)建議的七個驗證方向執行模型之驗證。


容宗良 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際清算銀行將於2006年年底實施新巴塞爾資本協定,國內金融機構與金控公司等,為了要和國際市場接軌,擴展海外版圖的情況下,也必須遵從新巴塞爾協定的規範。所以本研究將以新巴塞爾協定中信用風險的基礎內部評等法,計算出被評定對象的違約概率,以建構一套適合國內一般產業上市櫃公司的信用風險評等與預警模型。 本研究所採用的是台灣經濟新報的資料,從中選取上下市(櫃)公司的財務報表資訊作為輸入資料。然後以逐步迴歸進行變數篩選,挑選出代表性的指標;再以羅吉斯迴歸的統計方法進行資料分析;最後則是利用所挑選出的指標,計算債務人的違約機率,以建置信用風險評等和風險預警的模型。 在信用評等方面,本研究將上市公司共分為七個等級,加上下市公司總共八個等級,這八個等級的機率由小到大依序代表了風險程度的高低,以做為決策者判斷是否融資的準則。同時在風險預警方面,以0.2為臨界點的狀況下,可以達到八成三的命中率,而型一誤差也控制在0.1左右,亦即違約機率大於0.2的公司,較有危機發生的可能。

巴塞爾協定三:以流動性指標探討銀行之風險 / Basel Ⅲ:Identification of Bank Risk by the Net Stable Funding ratio

楊旭文 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年全球金融海嘯席捲全球,重創各國股市經濟,許多歷史悠久的大型金融機構紛紛倒閉或被迫接管,如英國北岩銀行(Northern Rock)、美國雷曼兄弟公司、IndyMac、美林證券、AIG等。雖然各國政府為了挽救投資者的信心,舒緩金融危機與經濟衝擊,不斷提出各種救市方案並向市場挹注資金,卻還是無法解決市場流動性危機,因而這次的金融海嘯被堪稱為史上最大的流動性危機。本研究採用二元Logistic迴歸方法,以台灣本土銀行為樣本,樣本期間為2003年至2010年,利用CAMEL指標並加入Basel III所提出的流動性指標:淨穩定資金比率(Net Stable Funding ratio),檢測淨穩定資金比率是否能夠提高解釋銀行違約倒閉機率以及增加模型預測能力,進一步能夠有效地監管銀行之風險。本研究結果顯示除了CAMEL指標可以解釋台灣本土銀行風險機率,同時顯示使用淨穩定資金比率可以解釋銀行風險,增加模型預測能力,進而能夠更有效地監管銀行之風險。最後,本研究利用隨機抽樣法與時間序列法檢驗本模型的預測能力,並且透過設立不同的門檻比率進行穩健性測試,測試不同情況下各種指標因子對銀行風險的顯著性與影響力,再次說明了流動性指標對銀行監理的重要性。


陳冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化潮流方興未艾,基於與國際接軌目標,我國金融業自2006年起實施新巴塞爾資本協定,期於現今日新月異金融環境中以全球一致性的銀行管理方法及制度落實其精神。實施新巴塞爾協定後,首當其衝者便是台灣產業發展主體—中小企業。以信用風險中資本計提為例,中小企業不若大型企業體質健全,且財務透明度亦為人詬病,相對提升金融機構授信風險,進而導致中小企業融資授信審查趨於嚴格與保守,中小企業融資難度與成本皆大幅增加。 有鑑於此,本研究以中小企業中電子業為主要研究對象,採資料採礦流程進行信用評等模型建置。為求配適最佳違約機率模型,分別以不同精細抽樣比例逐一配適羅吉斯迴歸、類神經網路及分類迴歸樹等統計模型,經評估後篩選出羅吉斯迴歸模型建置信用評等系統。再者,為確認模型與信用評等系統建置適當,係遵循新巴塞爾協定相關規範進行各項測試及驗證,結果顯示模型於樣本外資料測試表現良好,信用評等系統亦通過正確性分析、等級區隔同質性檢定及穩定度分析等驗證準則,冀能提供金融機構一套有效且精簡的信用管理機制,建立與中小企業間資訊對稱管道,於兩造雙方取得互利平衡,防範危機於未然。 / Globalization trend is still growing. Because of the objective of connecting to the world, the banking and finance industry in Taiwan has implemented the New Basel Capital Accord since 2006, hoping to make use of globally consistent banking management method and system to implement its spirit in this changing financial environment today. After the implementation of the New Basel Capital Accord, the principal development part in Taiwan industry, medium- and small-sized enterprises, is the first to be affected. For example, with regard to the capital requirements in credit risks, the constitution of medium- and small-sized enterprises is not as sound as large-sized enterprises’, and the financial transparency of medium- and small-sized enterprises is insufficient that the credit risk of financial institution would be lifted comparatively; and then, the finance and credit investigation of medium- and small-sized enterprises would become strict and conservative, thus the finance difficulty and cost of medium- and small-sized enterprises would be increased substantially. In view of this, this study regards the electronics industry from medium- and small-sized enterprises as the main study objects, and data mining procedures are used so as to establish the credit scoring system. To get the best probability model of default, different oversampling ratios are used one by one to match such statistical models and logistic regression, Neural Network Analysis, and C&R Tree; and logistic regression model is selected for the establishment of credit scoring system after assessment. Moreover, relevant the New Basel Capital Accord standards are followed to carry out every test and verification so as to confirm that the establishments of model and credit scoring system are appropriate. The result indicates that the model has good performance in out-sample test, while credit scoring system also passes such verification standards as accuracy analysis, level segment homogeneity test, and stability analysis. Hopefully, this study result can provide a set of effective and simple credit management system for the financial institution to establish information symmetrical channel with the medium- and small-sized enterprises, so that both parties can obtain mutual balance and the crisis can be alerted in advance.

新巴賽爾資本協定下作業風險管理於銀行內部控制之研究 / Operational Risk Management in Bank Internal Control System under the New Basel Capital Accord

鍾辰奕, Chung, Chen I Unknown Date (has links)
隨著銀行經營環境丕變,引發作業風險的可能性大幅提高。有鑑於此,巴塞爾銀行監理委員會於2003年公佈的作業風險與監督十項準則,且在2004年6月公布新巴塞爾資本協定,除信用與市場風險外,將作業風險納入資本計提範疇。同時,委員會也對作業風險給予明確定義,亦針對整體作業風險管理流程及作業風險資本計提方式有所規範。 隨著作業風險管理漸漸受到重視,作業風險由最初的傳統階段以內部控制及事後稽核進行風險管理,開始發展進入認知階段作業,此時金融機構開始意識到作業風險管理重要性,接下來進入監控階段,除了開始設定足以反映各項作業風險的風險指標來進行風險的追蹤,也開始進行風險的自我評估,且由於質化的風險指標無法滿足作業風險管理的要求,量化風險指標漸漸為各金融機構發展的管理技術;最後當其成熟後,作業風險管理就可納入整體的風險管理體系。 隨著金融機構的策略、組織、作業與系統及衡量四個構面,作業風險管理組織的架構也依金融機構需求不斷演變。本研究藉由研究作業風險管理架構的發展及作業風險管理的四項核心流程,探討在操作實務中可能面臨的挑戰,摘要結論及建議如下: 1.作業風險管理成功的關鍵在於公司董事會、管理階層及所有員工均需體認「改變是必要的」,且須獲得董事會及高階管理階層的承諾與支持 2.作業風險管理單位除了在組織架構上需符合「獨立」的精神外,需積極參與風險控管方案有效性評估及作業風險管理工具/政策的執行 3.為彌補內部稽核先天的不足,作業風險管理單位應針對關鍵性的控制活動,發展以風險為導向的查核工具,以肩負起預防問題、發現問題及評估內部控制有效性的角色,同時內部稽核應轉變為以風險為導向的查核制度,將查核重心放在銀行經營風險最大部分,方可協助銀行運用稽核創造更高的價值。 4.作業風險辨識及評估的結果應與現行的自行查核制度進行連結,同時自行查核題庫也必須適時調整以符合現況。

作業風險管理之建構實務研究-以本土產物保險公司為例 / A study on the development of operational risk management in practice - Take example from a local non-life insurance company

張鳴文 Unknown Date (has links)
首先針對目前國內產物保險公司有關作業險管理尚未有完整之監理規範或管理實務,但是,因作業風險所導致之損失金額卻與日俱增,實為不可忽視之風險,故藉由探討產物保險公司建構作業風險管理機制,同時分析其中理論與實務之運作,盼能有助於國內產物保險公司在未來不論是主管機關的監理制度,或是與全世界風險管理趨勢的結合上,提供具有參考性之建議及方向作為研究的目的設定。 本研究透過文獻回顧及探討,對於國內外金融機構作業風險管理執行情況,可知作業風險管理與內部控制之關係應是互補的概念,不能單以內部控制取代作業風險控管,而唯有作業風險與內部控制相互充實,才能更能提昇作業風險管理之功能及能力。另對於產物保險相關之作業風險損失事件之收集彙整,瞭解作業風險損失可能產生重大的財務損失,或是影響公司之正常業務營運,由於作業風險與產險公司日常營運活動息息相關,且作業風險管理並非一全新之風險管理觀念,面對產險市場瞬息萬變,主管機關監理強度趨於嚴格,包括頒布保險業之風險管理實務守則,內容規範即可看出作業風險以結構化之管理,已成為潮流。如何透過管理流程,及輔以各項管理工具,與現行之內控、法令遵循等機制加以整合,將過去的被動轉換為主動的管理,不論是發生頻率低、損失幅度高的事件,或是發生頻率高、損失幅度低的事件,皆應平等重視。 個案研究則以作業風險管理之理論為基礎,逐一探討研究之標竿保險公司作業風險管理執行情形,可以得到下列四個結論:(一)落實風險管理之企業文化是關鍵成功因素、(二)作業風險管理專責單位或人員的建立應是有必要性、(三)建立完整之作業風險管理架構、(四)作業風險管理與內部控制制度是互補的、(五)無缺失不代表無風險。本研究最後提出以下建議:(一)師法目前Basel II銀行之作業風險管理經驗、(二)積極專業人才培訓是作業風險管理之成功要件、 (三)保險業者應儘速建立內、外部損失資料庫、(四)應設置隸屬董事會之風險管理委員會、(五)法令遵循自行評估之調整。以作為未來台灣產險業如何建制作業風險管理機制及有效控管作業風險之參考。 / Despite of the increasing exposure and loss due to operational risk to Taiwanese Non-Life insurance companies, an intergrated coorporate self-regulation or practical guidelines for operational risk management within financial institutions have not yet been developed. Therefore, through seriously study, discuss, and analyze the mechnisms on how to implement a thorough corporate operational risk management guidelines and a balanced operational point between theory and practice, I hope that this paper could give our local non-life financial institutes, regulators, and compliances some aspects on the regulatory governence development. Numerous articles and literature reviews on foreign and domestic businsses and financial institutions regarding operational risk management operations stated that interal control and operational risk management have substitutional effect. Therefore, only if both interal control and operational risk management simutaneously develop, will operational risk management’s functionality and ability be most effective. Massive information on opertaional risk loss event have been collected and compiled to study its impact to Non-life insurance companies, including the loss it may bring to the financial institution or the effect on daily business operation. Driven by legal changes and forever-changing business market, the local goverment have becoming tougher on regulatory governance, including promulgate the code of practice for operational risk management guildance, which we would see that structured operation risk management is the newfound trend. The intergration of current compliance, internal control and other mechanisms through management process in order for operational risk management corresponds to a much wider trend of “responsive” or “active”, not “passive” management is what we ought to act on. Also, we should treat low-frequency, high-magnitude events and high-frequency, how-magnitude events equally. This paper came up with five conclusions 1. implementing the enterprise culture of operational risk management is the key to success. 2. developing operational risk management response team is an ought to do 3. implementing thorough operational risk management structure 4. substitutional effect among operational risk management and internal control system 5. no merit does not mean no risk. At last, this conceptual paper gives some recommendations for future operational risk management development 1. take operational risk management experiences by Basel II as a model 2. cultivate ORM professionals actively is the key to success 3. develop internal and external risk loss database 4. The risk management committee should be subordinate to the board of director 5. adjustment of compliance’s interal accessment.

市場風險值模型與應用 / Market Risk Value-at-Risk Models and Applications

廖偉成, Liao, Wei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
銀行的存續有賴於能正確的評估有利的交易,以及能在經濟環境逆勢的時候仍然能夠有效的經營獲利。資本市場中的企業信用評級,影響著股票和債券的的價值,同時唯有完善的風險管理機制和資本,信評機構才可以正確的評價信用。 金融產品的市場價值決定了預期損益。在市價衡量法的基礎之上,銀行可以決定是否要持有該部位或是使用該部位建立一個避險的投資組合。也因此,銀行面臨了許多抉擇,包括怎麼轉換市場風險到不同的資本市場,以及有關市場風險的所有決策。 基於以上的原因,銀行也已經被要求需要回應巴塞爾協定的要求,必須揭露相關的風險測度予金融市場的監督機構。在1993年,G30建議銀行可以使用風險值系統來衡量風險。依據1996年的BaselⅡ,銀行則被要求使用內部模型法來測量資本充足率。然而,計算風險值包括許多工作,例如選擇合適的風險因子、產生零息曲線、金融產品的評價、敏感度分析、損失分配的估計、投資組合管理以及風險報告等。在過去幾年,更因為避險、套利的目的,銀行累積了巨大的投資在衍生性商品商場,也使得風險管理更加的困難。在2008年的金融風暴之後,BaselⅢ指出,金融機構必須強化其交易簿內信用衍生性商品的風險管理,並同時揭露壓力風險值。綜合以上原因,銀行通常會建置風險管理系統來滿足這所有的需求和報告。也因為這些工作的複雜性,銀行一般會採用系統供應商的解決方案來實施一個市場風險管理系統。 此論文從市場風險管理的歷史發展角度,完整回顧風險值理論及實務應用的相關文獻,涵蓋parametric及non-parametric 風險值模型。同時,對於市場風險管理系統以及實務建置的流程也有完整的介紹和探討,著重在趨勢、方法論及系統實務理論應用上。 / The existence of a bank involves evaluating the advantages of potential trade and with the bank’s ability to survive under adverse economic cycles, which causes market pressure. The credit rating of corporations in the market affects the market value of shares and bonds, and the rating agency requires high-risk management standards and the capitalization of the corporation to assess the proper credit rating. The market price of a financial product determines the expected profit and loss for a bank. Based on the market price, a bank may make a decision to hold the position for a while or to build a well-diversified portfolio for hedging purposes. Banks therefore face the challenges of having many choices that they can transfer their market risk into different capital markets, and all decisions are associated with the market risk. For these reasons, the bank has been responded to disclose the risk metrics that have been set by the financial system supervisor. In 1993, G30 advised that banks should evaluate the financial risk of derivatives financial instruments by the Value-at-Risk (VaR) system. According to Basel Ⅱ in 1996, banks were required to have an internal model to measure sufficient capital using VaR. However, the calculation of VaR involves many tasks, such as the selection of a large number of risk factors, the methodologies of generating zero curves, the valuation of financial instruments, sensitivity parameters, loss distribution estimations, portfolio management and risk management reports for compliance purposes. In recent years, because of hedging, arbitrage and speculation purposes, banks leverage a huge sum of money in the derivatives market and make the difficult for the risk management. After the 2008 global financial crisis, BaselⅢ was introduced which asked for financial institutions to strengthen credit derivatives in trading books and disclose the stressed VaR etc. It is common that a bank has set up a risk management system to fulfill the requirements of the regulatory compliance, governance and reporting. Usually, banks adopt the provider’s solution for the implementation of a market risk management system. This dissertation surveys the literature on VaR theory and practices from a historical perspective for market risk. An overall survey of parametric and non-parametric VaR models is provided. The market risk management system and its implementation practices were also surveyed. Emphasis is placed on recent trends and developments in methodologies and system practices.

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