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網站設計與使用者滿意度之關聯-以網路使用與購物經驗進行集群之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Web Site Design and User Satisfaction -- Considering different network usage and network shopping experience林佩儀, Lin, Pei-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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櫥窗網站的視覺介面設計特色與使用者滿意度:使用者體驗的中介影響 / Promotion Website Visual Interface Design Features and User Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of User Experiences陳冠伶, Chen, Guan ling Unknown Date (has links)
基於以上,此篇研究將範圍縮小,希望以臺北故宮的櫥窗網站iPalace Channel為例子,目標是探討櫥窗網站視覺介面設計特色(美感與故事性)的使用者體驗及使用者滿意度。透過三種不同的iPalace Channel視覺介面設計,分為高、中、低程度的故事性與美感,比較三者不同的使用者體驗與使用者滿意度。最後在以問卷的方式做調查,而問卷統計結果是在櫥窗網站這個範疇下,高度美感與故事性的視覺介面相較於中度及低度的美感與故事性會得到最好的使用者體驗(美感、教育及娛樂的體驗)與滿意度。 / In the age of information explosion, promotion is one way to let people know you. And window displays is a way to promotion. Under the huge demand of promotion and Internet generalization, promotion website gradually emerge as the times require. Promotion website is just like window display. Hereby, the promotion website is a kind of website aimed to promote something. As the trend of our times, experience is more and more important in every application. And apply in the website domain, many researches connect user experience and aesthetic user interface.
Base on previous mention, this study narrow down the scope, taking iPalace Channel, a promotion website of National Palace Museum (NPM), for example. This study aims to explore different aesthetic and storytelling levels of visual interfaces affect user experiences and user satisfaction on promotion website. Through questionnaire survey and compare three different visual interface designs to get the result. The result of this study find that for promotion website, High aesthetic and storytelling truly get best user experiences and user satisfaction.
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博物館導覽系統之實驗性研究:行動應用程式對參觀者之效用 / An experimental study of museum navigation system: does mobile application matter to visitors?陳貞羽, Chen, Chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從文獻回顧及實際調查中深入探討影響參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的七大影響因素,接著據此設計並實作出在智慧型手機平台上使用之一套博物館行動導覽系統,以期有效解決現有參觀者遇到的導覽問題。研究中使用設計科學之研究方法,提出解決方案,並且依據實際環境、背景以及文獻基礎,設計整體的系統架構。接著以故宮為例,建構出本研究之博物館行動導覽系統手機應用程式。系統開發完成後,以實驗法進行設計之驗證,評估結果顯示:本研究所提出之行動導覽系統相較於傳統之紙本導覽,可提升參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的意願、感知價值及滿意度。本研究之博物館行動導覽系統建置過程、以及系統成效的驗證,可作為手機應用程式(APP)廠商建置行動導覽系統或使用設計科學法開發其他類別的APP之指引;亦或作為博物館策劃展覽活動與導入行動導覽系統之依據;此外本研究亦指出使用者預期實際使用系統之感知與預期系統需求之落差,以供未來相關研究參考。 / In this research, according to literature review and field observations, we first identify and discuss seven design factors affecting visitors’ usability in museum mobile navigation systems. We then design and construct a museum mobile navigation system on the basis of the seven factors. The purpose is to meet the visitors’ needs and increase the visitors’ intention and satisfaction toward using the museum mobile navigation system. Design science research method is used in this research to propose solution plans. According to actual environment, context, and literature, the complete system architecture is designed. We then build a mobile navigation application on Android for the National Palace Museum and evaluate the design to ensure this system can effectively solve the problems that the visitors encountered during navigation process. In this research, the building process of the mobile museum navigation system and the evaluation of the system performance could provide guidance to APP vendors; or a basis for museums to plan an exhibition and to implement a mobile navigation system. Moreover, the gap between users’ perception of using the real system and their expected system requirements can be identified; this could serve as the reference point of future related research.
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會展廠商之創新技術持續使用意願研究 / Research on the continuance intention of companies attending exhibitions to use innovative technology陳奕君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以針對B2B資訊系統設計之資訊系統成功模型(IS Success Model)作為假設架構,探討使用者滿意度與持續使用意願間的關係,並加入個人創新特質做為影響持續使用意願之假設,在研究架構中,分別探討資訊品質與系統品質與使用者滿意度的關係,以及使用者滿意度與個人創新特質分別對持續使用意願的關係。
本研究透過問卷法抽樣進行資料蒐集,選擇2010台北國際電子產業科技展之參展廠商作為研究對象,在回顧大量文獻與研究架構,並且排除無效問項後,進行問卷調查與分析,總共回收117份有效問卷,以PLS(Partial Least Squares)法進行分析後,得到以下結論:
使用者對於資訊系統的滿意度與系統品質及資訊品質呈現正相關,當資訊品質越高,也就是資訊系統產出的資訊之品質越好時;使用者滿意度會越高;當系統品質越高時,也就是資訊系統本身的特性越好時,使用者滿意度會越高。本研究更進一步發現,資訊系統持續使用意願受到使用者滿意度及個人創新特質影響,使用者滿意度與持續使用意願有正相關,滿意度越高時,持續使用的意願會越高;個人創新特質與持續使用意願也呈現正相關,當使用者之個人創新特質越強烈時,持續使用資訊系統的意願會越高。 / This research, based on the IS Success Model proposed by DeLone and McLean(1992), the B2B information system regarding the relationship between user satisfaction and continuance usage. Personal innovativeness was added to test its relationship with continuance usage. Within the hypothesized framework, the impacts of latent variables in system quality and information quality on user satisfaction are examined and tested, respectively.
The research is conducted through sampling by a survey from companies attending the 2010 Taipei International Electronics Show. Of 121 samples collected, 117 are effective. By analyzing the samples with the PLS (Partial Least Squares) method, the research concluded the following:
User satisfaction is positively influenced by system quality and information quality, which represents the characteristics of the information system itself and the form of information produced by the information system respectively. User satisfaction, together with personal innovativeness of the users, positively influence the continuance intentions to use the information systems.
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