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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊旺時 Unknown Date (has links)
自從政府開放保險公司之設立後,無論是外商公司或本地壽險公司陸續成立,短短地幾年間,壽險公司已從未開放前之八家成長迄今已逾三十家,在眾多競爭者下,如何建立行銷通路,擴大公司經營規模便成為各公司首要之務,本論文即在討論眾多行銷通路中之間接行銷通路—人身保險經紀人及代理人—未來發展之趨勢,本研究中從過去文獻中蒐集各項統計之數據,必瞭解現今人身保險經紀人代理人之經營狀況,及先進保險國家之經驗,並據此建立本研究之架構,透過問卷設計,對國內29家壽險公司之業務系統主管發出問卷,從回收之資料利用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行分析。   在本研究中可瞭解目前壽險公司針對採行或不願採行保險經紀人代理人制度之主要考量原因,及選擇合作之保險經紀人代理人所須之條件,以及不同屬性之公司在開放上經紀代理業務之差異點。   綜合本研究之結果,因市場之開放,未來執業之保險經紀人代理人將持續增加,加上壽險公司經營成本之提高,在保險經紀代理業務成本較低之狀況下,將有其發展之空間。


黎曉鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究重點包括: 一、保險實務上各種產物保險輔助人之功能與角色。 二、各種產物保險輔助人對保險市場及投保大眾所產生之影響。 三、產物保險運作上保險輔助人如何輔助保險契約之運作。 四、保險輔助人之法律地位。 五、保險輔助人之執業義務與專業責任探討。 六、分析我國保險法對於保險輔助人之規定及修改之方向及內容。


鄭筱璇, Cheng, Hsiao-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近十幾年來,我國連鎖型便利商店如雨後春筍般在大街小巷中紛紛林立,漸漸取代了傳統型的柑仔店,不論在高級地段的商業區或是幽靜的住宅區都可看見它的身影,廣告台詞中常以「有7-11真好!」、「全家就是你家」「Hi!Life總有新鮮事」等宣傳話語,把便利商店塑造成我們生活中的好鄰居,而為了更符合、貼近消費者的日常所需,便利商店不僅販售日用商品,更進一步積極發展鮮食產品(如:便當、飯糰和麵包等等),提供影印傳真、ATM金融服務、代收費用、宅配貨物、設置多媒體機器,讓消費者可以線上購買交通運輸票券或藝文活動票券,而在這五花八門的服務項目中,是否可以就對於人身及財產安全具有相當重要性的保險商品,進一步納入便利商店的服務範圍,此乃本論文之研究動機。 另一方面,傳統上,保險銷售通路係以業務員面對面此種招攬方式為主,常使得民眾背負著不少人情壓力,然隨著生活型態改變,科技日新月異發展,電腦、電視等電子設備成為家家戶戶必備的生活用品,演變出許多新型態的銷售通路,如直效行銷(Direct Mail Marketing, DM)、電話行銷(Telemarketing)、電子商務(E-Commerce)、電視行銷等等,相較於傳統人力部隊的高成本,這些新型態的行銷偏向低成本、高效率的方式,從不同的管道傳遞保險資訊,開發不同層級的客戶群來購買保險,台灣保險的滲透度高居世界第一,換言之,台灣消費者購買保險的頻率很高,如何利用民眾進出便利商店高頻率之行為模式,將超商打造成新型態的保險通路,提供民眾多元的投保管道,亦可作為社區的保險資訊平台,推廣保險知識。本論文之研究目的主要乃探討以便利商店作為新型態的保險通路,其設立與運作過程中會面臨哪些法律問題與相關監理之規範。

互聯網保險保險人說明義務研究兼論第三方平台責任 / The research on the duty of representation of Internet insurer and the responsibility of the third-party platform

丁楚瀟, Ding, Chu Xiao Unknown Date (has links)
進入二十一世紀的第二個十年以來,科技進步推動中國大陸互聯網經濟快速發展,也使得「互聯網+保險」這一商業模式逐漸進入人們的生活。然而在實際運行過程中,中國大陸保險法第17條規定之保險人說明義務並未能在互聯網平台得到很好的實施。實務中,無論是保險公司自營平台或第三方平台,其說明義務履行均未達到保險法、司法解釋以及相關行政法規之要求。 說明義務之立法目的在於糾正保險人與要保人之間的信息偏在,但實際履行中成本過高。而互聯網保險,尤其是其中的O2O保險碎片化、快捷化、小額化之特點,使得該制度的缺點進一步被放大。所以立法應當廢止現行說明義務規範,參酌其他國家或地區立法,代之以信息提供義務。 其中台灣雖然規定有信息提供義務類似規範,但義務違反之責任仍有缺陷。相較之下,本文建議參考德國保險法與歐盟相關指令進行立法,除信息提供義務之外,增訂承保範圍不一致警示義務、要保人撤銷權與商品資訊書相關規範。 中國大陸有大量保險於第三方平台上銷售,相較於保險公司自營平台,第三方平台對於說明義務履行狀況更加令人堪憂,然而卻極少有平台因此而對保險消費者承擔責任。本文認為,在消費領域雖然第三方平台註冊身份有保險代理人與保險經紀人之分,但考量實務運行情況,現階段宜將其統一認定為保險人之代理人。第三方平台作為保險代理人在義務履行有過錯時,仍應因其侵犯保險消費者資訊權之行為,向保險消費者承擔侵權責任。 / From 2010s, scientific and technological evolution promotes the rapid development of Internet economy in Mainland China, and makes the "Internet + insurance" business model become reality. However, the representation duty clause from Article 17 of Insurance Law, does not operate well especially on the Internet. In practice, the explanation on neither the insurance company's own platform nor third-party platform could meet the requests of the insurance law, judicial interpretation and the relevant administrative regulations. The purpose of the representation duty is to correct the information asymmetry between the insurer and the insured, but actually the cost is too high. And the features of internet insurance, especially those O2O insurance, such as, fragmentation, small amount and quickness, make the situation even worse. Therefore, the legislation should abolish the existing obligation of representation duty, and imitate the legislation of advanced countries, to replace it with duty of providing pre-contractual information. Among those countries or districts, although Taiwan has similar regulations to those in Germany and European Union, it is a pity that it has shortcomings in terms of responsibility. Thus, China should follow the German Insurance Law and European directives to amend the law, add the duty of warning about inconsistencies in the cover clause, withdraw right clause and information sheet clause, in addition to duty of providing pre-contractual information clause. In Mainland China , there is a large number of insurance products sold on third-party platforms. Compared to insurance companies’ own platforms, the situation on third-party platforms is even more worrying. However it is disappointing that few third-party platforms take their responsibility towards their consumers. As far as I am concerned, although third-party platforms can be registered as insurance agents or insurance brokers, for now they should be identified as insurers’ agents considering the actual situation when the insured is a consumer. When a third-party platform makes a mistake at work as an insurance agent, it can not be exempted from its identity. On the contrary, the third party platform shall bear the tort liability to the consumer for its behavior of violating consumers’ information rights.

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