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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國太陽光能行業轉變–由演化經濟面解決分析 / China’s energy transition to solar photovoltaic energy – an evolutionary economics approach

岳龍, Navon, Eran Unknown Date (has links)
中國太陽光能行業轉變–由演化經濟面解決分析 / China’s growing energy needs have turned renewable energy into a crucial factor necessary for its social stability and national security. This paper has been written with the understanding that the role renewable energy plays in the Chinese industry and market will be nothing less than critical in coming decades. Solar PV electricity is one of the most promising renewable energy technologies and is a fast growing industry. However in China there exists a huge gap between its market potential and current achievements in the field. This thesis paper depicts the evolutionary path China is currently undergoing from a heavy reliance on fossil produced energy to a balanced energy mix by examining its solar PV industry and market. Its major argument is that as transitional processes require long term vision and planning, the potential of china’s energy transition to solar energy needs to be assessed under a set of criteria that can trace a long term development path. By using the six core elements introduced by the evolutionary economics theory, this paper presents a unique in depth analysis of China’s transitional efforts toward solar PV grid parity. The paper has reached three major conclusions. The first and most important is that the Chinese central government seems to be making genuine efforts in promoting solar PV as one of the nation’s future energy sources. These efforts have been marked by assessing governmental legislation concerning Bounded Rationality issues and various incentive programs. The Renewable Energy Law and the Medium and Long-Term Development Plan have served as instrumental driving forces to the immature market. Local governments have shown significant commitment by providing substantial support to the PV industry as well to Co-evolutionary technologies such as inverters and batteries. Legislation has had limited success in handling Lock In issues such as connection to the national grid and real price reflection of conventional energy. The second conclusion is that although the market is still at an early stage of its development, it relies too heavily on Selection promotions, namely direct subsidies. Recent developments in the PV market growth in China can mostly be regarded to the Golden Sun program and the BIPV program. These efforts have been an important promoter in raising global awareness to the potential of its solar sector. However this form of subsidy does not present a long term sustainable growth solution. The lack of a national Fid in Tariff scheme (despite few specific provincial schemes) and existing problems concerning projects tendering process cause an imbalance in terms of market and industry Diversity. This unbalance appears in the form of lack of Diversity in project developers, being mostly local state owned or highly affiliated with the government enterprises. The third conclusion is that China’s government can and should give more focus on domestic Innovation. Currently the country’s national R&D investment is significantly lower than market leaders in Europe. China’s education system does not support more than several world class solar PV electricity research centers and its industry development relies on expensive imported technology and international collaboration. Most companies in the industry hold a short term development vision which affects technological Diversity, mostly in the upstream segments of polysilicon and ingot production. Lack of attention towards a diverse range of future PV and Co-evolutionary technologies limits industry development to specific sectors that have low technological barriers. The paper concludes that while China is well positioned for further expansion of its market it still lacks in specific aspects of its transitional path. This analysis is unique as it presents not only an up to date market and industry status but also refers to their future growth potential. This paper presents a wide range of aspects that directly affect solar PV’s future development. Its true value lies within the usage of the evolutionary economics approach as a theoretical framework, which allows us to gain better understanding of how the different aspects related to the solar PV world affect each other and the fitness of this historic transition.

Studies on Novel Light Emitting Materials Based on Random Systems / ランダム系新規発光材料に関する研究 / ランダムケイ シンキ ハッコウ ザイリョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

Meng, Xiangeng 24 September 2008 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14165号 / 工博第2999号 / 新制||工||1445(附属図書館) / 26471 / UT51-2008-N482 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料化学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 勝久, 教授 平尾 一之, 教授 横尾 俊信 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Studies on the Synthesis of (Z)-Dialkynyldisilenes / (Z)-ジアルキニルジシレンの合成研究

Egawa, Yasunobu 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18809号 / 理博第4067号 / 新制||理||1585(附属図書館) / 31760 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 時任 宣博, 教授 丸岡 啓二, 教授 大須賀 篤弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM


中尾, 裕之 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬科学) / 甲第20300号 / 薬科博第69号 / 新制||薬科||8(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬科学専攻 / (主査)教授 石濱 泰, 教授 松﨑 勝巳, 教授 加藤 博章 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM


上原, 康 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第13177号 / 論工博第4168号 / 新制||工||1699(附属図書館) / (主査)教授 河合 潤, 教授 高木 郁二, 教授 杉村 博之 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Spectroscopic studies of excited species reflected from solid surfaces irradiated by DC plasma cathode systems / DCプラズマカソード系に照射された固体表面反射励起種の分光学的研究 / DC プラズマ カソードケイ ニ ショウシャ サレタ コタイ ヒョウメン ハンシャ レイキシュ ノ ブンコウガクテキ ケンキュウ

Jhoelle Roche Mendiola Guhit 19 September 2020 (has links)
この研究では、著者は分光学的調査を通じて、DCプラズマカソードシステムによって照射された固体表面から反射された励起種を研究しました。 著者はまた、プラズマカソードと正イオン源として使用することができる新しいデュオプラズマトロンイオン源を開発しています。 著者は、水素バルマー放出を検出するために以前に開発されたドップラー分光法を使用して反射された励起状態粒子を調査するための技術を採用しました。 / In this study, the author studied the excited species reflected from solid surfaces irradiated by DC Plasma cathode systems through spectroscopic investigation. The author also develops a new duoplasmatron ion source that can be used as a plasma cathode and positive ion source. The author employed the technique to investigate the excited states particle reflected using Doppler spectroscopy previously developed for detecting hydrogen Balmer emissions. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Development of Phosphole- and Thiophene-Hybrid Molecules for Organic Functional Materials / 有機機能性材料を指向したホスホール/チオフェンハイブリッド型分子の開発

Ishida, Keiichi 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23916号 / 工博第5003号 / 新制||工||1781(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科分子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 今堀 博, 教授 梶 弘典, 教授 深澤 愛子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

エチオピアにおける伝統的ダンスの継承と新たな表現の創造 / Succession of Traditional Dance and Creation of New Representation in Ethiopia

相原, 進 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第22567号 / 地博第270号 / 新制||地||102(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 重田 眞義, 教授 木村 大治, 教授 高橋 基樹, 准教授 金子 守恵, 教授 遠藤 保子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM


陳雅君, Chen,Ya-chun Unknown Date (has links)
從1970年代起,國外就分別以經濟層面、城市意像與地區再發展觀點、及觀光面向等三個角度探討產業觀光各項課題。國內學者則多集中於一級產業與地方產業活化這兩大領域,近期才有針對製造產業觀光化之相關文獻研究,但多以觀光工廠為焦點,亦或放於閒置工業遺跡空間與文藝結合,對於複合性與整體性的「面」向發展型態研究仍屬貧乏。基此,本研究將從整體面向探討產業觀光,藉由文獻回顧與專家學者問卷調查方式,建構可行性評估模式,茲以整體發展戰略佈局,事先就基本面進行整體性評量,藉以降低資源浪費。 綜此,本研究發現產業觀光發展型態主要可分為兩種,一為原有經濟生產性活動仍持續進行,朝垂直性或水平性的多元化經營,達到產業轉型或升級目標。另一則為原有經濟活動由於整體環境變遷而消失,然該地區具有地方歷史記憶,特有地區文化與地方性,基於該地特殊意義而保留或改善原有涵構,運用再生手法導入三級觀光服務性產業,以另一型態重新發展,復甦地區,活化資產。 而在評量閒置工業區導入產業觀光上,「產業資源」、「發展機制與管理」、「工業區立地條件」與「環境層面」是主要四大評估面向,會對其發展產生影響,其中又以「產業資源」層面影響性最大。產業資源中的特色性、主題性與體驗性係產業觀光主要核心價值所在,也是產業觀光與其它自然賞景或人文古蹟等休閒遊憩資源最大差異與競爭力。而發展機制與管理層面則以發展推動策略、組織結構與人力創造力為主,其中在人力創造力條件將對產業觀光發展有直接性影響。立地條件中土地利用情形、交通可及性與軟體資源情況為主要評量項別,尤其係在軟體配套設施,再發展並非單僅藉由環境改造或是硬體補強,其最終目的在於促進產業轉型發展,因此軟體設施提供如資訊充分流通與公開或廠商意願認同度等都會對產業觀光發展有所助益。環境層面則是資源整合與整體性、環境接納性與環境安全性三項評估別。 後運用個案模擬操作可行性,依據立意選樣以彰濱工業區、竹山工業區與光華光業區為研究個案,經模擬操作証實該模式可操作性與可用性,並從評估分析結果,發現閒置工業區導入產業觀光,無論是保存與再利用還是土地轉型再利用,並沒有一定的形式和內容。所謂最佳的方案,也端賴其本身資源與在地社會條件的支撐,再利用的土地使用需與其發生背景相互融合,並與當地都市、文化與自然產生連結性,才具發展可行性相吻合。而閒置工業區發展產業觀光亦端視其整體環境條件配合性,僅有產業資源特性,或優良立地條件,亦或組織層面強力推展,在發展觀光化上仍欠缺高度可行性,如本研究個案的彰濱工業區與光華工業區即是如此。 由於一地區工業常為地方重要經濟支柱或來源,支撐地方經濟命脈與生活,因此「工業區再發展」不再是單純的經濟產業議題,而是牽涉到全面性,如本研究個案中竹山工業區即為此代表,藉由與地方連結發展觀光產業。因此,工業區再生對地方而言不僅是經濟或是地區成長與否課題,而是創造地方生存機會與條件。基此,公部門推動的手法因此也必須要有新的模式,推動方式必須具備高度的整合機制、彈性機動界面,和前瞻與有效的策略。

LED產業之專利佈局分析研究-以大尺吋液晶TV背光源技術為例 / Studying on patent analysis of light emitting industry-an empirical study of backlight source for LCD TV

黃佩君 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代的來臨,對於智慧財產之知識管理成為產業經營皆須重視的一項投入工作,無論國家、政府或產業界均以其擁有之智慧資產作為衡量未來競爭力的指標;其中又以專利代表的技術創新能力備受矚目。雖有許多衡量產業發展的方法,但由於近年來對專利資訊的利用,可用來支援經營管理與商業策略的參考,因此專利分析亦成為產業界的重要工具,不僅高科技產業希望能經由專利技術之分析確實反映產業的技術現況,政策制訂者亦以此作為衡量創新研發成果與科技發展方向的依據。因此,對台灣LED產業發展而言,當務之急除致力技術研發以及累積自身專利之保護傘外,如何藉由專利所提供的訊息瞭解當今產業技術現況,以作為輔助企業決策者參考用,成為相當重要的課題。 有鑑於此本研究以LED產業之專利佈局為研究,並著重在應用於大尺寸液晶背光源之白光LED進行產業技術個案研究。利用智慧資源規劃方法所述之從產業結構看智慧財產來進行本研究。由於智慧財產的經營必須建構在產業結構的連結,以及與特定產業供應鏈和價值鏈具有因果關係,並有系統且有效的將智慧財產權各類業務與企業各經營構面同步交叉連結,進而發展出與有體財產等值或超值的無體財產。 基於上述之說明,本研究以智慧資源規劃 ( Intelligence Resources Planning , IRP ) 之觀念及方法進行,首先以LED產業之產業結構為背景,透過產業結構、技術結構、產品結構先了解整個產業上、中、下游間的關係,藉由產業鏈的分析蒐集與檢索該產業中技術領導公司相關之專利,進而了解其技術現況以及專利佈署情形等資訊,以作為進行下列研究分析用: 1. 市場佈局概況掌握 透過專利檢索找出其對應於該產業內各公司技術分佈及產業鏈位置,了解各領先廠商所擁有之技術與產品或有新興的潛在競爭者以及未來可切入利基點等。 2. 專利佈局之分析研究 利用產業鏈上的廠商分佈,進一步檢索其專利,並透過專利檢索的分析結果,用以分析每個公司於哪一個年度、哪些區域佈署哪些專利,並以產品/技術結構為基礎,分析產業鏈上廠商對應產品/技術結構的專利分佈,了解LED產業中領先廠商於各國專利佈局狀況,以及個廠商的產品發展情形。再由不同年代對應產品技術結構所產生的專利分佈,進而得知每個公司的專利佈署以及技術發展。除此之外,本研究更以現LED產業於技術發展所遇問題,例如增加LED光取出之技術方式,以該產業上主要領先的廠商為主進行檢索,進而整合產業調查與專利分析成果作為LED 專利分析資料庫,完整掌握LED產業的產業及專利資訊,提供國內廠商未來進行研發工作與專利佈局策略之參考。 故本研究主要以LED產業結構,以及連結LED產業的專利檢索調研與分析,了解LED產業中領先廠商所擁有的專利技術分佈矩陣分析,進而提出台灣LED廠商於專利佈署上之機會,以及建議台灣LED廠商可充分運用智慧財產之各種形態、群集、組合及區域佈署,進行全球之專利佈局,完整的專利佈署除可作為自身的保護傘外,也可免於國外大廠的專利威脅,進而也可讓自己在市場上佔有一席之地。 / Intellectual Property management becomes an important issue for business management in the age of knowledge-based economy. It is an indicator concerning the evaluation on potential competency of a country, government or industry. Management of Patent, which is deeply involved with technology innovation ability, is especially highlighted. Patent information, among many evaluation methods for industrial development, is used as reference for business management and strategy in recent years. Hence, patent analysis become an important tool for industry. High-tech industry depend on patent analysis to mirror updated technology development while policy makers take it to evaluate R&D results and direct technology developments. Therefore, it is significant for Taiwan LED industry to know updated technology developments and make business strategy through patent information, other than the R&D investments and accumulation of patent barriers. Thus, this thesis focuses on the patent strategy in LED industry, specifically on the case study of white LEDs applied in large LCD Backlights. The research will follow the IPR theory (Intellectual Resource Planning) to analyze intellectual property from the perspective of industrial structure. IP management should be built upon the interconnection of industries and is highly involved with the industrial supply chain and value chain. IP management need to systematically intertwines intellectual property and every aspect in industrial management to develop intangible assets of a value equal to or higher than tangible assets. The research begins with the construction of supply chain in LED industry through patent analysis on the technology of leading companies to provide a clear picture of the current status of technology and patent mapping. Such research can provide information as follows: 1. Market plan Patent search will show different companies’ technology distribution and positions in the supply chain. It can offer a better understanding for leading companies’ technology and products as well as possible new competitors and potential niche in the market. 2. Patent map Patent search will show the date and area of patent applications of different companies. Through a geographical and historical analysis, the patent map and technology development of different companies in the supply chain can be revealed. Besides, the thesis will focus on R&D problems in LED industry, for example, technology to increase extraction efficiency. The research will search patents of the leading companies and integrate industry survey and patent analysis to construct a LED patent analysis database. Through offering complete industrial and patent information in LED industry, the research can provide a reference for domestic companies to develop technology and patent strategy. The thesis will combine the industrial chain research and patent analysis in LED industry, further elaborating the patent and technology matrix analysis on the leading companies. It will propose some patent tactics for Taiwan LED companies to fully utilize every aspect of intellectual property to construct a global strategy. A complete patent map can offer better protection against international enterprises and achieve a preferable position in the market.

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