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我國勞工退休金新制之研究 / A Research on the New Labor Pension System in Taiwan陳美女 Unknown Date (has links)
20世紀90年代OECD國家養老保障制度的改革主要針對經濟的壓力,以避免經濟增長緩慢、高失業率及在一些國家不斷上升的財政赤字。我國自1950年開辦勞工保險,1984年實施勞動基準法建制第二支柱的勞工退休金制度,期使勞工退休後的經濟生活能得到基本安全保障。惟勞動基準法實施以來,勞資爭議不斷,改革的聲浪與日遽增,終於2004年6月11日立法院三讀通過「勞工退休金條例」,並於2005年7月1日施行。本研究係針對勞動基準法的退休金制度改制的原因,其優、劣比較及勞退新制度對企業與勞工權益影響暨勞工退休金條例之再修法建議等為研究重點,研究方法採文獻資料分析法、深度訪談法與法規分析法,深入探討我國勞工退休金制度與勞工退休金條例修法方向,進而提出具體的修法建議,作為有關單位未來決策與修法的參考。 / Since the German government established the first retirement security system in the world in 1889, more than 160 countries have designed similar plans to protect the retirees. In Taiwan, with big families in the traditional agricultural society, elderly people did not have to rely too much on the retirement system. However, it has become more important nowadays because of the decreasing birth rate and the better hygienic conditions in today’s industrial society, which have made population ageing a problem for the Taiwanese.
According to the statistics, the elderly dependant rate in Taiwan was 13.4% in 2005, forth highest in the Asian Pacific area, right after Japan (30%), Australia (19.4%), and Hong Kong (16.3). It was higher than in other countries such as Korea (12.6%), Singapore (11.8%), and China (12%). Based on some estimates, the elderly dependant rate in Taiwan will climb to 63.8% in 2050, slightly lower than it will be in Korea and Japan. There will not be enough labors to support those people outside of the labor force.
The reforms of the retirement system in the countries of OECD are primarily constructed to improve economic stability. The Taiwanese government started the Labor Insurance in 1950 and established the Labor Standard Law in 1984, which have led to many industrial disputes. Thus, to reform the retirement system, the Taiwanese parliament passed the Labor Pension Law on June 11, 2004, and was effective since July 01, 2005. This study was conducted using three methods, literature reviews, in-depth interviews, and method of regulation analysis. This paper focuses on the causes of the retirement system reform in Taiwan, its advantages and disadvantages, and the new system’s impacts on businesses and labors. It also provides suggestions for future improvements of the retirement system.
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台灣退休養老制度改革之政治經濟分析施吟秋 Unknown Date (has links)
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勞退新制下企業年金保險法制之研究---兼論美國ERISA制度 / A Study of Annuity Insurance Scheme under Taiwan Labor Pension Act---with Special Reference to ERISA高安淇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共分為四個部分,第一部份為我國勞工退休制度之變革。針對我國由確定給付制發展為確定提撥制之風險轉換作一分析,次介紹新制之規範內容。第二部分以美國ERISA法案為中心,對美國企業退休計畫之發展及基本實質規範進一步整理探討,以為後續我國年金保險規範分析之參考。第三部份探討我國企業年金保險之法制爭議,以現行之勞工退休金條例年金保險實施辦法及企業年金保險保單示範條款為基礎,剖析其與保險法及相關子法間之互動。並針對其中有關最低保證收益、非退休給付及退休金運用管理人之忠誠義務等議題,參酌美國之規定進行深入探討。第四部份為結論及相關立法建議。 / This thesis analyzes and examines various issues regarding the anuuity insurance scheme under the modified Taiwan Labor Pension Act (hereinafter the “Act”), which together with the individual account scheme forms the keynote of the retirement scheme under the Act. Moreover, this thesis also provides several suggestions on the Act and relevant regulations with special reference to the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
Beginning with the announcement that the prevailing defined benefit retirement program previously in effect under the Act would be discarded and replaced by a new retirement program adopting the spirit of the defined contribution program, scholars specializing in labor law ceaselessly questioned and discussed the inherent deficiency of the proposed defined contribution program as well as various issues regarding transitional measures. Most articles pertaining to the newly presented annuity insurance scheme, however, merely introduced its operation mechanism and provided little commentary. This thesis descriptively and retrospectively studies the pension system of Taiwan and the United States and reviews the discrepancy and other issues in a comparative way. Finally, this thesis will provide several suggestions for relevant issues.
This thesis is organized into four parts. First is the reformation of the labor retirement scheme in Taiwan. This section begins with a risk analysis between a defined benefit and defined contribution program and further elaborates on the related content of the Act. The second part introduces the development of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in the U.S. and discusses the fundamental regulations of the plan. The third portion of this thesis probes into the legal issues arising from the current annuity insurance scheme, mainly the Enforcement Rules of the Annuity Insurance Scheme under the Labor Pension Act and the Example of the Annuity Insurance Clauses, both being promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, and how those regulations coordinate with the Insurance Law and its ancillary regulations. Issues arising from guaranteed minimum returns, non-retirement benefits and fiduciary duty were analyzed through comparative research with special reference to the similar provisions under ERISA. The final portion of this thesis contains concluding statements on the above analyses and offers several suggestions with respect to the current regulations of the annuity insurance scheme.
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勞工退休金新制下之最適轉換時點與轉換價值評析紀穎昱, CHI,YING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
勞退新制即將在 94年 7 月 1 日起正式實施,在新的退休金體系下,勞工可由舊制的確定給付制轉換到擁有資產配置與投資決策權利的確定提撥制。台灣的勞退新制可分為兩種退休金制度供勞工選擇-個人帳戶制及其他年金制。確定提撥制與確定給付制在本質上有諸多的差異性,分別具有不同的優缺點,在本文的假設下,轉換選擇權存在於個人帳戶制與其他年金制之間。另外,在期望達到勞工退休金財富極大化的目標下,勞工會選擇在適當的時點,由個人帳戶制轉換到其他年金制。
雖然本文是採定值模型來分析,但是提供一個直觀上充分的洞悉與表徵,來解釋勞退新制下之個人帳戶制及其他年金制之間,若存在一最適轉換時點,其在經濟意涵中所表示之抵換關係與經濟價值為何。本文建構一個退休金財富極大化之模型,結合數值模擬的方法來分析其要點。研究結果發現,最適轉換時點之衡量,是由兩種制度下的變動率,而非帳戶內金額之大小來決定;此外,年金精算現值計算經折現後的給付率和剩餘工作年數,對於勞動工作者的選擇也屬重要變數之一。另外,本文針對年輕的勞工,在不同投資報酬率環境下,計算出兩種制度間抵換的價值;最後,本文也探討了執行轉換選擇權對於不同年紀的勞動工作者影響的幅度。總而言之,本文希望提供勞動工作者在勞退新制下,一個退休金財富配置最適化的準則,及執行轉換選擇權時參考的方針。 / The newly Labor Pension Act will be carried out in 2005 soon. Under this new pension system, employees will be given the choices of converting their traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plan into an individual-account defined contribution (DC) pension plan with full control over assets allocation and investment decisions. Under DC pension plan in Taiwan, there are two types of pension plan- Individual Account System and Commercial Pension Plan System- for employees to choose. DC and DB pension plan are totally different in essences, so on the basis of our assumptions, switch options will exist among Individual Account System and Commercial Retirement Plan System. Thus, in order to maximum employees’ retired wealth, employees might choose the optimal time to convert Individual Account System into Commercial Pension Plan System.
Although our model is deterministic in nature, we believe that it provides an intuitive insight about switch options. We find not only the optimal switch time between Individual Account System and Commercial Retirement Plan System but also the “trade-off” economic values. This paper designs a model of maximizing retired wealth and makes numerical simulation to analyze optimal switch time. We find it is the “rate of change” of these two different pension systems affects the times for employees to exercise switch options. Besides, both the payment-rate scaled present value of the DB pension annuity and the retirement horizon are significant parameters in our analysis. Third, we also calculate the threshold investment returns between Individual Account System and Commercial Pension Plan System under various investment environments. Finally, we also contrast the effects of exercising switch options between younger and older employees. In short, we want to provide some principles for employees to make the optimal retired wealth allocation under Newly Labor Pension Act, then exercise switch options at the proper time.
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