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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳麗文, Chen, Lisa Unknown Date (has links)
在改革開放以前,中國的退休養老制度一直是由國家和用人單位負責,職工基本上是不需要負擔任何養老保險費用,且採取的是現收現付的養老金籌資發放模式。此種情勢至80年代中國的經濟改革後才有所改變,一方面是起因於經改後企業變成自負盈虧、獨立核算的單位,這對養老保險體制產生很大的衝擊,因為此乃一改過去“養老金在企業營業外項目列支”的模式,而使得新舊企業間養老負擔不均衡,老的企業往往因為職工隊伍太過攏長,養老負擔過重而無力支撐。中國自90年代所確立的社會統籌與個人帳戶相結合的養老保障制度,事實上並不是完全的現收現付制或完全的完全積累制,而是部分現收現付和部分完全積累相結合的制度。在此制度下,職工與企業均須按一定的比例繳納養老保險費用,此費用被分為兩部分,分別記入社會保險經辦機構的統籌基金帳戶以及歸職工個人所有的個人帳戶,職工退休後則從此兩部分領取養老保險金。以中國現有的養老保險體制來說可謂是兼顧「公平」與「效率」。一方面,社會統籌基金是按養老金統籌地區上一年社會平均工資的20%發放給退休者的,此乃經由政府機構調配發給,用來抵銷因個人收入差異所造成的差距,因此是社會公平的體現;另一方面,個人帳戶部分除企業劃入的約佔四分之一的部分外,其餘的是退休者個人在其就職期間按規定的繳費比例,以個人工資為基數繳費並積累起來的基金,,基本上此部分的累積基金是與個人在職期間所繳交的養老保險基金相關,從而也是與個人的工資成正比,因此,這部分所反映的乃是市場效率原則。 中國自90年代確立了社會統籌與個人帳戶相結合的養老保險制度,對中國來說,這是其養老保險體制上的重要改革,雖然此制度改革至今仍有不少缺失,但亦有其可取之處以及可作為其他國家改革的參考價值。再者,有鑑於國內外雖有不少學者對於中國的養老保險制度頗有論著,但對於將其與其他國家的制度相比較的統整性分析則著墨較少。因此,筆者乃是希望以中國養老保險制度的改革為出發點,並將其與其他國家的養老保險體制放在一個比較的脈絡下,以期能使我們對中國的體制有更進一步的了解,所以基本上本文可以說是一個從「比較」觀點出發的個案研究。

中國大陸養老保險制度中個人帳戶法制之研究 / Study on individual retirement account of pension insurance system in China

孫一平 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸於1997年向全國推廣個人帳戶制和社會統籌制相結合的養老保險制度。該個人帳戶制度缺乏互濟性,運行效果不彰,又復有空帳運轉、基金挪用等問題。本文利用文獻分析法,欲探究中國大陸養老保險個人帳戶法制之形成過程。養老保險個人帳戶制的改革是國有企業改革、市場經濟體制改革、世界銀行、新自由主義思潮和媒體宣傳、學界背書等因素共同作用的結果。累積式個人帳戶制度一定程度達到了減輕國有企業責任和國家財政負擔、處理通貨膨脹和累積資本的目的,卻缺乏共濟性,無法因應通貨膨脹風險,暴露國民於老年經濟風險之中。未來中國大陸養老保險之改革應回復保障老年經濟安全之主要目標,將個人帳戶制從基本養老保險層次分離,健全社會保險法制,方符合社會保險之理念,保障公民社會安全權。 / It’s in 1997 that mainland of China decides to promote the pension insurance system which has been combined between the individual retirement account and PAYG nationwide. There are some problems existing in such an IRA system such as the lacks of the mutuality, the unsatisfying operation effect, and the operation of the empty account as well as fund misappropriation. With the adoption of the literature analysis method, this paper aims to explore the formation process of mainland China IRA legal system of pension insurance. The reform of IRA system of pension insurance serves as the result of the joint action of numerous factors such as state-owned enterprise reform, market economy system reform, World Bank and neo-liberalism and media propaganda as well as academic endorsement. To some extent, the cumulative IRA has reached the goal of alleviating the responsibility of state-owned enterprises and the financial burden of the State, as well as dealing with inflation and accumulating capital. However, its lacks of the mutuality and inability to deal with the inflation risk will expose the citizens to the risk of the old economy. Therefore, in the future, the reform of pension insurance in mainland China should insist the main goal of guaranteeing the old-age economic security so as to not only separate IRA from basic pension insurance, but also perfect the social insurance legal system, and in such way it will conform to the concept of social insurance and guarantee the citizen's right to social security.


林昌勳 Unknown Date (has links)
我國勞工退休金制度自勞基法制定至今已滿20年,自實施後衍生的諸多問題即使其為勞資雙方持續不斷爭議焦點,由最早的雇主恩給制的設計,中間經過公積金制、社會保險附加年金制、個人帳戶制以及三軌制等諸多不同轉折。而影響退休金改制方向力量則包括了政治經濟社會外在環境轉變的推力以及政策中重要參與者即國家、資方以及勞工力量彼此間的角力狀況。 本研究將勞工退休金改制發展涵蓋之時間階段劃分為2個觀察點與3個觀察階段,2個時間點分別為1984年勞基法制定通過之時與2001年8月召開的經發會中勞資政三方針對退休金改制方向的角力。三個階段則分別為:第一階段自1984年台灣第一個勞工運動組織台灣勞工法律支援會的成立至1993年政治民主化時期開始為止,通稱為政治自由化時期。第二階段自1993年政治民主化時期開始至2000年民進黨贏得總統大選新政府上台為止。第三階段則是由民進黨上台執政至經發會的召開為止。 本研究目的在審視自1984年勞基法制定並訂定退休金相關規定開始至2000年政黨輪替後經發會召開在其中形成勞退金重要改制方向為止這段時間退休金改制發展狀況。而作為一政治經濟分析性質,重點則置於兩個主要部分:第一部分在於分析各不同時間階段中外在經濟環境因素如何來影響退休金改制方向形成。第二個主要部分則針對各個時間階段中實際政策角力場域中的重要參與者,包括政府官僚所代表的國家部門、企業力量以及勞工團體彼此互動情況加以檢視,進而分析退休金改制方向如何在其互動中形成及產生。 由國家本身在退休金政策中的自主性來看,本研究發現威權時期國家在政策決定上自主意志的貫徹相對來說是較為輕易的,但進入民主化時期後這種情況開始產生了重大的轉變,國家利益與個別利益團體之利益開始出現相互滲透的情況。甚者當國家部門彼此之間出現政策方向或價值爭議時,加上外部利益團體影響力的舉足輕重,國家自身自主性即開始變得難以釐清,作為一個制衡角色的功能也開始趨於削弱,而放任由參與勢力自行角力迴避本身決策者及守門員的角色。而勞資政角色間實力消長仍處於轉變之中,當可作為往後階段持續觀察的重點。


吳奕霖, Wu, I Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討當前中國大陸城鎮職工與農民工等具有勞工性質的群體,其退休養老保險制度發展過程的政治經濟分析。所要回答的問題有三:一、中國大陸退休養老保險的歷史進程為何?有何特徵?二、中國大陸農民工與城鎮職工的退休養老保險制度現今運行情況為何?可能的整合方向是?三、中國大陸退休養老保險基金的財務當前運行情況是?有何隱憂?以上三點構成了本文的問題意識。 文中檢視中國大陸自1950年代所出臺的《中華人民共和國勞動保險條例》至今所有關於農民工與城鎮職工養老保險法規的演變,並比較2011年《社會保險法》出臺後,關於農民工與城鎮職工養老保險的實質發展。此外,本文以北京、上海、廣東、河南各省的「退休養老保險金的收支結餘」做為基礎,使用各省的「歷史債務」、「經濟發展水準」、「勞動力流動」等面向分析養老金區域失衡的原因與長期發展的隱憂,以歸納出當前中國大陸城鎮職工與農民工養老保險制度發展的個案省份分析。 本文發現,中國大陸農民工與城鎮職工養老保險的發展有著明顯的「路徑依賴」特徵,自《中華人民共和國勞動保險條例》出臺以降,關於中國大陸的社會保障歷經了單位保障到社會保險,最後則是具備中國特色的「社會統籌與個人帳戶相結合」制度的建立。關於中國大陸退休養老體制的改革過程是中國社會主義傳統下與改革開放後強調經濟發展相互激盪下的結果。 中共以戶籍制度作為區分城鄉勞工的主要手段,在社會福利制度上形成了差異化的現象。本文認為關於農民工的社會保障制度在過去的社會保險體系發展中乏善可陳,與受到政府保障的城鎮職工形成對比的現象。中共當局開始正視農民工的問題是在改革開放後所形成的龐大民工潮問題,隨著時間的推移,政府也必須替「第二代農民工」建設更公平的社會保障制度進而達成「城鎮化」的目標。 中國大陸的社會保障制度發展有著明顯的地域差異,其財政的制度也高度分權,具體反應在社會保障制度的改革上。北京、廣東與上海享受著改革開放以來的經濟成果,在吸引外來勞動人口上有著先天優勢,相對河南的人口外移有著明顯的對比。背後的意涵代表了富裕省份對於後發省份在社會保障資源上的「榨取」,不利於後發省份養老保險的長期發展。本文認為,2011年《社會保險法》出臺後,對於農民工的社會保障確實有所提昇,也使具有「穩定就業」身分的農民工納入到了城鎮職工養老保險體制內,不過仍然需要觀察其後具體的發展態勢。中國大陸之後的退休養老制度發展,本文認為應該要向實現「全國統籌」的目標邁進,也可以藉由中央分配養老金,使地區養老金收支不均的現象可以有效紓緩。 / This thesis aims to explore the characteristics of labor groups in China, which include urban workers and migrant workers. It also discusses the political economical analysis in the course of development for retirement pensions. There are three important questions that have to be addressed: First, what is the historical course on the Chinese retirement pension? What are the features? Second, how is the retirement pension run for urban workers and migrant workers today? What is the direction for integration? Third, what is the financial situation in running the pensions? Are there any concerns? Above three questions constitute the main issues that will be discussed in this thesis. It is evident that there are changes to today’s law and regulations of endowment insurance for urban and migrant workers. This thesis will use Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Henan province for “Balance of Revenues and Expenditure in Endowment Pension Insurance” as a basis. Also use each province’s “Debt records”, “Standard Economic Growth” “Labor Mobility”, etc. to analyze. In this thesis it also indicates the development of the endowment insurance for migrant workers and urban workers appears to be having a “path dependency” feature. China’s social security has gone from a unit security to a social security. The social welfare system creates a phenomenon of discrepancy in the system. This thesis deems that in the past, migrant workers’ social security reform development is not effective compared to the government security the urban workers received. The government must help “Second generation migrant workers” create a fair social security system and reach “urbanization” as a goal. China’s social security growth has a noticeable regional difference; there is also a high separation of powers in the finance system, which reacts on the reform for social security. Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai enjoy the economic gain after the reform, and attract many foreign labors, gives them dominant advantage. In contrast, Henan, there is big difference in number for migrate workers. Behind this, there is an implication that prosperous provinces create an “extortion” of resources to those less prosperous, meaning there is no care for their endowment insurance growth. Overall this system still has potential for improvement.

勞退新制下企業年金保險法制之研究---兼論美國ERISA制度 / A Study of Annuity Insurance Scheme under Taiwan Labor Pension Act---with Special Reference to ERISA

高安淇 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係在我國勞退新制改以個人帳戶制及年金保險制中併行下,針對其中年金保險制度之爭議、規範缺失做一整理研究,並參酌美國ERISA對於企業退休計畫之相關法制提出相關建議。 自立法機關確定勞退新制將揚棄過去確定給付制之設計,改以確定提撥制作為企業退休制度之主軸起,勞動法學者即針對確定提撥制對勞工之保障不足,新舊制轉換等爭議提出諸多質疑與討論,但對於其中年金保險制之規劃多僅止於條列介紹而未多加著墨。本研究以敘述性、回顧性之方式將我國與美國之退休金制度作歸納探討,針對目前年金保險制中較有疑義之部分,以比較法之方式進一步檢討,最後提出若干建議。 本研究共分為四個部分,第一部份為我國勞工退休制度之變革。針對我國由確定給付制發展為確定提撥制之風險轉換作一分析,次介紹新制之規範內容。第二部分以美國ERISA法案為中心,對美國企業退休計畫之發展及基本實質規範進一步整理探討,以為後續我國年金保險規範分析之參考。第三部份探討我國企業年金保險之法制爭議,以現行之勞工退休金條例年金保險實施辦法及企業年金保險保單示範條款為基礎,剖析其與保險法及相關子法間之互動。並針對其中有關最低保證收益、非退休給付及退休金運用管理人之忠誠義務等議題,參酌美國之規定進行深入探討。第四部份為結論及相關立法建議。 / This thesis analyzes and examines various issues regarding the anuuity insurance scheme under the modified Taiwan Labor Pension Act (hereinafter the “Act”), which together with the individual account scheme forms the keynote of the retirement scheme under the Act. Moreover, this thesis also provides several suggestions on the Act and relevant regulations with special reference to the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Beginning with the announcement that the prevailing defined benefit retirement program previously in effect under the Act would be discarded and replaced by a new retirement program adopting the spirit of the defined contribution program, scholars specializing in labor law ceaselessly questioned and discussed the inherent deficiency of the proposed defined contribution program as well as various issues regarding transitional measures. Most articles pertaining to the newly presented annuity insurance scheme, however, merely introduced its operation mechanism and provided little commentary. This thesis descriptively and retrospectively studies the pension system of Taiwan and the United States and reviews the discrepancy and other issues in a comparative way. Finally, this thesis will provide several suggestions for relevant issues. This thesis is organized into four parts. First is the reformation of the labor retirement scheme in Taiwan. This section begins with a risk analysis between a defined benefit and defined contribution program and further elaborates on the related content of the Act. The second part introduces the development of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in the U.S. and discusses the fundamental regulations of the plan. The third portion of this thesis probes into the legal issues arising from the current annuity insurance scheme, mainly the Enforcement Rules of the Annuity Insurance Scheme under the Labor Pension Act and the Example of the Annuity Insurance Clauses, both being promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, and how those regulations coordinate with the Insurance Law and its ancillary regulations. Issues arising from guaranteed minimum returns, non-retirement benefits and fiduciary duty were analyzed through comparative research with special reference to the similar provisions under ERISA. The final portion of this thesis contains concluding statements on the above analyses and offers several suggestions with respect to the current regulations of the annuity insurance scheme.


紀穎昱, CHI,YING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
勞退新制即將在 94年 7 月 1 日起正式實施,在新的退休金體系下,勞工可由舊制的確定給付制轉換到擁有資產配置與投資決策權利的確定提撥制。台灣的勞退新制可分為兩種退休金制度供勞工選擇-個人帳戶制及其他年金制。確定提撥制與確定給付制在本質上有諸多的差異性,分別具有不同的優缺點,在本文的假設下,轉換選擇權存在於個人帳戶制與其他年金制之間。另外,在期望達到勞工退休金財富極大化的目標下,勞工會選擇在適當的時點,由個人帳戶制轉換到其他年金制。   雖然本文是採定值模型來分析,但是提供一個直觀上充分的洞悉與表徵,來解釋勞退新制下之個人帳戶制及其他年金制之間,若存在一最適轉換時點,其在經濟意涵中所表示之抵換關係與經濟價值為何。本文建構一個退休金財富極大化之模型,結合數值模擬的方法來分析其要點。研究結果發現,最適轉換時點之衡量,是由兩種制度下的變動率,而非帳戶內金額之大小來決定;此外,年金精算現值計算經折現後的給付率和剩餘工作年數,對於勞動工作者的選擇也屬重要變數之一。另外,本文針對年輕的勞工,在不同投資報酬率環境下,計算出兩種制度間抵換的價值;最後,本文也探討了執行轉換選擇權對於不同年紀的勞動工作者影響的幅度。總而言之,本文希望提供勞動工作者在勞退新制下,一個退休金財富配置最適化的準則,及執行轉換選擇權時參考的方針。 / The newly Labor Pension Act will be carried out in 2005 soon. Under this new pension system, employees will be given the choices of converting their traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plan into an individual-account defined contribution (DC) pension plan with full control over assets allocation and investment decisions. Under DC pension plan in Taiwan, there are two types of pension plan- Individual Account System and Commercial Pension Plan System- for employees to choose. DC and DB pension plan are totally different in essences, so on the basis of our assumptions, switch options will exist among Individual Account System and Commercial Retirement Plan System. Thus, in order to maximum employees’ retired wealth, employees might choose the optimal time to convert Individual Account System into Commercial Pension Plan System. Although our model is deterministic in nature, we believe that it provides an intuitive insight about switch options. We find not only the optimal switch time between Individual Account System and Commercial Retirement Plan System but also the “trade-off” economic values. This paper designs a model of maximizing retired wealth and makes numerical simulation to analyze optimal switch time. We find it is the “rate of change” of these two different pension systems affects the times for employees to exercise switch options. Besides, both the payment-rate scaled present value of the DB pension annuity and the retirement horizon are significant parameters in our analysis. Third, we also calculate the threshold investment returns between Individual Account System and Commercial Pension Plan System under various investment environments. Finally, we also contrast the effects of exercising switch options between younger and older employees. In short, we want to provide some principles for employees to make the optimal retired wealth allocation under Newly Labor Pension Act, then exercise switch options at the proper time.

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