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印度核武發展對亞洲安全衝擊之研究邱國樑 Unknown Date (has links)
雖然印美雙方在「禁止核武擴散條約」(NPT)與「全面禁止核子試驗條約」(CTBT)上存在分歧問題,但是並沒有妨礙雙方在核能方面的合作。儘管卡特總統於1978年3月簽署頒佈「核不擴散法案」(Nuclear Nonproliferation Act),嚴格規定核子出口許可證發放條件,致使印度獲得核電廠燃料受阻;但是1982年7月英迪拉•甘地訪問華盛頓時,印美雙方就核供應問題達成協議,由法國替代供應印度塔拉普核電廠所需的燃料。總體而言,雖然印度有1974 年的核子試爆和80年代開始的導彈計畫;但是美國在整個冷戰時期,對於印度在核子問題上的反應卻是相當的溫和,因為美國為了與前蘇聯對抗,爭奪南亞戰略要域,並不願意對印度作出過度反應,以免影響其戰略利益。
冷戰結束後,美國居於世界主宰地位,並根據其在亞洲的利益而調整對外戰略,其重心是構築以美國為支柱的各種類型的雙邊或多邊安全體系;在這個過程中,印度在南亞地區的作用和地位逐漸突出,雖然印度核子試爆的破壞性因素,曾經暫時打斷這個進程,但在美國的總體戰略考量下,印美關係已從昔日的起伏不定和核子試爆後的制裁,迅速發展到目前在政治、經濟、軍事上多層次且多面向的合作。美國不但取消對印度的所有制裁,而且還對印度出售尖端軍事技術和武器系統;另外,兩國在和平利用核能、航太技術等高科技方面也在進行多管道的合作,2005年7月印度總理曼莫漢•辛哈(Manmohan Singh)拜會布希總統後,美國同意取消對印度民用核能發電計畫的限制,並允許印度在國際市場購買鈾燃料。在印美關係發展的進程中,印度認為美國是其維護國家安全、發展經貿合作和實現大國謀略的最大助力;而其最終目標是要取得在國際上與美國平起平坐的地位,成為世界體系的力量中心,這也正是印度長期以來追求的國家目標。
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東突厥斯坦問題與中共對策研究 / Study of the CCP countermesaures for the East Turkistan issues康四維 Unknown Date (has links)
從治理成果評估,新疆少數民族、東突議題與中共政權之間不僅在中國大陸境內出現認同分離現象,並隨著全球資訊化的發展,使得國內問題惡化為國際議題。衝突雙方藉由印象管理、符號黏合等方式,在各自的舞台上展示政治訴求。雖然在以主權國家為主體的國際體系中,東突組織屈居下風;然而受到網際網穿透性、民族宗教關懷,或者,如中共政權所認定之「國際陰謀」作用,使得部分東突組織與成員雖然不足以影響大局,但仍透過相關議題在特定國際社會場域形成動靜觀瞻之國際影響。 / From the historical aspect, Russia mixed the concepts of geography, religion and nation to establish the title of “East-Turkistan” in 19th century, and then attracted the minorities of Xinjiang into her Center Asia provinces by the ideas of Pan-Islam and Pan-Turkism. By the power of discourse, Russia’s new map about the East-Turkistan got the recognitions in the world. In 1944, the eve of Chinese Civil War, Soviet Union supported the Xinjiang minorities to establish the “Republic of East-Turkistan”. Mao Zedong praised it “Three Regions Revolution” to combine the spirit of revolution in the China Mainland. All these give the modern Xinjiang minorities fresh founding memory till now.
Tracing the development of Chinese internal affairs, there are significant relations between the issues of East-Turkistan and domestic political stable. It goes without saying the worse situation during the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China (ROC). In the beginning of People’s Republic of China (PRC) regime, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) taking the warm socialism reform policies, got the Xinjiang minorities’ identity and formed the unify political culture, which been broken by following political conflicts in a short time. In 1978, the CCP promoted the economic reform policies, the Xinjiang minorities got some profit from it, but the earnings could not compare with the Han immigrations. All of those led the ethnic, economic and political relations becoming a cracked political culture. In other words, the Han thought themselves as givers of the profit, but the Xinjiang minorities felt been exploited. The independent tide of the five former Central Asia Republics after dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 produced the magnetic effect to Xinjiang minorities and stimulated the revival of East-Turkistan issues. Since Jiang Zemin, the Secretary General of CCP still compressed the problem by military means in 1992; the ethnic integration in Xinjiang becomes more difficult. The number of violence accidents hits higher and higher level.
According to the regional security, Xinjiang and Central Asia locate at the crossroad of four civilizations, including Islam, Confucius, Slavs and Buddhism. In addition to the living style of nomads breaking the boundaries in this area, the Islamic belief and Turkic dialect take place the national identity, which are full of the vulnerability and tolerance. The outside superpowers penetrate this area by excellent culture and soft power instead of creating functional institutions, causing the crisis of identity or loyalty. For example, the Russia and Soviet Union invaded the vast land of Xinjiang in the 19th; the US, Europe and Japan rapidly join the great competition of natural resources in Central Asia nowadays.
Evaluation the policy of CCP toward East-Turkistan is not easy. This is not only the identity crisis in China, but also transfers into the international field. Both sides take the strategies of impression management and exegetical bonding to show their political appeals. Although the realistic international system is composed by the sovereignty states obstructed the East Turkistan organizations, which still take advantages of internet, ethnic and religious methods to attract some specific concerns.
This study found that:
First, the proper noun “East Turkistan” does not created by the Uyghur themselves, but by the Russia in the 19th. In addition, The Republic of East Turkistan (1944-1949) organized by many minorities of Xinjiang, not by Uyghur only. Therefore, the Uyghur can’t be referred to the East Turkistan totally.
Second, the definition of East Turkistan problem is rebellion or terrorist attack is decided by the Chinese central government. The Republic of China thought it as the Soviet Union agitated the local minorities’ armed rebellion. The CCP took the same viewpoints before 1990s. While, the CCP highlights the terrorism about the East Turkistan’s issues that got few recognition from the US and UN after September 11 attack. Although the change let the CCP wins tiny interest in a short period, the foreign countries use the excuse of human rights and against radical anti-terrorism strategy to intervene the CCP domestic issues.
Third, the exile Uyghur does not get the general agreement about resistance movement and the core attitude toward the CCP. Those are the obstacles for the exile Uyghur to form the unify action and power.
Forth, the CCP always declares to the world that the Xinjiang Uyghur relates closely with the East Turkistan terrorism organizations. That enrages some Uyghur to take fierce actions against the CCP. Now the most important duty for the CCP is to find a balance between the removals of terrorism label from the Uyghur and increasing the budget for the anti-terrorism mission.
Fifth, the appeals of Rebiya Kadeer and the overseas Uyghur groups which she leads do not want to establish an independent state. Instead, she struggles to ask a higher autonomy. The idea is familiar to the Soviet republics, but refused by the CCP.
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俄罗斯與中日的能源關係 (1991-2011) / Russia’s energy relations with China and Japan (1991-2011)于琳, Yulia Grama Unknown Date (has links)
研究架構如下:第一章是本研究的背景、目標及方法;第二章詳細分析俄罗斯的石油、天然氣與核能燃料蘊藏量、該國的能源策略及其理論上的影響範圍;第三章的焦點為中國的能源需求、能源政策和外交,俄罗斯與中國能源供應合作的內容、發展與問題以及理論方面的評估;第四章探討日本的能源需求、能源政策和外交,俄罗斯與日本能源供應合作的內容、發展與問題以及理論方面的評估;第五章就俄罗斯對中國及對日本的能源關係進行比較分析,以ESPO的建設為例,探討其結果及影響;第六章則是回應研究目標、評估俄罗斯與中日兩國的能源關係,並且對俄罗斯在東北亞的能源政策提出建議。 / Energy is one of the most important factors for the survival of humanity. It provides the fuel of the economy, heat, light and mobility. The country’s economic growth depends on adequate, reliable and affordable supplies of energy. Key foreign policy objectives, including support for democracy, trade, sustainable economic development, poverty reduction and environmental protection rely on the provision of safe, reliable and affordable energy supplies.
North East Asia is an important region in terms of its economic and political value. With a population of 1,7 billion people, and containing the world's second and third largest economies, it is a region of enormous political, economic and cultural significance.
Russia, a major exporter of hydro carbonates and uranium, is one of the world’s leaders of nuclear plant operating technology. China and Japan are the main actors in NEA and highly depend on the import of energy resources. Moreover, Russia’s close proximity to China and Japan enables a fast and a reliably efficient supply of oil and gas. These attributes highlight and emphasize the excellent opportunities for energy cooperation between these countries.
Russia’s strength in this field allows them to fortify their position in NEA as it aspires to become a regional super power.
The goal of this research is to study Russian energy relations with China and Japan and how it affects the positions of the country in the region. The author would adopt the main assumptions of the Geopolitics, theory of “Strategic manipulation” and the concept of “Regional Security Complex” to analyze the content and consequences of Russian energy relations with China and Japan and its impact on the situation in the region.
The framework of the research is illustrated as follows: chapter one gives the background, goals and methodology of the research; chapter two provides the detailed analysis of Russian oil, natural gas, nuclear power reserves, the country’s energy strategy and its theoretical implications; chapter three focuses on energy demand, energy diplomacy and strategy of China, the content, development, problems of Russo-Chinese energy cooperation and its theoretical evaluation; chapter four focuses on energy demand, energy diplomacy and strategy of Japan, the content, development, problems of Russo-Japanese energy cooperation and its theoretical evaluation; chapter five is devoted to the comparative study of Russian energy relations with China and Japan at the example of ESPO constructing, its results and implications; and chapter six concludes with responses to research goals, evaluation of energy relations between Russia, China and Japan and recommendations for Russian energy policy in North East Asia.
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