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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

時間關聯的操作式制約行為之神經機制:以c-Fos免疫組織化學染色法為例 / Neural mechanisms of the operant conditioned behavior based on temporal contingency: by c-Fos immunohistochemistry

鍾居翰, Chung, Chu Hang Unknown Date (has links)
區辨性增強低頻反應作業 (differential reinforcement of low-rate responding task, DRL task) 為一與時間相關聯之操作式制約行為作業,該作業常用於計時行為、行為抑制功能、或抗焦慮與抗憂鬱症等藥物之行為藥理研究的探討。雖然DRL作業是一種實驗室常用的動物行為模式,但是對於上述行為或藥理機制的探討往往缺乏一致性的解釋,其中可能的原因為DRL作業的行為同時包含了計時與行為抑制的成份。針對上述問題,本研究將以DRL行為作業為研究主題,探討作業習得歷程之神經機制。首先根據DRL作業之行為內涵,將作業的習得分為行為抑制與計時先後表現的兩個階段;並依據過去的研究文獻整理出的八個與行為抑制和計時表現相關之大腦區塊,以c-Fos免疫組織化學染色法探討行為抑制和計時的神經機制。實驗結果發現受試於行為抑制的表現階段,其眶眼皮質、內側前額葉皮質、與海馬CA1區域的c-Fos表現量較高;而在計時行為的表現階段,除了和行為抑制有關的三個大腦區塊外,尚有前扣帶迴、紋狀體、與齒狀迴呈現c-Fos表現量增加的現象。綜合以上結果,DRL-10秒作業於學習初期所進行的行為抑制可能和前額葉皮質與海馬體的神經互動有關;而學習較末階段的計時表現,則可能需要前額葉皮質、紋狀體、與海馬等三處較多的次級區域的組織加入,形成神經網路的方式支援之。 / Differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) task was an operant conditioned behavior based on temporal contingency. This task has been widely used to investigate the behavioral components of timing and behavioral inhibition, which is frequently used for pharmacological screening of anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs. Despite of being widely used as an animal behavioral model in the laboratory, but the performance of the DRL task was varied and inconsistent when the drug test conducted. One way to encounter this problematic issue is to differentiate the distinct behavioral components of DRL task and correlate the involved neural substrates, which was the theme investigated in the present study. This study first characterized the acquisition process of the DRL-10 sec task into behavioral inhibition and the timing stages, and then assessed the c-Fos levels by immunohistochemistry in the eight brain areas that potentially involved in behavioral inhibition and the timing processes. Regarding the stage of behavioral inhibition, significant increases in c-Fos-positive neurons were observed in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and the hippocampal CA1 area. At the stage of the timing being acquired, c-Fos immunohistochemical activity was highly expressed in the anterior cingulated cortex (ACC), OFC, mPFC, the dorsolateral striatum (dlS), the dentate gyrus (DG), and the hippocampal CA1 area. Together, these results showed that the functioning dual paths between the hippocampus CA1 and the prefrontal cortex (OFC and mPFC) are critically essential for developing the appropriate performance via behavioral inhibition in the early-stage of the DRL task and with three other areas (ACC, dlS, and DG) being recruited, an anatomical circuitry connecting prefrontal/striatal/hippocampal structures were involved in the acquisition of interval timing toward the later establishment of the DRL behavior.

幻想的實現或破滅? 少女漫畫迷對漫畫改編偶像劇認同與區辨 歷程之研究 / Realize or burst the imagination? Exploring identification and distinction of girl comic fans intertexting trendy drama adapted from girl comics

黃佳筠, Huang, Chia Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來漫畫改編偶像劇蔚為風尚,然而過去迷群研究主要關注迷群外在過度 的生產文本,關於漫畫迷的研究也僅關注於外在過度性明顯的強勢族群。然而, 導致外在行為過度性的原因,即內在的認同與區辨機制卻顯少討論。因此,本研 究將焦點放在迷群的內在過度性,希冀透過少女漫畫迷互文解讀漫畫改編偶像劇 的過程,了解少女漫畫迷內在的認同及區辨機制。 本研究透過媒介形式轉換之跨媒體互文性,依據John Fiske的互文性概念及 迷群內在認同及區辨之循環機制作為理論架構。透過質化取徑的深度訪談法,訪 談十二位少女漫畫迷,本研究發現少女漫畫迷在接觸漫畫改編偶像劇時,水平式 互文漫畫文本作為參考架構,其中以角色的關係連結最緊密。而垂直性互文的發 生基於區辨而非認同。由於少女漫畫迷對漫畫文本特別在乎而投入對此認同的區 辨與維護,與漫畫改編偶像劇之文本、角色、媒介與他人產生區辨,並藉由區辨 的過程建立自我認同。 / Previously, the researches focused on the external behaviors of fans but neglected the main cause of them: the internal excessiveness. Therefore, this research focuses on the internal process of identification and distinction of girl comic fans intertexting trendy drama adapted from original girl comics. Based on John Fiske’s intertextuality and fan theory, this research finds out the relationship between girl comic fans and comics was built by imagination, which gave the original text ‘aura’. While the horizontal intertexality linked two texts by genre, content, and character, the adapted drama bursted the imagination of girl comic fans. In order to protect their imagination, they became anti trendy drama fan and produced vertical intertextuality by distinguishing the text, character, and media between the two. Thus, the aura of the original comics was preserved and the identity of girl comic fans was constructed.

雙元自主能力對訊息區辨的作用效果:範疇優勢的運作機制 / The Effect of dual autonomy on message discernment: processing mechanism of domain superiority

吳志文, Wu, Chih-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在檢證雙元自主性模型中自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制;並為了排除過去系列相關研究結果可能受到共同方法變異偏誤所造成的效度威脅,本研究採取訊息區辨表現作為非自陳式效標變項,重新檢證雙元自主性模型的各項主張觀點。 本文共包含兩個研究,研究一經由811位台灣北部與南部的高中職三年級學生,以班級作為單位進行團體施測,測量其個體化與關係雙元自主能力,並透過情境中強調不同適應訴求的操弄,探討雙元自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的共同作用效果,以重複檢證雙元自主性模型中對(1)雙元自主能力可以共存,以及(2)不同自主能力各具有範疇優勢性的兩項主張觀點。研究一結果發現:個體化自主與關係自主兩種能力之間具有中度的正相關,再次支持雙元自主取向能力可以相互共存的主張觀點;但兩種自主能力彼此間仍具有可區辨的關聯效度,其中個體化自主能力主要作用於個人範疇的訊息區辨表現上,而關係自主能力主要作用於人際範疇訊息區辨表現上。另外也發現與區辨訊息範疇一致的情境操弄,相較於不一致的情境操弄或是不給予情境操弄,能強化範疇優勢性的作用效果。 為強化研究一的結果,研究二針對研究一的研究限制改善情境操弄的工具與訊息區辨作業,並以台灣北部大學生作為研究對象,其中61位雙元自主能力皆高的雙高組受試者,以及63位雙元自主能力皆低的雙低組受試者。分別邀請至實驗室進行個別的電腦施測,並透過情境脈絡中強調不同適應需求的操弄,再次探討雙元自主能力對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制,結果發現:首先,相對於雙低組,雙高組受試者在個人範疇與人際範疇的訊息區辨表現都比較好,重複檢證雙元自主能力對於訊息區辨的作用效果;其次,相較於不一致的情境操弄或是不給予情境操弄,與區辨訊息範疇一致的情境促發能提升個人範疇與人際範疇的訊息區辨表現。並且發現情境操弄的效果主要作用於發展出高度雙元自主能力的雙高組受試者,在雙低組受試者身上不同的情境操弄則沒有差異,不僅反映出雙元自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的共同作用效果,並且重複地驗證雙元自主性模型中共存的理論觀點以及本研究對雙元自主性範疇優勢的運作機制推論。 本文並依據研究發現提出各項討論,論述雙元自主性模型與過去相關文獻與實徵發現的異同。像是(1)該模型採取適應能力的觀點重新詮釋自主性的多元發展取向,進行一系列的實徵研究並且獲得支持的研究結果;(2)採取情境與性格交互運作的系統觀點,說明雙元自主能力的共存與範疇優勢性動態機制;(3)透過非自陳式的訊息區辨表現杜絕共同方法變異的可能威脅,重複檢證該模型的各項理論觀點以及本研究的推論假設;(4)最後針對研究中各項不符合預期的結果提出合理解釋,並且說明未來值得繼續深入探討的相關議題。 / This article has two main goals about verifying the ideas of the Dual Autonomy Model (Yeh & Yang, 2006; Yeh, Bedford, & Yang, 2007; Yeh, Liu, Huang, & Yang, 2007). The first is testing the collective effect of dual autonomy and situational operation on message discernment to support the processing mechanism of the domain superiority hypothesis. The second is using the message discernments as performance criteria variable to prevent the common method variance bias and replicate the each hypotheses of dual autonomy. In study 1, 811 senior high school students from north and south of Taiwan as participants were asked to complete a group-survey in their classrooms. A medium correlation between individuating autonomy (IA) and relating autonomy (RA) replicates the coexistence hypothesis. It was also found a distinguishable criterion-validity confirms the domain superiority hypothesis that IA was greater associated with personal domain message discernment but RA was greater associated with interpersonal domain message discernment. This effect of domain superiority was enhanced only under the congruous situational operation condition, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity that verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. For strengthening the result of study 1, study 2 improves the situational operation materials and the message discernment tasks. 61 college students whose dual autonomy both are higher and 63 college students whose dual autonomy both are lower were recruited as participants for study 2 from school in north of Taiwan. They were invited to a small room separately and asked to complete all of the materials and tasks that were presented on computer. The participants with higher dual autonomy have better message discernments of both domains than the participants with lower dual autonomy, replicates the effect of dual autonomy on message discernments. The congruous situational operation produced greater message discriminations than incongruous or none situational operation. This situational effect was only significant on the participants with higher dual autonomy, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity, confirms the coexist of dual autonomy, and also verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. These results and limitations of these two studies, comparison with the past findings, and considerations for future research are discussed.

以時間關聯的操作式制約行為探討韁核的功能 / Function of the Habenula: Mesured by Operant Conditioned Behavior Based on Temporal Contingency

江峰逵, CHIANG, FENG-KUEI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用兩種時間關聯之操作式制約行為作業探討韁核的行為功能,一為區辨性增強低頻反應作業(簡稱DRL作業),另一為固定時距作業(簡稱FI作業)。本研究以神經毒素鵝膏蕈酸(ibotenic acid)破壞韁核的方式來測試大白鼠受試在上述行為作業之不同歷程的影響效果,包含習得歷程、行為表現階段以及已習得後轉換得酬賞之反應標準等三個階段。實驗一的結果顯示破壞韁核對於DRL作業的習得歷程具有明顯的影響,其影響效果在DRL短時距作業中造成無法以有效率的壓桿反應模式獲得酬賞;反之,破壞操弄的效果並不影響FI長與短時距作業的習得歷程。實驗二的結果顯示破壞韁核並不影響已習得的DRL作業與FI作業的行為表現,兩項作業的實驗組受試皆能維持穩定的行為反應模式且與控制組無明顯差異。實驗三對已習得的DRL行為進行時距參數的轉換(含調高及降低兩部份),結果顯示破壞韁核之操弄並未明顯的影響這項轉換新的時距之作業要求,但實驗組受試的確比控制組較遲緩達到新的時距要求。綜合而言,本研究以專屬性較高的神經毒素破壞韁核,用較多元指標的行為分析方式探討韁核的行為功能;其結果發現韁核參與DRL行為內含的區辨學習與對於錯誤偵測的負向迴饋,這些功能是需要透過韁核與其他中腦及邊緣系統的組織互動。 / This study examined the function of habenula (Hb) by two kinds of operant conditioned behavior tasks based on temporal contingency, including the differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) task and fixed-interval (FI) task. The effects of Hb lesion induced by neurotoxin ibotenic acid were examined at the different stages of operant conditioned behavior, including acquisition, performance, and transition stages. The results showed that bilateral lesions of Hb did not affect the locomotor activity and the basic lever-pressing. In Experiment 1, Hb lesion group had less reinforced responses and lower peak time indicating the deficits of acquisition of the DRL task. In contrast, the same lesion manipulation on the FI task did not produce any difference between the lesion group and the control group. The data of Experiment 2 showed that Hb lesion did not significantly affect the learned behavior maintained on DRL-10s or FI-30s schedule. In Experiment 3, Hb lesion produced a subtle, but not significant, impairment on behavioral transition from a learned interval to a newly-set interval (upward or downward). The lesioned subjects made a slower transition than the controls. In conclusion, these data suggest that the function of habenula is involved in discrimination learning and error detection for acquiring DRL behavior. However, it is likely that these Hb functions have to rely upon dynamic relationship between Hb and other midbrain limbic systems.

電刺激大鼠側韁核對區辨性低頻操作式制約行為的影響 / The effects of electrical stimulation in the lateral habenula on operant behavior maintained by the differential reinforcement of low-rate (DRL) schedule of reinforcement in the rat

林禧岳 Unknown Date (has links)
透過神經科學的研究,對於大腦的行為功能已有一定的認識,不同於以往的認識,目前認為神經行為機制不只由單一腦區或單一神經化學系統所調控。深部大腦電刺激經常被用來研究特定腦區的行為功能。但是,深部大腦電刺激的作用機制仍然不清楚。最近幾年臨床研究發現,利用電刺激在側韁核成功的治療憂鬱症患者。然而,目前認為側韁核與多巴胺系統互為負回饋作用,共同參與在動機行為的酬賞反應中。本實驗室先前的研究顯示,破壞韁核造成區辨性低頻操作式制約行為 (簡稱DRL行為)學習的障礙,然而,電刺激在側韁核造成DRL行為表現的結果還是未知的。所以,本實驗主要以電刺激在側韁核觀察大鼠行為上的改變,探討側韁核在行為上參與的功能。實驗一的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核並不影響自發性運動能力,在不同電流強度的刺激下也不會影響。實驗二的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 15秒的行為有類安非他命效果之行為表現,在高頻率電刺激有較顯著類安非他命的效果。實驗三的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 15秒的行為之影響,會被多巴胺受體抑制劑所抵消,而單獨注射巴胺受體抑制劑並不影響DRL 15秒的行為。實驗四的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 15秒的行為之影響,不會被正腎上腺素受體抑制劑所抵消。實驗五的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 72秒的行為之影響並不如DRL 15秒的行為顯著。實驗六的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核並不會造成大鼠無法區辨酬賞的量。綜合而言,側韁核在動機行為的角色,是透過影響多巴胺系統造成行為的改變。 / Behavioral function of the brain has been studied in neuroscience and progressively accumulated informative data to reveal the neurobehavioral mechanisms. It is now realized that those underlying mechanisms of behaviors is not as such simple as previous thought of limiting only in one locus of the brain or solely by one neurochemical system. The deep brain stimulation is usually used to study the behavioral function of specific brain regions. However, the mechanism of the deep brain stimulation is still unclear. The previous study has shown that electrical stimulation of the lateral habenula (LHb) successfully treated depression symptoms in the patients. It is proposed that an inhibitory role of LHb on the mibrain dopamine (DA) system which mediates the reward-related behavior. A previous study of this lab showed that lesion of habenula impaired the acquisition of differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) behavior. But, the effect of LHb stimulation on the DRL behavior is still unclear. To determine the functions of LHb involving in the behavior, the electrical stimulation was applied in LHb to observe the behavioral change of rats. The results of Experiment 1 showed that the LHb stimulation had no effect on locomotor activity. In Experiment 2, the LHb stimulation was shown to affect DRL 15-s behavior, which effects were similar to those affected by amphetamine. Experiment 3 showed that the DA receptor antagonists reversed the effects of LHb stimulation, while experiment 4 showed that norepinephrine (NE) receptor antagonists had no reversal effect on DRL 15-s behavior. In Experiment 5, the amphetamine-like behavior induced by LHb stimulation had subtle effects on DRL 72-s behavior. Experiment 6 showed that the LHb stimulation had no effect on a discrimination task. These data suggest that the LHb modulating DRL behavior is DA-dependent.

大腦度巴胺系統在大鼠操作式制約行為中所扮演的角色:以時間為主 / The Role of Brain Dopamine Systems on Operant Conditioned Behavior in the Rat: From Temporal Perspective

鄭瑞光 Unknown Date (has links)
周邊注射安非它命能夠影響動物受試在表現與時間知覺有關的操作式制約行為作業,歷來被研究者認為是大腦多巴胺神經系統與動物時間知覺系統有關的主要證據之一。本研究所共同採用的研究方法為先注射多巴胺受體專屬拮抗劑再於大鼠受試周邊腹腔注射安非它命的方式探討安非它命影響大鼠時間知覺的大腦機制為何。實驗一利用區辨性增強低頻反應作業觀察周邊注射多巴胺受體專屬拮抗劑何者可以反制周邊安非它命對此作業的影響效果,結果發現多巴胺D1受體拮抗劑SCH23390與D2受體拮抗劑raclopride均可反制周邊安非它命的效果。實驗二同樣利用區辨性增強低頻反應作業,但是將SCH23390與raclopride分別注入海馬迴、背側中區紋狀體、腹側側邊紋狀體、依核、內側前額葉皮質以及腹側頂蓋區等六個部位,觀察何種多巴胺受體拮抗劑可在那些大腦部位產生反制周邊安非它命的效果。結果發現SCH23390可在海馬迴、依核、內側前額葉皮質以及腹側頂蓋區等四個部位產生反制周邊安非它命的效果,而raclopride可在腹側側邊紋狀體與內側前額葉皮質兩個部位產生同樣的反制效果。實驗三利用高峰時距作業觀察SCH23390在海馬迴與內側前額葉皮質是否能反制周邊安非它命對此作業的影響效果,結果發現SCH23390僅在海馬迴會影響大鼠受試的正常表現,特別是在與周邊安非它命同時注射的時候。綜合以上結果顯示,周邊注射安非它命能夠使大鼠受試在區辨性增強低頻反應作業當中表現出時間知覺變快的傾向,這個效果需要同時透過大腦內的海馬迴、依核、內側前額葉皮質以及腹側頂蓋區的多巴胺D1類受體和腹側側邊紋狀體與內側前額葉皮質的多巴胺D2類受體。 / The central dopaminergic system has been hypothesized to play a role in time perception based on the results that peripheral injections of d-amphetamine alter the responses in time-related operant conditioned behavioral tasks. The present study investigated the effect by injecting specific dopamine receptor antagonists before peripheral d-amphetamine injections in rats. Data from Experiment I showed that both peripheral the dopamine receptor D1 antagonist SCH23390 and D2 antagonist raclopride could attenuate the response alteration on differential reinforcement of low-rates responding task induced by peripheral d-amphetamine. By using the DRL task, Experiment 2 employed the microjeciton technique to determine the neural substrates for the DA receptor antagonist to attenuate the effect of peripheral d-amphetamine. The infusion sites for DA receptor antagonist were the hippocampus, the dorsomedial striatum, the ventrolateral striatum, the nucleus accumbens, the medial prefrontal cortex, and the ventral tegme ntal area. The results showed that SCH23390 infused into the hippocampus, the nucleus accumbens, the medial prefrontal cortex, the ventral tegmental area could attenuate the effect induced by peripheral d-amphetamine, and such attenuation effects were also observed for raclopride infused into the ventrolateral striatum, the medial prefrontal cortex. Experiment 3 tried to confirm the results of Experiment 2 by microinjecting SCH23390 in hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex under peak-interval task. Only SCH23390 in the hippocampus altered the subject's normal performance in this task especially when combined with peripheral injection of d-amphetamine. In conclusion, that the response alteration on the DRL task induced by peripheral injection ofd-amphetamine suggests the subject's timing perception being accelerated. These effects of d-amphetamine were mediated by simultaneous activation of multiple dopamine receptor subtypes including D1 receptors located in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, medial pref rontal cortex, ventral tegmental area, as well as D2 receptors located in the ventrolateral striatum, medial prefrontal cortex.

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