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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

危機指控之真實性與形象修復策略、框架策略之關聯性研究 - 以「呂秀蓮疑散佈總統府緋聞案」為例

黎敏如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以危機指控之「證據真實性」(veracity of evidence)的概念(Coombs,1995),來探討呂秀蓮陣營在面對「呂秀蓮疑散佈總統府緋聞案」中三個不同危機情境的議題時,其使用形象修復策略之差異、使用框架策略之差異,以及探討組織使用形象修復策略與框架策略之關聯性。理論基礎包括:危機情境、形象修復策略、以及框架策略。 本研究採用個案研究法,所獲得的結果較能貼近真實世界中組織因應危機情境所採用策略的原貌,有助於提供研究者對「情境-策略」配套現象的瞭解。在資料分析的部分,先採用質化的論述分析法,分析呂秀蓮陣營在危機發生時所提出的框架。再採用量化的內容分析法,探討呂秀蓮陣營在危機發生時所採用的形象修復策略,以及建構類目之後的框架策略。藉由內容分析系統、客觀、量化的方式,對組織新聞稿等內容做一有系統的分析。 本研究發現,在危機事件中呂秀蓮陣營一共提出八個框架,包括:司法正義、造謠誣陷、舉證責任、國計民生、與人為善、政治亂象、媒體倫理、受人信賴。研究結果顯示,危機情境會影響組織框架策略的使用。當證實危機存在之證據為真實可信時,組織時常採用涵蓋利益層面為「考量社會多數人的利益」的框架,而當證據模糊或證據虛假時,組織較常採用的卻是「訴求本身權益」的框架。而延展性最強的四個框架主題為「造謠誣陷」、「司法正義」、「國計民生」和「舉證責任」;延展性最強的框架呈現方式則是「直接針對議題表示意見」。 本研究也發現,危機情境會影響組織形象修復策略的使用。如果證實危機存在之證據是真實可信的,組織會採用抗辯性弱的形象修復策略、盡量放低姿態進行危機溝通,且回應的內容也比較站在幫助受害者的立場。反之,若組織判定危機是起因於虛假或模糊的證據,就會採用抗辯性強的形象修復策略、以較高姿態進行危機溝通,且回應的內容比較站在保護組織的立場。 此外,本研究發現,當組織採用「形式上致意」等抗辯性較弱的形象修復策略時,其所提出對危機事件的思考結構,較偏向於考量社會多數人的利益;當組織採用「攻擊」或「否認」等抗辯性較強的形象修復策略時,其所提出對危機事件的思考結構,則比較偏向於訴求本身的權益。且組織在使用攻擊、藉口、迎合、形式上致意等策略時,最常搭配的框架呈現方式皆為「直接針對議題表示意見」;在使用否認和哀兵這兩種策略時,最常搭配的框架呈現方式則為「說自己的故事」。研究結果顯示,組織使用形象修復策略和框架策略之間亦有顯著的關聯。

Facebook企業粉絲頁之危機溝通效果:探討 人性化語調、危機情境與危機回應策略之影響 / The communication effectivity with consumers in corporate crises on Facebook fan pages:the effect of conversational human voice ,crisis situations and crisis communication strategies.

吳懋嫻, Wu, Mao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討Facebook企業粉絲頁進行危機溝通之效果。由於企業粉絲頁在訊息與互動策略上都與傳統官方網站截然不同,其中如同朋友般對話口吻的「人性化語調」(conversational human voice),可說是現今國內企業粉絲頁的主要溝通特色。然而,在危機溝通的情境下,企業粉絲頁卻往往採用官方口吻,使用較傳統的新聞稿模式,似乎未因應粉絲頁特性而採取相適的溝通策略,其溝通效果如何值得加以探討。同時,綜觀過去危機溝通文獻,多數研究仍聚焦於驗證危機情境與回應策略間對應關係,預測危機溝通效果的實用性,並未深入討論訊息策略的內容,也尚未有粉絲頁平台上的效果研究。因此,本論文即以「人性化語調」的概念切入,檢視該訊息策略於危機情境中的溝通效果,以探討企業於粉絲專頁上進行危機溝通的可能之有效策略,以及企業於社群媒體進行危機溝通之可行性。 實驗設計主要以「產品瑕疵」為危機情境,三個操弄變項包含危機責任程度(小╱大)、回應策略(遞減╱重建)、與人性化語調(低╱高),以2 × 2 × 2之組間設計實驗設計,驗證危機溝通的效果(組織聲譽,正負面口碑行為意向)。 研究結果發現,不論組織責任大小,重建策略皆帶來正面溝通效果;而人性化語調雖然在組織聲譽、正面口碑行為意向上無顯著的效益,但能有效減緩負面口碑行為意向,尤其在危機責任大的情境下,採取重建策略與人性化語調高的溝通組合能更加強其緩和負面口碑行為之成效。顯示危機回應策略相關理論在企業粉絲專頁的情境依然適用,但在具體溝通策略與內容的設計上,必須進一步考量危機情境與所使用之溝通平台,也表示國內企業對於社群媒體之公關管理必須加以重視。 / “Conversational human voice” is one of the key features in how Taiwan’s corporations communicate on their Facebook fanpages, which is quite different from how they communicate on their corporate websites. And yet, how such communication strategies work during a time of crisis remains unknown; thus, the current study aims to investigate the effect of conversational human voice in the scope of crisis communication. In the experimental design, the independent variables included: human voice (low/high), crisis responsibility (low/high), and crisis communication strategy (diminish/rebuild); the dependent variables included corporate reputation and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions. The key finding included positive effects of constructive strategies on corporate reputation and WOM intentions, which is consistent with past literature. Although human voice was found with no main effects on reputation or WOM intentions, human voice was effective in reducing negative WOM, when the crisis responsibility was high and constructive communication strategy was employed. This implies that consumers who are exposed to more human-tone messages on the fanpages are less likely to boycott the product should there be a relevant crisis, and thus, social media play an important role in crisis communication and should be valued and managed in corporate public relations efforts.

探討危機溝通中傳統媒體與新媒體的角色: 台灣食品安全危機之案例分析 / Examining the Roles of Traditional and New Media in Crisis Communication: Case Study of Food Safety Crisis in Taiwan

陳敬旻, Chen, Ching Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討台北犁記餅店在2014年中秋節前夕爆發的餿水油事件中的危機溝通策略,並檢視其危機溝通成效。為探討危機溝通中傳統媒體與新媒體的角色區別,本論文檢視了四大報在餿水油事件中對於台北犁記餅店的線上報導、台北犁記的官方網站與相關官方文件,以及台北犁記的臉書粉絲團。研究結果發現傳統報章媒體已和新媒體高度整合匯流,因此危機事件的傳播速度比起以往更加快速、傳播範圍也更加廣泛。這樣的現象使得公關人員在面對危機事件時,必須更精準地掌握時間做出適當的危機溝通策略,並更加善用社群媒體以和關係人溝通。本論文特別研究台灣中小型本土企業在數位時代中面對危機的溝通策略與成效,提供有別於針對跨國或大型連鎖企業的分析與建議。 / This present case study of Taiwan gutter oil crisis focused on the well-known pastry bakery, Taipei Lee-Chi. This century-old bakery was involved in the food safety crisis during Moon Festival in 2014, resulting in a financial loss of more than NTD 40 million at that time. To explore how traditional and new media play roles in crisis communication for local businesses in Taiwan, the present case study examined relevant news coverage, official documents, and communication activities on social media. More specifically, the analysis included media’s attitude toward the issue shown on major newspaper websites, the responses of Taipei Lee-Chi, and public opinions revealed on its Facebook fan page. The findings suggested that traditional media have converged with new media, and the latter assumes such a powerful influence in crisis communication today. It was found that similar crisis information fast transits from one medium to another, adding more pressure to public relations practitioners to respond to crisis in a timely manner. Social media in particular may not be overlooked and could serve a useful tool in managing corporate crisis. The current study also offered new insights on how local businesses may deal with crisis in the digital age, as most previous crisis studies addressed cases of large national or global corporations.

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