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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

《印度之旅》中的旅行敘事 / Travel narrative in a passage to India

江幸蓉, Chiang, Hsin Jong Unknown Date (has links)
大多數學者通常從後殖民的觀點閱讀佛斯特的《印度之旅》(A Passage to India, 1924),因此,他們的批評大多聚焦在「對他者的再現」(the representation of the other)。然而,這些學者忽略了在《印度之旅》中,自我與他者的交會乃是旅行的結果。雖然探討《印度之旅》中種族間互動的評論不在少數,但旅行的概念卻常被視為理所當然。如同小說標題所示,《印度之旅》乃是一趟從英國至印度的旅行,因此,本論文擬以「旅行敘述」(travel narrative) 的觀點閱讀《印度之旅》。然而,「旅行」一詞的意義到底為何?根據《牛津英語大辭典》,「旅行」大致意味著空間上的移位。然而,本文企圖以「暴露於他者」(exposure to the other)、「自我的去疆域化」 (deterritorialization of the self) 與「變成他者」 (becoming-other) 重新定義旅行。 既然旅行涉及自我與他者之間的互動,本文先援引列維納斯 (Emmanuel Levinas) 的「他者的倫理」(ethics of the other) 來區分「激進他者」 (radical other) 與「抽象他者」(metaphysical other)。接著,本文引用德希達 (Jacques Derrida) 對列維納斯的閱讀與他對「悅納異己」(hospitality) 的討論,以進一步闡述他者的概念。為了探討自我在他者影響之下的轉變,本文亦運用德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze) 與瓜達里 (Félix Guattari) 的「再疆域化」(reterritorialization)、「去疆域化」(deterritorialization)、與「變成」(becoming) 的概念。這些理論的整合導出了伊斯蘭 (Syed Manurul Islam) 所區分的兩種旅行──靜止旅行(sedentary travel) 與遊牧旅行 (nomadic travel)。 本文共分五章:〈第一章:導論〉、〈第二章:理論架構〉、〈第三章:靜止旅行〉、〈第四章:遊牧旅行〉與〈第五章:結論〉。〈第二章:理論架構〉主要闡述上面所提及的理論家。〈第三章:靜止旅行〉藉由費爾亭 (Cyril Fielding) 與何德蕾 (Adela Quested) 闡明靜止旅行的概念。相較於費爾亭,何德蕾的例子較為複雜,因為她經歷了兩次去疆域化的過程 (第一次在馬拉巴山洞裡,第二次在法庭上)。〈第四章:遊牧旅行〉則聚焦在摩爾夫人 (Mrs. Moore) 這個角色上。這章的編排不僅與小說劇情的時間性一致,也企圖呈現摩爾夫人所經歷的三個階段的轉變。 / Most critics tend to read E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India (1924) from the perspective of post-colonialism, and therefore, the focus of their criticism is often on the representation of the other. However, these critics neglect the fact that the encounter of the self with the other in A Passage to India is in fact a result of travel. Although there is much discussion on racial interaction in A Passage to India, the concept of travel is more than often taken for granted. As the title of the novel indicates, A Passage to India deals with a travel from England to India, and hence, this thesis examines the novel from the perspective of travel narrative. Yet, what does the term “travel” signify? According to Oxford English Dictionary, travel generally refers to a displacement in space. Nevertheless, this thesis tries to re-define “travel” in terms of exposure to the other, deterritorialization of the self, and becoming-other. Since travel narrative deals with the vacillation between the self and the other, this thesis begins with Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the other to distinguish the radical other from the metaphysical other. Next, this thesis includes Jacques Derrida’s theories of “hospitality” for further elaboration on the concept of the other. In order to probe into the transformation of the self under the influence of the other, this thesis also employs Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s ideas of “reterritorialization,” “deterritorialization” and “becoming.” The compilation of these theories, finally, amounts to Syed Manurul Islam’s division between two kinds of travel—sedentary travel (travel without traveling) and nomadic travel (traveling without return). This thesis is divided into five chapters: “Introduction” (Chapter One), “Theoretical Framework” (Chapter Two), “Sedentary Travel” (Chapter Three), “Nomadic Travel” (Chapter Four) and “Conclusion” (Chapter Five). Chapter Two, “Theoretical Framework,” is an elucidation of the above mentioned theories. Chapter Three, “Sedentary Travel,” illustrates the concept of sedentary travel by exploring Cyril Fielding and Adela Quested. Adela’s case is much more intricate when compared to Fielding’s, for she goes through two instances of deterritorialization: the first in the Marabar Caves and the second in the court. Chapter Four, “Nomadic Travel,” focuses on the character Mrs. Moore. The exploration of Mrs. Moore not only corresponds to the chronological sequence of the plot but also aims to explain the different stages of transformation Mrs. Moore undergoes.

論渥坦貝克《夜鶯之愛》中之逃逸路線 / Lines of flight in Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale

何如媖, Ho, Ju Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英國女劇作家渥坦貝克(Timeberlake Wertenbaker) 筆下著名的《夜鶯之愛》 (The Love of the Nightingale) 在近年來獲得多方批評家的討論。大多數的批評家總以政治及性別的角度探討這部劇作中呈現女性如何成為男性暴力下的受害者。然而,本論文將採用德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze) 和瓜塔里 (Félix Guattari) 的去疆域化 (deterritorialization)、生成動物 (becoming-animal)、再疆域化 (reterritorialization)、及少數文學 (the minor literature) 的理論概念,重新剖析渥坦貝克如何透過翻譯 (translation)、互文性 (intertextuality)、變形 (transformation) 書寫等寫作策略,彰顯普洛克涅 (Procne) 及菲勒美拉 (Philomele) 如何在受盡錯置及語言喪失的苦痛後,找到越界的可能性。在德勒茲和瓜塔里的理論架構之下,本論文的第一章節將先詮釋普洛克涅及菲勒美拉如何離開父系體制,並藉由逃逸路線 (lines of flight) 展開去疆域化的旅程,並在去疆域化的過程中面臨到未知的危險及機會。再者,論文中也探討普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的動物變形可以被視為她們僭越傳統意識型態束縛的証據。在經歷過生成動物 (becoming-animal) 的過程之後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉改變了她們對於原生社會及世界的態度及看法。最後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的再疆域化帶領她們到另一個新的疆界,釋放女性內心的忿怒及慾望。在新的疆域中,女性們發現到另一個新的出口,重新探索流動性主體的存在,挑戰有機體式的國家體制。 / Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Love of the Nightingale (1989) is the preeminent play of translation which calls many critics’s attention. Based on the myth of Procne and Philomele, The Love of the Nightingale is always discussed by critics from the political and sexual perspectives to show how women become the powerless victims under the male violence. However, in this thesis, I would like to use Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of deterritorializaion, becoming-animal, and reterritorialization to analyze how Procne and Philomele find out the possibility of transgression from the suffering dislocation and dispossession of language through Wertenbaker’s dramaturgy of translation, intertextuality, and transformation. Applying Deleuze’s and Guattari’s theories to analyze The Love of the Nightingale, I would first show how Procne and Philomele obtain the chances to leave the patriarchical territory, beginning their deterritorialization to encounter unknown risks and chances via lines of flight. After the deterritorialization, Procne’s and Philomele’s physical metamorphosis could be regarded as the evidence of how they traverse the presupposed ideological system. In the process of becoming-animal, Procne and Philomele change their attitudes and perspectives toward their cultures and the world. Later, they are reterritorialized to another territory, releasing their desire and anger. In the new territory, they could find another way to search fluid identities and to challenge the state apparatus.

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