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不動產仲介紛爭處理機制之研究-以屠布涅的反思法理論為中心 / A Study of Disposal System for the Real Estate Disputes- Centered on the Theory of Reflexive Law of Teubner金仲明, Jim Chung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
我國現今法制上之不動產仲介紛爭處理機制,除了循司法上之訴訟途徑外,尚可透過不同的訴訟外紛爭處理機制以謀求解決,惟多元的訴訟外紛爭處理機制,其本身之組織架構、處理程序及形成之法律效果並不相同,民眾對於應選擇何種之機制始可達成其訴求,以及現行法律制度下所提供之處理機制是否能夠有效妥適處理此類的紛爭,並不清楚,因此,本文嚐試從法律社會學的角度觀察我國法律對於不動產交易活動所進行的管制實際社會效果如何,並透過反思法的理論所提出之當今法律進化的特徵,提出我國在處理不動產仲介紛爭的法律制度設計上一些新的思考方向。 / Whereas the concept of " Possessing Property makes Wealth " is deeply in the heart of our people, in addition to the necessity for living, they buy real estates for preserving wealth as major practice. However, the conditions of real estate are varied, it is difficult to establish a public market to provide sufficient information, hence, under the situation of short of communication and transparency of data which is easy to cause information unsymmetrical. Moreover, the complicated backgrounds of Realtors who intend to hold their favorable materials to hide from the other parties and even commit fraud.....etc. So, real estate business causes conflicts frequently.
In the wake of diversity of social economics activities, the application and rights and privileges of real estate also become more intricateness. If people explore the reason of conflict and disposal process just at the point of normative abstract content and applicable, it will always be unable to gain the ideal result. As to the dispute parties concerned, beside the different interpretation of the law and the fact, how to properly solve the problem is more important than the legal action.
In our country, the present legal process for Realtor argument disposal, in addition to the judicial charges, people can seek other way to settle the dispute. Nevertheless, the multiform dispute disposal institutions which because of their corporate structures and disposal process different constitute discrepant legal result. What kind of system people should select to achieve their purpose and, whether the designated process under the present legal rules can solve the problem properly and effectively, people unclear. Therefore, this text is trying from the point of view of legal sociology, to observe that what is the substantial social effectiveness of real estate business operation under the control of our law and, through the characteristic specified by reflexive law of current law development, to introduce a new tendency to draw legal system to settle real estate Broker argument for our country.
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保戶行動主義制度及其於兩岸應用之研究-以反思法及制度公民為視角 / A Study on the Policyholder Activism and Its Application in Taiwan and Mainland China –A Perspective from the Reflexive Law and Institutional Citizenship陳哲斌, Chen, Che Pin Unknown Date (has links)
為驗證保戶行動主義的有效性,本研究建構其對於治理效率與治理賽局的實證模型以用於未來的實證研究,最後並以兩岸間的弱體保險公司為個案作為說明保戶行動主義應用上的利益實效,為質性上的說明。 / Policyholder activism is to cope with the globalization of insurance supervision, the establishment of the supervision platform between Taiwan and Mainland China, and the special features of the long term insurance, in order for the active policyholders protecting their rights by participating the corporate governance.
The connotation of policyholder activism refers to introduce the role of policyholders in mutual life company into the corporate governance for the stock life insurance company. It is of the all-win purpose among the policyholders, the regulator, and the insurance company. For the policyholders, it is to actively safeguard the interests of policyholders, and could be achieved by three aspects, first of all is to avoid the arguments after issuing policy; secondly is to provide an alternative to current mechanisms for the policyholders which might be failure or just a passive response afterwards; the final is to comply the global governance principle by encouraging policyholders to communicate with the corporate. For the regulator, it is to reduce the supervision costs which mainly maintain the rights of policyholders, and the security of the funds. For the insurance company, it is not only by reducing supervision power, in order to increase the market competitiveness, but also by communicating with the policyholders, in order to create the positive image, to know the needs of customers and then to increase the performance.
In this study, the structure of policyholder activism is divided into the aspects of norms and framework. This study adopts the reflexive law proposed by Jean Cohen for the norms strategy, and the concepts of institutional citizenship and catalyst group proposed by Susan Sturm for the framework design. Basically, the corporate governance system can be separated into internal governance and external supervision. By three properties of the reflex law, the reflexive, the co-original and the principled, will strengthen the regulated self-regulation of internal governance into norms, thereby reducing the enforcement of external supervision. However, reflex law requires through the democracy process from people discussion to complete the norms, to improve efficacy of discussion, the platform of electronic governance (e-governance) is supposed to be applied. For this purpose, this study introduces “core expert group” in the organizational catalysts as a manager and the decision maker after fully discussion. Then it will become an efficient dialogue mechanism for the consensus with the majority of policyholders, and for the more transparency of the disclosed information.
For policyholder activism, the policyholder-director(s), on behalf of the institutional citizenship of policyholders, is(are) elected, therefore the dialogue mechanism is the key of the all, it can be separated into four levels; the first level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and the law” which discourses the issues of the legal nature for policyholder-director who appointed by two parties, and the core expert group; the second level is called the “dialogue among policyholders” which focuses on the management of quality; the third level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and supervisors” to build the duality of norms by regulation strategy; and the final level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and shareholder activism” which represented by the dialogue mechanism between the policyholder-director and the shareholder-director.
To validate the effectiveness of policyholder activism, this study constructs the models of performance and game theory for future empirical study. This study finally selects two cases of the impaired insurance companies each in Taiwan and Mainland China, and then discusses the qualitative benefits for the application of policyholder activism.
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由Teubner反思法理論析論著作權集體管理制度 / A study of Copyright Collective Management from Teubner's theory of Reflexive Law張峻傑, Chang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文從Teubner反思法的角度觀察,輔以中國、日本、美國、德國的著作權集體管理制度之立法例與實踐概況,作整體歸納分析,從中擷取出具有反思理性特徵做比較評析。最後,透過反思法理論所提出當今法律演化的特徵,對於我國將來建構良善的集體管理團體制度,提供一些不同的思考觀點。 / In the diversity of social economics activities, recent developments in the evolution of neighboring rightsand reflects the change of publication displaying methods due to technology.Such development may create inner conflict and endanger the law system. If people explore the reason of conflict and disposal process just at the point of normative abstract content and applicable, it will always be unable to gain the ideal result.
Collective management organizations(CMOs) is an important indicator of copyright protection. CMOs’ operation reduces the licensing costs, promotes the legal exploitation of works, achieves broad public access of copyrighted works, and protects the benefits of copyright owners. Indeed, a reasonable royalty rate is the core for the successful operation of CMOs.
Thisstudy isfrom the view ofTeubner's Theory of Reflexive Law, to observe the substantial social effectiveness of copyright collective management under the control of law and providing the structural premises for reflexive processes in other social subsystems.According to the characteristic of reflexive law,this thesis aimed to introducea new tendency to settle collective management of copyright.
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