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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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電子化參與指標之建立與機制分析 / A Study of Establishing Evaluation Indices and Mechanism for E-Participation

孫悅耘, Sun, Yueh Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來各國政府無不追求成為更好的政府的途徑,電子化政府(e-government)的規劃與發展儼然成為一條終南捷徑,從一開始的電子化政府演進至今,當下最新發展趨勢則是「電子治理(e-governance)」,背後所蘊藏的意涵,其中很重要的一點乃在於孕育新的公民精神,強調民眾需求與責任,在數位治理的時代下,政府不再只是唯一權威價值分配者,一個更完善的政府治理應該是由多元的角色來投入公共治理參與網絡的建置。在良善治理成為當今公共行政的治理典範脈絡下,此一終極目標將引領各國的電子治理走向電子化民主(e-democracy),電子化民主中缺一不可的即是電子化參與(e-participation)課題,UN、世界經濟論壇(WEF)、國際電信聯盟(ITU)、早稻田大學(Wasada University)、布朗大學(Brown University)等諸多國際組織皆將電子化參與列為主要評估項目,顯示電子治理不再只侷限於一國電子化政府的整備度,如何創造新的電子化參與途徑而提升民眾對公共事務的涉入,已成為當務之急。 有鑒於電子化參與的重要性已不言可喻,但現今對電子化參與的評估多以UN的架構為主,但其指標架構並未進一步明確指出在該參與層次下如何對各國進行評估,因此,本研究旨在建立與持續深化UN電子化參與指標架構,之二在於提出與分析現今為各界所採用的電子化參與機制,並探究其對公民參與的重要性與貢獻度。本研究藉由文獻回顧來建立評估電子化參與的架構,之後透過專家德菲法問卷來確認與建立指標,並分析現今電子化參與機制的重要性,最後將受訪專家分成兩大群體,比較兩類專家對指標看法的意見差異。 本研究透過德菲法建立電子化參與指標架構,第一層架構包括3大構面:電子化資訊(e-information)、電子化諮詢(e-consultation)與電子化決策(e-decision making),第二層則共有20個次項指標。並整理出13項現今較常使用的電子化參與機制,建構出其與電子化參與層面間的關聯性,此外,依據研究結果對我國未來電子化參與政策提出提升政府資訊公開的內容豐富性與來源多元性、重視並善用社群媒體傳播訊息與溝通聯繫之效等建議。 / E-government has been a necessity for the countries aiming for “better” governance. The latest development of e-government is “e-governance”, which puts emphasis both on citizenship and the needs and responsibility from the publics. In the context of digital governance, government acts not merely as a player which is authoritative allocation of values, but as a actor creating more public values that will bring varieties of utility for multi-stakeholders. Moreover, good governance has become the paradigm in public administration, leading every government towards e-democracy with e-participation as its core. Undoubtedly, e-participation is adopted to assess e-government/ e-governance development by many international organizations, such as United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and International Telecomminication Union (ITU). It implies that e-governance refers not only to e-government readiness but also the extent to which governments promote citizens’ participation in public affairs. However, the assessment framework from UN currently used doesn’t include sub-indices further. As a result, the goal of this research is to establish and deepen UN’s framework and analyze the relationship between existing e-participation mechanism and citizen participation through literature review and methodology of Delphi questionnaire. The research results involve two main parts. One is e-participation assessment framework with 3 dimensions (that is e-information, e-consultation and e-decision making) and 20 indices (such as accessibility, completeness and currency). The other one is the integration of 13 e-participation mechanism. Based on research results, this research made few of suggestion for our future e-participation policy, such as the promotion of content and source diversity of government information and utilization of social network for information spreading and communication.

臺北市信義區公所推行電子化政府之問題與對策 / Problems and Solutions of Promoting E-Government in Xinyi District Office Taipei City Government

林景皓 Unknown Date (has links)
面對資訊科技發展全球化的趨勢與挑戰,網際網路成為各國政府治理的重要手段,我國自1997年推動電子化政府以來,在各界的努力之下,無論在家戶連網率、網路使用率及行動上網率等基礎設施上都已達成相當不錯的水準,電子化政府並獲得不同國際評比的肯定,突顯出我國在推動電子化政府之成效,電子化政府服務亦是政府與民眾間一種交流與溝通不可或缺的方式。 本研究以臺北市信義區公所為研究標的,在我國電子化政府受國際優良評比的前提下,落實在最基層的為民服務機關電子化政府服務,提出相關的研究問題,以了解實務上所提供電子化政府服務的實際執行情形為何,是否為民眾帶來優渥的便利性或是遭遇那些困難點,或只是徒具形式的電子化服務,並探究民眾的使用需求或使用行為是否有哪些改變,藉由研究發現,弱勢民眾及年長者之數位落差、電子化服務身份認證之限制、民眾對於電子化服務管道的陌生、民眾使用電子化服務申辦之誘因不足及對電子化服務系統行動化之需求等。 針對上述研究發現,本研究對臺北市信義區公所電子化服務措施,提出重新定位區公所電子化服務類別、電子化服務邁向行動化、強化區公所電子化政府服務誘因及宣導電子化服務管道、結合民眾資源等四大面向之具體建議,做為基層為民服務機關電子化服務措施精進之參考。 / Faced with the globalization of information technology development trends and challenges, Internet governance has become an important means of Governments, to promote our country since 1997, e-government, under the efforts of all walks of life, regardless of the rate of home Internet users, Internet use rate and rate mobile Internet infrastructure have reached a very good level, e-government and access to various international competitions certainly highlights the country in promoting the effectiveness of e-government, e-government services between government and the public is also a exchange and communication an integral way. In this study, the Taipei Xinyi District Office to study the subject in the context of e-government by the international rating of excellent, implemented in the most basic institution serving the public e-government services, proposed research questions related to the understanding of practice provided e-government services, the actual implementation of the case and whether it is privileged to bring the convenience of the public or the difficulties encountered point, or just a formality of electronic services, and explore people's needs or whether there are some changes in usage behavior, by study found that older people vulnerable populations and the digital divide, e-service authentication of the restrictions, the public electronic services for the pipeline strange lack of people to use electronic services sponsor of the incentives and demand for electronic service system of the action Wait. In response to these findings, this study Xinyi District Office in Taipei electronic service measures proposed repositioning of the district office e-services category, e-services oriented toward action, strengthening incentives for district office e-government services and advocacy e-Services pipeline, combined with the people and resources for the four specific recommendations, serving the public authorities as a reference grassroots measures sophistication of electronic services.

網路公民參與機制之研究:以臺北市大同區公所臉書「當我們同在一起」為例 / On the Internet Citizen Participation Mechanisms:A CaseStudy of Datong District Office Facebook, Taipei CityGovernment

游淑婷 Unknown Date (has links)
為因應資訊科技時代,政府機關在早期推動電子化政府,從第一階段的政府網路基礎建設一直到第三階段著眼於社會關懷、提供民眾無縫隙的政府服務,直到目前第四階段電子化政府規劃面向,著重在主動全程服務、行動電子化政府、結合社會網絡以及e化服務宅配到家,強調政府服務無疆界,期望政府能提供民眾更優質的服務。然而,隨著Web2.0時代的來臨以及家戶連網率的普及,政府提供的網路服務不僅僅只是單面向地提供下載及閱讀服務,還必須提供互動及分享的服務,使能讓電子化政府品質更加完整,並能達到網路公民參與之目的。 本研究以臺北市大同區公所成立之所屬臉書粉絲專頁「當我們同在一起(臺北市大同區公所)」為個案研究對象,利用文獻分析法,蒐集相關網路公民參與機制之文獻,加以歸納綜整,並採深度訪談法,以立意抽樣的的方式選定粉絲專頁的積極參與者和粉絲專頁經營者進行深度訪談,其主要研究目的為:(1)探討臺北市大同區公所所屬臉書粉絲專頁「當我們同在一起(臺北市大同區公所)」的建立目的;(2)探討該粉絲專頁之運作機制、民眾的互動性及回應性為何;(3)探討該網路公民機制達到公民參與的哪個面向。 依據其研究結果,就該網路公民參與機制若欲提升其公民參與度,提出相關研究建議:(1)積極招募粉絲,以提升參與率;(2)配合用戶背景發佈貼文訊息,以提升粉絲黏著度;(3)科技是否可以落實直接民主。期望能作為其他機關建置網路公民參機制-臉書粉絲專頁之參考。

電子治理應用於環境管制行政成效評估指標之建立-以環保機關事業廢棄物管制為例 / Estabilishing evaluation indices for the performance of e-governance applied in environmental regulatory administration-a case study of regulation of industrial waste

呂羿潔, Lu, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
透過電子治理的推行與應用,來促成政府資訊公開、服務傳遞、民主參與以及跨域整合為當前政府公共事務管理的重要趨勢;然相較於電子治理應用於公共服務的討論,對於電子治理應用於環境管制行政的檢視與探討卻相對缺乏,但管制政策實為影響社會與民眾深遠的重要政策類型,針對其進行檢視乃當前刻不容緩之議題。是以本研究旨在透過文獻檢閱、深度訪談與實物分析,建構電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效評估架構,希冀藉此提供後續研究一系統性成效評估檢視基礎,來協助評估電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效檢視,並進一步協助管制目的的達成。 本研究結果發現,電子治理應用於環境管制行政應是包含開始的資源投入到結果產出的一系統性之評估,以呈現整體環境管制行政的電子治理應用過程,是以本研究提出包含功能面向(使用易用性、系統整合性、統計功能完整性、系統穩定性、資訊品質)、使用行為面向(使用者感知、使用者類型)、與效益面向(效能、即時性、效率、回應性、正當性)此三大構面的電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效評估架構,並針對各評估次構面進行指標操作化與提出評估設計之建議。 基於前述研究過程與結果,本研究認為應提升對電子治理應用於管制政策的成效評估關注,並透過系統性的評估來探討當前使用情形與待改進之面向,同時,也應重視環境管制行政有別於公共服務而具有的強制性特質,並具有達成重要公共利益的管制目的任務;本研究更針對後續研究,提出透過資訊公開角度、民眾公開參與規劃等角度來檢是電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效,以臻進電子治理的應用討論以及管制目的與公共利益的達成。

電子採購影響評估因果模型之建構與驗證 / A causal model of e-procurement impact assessment: theoretical development and empirical application

李洛維, Li, Luo Wei Unknown Date (has links)
目前各國為了提升政府運作效能與國家競爭力,均將電子化政府視為重點發展策略。電子化政府的發展,從早期推動國家資訊基礎建設,到進一步運用資訊通訊科技提供各類政府服務,再到強調行政服務的效率與整合、網路公民參與等,目前已在世界各國形成風潮。電子化政府的普及應用,對於促成公民社會的發展、公義社會的追求及優質網路社會的建構,都帶來相當的影響,也因此當前電子化政府的最新發展為「電子治理」概念的提出。 在電子治理的概念下,電子化政府的評估方式應該從以往的投入-產出之效率評估轉向強調公共目標實現與否的影響評估。然而當前在電子治理影響評估的研究方面仍十分缺乏,雖然目前的電子治理評估研究已經開始重視從使用者的角度進行評估,但評估的焦點還停留在使用者對電子化政府服務的感受,而非電子化政府服務實際對使用者產生何種影響,且尚未以因果模型的方式建構一個完整的電子治理影響評估架構,以找出造成公共目標實現的關鍵因素。 本研究透過國際電子化政府評估研究、電子化政府評估架構、網路服務品質評估研究、電子治理影響評估四類文獻的整理,結合DeLone & McLean的資訊系統成功模型與Heeks的電子化政府價值鏈模型,提出了電子治理影響評估因果模型以及評估指標,同時介紹我國重要的電子化政府服務:「電子採購系統」的發展現況以及相關評估研究,並透過次級資料分析,針對我國電子採購系統進行因果模型的驗證。研究結果證實本研究所提出的電子採購因果評估模型確實具有一定的解釋能力,同時本研究也透過模型實證的結果針對電子採購的政策以及後續研究提出了相關建議。 / eGovernment, as a popular government activity, has adopted by many countries in order to maximize the competitive advantage of nations. As eGovernment activity grows over time, the main issues of e-government change from e-infrastructure to e-service and to e-participation, and this change brings the concern about the impact of eGovernment. Therefore, the latest development of eGovernment is “eGovernance”. Under the concepts of eGovernance, the focus of eGovernment evaluation should change form program evaluation to impact assessment. However, most of literature concerning eGovernance has focused on the supply side, which is the perspective of the government. Little has focused on the evaluation of actual use and its impact in e-government service. This research reviews literatures and related reports, based on Heeks’ eGovernment Value Chain Model and DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model, proposes a causal model for the empirical examination of impacts of the e-Procurement System in Taiwan, this model is strongly supported by the empirical data. This research also makes some suggestions for the improvement of e-Procurement policy in Taiwan, and for futher researches.

保戶行動主義制度及其於兩岸應用之研究-以反思法及制度公民為視角 / A Study on the Policyholder Activism and Its Application in Taiwan and Mainland China –A Perspective from the Reflexive Law and Institutional Citizenship

陳哲斌, Chen, Che Pin Unknown Date (has links)
保戶行動主義,也可以說是保單持有人行動主義,係指為因應保險監理國際化,兩岸監理平台的建立,及長年期保險商品的特殊性,對於積極的保單持有人,經由參與公司治理的方式,保障自身的權利。 保戶行動主義的內涵,為將相互保險公司中,保單持有人參與公司治理的模式引導至股份保險公司之中。其目的為促成保單持有人、監理官及保險公司三贏的局面。對於保單持有人而言,為積極性的權益維護,可分為三個方面:第一,因應投保後所產生的問題;第二,取代現行機制對於保單持有人保障可能的失靈或僅是消極性的事後補救措施;第三,鼓勵保單持有人與公司溝通,符合國際上的治理原則。對於監理官而言,則可降低政府對於保險業的監理成本,也就是,政府為維護保單持有人的權益及維護資金的安全性,對於保險業採用高度監理所衍生的成本。對於保險公司而言,除了經由保戶行動主義,得以降低監理強度,而增加公司的市場競爭力之外,也可藉由與保單持有人的溝通而建立正面形象,設計符合客戶需求的商品,進而創造新業績。 本研究將保戶行動主義的制度設計分為規範與架構兩方面,在制度規範形成上,採用寇恩所倡議的反思法法理;在架構設計上,則採用史特姆所建議的制度公民及觸媒組織的架構。公司治理分為內部治理與外部監理,經由反思法的自反性、同源互生性與原則性,將能加強內部治理的自律性,進而降低外部監理的強制性。然而因自發性或反思性形成規範必須經由多數人的討論,為達對話效率,則輔以電子治理網站為對話平台,並在觸媒組織中提出以「核心專家群」為網站的主導者,且為充分對話後的主要決策者,如此將可有效率的形成與廣大保單持有人的對話機制,並尋求多數人的共識,並可增加資訊揭露的透明度。 保戶行動主義中,保戶公民選任保戶董事作為代表,而對話機制則為整體制度成效的關鍵,總共分為四個層面,第一稱為保戶行動主義與法律的對話,論述保戶董事委任關係的法律性質,以及對核心專家群委任的法律性質;第二為保戶公民間的對話,著重對話品質的管理;第三為為保戶行動主義與監理的對話,藉由監理策略形成監理法規的二元規範;最後以保戶董事與股東董事間的對話機制,作為保戶行動主義與股東行動主義對話的代理行為。 為驗證保戶行動主義的有效性,本研究建構其對於治理效率與治理賽局的實證模型以用於未來的實證研究,最後並以兩岸間的弱體保險公司為個案作為說明保戶行動主義應用上的利益實效,為質性上的說明。 / Policyholder activism is to cope with the globalization of insurance supervision, the establishment of the supervision platform between Taiwan and Mainland China, and the special features of the long term insurance, in order for the active policyholders protecting their rights by participating the corporate governance. The connotation of policyholder activism refers to introduce the role of policyholders in mutual life company into the corporate governance for the stock life insurance company. It is of the all-win purpose among the policyholders, the regulator, and the insurance company. For the policyholders, it is to actively safeguard the interests of policyholders, and could be achieved by three aspects, first of all is to avoid the arguments after issuing policy; secondly is to provide an alternative to current mechanisms for the policyholders which might be failure or just a passive response afterwards; the final is to comply the global governance principle by encouraging policyholders to communicate with the corporate. For the regulator, it is to reduce the supervision costs which mainly maintain the rights of policyholders, and the security of the funds. For the insurance company, it is not only by reducing supervision power, in order to increase the market competitiveness, but also by communicating with the policyholders, in order to create the positive image, to know the needs of customers and then to increase the performance. In this study, the structure of policyholder activism is divided into the aspects of norms and framework. This study adopts the reflexive law proposed by Jean Cohen for the norms strategy, and the concepts of institutional citizenship and catalyst group proposed by Susan Sturm for the framework design. Basically, the corporate governance system can be separated into internal governance and external supervision. By three properties of the reflex law, the reflexive, the co-original and the principled, will strengthen the regulated self-regulation of internal governance into norms, thereby reducing the enforcement of external supervision. However, reflex law requires through the democracy process from people discussion to complete the norms, to improve efficacy of discussion, the platform of electronic governance (e-governance) is supposed to be applied. For this purpose, this study introduces “core expert group” in the organizational catalysts as a manager and the decision maker after fully discussion. Then it will become an efficient dialogue mechanism for the consensus with the majority of policyholders, and for the more transparency of the disclosed information. For policyholder activism, the policyholder-director(s), on behalf of the institutional citizenship of policyholders, is(are) elected, therefore the dialogue mechanism is the key of the all, it can be separated into four levels; the first level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and the law” which discourses the issues of the legal nature for policyholder-director who appointed by two parties, and the core expert group; the second level is called the “dialogue among policyholders” which focuses on the management of quality; the third level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and supervisors” to build the duality of norms by regulation strategy; and the final level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and shareholder activism” which represented by the dialogue mechanism between the policyholder-director and the shareholder-director. To validate the effectiveness of policyholder activism, this study constructs the models of performance and game theory for future empirical study. This study finally selects two cases of the impaired insurance companies each in Taiwan and Mainland China, and then discusses the qualitative benefits for the application of policyholder activism.

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