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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

基於Zookeeper服務的對稱式高可靠度電子交易系統架構 / Symmetric and High-Available Electronic Trading System Base on Zookeeper

常澤民, Chang, Tse-Min Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,不論是使用者或是服務提供者,對於系統的可靠度(reliability),越來越為重視,從『能提供服務就好』,到要能提供『不間斷的服務』。這中間的轉變,推動了目前許多系統架構或產品運用在電子商務的領域。小從磁碟陣列(RAID)、資料庫鏡像(Database Mirror)、叢集(Cluster)架構,異地備援(Disaster Recovery Site),大到企業永續運作計畫(Business Continuity Planning-BCP)的一環,都在尋求一個高可靠度的電子交易系統。 所謂高可靠度的系統,必須能夠在相對長的時間週期內,系統可以持續運作而不中斷,這個概念,同時也意味著系統異常時的恢復能力,以及容錯的機制。換句話說,就是當系統面臨異常或是災害發生時,如何能在最短的時間內恢復系統的正常運作,繼續提供使用者相同的服務。因此提高系統的可靠度,對使用者的具體意義而言,即是提高其服務的可用度(availability)。 本論文的研究,即運用Apache下自由軟體Zookeeper所提供的協調服務,設計一套透過傳播監控(propagation monitor)來達到容錯機制的對稱式多主機架構,使得系統即使在面對異常狀況發生時,仍能迅速恢復系統應有的功能,提供使用者不間斷的服務。並且利用免費的資料庫管理軟體-MariaDB來儲存及操作資料,以低廉的成本,建置具高可靠度的電子交易系統。 / Due to the blooming development of electronic commerce (E-Commerce) , both users and service providers put more and more emphasis on system reliability. Thus uninterrupted service has become the basic requirement of E-Commerce systems, which now have all adopted some highly avaialable system architectures and advanced products such as Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), Database Mirror, Cluster architecture, Disaster Recovery Site(DR Site). Many E-Commerce vendors also prepare Business Continuity Planning(BCP) for a highly reliable electronic trading system. The so-called high reliability systems must continue to operate without interruption in a relatively long period of time, and this concept also means the requirements of abnormal system resilience and the mechanism of fault tolerance. In other words, when the system is confronted with abnormal situations or disaster occurs, it is critical about how to restore the normal functioning of the system to continue to provide users with the same level of services in the shortest possible time, thereby increasing the reliability of the system in terms of the user's specific meaning, that is, to improve its service availability. This thesis applies the coordination service provided by Zookeeper to develop a propagation monitor mechanism and a symmetrical multi-host fault-tolerant system architecture, making the system work even in the face of an abnormal situation. Indeed, the system should be able to quickly restore its functions, providing users uninterrupted service. Besides, we use the free database management software-MariaDB to store and operate the system data. Therefore, we are able to build a low-cost yet highly available electronic trading system.

具可靠度及穩健考量的新產品全球運籌模式之探討 / A Reliable and Robust Model for Global Logistic Systems in New Product Development

林尚達, Lin, Shang Da Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的環境下推出新產品,企業除了面臨隨著產品生命週期改變的顧客需求以及成本上的不確定因素外,同時還必須考量全球營運帶來的種種挑戰。 許多供應鏈管理數量模式相關文獻針對全球運籌、新產品供應鏈等議題多有所探討,利用數量模式的計算以反應真實世界中的種種不確定性,讓管理者在供應鏈策略規劃時有所依據,但卻少有同時探討全球運籌以及新產品供應鏈的相關文獻。學者Butler, Ammons, and Sokol認為過去新產品供應鏈模式忽略了新產品將有可能無法存活下來的情形,因此發展一套新產品供應鏈模式,使新產品供應鏈能夠順利從上市成長到成熟階段,並利用此模式決定新設施、新機器購入的時機。 本研究延伸Butler等人之新產品供應鏈模式,考量更完整之全球運籌相關議題,透過混合整數線性規劃描述新產品發展時全球運籌配置問題,並利用情境為基礎的穩健最佳化以取得低風險的供應鏈配置,此外加入可靠度的影響,以彌補供應鏈規劃與實際操作的差距,並加入缺貨之懲罰成本,最後以範例資料進行計算與分析此數量模式,經由模式計算結果發現本研究規劃之結果,相較於原Butler等人之模式有較低的缺貨的發生可能性,且所求得之配置整體可靠度皆有所提升。 本研究所提出之規劃與分析方法可提供決策者在進行新產品全球佈局規劃時,能當作其新產品運籌配置之決策參考。 / When putting out new products under the environment of globalization, enterprise not only faces the uncertain factors in the demand of the customers and the costs that change with product life cycles, but considers all sorts of challenges which come with global operation. Many researches into supply chain quantitative model that probe into global logistics and the new product supply chain employ the quantitative model to reflect all sorts of uncertainty in the real world. They provide managers with the basis for the supply chain strategy and management. But few researches discuss about the global logistics and the new product supply chain simultaneously. Bulter, Ammons, and Sokol argue that the model of new product supply chain of the past neglects the condition which new products may not survive. Thus they developed a new product supply chain model to enable new products to launch the market and grow to maturity as well as decide when to purchase new supply chain facilities and equipments. This research which extends the new product supply chain model of Bulter et al. considers issues on global logistics from a more integrated view. First of all, it solves the global logistic settings problem in new product development by means of mixed-integer linear programming. Secondly, it uses the scenario-based robust optimization to lower the risk in the supply chain design. Then it adds the reliability calculation to make up for the gap between the plan and the real operation. At last it calculates and analyzes the quantitative model on the basis of the case data. This research establishes a methodology for decision makers to apply to plan and analyzing their new product supply chain when they make the global arrangement of new products.


吳雅婷, Wu,Ya-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文所探討的中心為貝氏模型運用於加速壽命試驗,並且假設受測項目之壽命服從Weibull分配。加速實驗環境有三種,其中第二種環境代表正常狀態,採用加速壽命試驗的方式涵蓋了三種:固定應力、漸進之逐步應力和變量曲線之逐步應力。對於先驗參數,並不是直接給予特定的值,而是透過專家評估,給定各種環境之下的產品可靠度之中位數或百分位數,再利用這些資訊經過數值運算解出先驗參數。資料的型態分成兩種,一為區間資料,另一為型一設限資料,透過蒙地卡羅法模擬出後驗分配,並且估計正常環境狀態的可靠度。 / This article develops a Bayes inference model for accelerated life testing assuming failure times at each stress level are Weibull distributed. Using the approach, there are three stressed to be used, and the three testing scenarios to be adapted are as follows:fixed-stress, progressive step-stress and profile step-stress. Prior information is used to indirectly define a multivariate prior distribution for the scale parameters at the various stress levels. The inference procedure accommodates both the interval data sampling strategy and type I censored sampling strategy for the collection of ALT test data. The inference procedure uses the well-known Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to derive posterior approximations.

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