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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際投資爭端解決之研究-以投資人與地主國爭端仲裁為中心 / Research on the Settlement of International Investment Disputes Especially on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement

陳稚卿, Chen, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)


李卿企 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊的發達,加快了經濟自由化的腳步,所以國際投資的機會也日漸增加,所以,如何利用國際投資組合來分散國內無法分散的系統風險,增加投資報酬率,以成為日漸重要的課題。 本研究試圖以基因演算法在不同的投資策略下追求各國最適的投資比率,基因演算法是一模擬生物演化過程而發展出的一追求最適解的方法,對目標函數的設定沒有太多的限制,在基因演算法下對投資策略的設定將更具有彈性。 在基因演算法下,本研究以亞太地區九個國家的股價指數為投資標的物,設定七個投資策略,其動機主要可分為二,一為欲追求較高的單位風險投資報酬率,二為欲有效模擬新興國家指數,分別比較其樣本期間內外的單位風險報酬率、一致性、持股穩定性與模擬能力,並試圖操縱不同的模擬期間長度,比較其差異性。 實證結果顯示,如果投資者欲追求較高的單位風險投資報酬率,可能應該注重投資組合風險之管理,追求投資組合風險最小化將可獲得投資組合在樣本期間外的單位風險報酬最高且在該投資策略下具持股穩定性,所以手續費的變動對其表現績效的影響不大。若投資者欲有效模擬新興國家指數則應使樣本期間內的模擬股價報酬率與新興國家指數報酬率的相關係數最大,本研究模擬的最高相關係數只有76.07%,在未來仍須繼續努力對目標函數加以改進。 本研究僅就模擬期間12週與34週加以比較,結果發現模擬期間12週的表現績效優於24週的表現績效,但模擬能力較差,這是否告訴我們較短的模擬期間將可使樣本期間外的表現績效更為優秀,將需做更進一步的確認。 本研究亦針對同一目標函數以基因演算法與傳統的二次歸劃法加以比較,結果在樣本期間外的表現績效、持股穩定性與模擬新興國家指數的能力上,基因演算法似乎都較優於傳統的二次歸劃法。


黃順錫, HUANG, SHUN-XI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討兩財三要素模型下,國際投資與貿易的關係,全文分為四章。 第一章 緒論:本章為文獻回顧,探討相關理論與著作。 第二章 一國兩財三要素模型。 第一節 基本模型:簡介國際貿易理論之兩財三要素模型。 第二節 安定性分析:均衡解要穩定才有意義,故為本分析。 第三節 要素報酬效果:探討要素秉賦與財貨價格變動對要素報酬之影響。 第四節 產出效果:探討要素秉賦與財貨價格變動對產出的影響。 第五節 比較利益的型態:兩財三要素之下的 H-O THEOREM。 第三章 資本移動之一國兩財三要素模型。 第一節 基本模型:介紹資本移動之兩財三要素模型。 第二節 資本需求與要素交互作用:探討資本報酬與產品價格對資本需求之影響,以 及資本移動對其它二種要素之報酬與僱用量(就業)之影響。 第三節 要素報酬效果:探討資本移動後,其它二種要素秉賦之外生長與產品價格變 動對其報酬之影響。 第四節 產出效果:探討資本移動對產出的影響。 第四章 結論:本章為全文之總結對本文各章結果做一摘要性的敘述。

個案研究-聯華電子與大陸和艦 / Case study- UMC & HeJian

黃珈瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
2001年聯華電子公司協助大陸和艦科技公司成立,此案揭露台灣法規與企業追求成長的衝突,於2005年爆發,歷經五年才無罪定讞,最後導致聯電榮譽董事長曹興誠入籍新加坡。本論文主要探討國際投資決策與公司治理兩大議題。 本論文從總體經濟、產業分析、聯電公司基本面分析,進行同業比較:在2001年全球IC產能與人員閒置,因此各國廠商前往最具發展潛力的中國大陸,產生許多競爭對手。台灣IC產業為維持研發技術領先,需尋找廣大市場來支持研究發展支出。台灣晶圓第二的聯電之研發技術未能領先於晶圓龍頭—台積電,因此相較於台積電,更需積極評估聯電前往大陸佈局的利與弊。因中國大陸強大內需市場、牽制大陸IC廠商、站穩全球IC供給鏈一環、比較利益、多元化經營的利益,使得聯電決定以間接方式協助大陸和艦,降低法律風險。 然而因無法公開協助和艦,使得公司治理問題浮現:股權結構、董事會職能、股東權益的保障、資訊透明度等,本文利用臨床測試法(Clinical Test),實證資料顯示,在市場傳出聯電投資和艦的消息後,產生負的累積異常報酬。 / The case, UMC assisted HeJian in 2001, revealed the conflict between regulation and investment decision of company. It was sued in 2005, and finally became inno-cent in 2010. This essay focuses on two issues, international investment and corporate governance. International investment started from the top-down analysis: from microeco-nomic analysis to industry to company fundamental analysis, then also the competitor analysis. Although the global IC industry had suffered recession in 2001, IC demand from China had increased. Therefore, many foreign investors transferred their know-ledge and facilities to assist China’s IC market, and then many potential competitors showed up. Meanwhile, IC enterprises in Taiwan needed large market to support R&D expense to maintain competitive advantage. As one of IC manufacturers in Taiwan, UMC didn’t have the leading technology as TSMC did, therefore, with the benefit of the high demand IC market in China, remaining competitive advantage, comparative advantage, and so on. UMC decided to assist HeJian in privately. The problem of corporate governance emerged because of private assistance. It was doubted that the ownership structure, function of board, the interest of shareholders and transparency could work well. Therefore, when investors knew the information of UMC assisted HeJian, there was negative cumulative abnormal return by event study.


楊雲明, YANG, YUN-MING Unknown Date (has links)
全文共分一冊,四章約計三萬字餘。 本文內容旨在探討小型開放經濟體系,於接受技術優越國家的外人投資,而且此一外 人投資伴隨著技術移轉之後,對國內經濟的各種影響。 各種效果概述如左: 要素報酬效果: 係分析技術移轉後對本國工資率、租金率的影響,進而分析對國內所得分配的影響。 要素重分配及產出效果: 係分析技術移轉後對國內資本、勞動分配的影響,進而分析進口競爭財的產量的影響 。 交易條件效果: 係分析技術轉後,引起國內可口財、可進口財的產量變化,再加上需求面的影響,而 影響了本國交易條件。 實質所得效果: 係在分析接受了技術移轉之後,對本國福利水準究竟是有利抑或是不利;若有利,則 政府應鼓勵是項外人投資;若不利,則政府應禁止是項外人投資。 技術移轉與貿易型態: 係在分析本國可進口財部門接受移轉之後,是否可能由可進口財部門轉變成可出口財 部門,即是否有可能使本國貿易型逆轉 。 其次,本文亦針對資本移動、技術移轉及商品移動間,究竟為代替關係抑或為互補關 係來分析。

跨國企業國際投資行為之研究:以中國通訊產業研發中心為核心 / The study of international investment strategies of Transitional Corporations Case Study:Communication industry R&D centers in China

高逢誠, Vincent, Feng Cheng Kao Unknown Date (has links)
跨國企業的發展已建構出一個極為龐大的全球商業體系,其涵蓋了全球生產總值的25%,國際貿易行為的65%,國際技術貿易的60%至70%,產品研發的80%至90%,換言之跨國企業實際上掌握了全球的國際貿易與技術研發。而過往跨國企業多群集於技術領先之處進行海外研發活動,近年來卻轉往以亞洲為主的開發中國家。其中OECD甚至表示跨國企業對於中國研發的投入已經使中國在2006年超越日本,成為研發投入全球第二的國家。 因此本論文便以此為出發點,希冀瞭解跨國企業國際投資行為,並將以跨國企業(摩托羅拉、諾基亞)在中國的投資行為為觀察對象,以瞭解跨國企業如何應對東道國之產業政策,以及如何利用東道國的政策法令、市場地位來極大化其跨國經營的效益,並在最後以臺灣廠商(明基)在中國的研發佈局為對照,指出臺灣廠商未來可以努力的方向。研究後所得整理如下: 1.跨國企業進入資本輸入國的型態已經呈現多元化的趨勢,多數的國際投資開始藉由離岸公司或是多國籍的方式進入資本輸入國。 2.資本輸入國時常會利用法令政策為手段來培植齊國內產業,而跨國企業也會藉由合資、併購等手段來避開資本輸入國法令政策的羈絆。 3.對於中國3G標準(TD-SCDMA)跨國企業之參與不遺餘力。 4.研發行為全球化型態已經成為目前跨國企業研發的方式,藉由建立全球研發管理平台跨國企業更能掌握全球資源。 5.臺灣廠商應盡力往技術研發方向佈局,並應盡力建立跨國研發管理平台,避免一味的追逐製造行為以為滿足,以免在中國本土廠商技術提升之後,淪為替人家代工或是必須遷往成本更低廉的地方。 / The development of Transitional Corporations has already created an enormously complicated business structure in the world. It includes 25%of the gross world product, 65%of the international trade, 60%~70%of the international technology licensing, 80%~90%of the R&D. In other words, Transitional Corporations has manipulated the trade and R&D activities of the world. Moreover, Transitional Corporations are now spreading their R&D activities to developing countries(mainly in Asia). OECD even mentioned that China will surpass Japan by the end of 2006 in R&D spending to become the world's second R&D investor after United States. This thesis examines the international investment strategies of Transitional Corporations. We discuss the international investment law and the foreign investment legal system in China(host country in this thesis)first. Then we focus on the investment strategies of Motorola and Nokia in China to realize how they arrange their R&D centers in China and how they deal with the policies of the host country to maximize their investment interests. In conclusion, we study the investment strategies of BenQ in China to give Taiwan corporations some advice about their international investment strategies. Our conclusions are as followed: 1.Transitional Corporations enter into the host country with diversified nationalities and through the establishment of offshore company. 2.The host country will have certain policies to foster their own industries, Transitional Corporations should use Joint Venture company or M&A action to evade this kind of restrictions. 3.Transitional Corporations spare no effort to affect and join the development of 3G standardization(TD-SCDMA)in China. 4.Globalization R&D has played a major role in the R&D model of Transitional Corporations. Through the built of international R&D management platform, Transitional Corporations are more capable of controlling their global resources. 5.Taiwan Corporations should focus their investment on valuable activities, such as R&D, instead of just pursing manufacture interests.

析論歐盟優惠性原產地規則及其對台灣成鞋廠商國際投資之影響 / Analyze and research on EU preferential rule of origin and its impact on international investment of Taiwanese footwear producers

廖唯宸, Liao, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟廣泛地與世界各國簽訂優惠貿易協定,透過優惠貿易待遇的給予來促進與各國間政治與經貿的緊密連繫。而對於生產者而言,要適用這些貿易優惠的前提就是透過遵循歐盟優惠性原產地規則而使產品取得原產產品身分,無論是以完全取得或是經過充分作業或加工而產生實質轉型的方式。 本論文主要的研究目的,在於分析個別歐盟優惠貿易協定下關於累積規定、微量條款、出口退稅禁止等關鍵條文,與附錄清單就產品「實質轉型」標準規定的法律義涵,以及其隱含的政經意義;並就該意義進一步推衍出對於台灣的生產者,在眾多的歐盟優惠性協定法律架構下,存在個別規則適用難易程度具有差別且該差別將對生產成本有所影響之事實。而本論文另一重點則是就法規與生產稟賦搭配後得推衍出原則性之評估方法來評比出個別優惠性原產地規則在適用上之優劣順序,以協助台灣廠商未來考慮使用此項貿易優惠來進軍歐盟市場時,在國際投資之佈局上可以納入考量或作為參考,以選擇出最有利的受惠國或區域作為生產資源配置之基礎。 為使法律層面與實務上之運作加以結合,本論文進一步以台灣的成鞋廠商做為研究觀察之對象,檢視其是否會因為適用歐盟優惠性原產地規則而改變投資模式,另亦將與鞋廠商實際訪談所得之結論與推演出原則性評估方法加以比較,進一步檢討該評估方法之適用能力與情形,並提出應隨不同情況而加以修正相關假設之注意。 關鍵詞:歐盟優惠性原產地規則;原產地規則;原產產品;實質轉型;累積規定;微量條款;出口退稅禁止;附錄清單;生產稟賦;國際投資;成鞋。 / Europe Union (EU) broadly sign the preferential trade agreements with the other countries in the globe, and through the conferring of the preferential trade treatments, EU attempts to build up the tight political and economic bonds worldwide. The premise for producers who want to enjoy these trade preferences is to make sure that their product are qualified and recognized as “original product” in those beneficiary countries either by following the regulation of standard of “wholly obtained” or “sufficiently working or processing” stipulated in each preferential Rule of Origin (ROO). The main subject of this thesis is to analyze the legal meaning and the underlined policy purpose of the critical provisions in each EU preferential ROO, such as “cumulation”, “general tolerance rule”, “no-drawback rule”, and the standard of “sufficiently working or processing” of a product (substantial transformation) stipulated in the List Rules (in the Annex part) attached in each preferential trade agreement. And from those meaning Author reasons out the fact that the level of difficulty concerning applying and using these preferential ROO are different and the difference has its influence on cost of producing. Author also infers the basic method to assess the level of difficulty of these ROO while combining analyzing the ROO provisions and endowment in the beneficiary countries. This method is to assist those Taiwanese producers who have willing to use the EU preferential ROO to make their product qualified as “original product” with the minimized producing cost when entering into EU market, that is, to help producers cherry pick the beneficial countries (or area) for making investments distribution and deploying concerned producing resources and still have their the products entitled as “original product”. To combine the legal dimension and the producer’s operation in practice, Author further chooses Taiwanese footwear producers as observed subject of using the ROO and see if they would change their mode of investment thereafter. Author compares the conclusion derived from interviewing footwear producers with the basic assessment method, and further examines the applicability of the method and the potential correction of hypothesis under certained situations. Key words: EU preferential Rule of Origin, Rule of Origin, original product, substantial transformation, cumulation, general tolerance rule, no-drawback rule, List Rules, endowment, international investment, footwear.

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