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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以微型貸款做為減貧策略—將一個持續進行的方案進行個案研究 / Microfinance as a poverty reduction strategy—a case study of an ongoing program

王之燕, Wang, Prudence Unknown Date (has links)
Combating poverty is a global issue. In the past, anti-poverty strategy heavily rely on in-kind and in-cash social assistance, until microfinance model had proved remarkable saving outcomes, and then its ideology had swept the world. After the concept of Grameen Bank is widely recognized by Taiwanese, fostering small business and fostering self-reliance to create a cycle of sustainability pave an innovative thinking for social assistance models, and modify the conventional social welfare paradigm. The aforementioned factor thus brings about the origin of Taiwan’s Microfinance Program. This research interviewed the program stakeholders to conclude strategies to improve cost-effectiveness, as the program performances, judged by most program stakeholders, remained unsatisfied for a while. The research consistently addresses the aforementioned issues in terms of bank design, borrower characteristics, and bank supportive services; then, the research paper draws a conclusion and recommendations to improve the program performance.

從微型貸款與就學貸款看貸款的關鍵成功因素 / The Study of key success factors of credit from the views of microcredit and student loan

王立彥, Wang, Li Yen Unknown Date (has links)
民國九十七年二月底,就學貸款的總申貸戶已突破九十萬人、總核貸金額也超過一千五百億台幣,雙雙創下歷史的新高;但在同時,學生逾期未繳的呆帳也成長到四十四億的台幣,逾放比相較一般銀行的2%,更是高達4.59%,中央銀行更認為其逾放比高達16%,這造成政府在財政上的龐大的負擔。 反觀近幾年被熱烈討論的微型貸款,其在貸款上的創新、和就學貸款同樣具有社會服務性質,將貸款提供給予貧困、一般商業銀行不願意接受的民眾,但又可以維持高度獨立的財務支撐性而為人稱奇。1970年代開始發展的微型貸款,其首位推行者Yunas於2006年時受到諾貝爾和平獎的肯定,其在孟加拉創辦的Grameen Bank更是創下97~99%的還款率。 是什麼因素造成原本商業銀行不接受的微型貸款可以成功,而實行良久的就學貸款卻面臨貸款難以回收的問題?本文希望透過商品及消費者的角度、而非傳統社會福利的角度來審視微型貸款和就學貸款;利用過去的文獻及個案,以及訪談在台灣的微型貸款計畫-創業鳳凰微型貸款、嬌生彭婉如貸款,來比較分析貸款成功的關鍵因素,以給予就學貸款改進上的建議。 本文利用現今普遍被銀行採用由Paul H. Hunn提出的信用貸款5P原則:People貸款戶、Purpose貸款用途、Payment還款來源、Protection債權保障、Perspective貸款戶展望;以及由Jerome McCarthy提出、經Philip Kotler推廣的行銷4P:Product 產品規劃、Price定價、Promotion產品促銷、Place通路劃分;透過這4P及5P原則來建立架構、分析比較個案。 本研究經由訪談個案相關人員、以及過去國內外文獻資料,瞭解到成功的貸款必須要注意三個關鍵的要素。一、計畫的設計必須配合當地環境:貸款的回收是透過借款人創造正向的經濟循環產生的收入,所以必須要有一個適合發展的政治社會環境;二、篩選願意接受改變的借款人並賦權:給予貸款者適當的能力及資源以幫助他們成功,這必須透過挑選有意願改變的人、給予需要的資源,包括貸款及訓練、或是諮詢顧問;三、透過社群來建立社會支援系統:透過建立借款人間正式或非正式的社群網絡,可以幫助資訊的交流及人脈的建立,提高借款人成功的機會及貸款計畫影響持續的時間。

中國大陸網路金融發展與小微企業融資困境之探討:以阿里巴巴集團為例 / Internet Financing Development and the Difficulty of Micro and Small Enterprises Financing in China-A Case Study of the Alibaba Group

黃建維, Huang, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自1978年改革開放以來經濟不斷朝市場化方向邁進,近年來小微企業逐漸成為中國大陸經濟結構轉型的因素以及經濟發展的動能。然而計畫經濟時期資源分配集中在大型國有企業使得小微企業資金取得困難,小微企業在現階段帶動中國大陸經濟轉型與發展,但卻面臨資金借貸的資訊不對稱問題。在小額借貸市場失靈現象下,中國大陸新興的小額借貸模式,如P2P網路借貸、小額貸款公司等如雨後春筍般出現。 本論文探討中國大陸小額借貸金融體系的市場失靈問題,以資訊不對稱理論分析微型貸款融資模式與網路金融機構的創新途徑如何解決此困境。並以阿里巴巴集團的螞蟻金服為個案延伸探討。 資訊不對稱理論為本論文之理論基礎,並以文獻分析與統計資料分析兩模式分析中國大陸當前的金融環境。在個案分析部分將阿里巴巴集團的螞蟻金服與P2P網路借貸平台、傳統銀行業小額貸款業務的運作模式以及風險機制等做比較,並以風險機制進一步探討資訊不對稱理論的作用。 本論文最後提出三項看法作為結論,包括:創新的小額借貸模式得以降低資訊不對稱、中國大陸網路經濟迅速發展加快小微企業與金融業創新、小額貸款模式本身缺失。 / Marketization in China began after its economic reforms started in 1978. In recent years, micro and small enterprises have become a factor of economic transformation and a momentum of economic growth in China. While most resources were allocated to large, state businesses in the planned economy period, it was difficult for micro and small enterprises to access relevant resources. Although micro and small enterprises are driving the Chinese economic transformation, they are facing the loan information asymmetry problem. As the micro credit market is malfunctioning, emerging micro credit models, such as P2P internet lending and micro lending companies, are springing up like mushrooms. This paper investigates the malfunction of China’s micro credit market analyzed how of the innovation of micro credit models and internet financial institutions solve this problem with information asymmetry theory. An extended investigation was conducted with Ant Financial of Alibaba Group as an example. Information asymmetry is the theoretical background of this paper. This paper analyzed China’s present financial situation with literature and statistical analyses. This study also compared the operating model and risk control for micro credit between Ant Financial, P2P internet lending, and traditional banks in the case study and further reviewed the effect of information asymmetry in risk control. In conclusion, this study found that (1) innovative micro credit model could reduce information asymmetry; (2) the rapid development of China’s internet economy has accelerated the innovation of local micro and small enterprises and the financial industry, and (3) the problems in current micro credit models.

微額信貸在減少貧窮與鼓勵教育之顯著性 / Microfinance: the significance of microcredit in alleviating poverty and supporting education

貝君傑, Benavides, Carlos Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用線性迴歸模型來預測微型金融對於貧窮、高中就讀率等等社會問題所帶來的效果,其中微型金融包括了微型信貸、微型儲蓄、微型保險以及微型金融機構所提供的匯款服務。本研究的樣本涵蓋了從2011年到2014年拉丁美洲及加勒比地區的20個國家。 在把樣本細分成可以比較的不同組別,並進行迴歸分析之後,我們發現微型金融對於貧窮人數有負向的顯著影響,對於高中就讀率有正向的顯著影響,而對於其他如醫療、創業、家庭支出與人均收入的影響並不顯著。 因應在拉丁美洲和加勒比地區不斷增加的微型金融機構,本研究建議未來可以利用更複雜的統計模型像是工具變量、隨機對照實驗、準實驗問卷來估計微型金融與影響之間是否有因果關係,對於NMP來說,他們應該鼓勵微型金融的發展以及接受適度的批判來確保透明且可靠的研究來作為政策制定的參考。 / The following research uses a panel linear model regression to detect possible effects Microfinance and its iterations (namely microcredit, microsavings, microinsurance, and remittance services offered by microfinancial institutions) have on distinct social outcomes such as poverty and secondary school enrollment rates. The study sample consists of 20 countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region observed during a period of 4 years (2011-2014). After subdividing the sample into comparable groups the results yielded statistically significant negative effects on poverty headcount, and statistically significant positive effects on secondary school enrollment rates across the subgroups. The results from other social welfare dimensions such as health, business creation, household consumption, and income per capita were insignificant. Due to the increasing presence of Microfinancial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, there is sufficient reason to encourage further research to be done in which more experienced researchers can use more statistically complex models (such as IV, RCTs, quasi-experimental surveys) to try to determine whether or not there is a causal relationship between microfinance and the effects herein described. For policymakers and funders of NMPs, the takeaway is that they should encourage both advocates and critics to present transparent and replicable studies to back their claims.

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