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財產權之基本理論研究-以國家與人民之關係為限 / A Study on Fundamental Theory of Property -- the Relation of State and People魏千峰, Wei, Chien-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本文為建立財產權基本理論,從財產權之定義、財產權合理化理論及財產權理論之運用三方面著手。在何謂財產權專章中,析述財產權定義、特權、功能及缺失。在財產權合理化理論專章中,本文介紹現代最早之財產權理論(即先占理論)、勞力理論、人格發展理論、功效主義財產權理論及羅爾斯之分配正義理論。其中,個人擁有自身乃先占理論與勞力理論之源頭;功效主義理論認為財產權係因社會需要而生;人格發展理論認為財產權將人的意志具現在外部領域;羅爾斯之分配主義理論試圖建立同世代與世代間利用物質資源之公平正義。上述理論須經過重構後,方能深植在我國法律文化中。在財產權理論運用專章中,本文嚐試運用各種財產權理論於我國憲法財產權保障制度和徵收制度上。就憲法財產權保障制度而言,本文援引洛克天賦權利理論,認為財產權係先於國家存在之權利,並引伸出防禦權及有限政府之概念,避免過於偏重社會義務或國家義務之財產權制度。就徵收制度而言,本文評析大法官釋字第二三六號、三三六號、四00號及四四0號解釋。釋字第二三六號、三三六號解釋,偏重於社會整體利益之考量,犧牲個人財產權,釋字第四00號解釋則建立政府公權力不得侵犯個人及財產權係實現個人人格發展之概念,後者雖已將洛克及黑格爾理論共治一爐,此為我國憲法上財產權保障之大事,但從其前後不一貫之立場,我國財產權制度仍有尚待努力之處。 / The protection of property plays an important role in political and economic development of Taiwan. But in tradition there was no factor of right in our legal culture, and especially considered social interests when we adopted and learned from western legal systems. It can't make people prevent from intervention of state power although Article 15 of Constitutional Law prescribes protection of property. For example, the interpretation of No.336 of Grand Justice upheld Article 50 of City Planning Law deleting deadline of public reservation. The said interpretation is a bad example.
The goal of this dissertation is to establish fundamental theory of property. It is divided into three parts: what is property, why is property and how is property. Part I (what is property) analyzes definition of property. It also proceeds about characters、functions and flaws of property. Part Ⅱ(why is property) introduces the earliest modern theory of property (i.e., first occupancy theory)、labor theory、utilitarian property theory、personality development theory and Rawl's distributive justice theory. Suum is the origin of first occupancy theory and labor theory. Utilitarianism argues that property is derived from social demand. Rawl's distributive justice theory desires to establish the justice of using material about the same generation and the different generations. Only after reconstructing the said theories, property can deep input into our legal culture. Part Ⅲ (how is property) uses the said property theories to property protection of Constitutional Law and takings . For establishing the more protection system of property in Constitutional Law, it should employ natural right theory. And then it will produce the concept of negative right and limited government in Taiwan. It also can prevent from over - emphasising social obligations of individual and positive functions of state. In discussing takings, this dissertation analyzes the interpretation of No.236、No.336、No.400 and No.440 of Grand Justice. The interpretations of No.236 and No. 336 stress the importance of whole social interests, but it overlooks the individual right. The interpretation of No.400 constructs the concepts of limited state power and personality development. The latter is the turning point of property protection in our Constitutional Law. But oberserving contradiction of the said interpretations of Grand Justice, we still need to endeavor to establish the better system of property in our country.
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都市固體廢棄物減量之經濟分析蔡月蜜, Tasi, Yue-Mi Unknown Date (has links)
實證分析則得到對環境及垃圾管理認知、態度與日常環保行為愈正向者,其家戶會多花點兒心力於垃圾分類且垃圾量也較少。實施「強制垃圾分類」與「隨袋徵收」的地區,回收時間有顯著性地增加。但是對於減少垃圾容量,「隨袋徵收」才有顯著性的效果。本研究純粹探討制度不同對家戶減量行為的效果,而無分析不同政策的成本面,因此,環保單位應就欲達目的擇一適合的垃圾管理政策。 / The amount of household solid waste that is constantly rising with time has been an inevitable trend. In order to reach the equilibrium, the governments all over the world initially supply the solid waste disposal services freely to fulfill the demand. However, once the cost of supply has grown to such an extent that supply falls short, the equilibrium will be impossible to reach. Thus, many governments have changed the policy of providing free disposal service and developed alternative approaches to lower household’s demand for the service.
In the meantime, some researches have studied the links between human perceptions, value, attitude and behavior toward the environment. Much of the research points to the fact that, the more detailed knowledge of the environment people hold, the more of New Environment Paradigm (NEP) they are, the more likely they are to actively reduce their waste and promote green behavior. This is one other route we can take to reduce household demand of solid waste services.
The waste disposal fee is charged according to the amount of water used by the household to cover the cost of waste collection and disposal in Taiwan. However, this charge scheme doesn’t relate the fee paid by a household to the amount of waste the household discard, and most households are thereby indifferent to the payment of waste fee. In recent years, several cities have undertaken alternative policy schemes to reduce the household demands for waste disposal service. These schemes mainly come in two ways:one is to charge fees according to the quantity of waste generated; the other is to enforce the mandatory recycling law. Since July 1st, 1999, Tai-Chung City has required households to separate the waste into recyclable and disposable while Taipei City had chosen the latter fashion - waste fee per bag since July 1st, 2000. Kaohsiung City, on the other hand, has performed the same scheme as Tai-Chung City beginning January 1st, 2001.
This study first develops a theoretical model of household disposal decision under different waste management policies:“no policy”, “required waste separation and recycling”, and “fee per-bag”. The household can choose among various options, including waste reduction, recycling, regular garbage collection and illegal dumping (or burning). The model shows that the “fee per-bag” is the only effective solution to source reduction; however, it induces the most illegal garbage dumping among the three schemes. In fact, the incidents of illegal dumping did not take place in Tai-Chung or Kaohsiung cities but was found in Taipei City.
When households can only choose between recycling and illegal dumping, then Tai-Chung and Kaohsiung city dwellers are more likely to do more separation and recycling work than Taipei’s. As for when only regular garbage collection and waste separation and recycling are available as in Tai-Chung and Kaohsiung cities, the households’ likelihood to recycle depends on the expected fines of incomplete separation.
Empirical result shows that when people have more knowledge about the environment and waste management policy, greener attitude towards environment, they tend to put more effort into waste separation and recycling, and their waste generated will be less than other households. The time people spend to separate waste increases significantly in those areas that apply “required waste separation” and “fee per-bag” programs. “Fee per-bag” has resulted in the largest decreases in the volume of the garbage.
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