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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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多巴胺受體拮抗劑對大白鼠舔飲行為配置的影響 / The Effect of Dopamine Receptor Blockade on Licking Behavior Allocation

王思涵, Wang, Szu-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討舔飲蔗糖液之成本利益情境中,多巴胺受體拮抗劑對舔飲行為配置的影響,以釐清阻斷多巴胺使行為受損的條件與所代表之意義。實驗設計為「高位置高濃度糖液+低位置低濃度糖液」雙管情境中的舔飲行為,實驗一確立高、低位置分別代表高、低成本後,實驗二至實驗七調整糖液濃度、裝盛容器與舔飲經驗,發現唯有「高位置籠外水管20%糖液+低位置伸入式水瓶15%糖液」且增加單獨對低瓶的舔飲經驗,方能建立多巴胺受體拮抗劑的「此降彼升」動物模式。實驗八確認「此降彼升」的三要件為低位置是(1)低成本:伸入式容器、(2)高利益:15%糖液、(3)充足經驗:9天舔飲低瓶。實驗九至十一的藥物測試得到前述動物模式可有效區別多巴胺受體拮抗劑、降低食量藥物與干擾動作藥物有不同影響型態。實驗十二發現單管情境與雙管情境的結果有很高的一致性。結論為(1)較低劑量的多巴胺受體拮抗劑並不減少大白鼠對糖液的總需求、不干擾兩者行為間的區辨選擇與轉換能力,(2)舔飲行為不受多巴胺受體拮抗劑干擾的要件為低成本、高利益與充足經驗三者需同時成立,(3)不符三要件之舔飲行為會因多巴胺受體拮抗劑而降低表現量,因此反駁過去認為完結行為不受此類藥物干擾的想法,(4)本研究建立的雙管舔飲情境可有效區分不同藥物作用,值得做為進一步探討多巴胺與行為之間的關係及其神經機制的動物模式。 / This study investigated the effect of dopamine antagonist on licking sucrose solution behavior under cost-benefit condition, which was designed into a 'high-cost high-benefit with low-cost low-benefit' licking test situation. Experiment 1 confirmed that the difference of licking response between high and low positions indicating the cost difference. Experiment 2 to Experiment 7, manipulating the liquid container, sucrose concentration and the experience of licking low position solution, found that rats only increased low position sucrose intake while decreased high position one in 'high tube 20% with low bottle 15% sucrose solution' condition. Experiment 8 further confirmed three factors of low cost, high benefit and plenty experience were necessary for increasing intake of low position in simultaneous contrast to decreasing the intake of high position. Experiment 9 to Experiment 11 evaluated the drug effects of dopamine antagonists, anorectics and motor relaxants on the present animal model. The results showed the different patterns of reaction for these three types of drugs. Experiment 12 revealed the results of single tube condition were consistent with those of cost-benefit condition. Together, these results demonstrated that dopamine antagonist neither decrease the drive for sucrose nor disrupt the abilities to discriminate and select between two tubes under the present model. Three factors of cost, benefit and experience are important to determine dopamine antagonist effect. Therefore, the resistance of consummatory behavior to dopamine dysfunction may be limited for specific situation. And, the cost-benefit licking model can be useful for further investigation of neurobehavioral mechanism of dopamine system.


吳定, Wu, Ding Unknown Date (has links)
本論文名為「行政效率測量標準與方法之研究」,除緒言外,共分七章。全文約十二萬字。 在「緒言」中,略述個人研究本文的動機與意旨,以及研究的重點與範圍。第一章「行政效率的概念」,首先闡述行政效率的性質、意義、辨正等。次論行政效率測量的意義,目的及其所遭遇的困難期澄清行政效率的基本概念,以利行政效率測量標準與方法的探討。第二章「行政效率測量標準」,就行政效率的性質,分成三個層次予以討論; 其一為機械性效率,凡行政機關工作屬於機械性者,適用機械性效率測量標準。筆者從各種角度提出七項測量標準,以供參考。其二為組織性效率,凡行政機關組織、人員、管理及運作情況的效率均屬之,適用組織性效率測量標準。筆者亦提出七項測量標準討論。其三為社會性效率,著重行政活動對社會所具的功能與價值等,適用社會性效率的測量標準。筆者提出討論的測量標準有三項。第三章為「行政效率測量方法」,採用統計分析方法與數理公式,論述行政效率測量的方法與技術。其中有的屬於理論性探討,有的則為現行測量辦法,筆者就此些辦法加以論列分析,並舉述實例,俾明其應用。第四章「我國行政效率測量的實施」,略論人事行政局與台北市政府的實施情形,並檢討其利弊,提出建議事項,以供參考改進。第五章「行政效率的測量人員」,鑒於「徒法不足以自行」,「為政在人」,故本章敘述如何遴任及訓練行政效率測量人員。期以人員的優點彌補制度的闕漏。第六章為「我國行政效率測量的展望」,闡明我國目前行政效率測量制度未臻完善,應從速謀求研究改進,加強實施工作簡化,計劃評核術與目標管理等新近管理技術,擬訂妥善的測量標準與方法。最後一章「結論」,綜合全文的研究心得提出報告,強調檢討現行制度缺點,力求改進,健全存政效率測量制度,增進行政效率,實現行政革新。本文研究方式,主要為理論性探討,並佐以若干實例,以求理論與實際相配合,研究範圍包括行政機關的組織、制度、人員及運作等,以求普遍討論效率測量標準與方法。筆者會去信美國當代名行政學者西蒙(Herbert A. Simon)教授,請教有關行政效率測量問題。西蒙教授謙虛表示,最近十幾年來,他的研究工作很少觸及行政效率、測量標準與方法。其主要觀點幾乎已盡括於「行政學士」(Public Adiministration 1956)一書中。但他指出美國這方面的研究趨向於「成本利益分析」(Cost-Benefit Analysis) 。西蒙教授並贈送筆者一書,名為「經由系統分析增進政府效率」(Efficiency in Government through Systems Analysis. by Roland N. Mckean, 1958) 其內容主要敘述利用成本利益分析以抉擇行政活動計劃,但與效率測量亦具有相當密切的關係,故本文會約略論及。

以成本-利益觀點探討極大化程度對消費者產品資訊搜尋行為之影響 / The Effects of Maximization Tendency on Consumers’ Product Information Seeking Behavior: From the Prospective of Cost-Benefit

李文玄, Lee, Wen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的在以成本與利益觀點,驗證產品資訊搜尋過程,消費者於對搜尋時間成本與產品資訊信心程度之主觀估計,在極大化程度對消費者產品資訊搜尋行為影響所扮演的中介變數角色,藉此瞭解產品資訊搜尋階段,極大化程度對消費者資訊搜尋行為與態度之影響機制。 極大化程度為一種個人追求最佳選擇程度之人格特質傾向。過去極大化程度在消費者行為領域之相關研究,多聚焦於探討不同極大化程度消費者之選項數量偏好、時間成本投入意願與決策後情感反應之差異,甚少有消費者資訊搜尋過程相關議題之討論。本研究認為,產品資訊搜尋實為消費者整體選擇與決策歷程最重要之階段,經常影響消費決策之最終品質,因此若要真正瞭解極大化程度對消費者選擇行為與態度差異之影響,除從極大化人格特質基本定義做為影響之解釋外,亦須藉由探討極大化程度在產品資訊搜尋過程,對消費者資訊成本與利益認知之影響中,連結出整段消費者選擇行為歷程之影響機制關係。 本論文以Ratchford (1982) 所提之「資訊搜尋之成本-利益模式 (The Cost-Benefit Model for Information Seeking)」為理論基礎,並將研究分為兩部份,研究一為探討不同極大化程度消費者在產品挑選機制與產品屬性要求標準上的差異,透過受測者對四項產品之屬性重要度評估、對特定屬性規格之期望標準,得知不同極大化程度受測者在產品屬性重視的程度、視為重要的屬性數量,以及產品屬性要求標準上之差異。研究二則採取2 (資訊延遲時間高、低)×2 (產品屬性離散程度高、低) 組間設計實驗,透過本研究設計之虛擬產品購物網站平台,讓受測者執行產品資訊搜尋任務,從中衡量受測者對產品資訊搜尋時間成本與資訊信心之主觀估計,驗證單位搜尋時間估計與單位資訊效用估計在極大化程度對受測者產品資訊搜尋數量、搜尋過程滿意度與產品知覺價值中,扮演之中介變數角色,以瞭解箇中之內在心理機制。 研究結果顯示,極大化程度與產品屬性重視程度及屬性要求標準呈現顯著正向關係,極大化受測者對產品屬性的重視程度與對產品屬性的要求標準皆較滿足化者高。足見不同極大化程度消費者對選擇之追求目標差異,會具體展現於產品遴選機制與屬性要求標準上。而經過中介變數關係檢定後也發現,極大化程度越高之受測者所估計之搜尋時間與對資訊在決策幫助上的信心越低,因而正向影響了搜尋的產品數量,搜尋時間成本與資訊效用估計亦分別成為受測者對搜尋過程滿意度以及對產品知覺價值之中介變數。 本論文之研究成果除驗證極大化選擇目標與產品遴選機制及屬性要求標準之關聯性外,亦進一步得知極大化程度影響消費者產品資訊搜尋行為與態度之內在心理機制,成功將系統性之消費者資訊搜尋經濟模式與極大化概念結合,為極大化程度研究領域帶來更深入且具理論基礎之發現。研究成果亦可作為通路或產品廠商思索產品陳列與資訊呈現方式時之參考依據,以降低顧客之主觀成本花費、提升產品資訊帶給顧客決策上的利益,提高顧客對個人整體消費過程之滿意度與所選產品之知覺價值。 / The purpose of this research is to demonstrate whether consumers’ subjective estimations of search time and product information confidence are the mediators mediating the effects of maximization tendency on consumers’ product information seeking behavior and attitude. From the perspective of information cost-benefit, the psychological mechanism will be found from this effect of personality on consumer behavior in this research. Maximization tendency was conceptualized in recent ten years to describe individual’s personality that strives for pursuing the best choice. After this concept was developed, most of the researches in this domain focused on discussing in the relationships between maximization orientation and consumers’ choice preferences such as the differences in the amount of alternatives, the aspiration to invest search time, and affective response after making decision. However seldom of them paid their attentions to the stage of product information search to probe the mechanism for the effect of maximization tendency on consumers’ searching behaviors about product information. Since the information seeking is the most important process to influence consumers’ decisions, the current study aims to explore the effects of maximization tendency on the individuals’ subjective estimations of time cost and benefit of product information. Hereby, the whole picture of the causal relationship in consumers’ information searching process would be drawn in this study. Referring to the rationales of Ratchford’s cost-benefit model, this research conducts two studies: the first part is to assess the differences in the criteria and attribute standard of consumers’ product selection with differential maximization tendencies. The second part is to conduct a 2 (the delay length of information appearance: low and high)×2 (the the dispersion of information attributes: low and high) between subject design experiments to demonstrate the mediating effect of two variables: consumers’ subjective estimation of time cost and information confidence during searching for information in the relations between maximization tendency and consumers’ information seeking behavior. The result shows the relationship between participants’ maximization orientation and their selection criteria as well as attribute demand standard exists. In general, maximizers have more complex choice criteria and higher picking standards than satisficers do when they choose the same products. The psychological mechanism is confirmed to help us understand how maximization tendency affect seeking behaviors and attitudes of product information from consumer’s product information seeking behavior and attitude. Manufacturers and store owners are suggested to apply these findings in the arrangement of alternatives and the display of product attribute information in order to reduce customers’ subjective estimation of time cost and improve their perception on information utility to, eventually, increase their satisfaction with the whole consumption experiences.

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