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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國市場進入策略與佈局之個案分析 / A Case Study on the Entry and Configuration Strategies of Mainland China

顏睿甫, Yen, Jui Pu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以個案公司切入中國市場,採取個案研究法討論個案公司如何配合產業的特性進行策略轉換,進一步達到擴張階段布局的效果;並討論B2B軟體產業如何應付價格與價值的兩難,切入新興市場,並且享受高門檻軟體產品所帶來的套牢(Lock-in)效果。以期待能夠複製此種模式至其他開發中國家,或提供不同產業策略啟發之用。 研究了解除巨觀的進入策略外,必須同時透過細部交易分析考量微觀的交易成本。在面對國際市場的進入策略選擇時,通常會藉由進入策略的分析,期待能在各種不同的進入模式中,挑到合適的選項。但必須更深入考慮,不論是採行獨資、合資、授權等方式,對客戶而言產業所獨有的交易模式與在地企業沒有兩樣。因此必須要針對交易本身進行深入的分析,即使是採取獨資設立子公司的方式,也必須考慮與客戶進行交易的模式,才是完整的進入策略。 而針對交易模式的特性,必須分階段破解交易成本的限制,當中又以專屬資產最是重要。既有大型系統軟體可利用模組分割,採取近似免費增殖(Freemium)的作法分階段獲利。在銷售前期以基礎功能模組的方式,降低使用者的採購成本以換取快速的市場佔有率,並且可以藉此建立使用者的專屬資產,有利後續再銷售的獲利模式。而在進行模組分割的同時,除藉此降低前期銷售的單價外,必須考慮如何降低再銷售時所衍生的系統擴充成本。因此遠端試用及軟體授權開通的設計,就對中國市場幅員遼闊差旅費用高的困難,有很大的幫助。 且除了銷售與再銷售的系統設計外,藉由系統整合建立與經銷商和使用者間的專屬資產,則是確保經銷商在較長時間的採購頻率中,仍會選擇同一企業作為優先合作的對象,以達到策略目標中的獲得再銷售收益的效果。

我國商銀歐體進入策略之研究 / The Study of EC Entry Strategy of ROC's Commercial Banks

林賢斌, Lin, Hsien Bin Unknown Date (has links)
眾所周知,區域性的經濟合作,已是國際經濟發展的趨勢。本研究即以歐 體金融統合此一環境的變遷,探討商業銀行在其海外市場進入目標之指引 下,權衡所有權因素及區位因素,以決定其歐體的進入策略──包括進入 方式、組織型態及經營的業務,並輔以臺灣銀行業之個案,藉此瞭解實務 界的作法。歐體金融統合主要的影響是:互惠原則、單一銀行執照、母國 監管原則、綜合銀行制度以及對銀行批發與零售業務的衝擊。銀行海外市 場的進入目標可分為市場擴張、資源尋求及政治性目的;進入方式則有獨 資新設,併購及策略聯盟;組織型態主要是代表辦事處、分行、子銀行、 代理行與財團銀行等。根據個案研究結果發現,歐體金融統合加速我國銀 行業國際化,而影響進入策略的所有權因素主要為規模及多國營運的經驗 ,區位因素則為雙邊貿易及投資額、國際金融中心、申請設立難易程度。 若非形格勢禁,分行是主要的進入組織型態,所從事的業務為傳統的批發 性銀行業務。在拓展海外據點的目標上則兼具經濟性與政治性,且國際化 程度不同目標亦有差異。

傳統紡織業國際擴張策略: 以探討業務據點之研究 / The Management of International Expansion Strategy for Sales and Marketing Sites in the Textile Industry

陳怡君, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
過去紡織產業為台灣的主力產業,由於本國廠商掌握純熟的製造技術與低廉的勞力成本,促使產品達到高品質、低成本之優勢。然而,產業環境逐漸全球化,導致台灣廠商面臨中國大陸及東南亞地區勞力成本低之威脅,而喪失成本優勢,因而促使些許廠商採取海外設立製造據點策略,以因應客戶低成本的需求。但此海外擴張策略需要組織投入大量資金於建置廠房,除了提高組織之營運風險外,此策略並無法有效維持及強化自身與客戶的長遠關係,此外,台灣紡織廠商應運用研發技術之優勢,提供差異化產品以創造更高利潤。而當紡織廠商欲達到此目標且藉此拓展海外潛在客戶合作關係時,唯有利用海外業務據點之成立,才能降低營運風險,且貼近客戶端以了解需求,並提升雙方合作關係之緊密度。 本研究將採取質化個案研究方法,深度訪談台灣紡織產業內的標竿企業─A公司,且輔以蒐集隸屬於同集團下─B公司之次級資料,並加以運用Dunning(1980)之折衷理論,探討個案公司如何運用自擁優勢、區位優勢及內部化優勢,及組織與內外部重要利害關係人之網絡關係,以提高組織設立海外業務據點之成功機會,此外,本研究也蒐集大量之次級資料,分析組織分別設立海外業務據點及製造據點所需具備OLI理論各層面優勢之差異性。 研究結論顯示,於OLI架構下,文化距離差異度愈低之自擁優勢、廠商專屬程度愈高之資產;產業聚合密度較高與人力專屬性較高之區位優勢;母公司掌控程度越高之內部化優勢皆正向影響組織設立海外業務據點;而於內外部網絡關係層面,廠商與相關企業間業務人員銷售能力共用程度高之網絡關係、廠商間相互依存度高之外部網絡關係及地主國政府所提供的資源豐富性越高之外部網絡關係,皆能對於廠商設立海外業務據點形成助益。 / In the past, the textile industry was prosperous in Taiwan because of professional techniques and low labor costs. However, these advantages disappear gradually because of the economic growth of developing countries such as China and Vietnam. Therefore, the managers in textile enterprises in Taiwan have to develop some strategies to overcome the challenges. Most of these companies strengthen their R&D skills to make differentiated products and then gain more profits. At the same time, they will reduce the operational risk and build the strong customer relationships by establishing the overseas sale and marketing sites. The study uses qualitative research method to interview the vice president and the assistant manager in the case company. Furthermore, the research applies the “Eclectic Paradigm”, which was published by Dunning in 1980, to discuss how the case company used the ownership advantages, location advantages, internalization advantages and the network relationships to increase the possibility of expanding the business overseas by establishing the sites. Moreover, the research also compares the differences between the production sites and sales and marketing sites. To sum up, there are some findings in the research. When the ownership advantages with low cultural difference and high specific assets, the location advantages with high cluster density of the industry and high specific labor assets, the internalization advantages with high control by the headquarter will encourage the company to set the sales and marketing sites overseas. On the other hand, the internal social networks about the sale resources between the organization and affiliated companies, the external social networks with high dependency from the customers and the supporting from the host government will encourage the company to implement the global expansion strategy.

電子商務企業國際化—以進入新興市場為例 / Internationalization of E-commerce Business: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Market Expansion

陳思吟, Chen, Szu Yin Unknown Date (has links)
企業著眼於國際市場機會進行國際化的同時,面臨到不同的阻礙,過去國際化的理論討論到影響國際化的速度、進入模式、國家選擇等的各種因素,但隨著產業的型態改變,以及進入國家的不同,國際化的歷程或是成功因素可能因而有所差異。因此,本研究欲探討電子商務在國際化的過程中,特別是進入新興市場國家時,由於電子商務尚未成為主要消費模式,電商企業的國際擴張將會受到哪些因素影響,不同於過去生產導向的國際化歷程,這些障礙又能夠如何被克服。過去學者曾討論外來者劣勢在企業國際化中的影響,但並沒有探討是否適用電商產業,由於產業特性的不同,以及母國市場與進入市場的差異,過去學者提出企業外來者的身份在新市場中面對外來者劣勢,然而,隨著電子商務產業的出現,亦有學者提出局外人劣勢才是新型網路企業在國際化中的主要劣勢,因此,本研究針對過去學者提出的從外來者劣勢(Liability of Foreignness)、局外人劣勢(Liability of Outsidership)出發,結合企業專屬優勢(firm-specific advantage)以及創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovations Theory),針對國內外共四家電商業者,採用深度訪談法歸納研究結果。研究結果發現雖然電子商務相較於一般企業在進行國際化初期,主要仍受到外來者劣勢影響,方能順利進入市場去處理身為局外人所帶來的劣勢,透過創新擴散理論的資訊溝通方式以及企業本身的專屬優勢,則可以有效降低進入所遇到的障礙,達到企業在東南亞市場成長的目標。 / During internationalization, firms seek growth opportunities in global markets, while being faced with various sources of obstacles and disadvantages. Previous researches and theories discuss the factors that influence the speed of internationalization, mode of entry, and country selection. However, with the change of industry, and the difference types of countries that are entered, the process of internationalization and the factors that influence the success might vary. As a result, the research aims at clarifying the variables that influence the internationalization of ecommerce corporations, especially when entering emerging markets. In the research, structured interviews were conducted to gain deeper understanding of the internationalization of 4 e-commerce firms. Our findings is that in emerging markets, e-commerce has not become the main stream; therefore, firms need to deal with both liability of foreignness and liability of outsidership because of the new technology and the role as a foreigner in the market. With the firm-specific advantages and the usage of online media and opinion leaders in the countries, e-commerce corporations are more likely to offset the liability that stems from foreignness and outsidership. However, the research shows that the liability of foreignness is more important and urgent for firms to overcome than liability of outsidership. Our research conceptualizes the framework for e-commerce internationalization and provides empirical evidence for the entry and growth in emerging markets.

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