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哈雷機車零配件業的經營策略與競爭分析-----以ZE公司為例彭瑞嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
•特定市場:少量多樣的哈雷修補市場(After market),且哈雷曾
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光通訊產業投資價值之研究黃惠屏 Unknown Date (has links)
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證券承銷商之網絡關係與承銷績效之關聯性劉怡媛 Unknown Date (has links)
總結來說,本論文對於股權發行市場承銷網絡中未為文獻所提及之發行公司與協辦承銷商二者之間的連結關係提供了實證文獻上的補充以及實務上的建議。與西方文獻比較起來,在開發中國家之發行市場中,決策所需資訊之正式來源較少,必須高度依賴人際互動,各大小協辦承銷商均可能為重要資訊來源,發行公司因此不透過主辦承銷商的關係代理,而必須與眾多之協辦承銷商產生直接連結;而各協辦承銷商亦得以藉由與承銷網絡外的關係、利用自身集團的資源或逐漸培養主辦的能力等爭取較多連結,提高在網絡中的結構地位,進而提高其承銷績效。 / Securities underwriting syndicate is one of the most common forms of ties among the investment banks. Being different from the long-term nature of the formal alliances such as strategic alliances, each syndicate is organized only for a single offering. But its brief lifespan must be sustained by the stable informal relationships among underwriters. The relationship-intensive nature of the investment banking industry has therefore drawn attentions to researches from the viewpoint of social network in recent years. The focus has been the large-scale investment banks acing as lead managers and their tie strategies with syndicate members. Capital markets in emerging markets such as Taiwan are not as sophisticated as those of developed countries. There must exist some uniqueness in the ties among underwriters when forming syndicates. How and why do they differ from the findings of current empirical studies?
This study takes views of so-called the core underwriting network –lead underwriters, issuing firms and syndicate underwriters—respectively to examine the effect of the tie strategies proposed by prior literature on lead underwriters’ performances in local market, to explore the uniqueness and the role of syndicate underwriters in syndicate formation, and finally to evaluate the effects of those findings on underwriting performances of syndicate underwriters, which have been considered to be peripheral actors in industry network.
We conducted three studies to explore these issues. Using longitudinal industry data, the first study takes the rationale provided by the results from past research to empirically examine the influence of lead underwriters’ tie strength with syndicate partners on their underwriting performances. The study finds that the tie strength neither positively nor negatively associated with lead underwriters’ performances, showing that the tie strategies suggested by the empirical results from the sophisticated capital markets do not apply to the local market.
Using a case study approach, the second study continues to explore how syndicate formation in local market differs from that of the western world. The study finds that the mediating role of lead managers in local market appears to be not as significant as that of lead managers in sophisticated markets if we view lead managers as the agents between issuing firms and syndicate underwriters. In most cases, the issuing firms are the decision makers of the syndicates instead of the lead managers. That is, the connections between issuing firms and co-lead underwriters, which have never been found in current literature, do exist in local market. The underwriters speak directly to the issuing firms for the syndicates. And the more resources, capabilities and social capital they have, the more central positions in the industry they occupy and so the more exchange relationships they can access. Furthermore, underwriters tend to connect with as many issuing firms as possible for few of their offerings instead of continuously transacting with a small group of issuing firm partners for most of their offerings. But how the central position and relationship expansion strategy affect their underwriting performances?
Following the findings from the second study, the third study develops arguments that underwriters occupy more central positions in the industry network will have better underwriting performances. They also pursue an expansion strategy instead of a strengthening strategy in building up interorganizational linkages. That is, weak ties will mediate the positive effects of centrality of syndicate members on the performances. Using longitudinal industry data, the study empirically tests these hypotheses and the results support our arguments that underwriters’ central positions in the network are –directly or through the mechanism of relationship expansion strategy—positively associated with their performances.
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組織設計與外部網絡關係對新產品開發績效之影響 / The impact of organizational design and network relationship on new product development林郁彣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣的觸控面板廠商為研究對象,探討組織如何結合「內部」與「外部」資源,亦即如何以適切的組織結構以及網絡關係增強其新產品開發能力。研究結果如下:首先,A公司的新產品開發專案以流程而非部門為導向,產品開發流程上的各個部門都朝著最終目標同心協力的前進。第二,在B2B市場中,外部網絡廠商都有各自的發展方向與策略藍圖,如何適時與適度的結合彼此的目標與資源,使雙方創造雙贏的局面,是取得優勢的關鍵。最後,企業在發展外部網絡關係時,組織需設計相配合的機制,方能充分發揮效果。 / Facing fasting changing technology and market in the touch panel industry, an increasing number of firms still enter this industry. In addition to cost down, how new product development meet customers’ needs in an flexible, quick and efficient way to expand market share and attain competitive advantage is also becoming important issue in current era.
This study is to analyze how touch panel firms in Taiwan integrate internal and external resources (i.e. organizational design and network relationship) to enhance the capability of new product development.
There are several results in this research. First, the new product development project is process-based instead of function-based, which makes all departments can work with the same goal and cooperate with each other. Second, in the business to business market, firms within external networks have their own strategies and roadmaps. The ability to align the goals and resources with these firms in an effective way to achieve win-win situation is the key to success. Finally, when working with these firms in the external networks, firms need to design appropriate organizational mechanisms to get the best benefit of it.
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從地方治理論里長功能與角色之研究-以台北縣中和市為例 / A Theoretical Study Local Goverance To Village Chief's Function And Role:The Case Of Junghe City In Taipei County林峻儀, Lin,Jiun-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣新型創業加速育成機構的加值與網絡關係的研究 / Study of added value and network relationship of new startup accelerator in Taiwan胡月, Steve Hu Unknown Date (has links)
1. 新型創業加速器在篩選環節,對於創業團隊中的核心成員的創業動機與決心會更加看重。
2. 台灣新型創業加速器所提供的加值服務,主要以非物質性的服務形態(業師經驗、課程培訓以及專業服務等)表現出來。
3. 創業加速器提供的Demo Day是相較於傳統育成中心最不一樣的地方,這種集中在一天,公開發表,聚集眾多業者的模式,也成為了與投資者媒合的重要機會。
4. 創業加速器所建構的網絡關係的價值在於幫助投資者降低投資風險,提高投資的成功率。 / Startup Accelerator, as a new form of incubation organization, is committed to serve for early stage team and help them grow up rapidly.
The research is based on two main aspects of the incubation service covering the whole process from filtering teams to the post-demo day management respectively. The depth interview has been regarded as the research methodology of the thesis, including three representative startup accelerators and two teams incubated in these acclerators.
The conlusion has been drawn up as below:
1. The priority of screening out of portfolio is the motivation and determination of co-founders.
2. The added-value service are mainly provided in the form of intangible assets such as mentoring, course training and professional knowledge support.
3. The Demo Day event held by startup accelerators which differentiate themselves from traditional incubation centers is a match-making platform for investors and entrepreneurs with open presentation to the public in one or two days.
4. The value of network relationship is to reduce investment risks.
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網路資訊信任之決定因素 / The Determinants of Online Information Trust潘立芸, Pan, Lee-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,言論內容提供正面資訊或負面資訊、以及言論內容與發言網友之間熟識程度的交互作用將影響消費者對網路言論的信任程度;而產品特質之差異會干擾上述變數對網路言論信任的影響程度。 / In this research, we try to explore the determinants of online information trust and the relationships between information trust and product attitude. In Study 1, we explored the online information trust by a qualitative research method, Netnography, to understand and shape the basic rationale of the determinants of online information trust.
Then we employed an empirical survey on consumers to examine the proposed determinants of online information trust. We ranked the relative trust levels of the determinants, and explored the moderating differences existing between experience goods and credence goods.
In the last study, two experiments using 2 (message statements: positive vs. negative) × 2 (perceived social relationships: strong vs. weak) between group factorial design were conducted to examine the causal relations among determinants, online information trust, attitude, and purchase intention. The moderating effects of product categories were examined, too.
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傳統紡織業國際擴張策略: 以探討業務據點之研究 / The Management of International Expansion Strategy for Sales and Marketing Sites in the Textile Industry陳怡君, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
研究結論顯示,於OLI架構下,文化距離差異度愈低之自擁優勢、廠商專屬程度愈高之資產;產業聚合密度較高與人力專屬性較高之區位優勢;母公司掌控程度越高之內部化優勢皆正向影響組織設立海外業務據點;而於內外部網絡關係層面,廠商與相關企業間業務人員銷售能力共用程度高之網絡關係、廠商間相互依存度高之外部網絡關係及地主國政府所提供的資源豐富性越高之外部網絡關係,皆能對於廠商設立海外業務據點形成助益。 / In the past, the textile industry was prosperous in Taiwan because of professional techniques and low labor costs. However, these advantages disappear gradually because of the economic growth of developing countries such as China and Vietnam. Therefore, the managers in textile enterprises in Taiwan have to develop some strategies to overcome the challenges. Most of these companies strengthen their R&D skills to make differentiated products and then gain more profits. At the same time, they will reduce the operational risk and build the strong customer relationships by establishing the overseas sale and marketing sites.
The study uses qualitative research method to interview the vice president and the assistant manager in the case company. Furthermore, the research applies the “Eclectic Paradigm”, which was published by Dunning in 1980, to discuss how the case company used the ownership advantages, location advantages, internalization advantages and the network relationships to increase the possibility of expanding the business overseas by establishing the sites. Moreover, the research also compares the differences between the production sites and sales and marketing sites.
To sum up, there are some findings in the research. When the ownership advantages with low cultural difference and high specific assets, the location advantages with high cluster density of the industry and high specific labor assets, the internalization advantages with high control by the headquarter will encourage the company to set the sales and marketing sites overseas. On the other hand, the internal social networks about the sale resources between the organization and affiliated companies, the external social networks with high dependency from the customers and the supporting from the host government will encourage the company to implement the global expansion strategy.
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以市場需求、技術預測、專利地圖分析作為研發投入之評估流程研究-以工研院生物醫學中心奈米生物感測器研發實驗室為例張午寧, Chang,Wu-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
1. 市場□技術□專利之研發評估程序具有分析邏輯性。
2. 「市場需求研究」所找到的產品「需求功效」,可推導出達成功效可能的技術,並可藉此確立出專利分析時需要的「技術項目」。
3. 「市場需求」研究所找到的產品「需求功效」,可推導出達成「功效」所需要的「技術項目」,再以此去進行專利地圖的「技術/功效」二維關聯矩陣分析時,技術軸面項目與功效軸面項目兩者因具有因果性,故其相交關聯性極易判斷,也很容易明確定義出哪一個技術/功效相交關聯洞是有意義的、是可實際進行研發的。
4. 以產業市場□技術□專利三程序所完成的的「技術/功效」二維關聯矩陣圖,雖可容易的定義出哪一個技術/功效相交關聯洞是有意義的、是可實際進行研發的,但「哪一個可實際進行研發的技術/功效相交關聯洞具有較高關鍵性、重要性及有較高開發價值?」仍需藉由對技術及產業價值鍊熟悉的專家意見才可做出判斷。
5. 此方式組成的技術/功效二維關聯矩陣不但可看到目前已知的技術/功效相關聯部份(如本研究中的主要關鍵技術與主要關鍵功效相交處)專利佈局狀況,也可看出在未來的技術/功效相聯部份(如本研究中的主要輔助關鍵技術與輔助關鍵功效相交處)專利可能發展方向。
6. 產業市場分析、技術分析、專利地圖分析等三個組織外部分析須再配合組織原有的核心技術與網絡關係的評估,才可正確制定出組織未來研發的路徑及作為。 / Along with the enterprise and government investment increasing to the technical research & development(R&D) resources, Taiwan obtains the US patent number also to present the proportional rise in recent years; however, the investment of research & development resources and the granted patent number are not proportional to the quality of research & development achievement. This can be proved by the lower patent citation rate of Taiwan enterprises and the government research & development institutes than the international mean value.
Investigates its reasons, part of questions is that most of the enterprises (and government research & development institutes) do not collect enough market information and do not have a set of good research & development assessment procedure while the beginning of R&D project in Taiwan. This causes that the research and development direction and target has a deviation, and causes that the research and development result and the commercial demand have the dropping variance.
Based on the above background and the motive, this research key point lies in establish a flow of information collections and the analysis appraisal. It also helps Taiwan’s enterprises and government’s R&D institutes effectively reduce the research and development cost, and promote research and development direction accuracy, further help for making the decision of research and development strategies.
The goal of this research, namely lies in take the industrial analysis, the technical forecast, the patent map study three logic order exterior analysis as a main axle, and combine itself core technology and the network relations of organization to suggest organization's future target of research & development.
By this research, we discover
1. The R&D appraisals procedure of market-technology-patent has analysis logic.
2. The marketing research finds the demands of consumers, and the demands of consumers may infer to the functions of products, and the functions of products may infer to the possible technology sources.
3. The possible technology sources may form the technical items of patent analysis matrix, and the functions of products may form the functional items of patent analysis matrix.
4. The two-dimensional technical/functional patent matrix completed by the market-technology-patent three procedures can easily define which technical/functional intersectional connection hole can be affiliated; however, to judge which technical/functional intersectional connection hole is more important still needs the advice of experts familiar to the technology and the industrial value chain.
5. The three organization exterior analyses of market analysis, technical analysis and patent map study have to coordinate the organization original core technology and the network relations appraisal.
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台灣表演藝術劇團首次國際化之研究楊哲豪 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣表演藝術產業正受政府重視,但因國內市場小,各團體仍須開拓國際市場;相較樂團和舞團,劇團之附加價值率較高且國內目前極少相關之國際化研究,故本研究欲探討劇團首次進入國際市場的原因及過程、對其國際化有正面影響之因素,以及國際化歷程中面臨的困難和解決辦法。依據文建會資料並拜訪我國劇場產業之父吳靜吉博士後,選擇當代傳奇劇場和優表演藝術劇團進行個案研究之深度訪談,建立六大命題,發現管理高層若具國際經驗或英語溝通能力、不同市場的經驗性知識、政府補助,皆對劇團之國際化有正面影響,另外劇團的社會資本和網絡關係對於其快速初始國際化到心理距離較遠之市場具正面影響、劇團的網絡與人際關係對其初始國際化亦有正面影響。 / The performance arts industry has been gradually emphasized by the government of Taiwan since 2004. However, faced with extremely limited domestic market, performance arts groups should transcend home context to explore more opportunities. Compared with music and dance performance groups in the industry, theater groups are with higher value-added rate while having received less attention and research in the field of internationalization. Therefore, this study explores how they do the first foreign market entry, what drivers facilitate their internationalization process, and how they overcome obstacles. According to information from Professor Jing-Jyi Wu and the Council for Cultural Affairs, Contemporary Legend Theatre and Utheatre are chosen to be subjects of in-depth interview. Six propositions are then developed after interviews and data analysis. The findings indicate that drivers facilitating internationalization of theater groups include managers’ international experience and communication skills in English, experiential knowledge, and government subsidies. Business network and social capital favor their quick first entry into markets further away in psychic distance. Moreover, contacts and networks also have a positive influence on theater groups’ initializing internationalization.
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