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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林叡君, Jui-Chun Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於瞭解國內外購物中心市場分析模式,並建立本研究的市場分析程序,並以個案研究的方式,進行兩購物中心個案之市場定位決策擬定。   本研究的對象範圍為台灣預計成立的大型購物中心(面積大於6000坪),個案分析的兩個對象為都會型的大型購物中心,分別是位於桃園縣中壢市金銀島廣場購物中心與台北京華城購物中心。分析的架構先從分析區位的地理條件,與相關立地資料的優劣勢,再輔以當地經濟發展的分析,得出商圈範圍的界定,並在商圈中取得其供給面和需求面的資料,需求面包括消費潛力和消費行為分析;供給面分析包括商圈內其他零售業種或業態之調查與現狀分析。接著,分析擁有重疊商圈範圍之競爭者的調查與分析,綜合以上分析得出本研究行銷定位的相關結論,如目標顧客、定位、與業種組合等。   最後,本研究根據先前的分析程序,建議金銀島廣場發展成為中價位之社區購物中心,提供生活、餐飲、休閒、購物等機能;京華城購物中心建議發展成為觀光兼主題性的購物中心,提供觀光、商業、餐飲、購物、休閒娛樂等機能,產品設定為中高價位的商品與服務。 / 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 2 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 大型購物中心之定義與類型 7 一、大型購物中心之定義 7 二、大型購物中心之種類 10 第二節 購物中心市場分析模式 19 第三節 國內外購物中心產業現狀 22 一、美國大型購物中心之發展 22 二、日本大型購物中心發展現況 25 三、東南亞大型購物中心發展現況 26 四、臺灣大型購物中心發展現狀 28 第三章 分析架構與研究方法 29 第一節 分析架構 29 一、立地條件分析 31 二、區域經濟分析 31 三、商圈的界定 31 四、商圈需求面分析 31 五、商圈供給面之分析 32 六、競爭分析 32 第二節 研究方法與流程 33 一、研究對象 33 二、研究流程 34 第四章 金銀島廣場購物中心 36 第一節 立地條件分析 36 一、地理區位 36 二、立地條件優劣勢 36 三、區域經濟分析 38 第二節 商圈界定與範圍 40 第三節 商圈需求面分析 42 一、商圈購買力分析 42 二、消費者行為分析 45 第四節 商圈供給面調查分析 53 第五節 競爭分析 56 第五章 京華城購物中心 62 第一節 立地條件分析 62 一、地理區位 62 二、立地條件優劣勢 63 二、 區域經濟分析 65 第二節 商圈界定與範圍 67 第三節 商圈需求面分析 69 一、商圈購買力分析 69 二、消費者行為分析 78 第四節 商圈供給面調查分析 84 第五節 競爭分析 87 第六章 結論與建議 92 第一節 個案整理比較 92 一、地理區位與立地條件 92 二、區域經濟分析 94 三、商圈需求面分析 94 四、商圈供給面 97 五、競爭環境 98 第二節 分析結論 104 一、金銀島廣場購物中心 104 二、台北京華城購物中心 106 三、行銷推廣計畫 110 第三節 後續研究方向 111

新推個案競爭程度分析 / The analysis of the degree of the competition on residential projects

彭竹君 Unknown Date (has links)
市場分析目的在於掌握顧客需求並了解競爭對手,知己知彼、百戰百勝。住宅市場中,新推個案供給者會參考競爭個案的產品類型,做出「跟隨者」與「區隔者」之選擇。過去市場分析致力於次市場範圍界定,試圖找出具有替代性之競爭個案。然而,針對競爭個案的選取,過去缺少量化分析,多依主觀經驗判斷,況且隨著推案策略之不同,競爭個案之選擇應具有彈性。 因此,本研究就供給者立場,利用2007年7月至2008年6月新推個案資料,從相似角度切入,針對產品屬性、價格、時間與空間等四個面向,根據ANP專家問卷結果為權重參考,衡量個案間彼此競爭程度,以0到1表示,並以台北都會區為例,探討市場範圍內推案競爭情況。 若一次市場內兩個案之產品屬性越相似、推案總價越相近、推案時間越接近、推案地點越近,則競爭程度數值越接近1,個案間彼此競爭程度越大。研究結果發現,空間距離為最重要之影響競爭因子,其次為產品屬性。就地區別觀察,台北市推案競爭程度高於台北縣,且郊區推案競爭程度較市中心大,嘗試打破過往以推案數或總銷金額等少數指標定義「一級戰區」之迷思。就個案而言,本研究之量化方法能協助判斷個案間之競爭程度,做為推案分析時競爭個案選取之依據;就市場分析整體而言,進一步了解次市場之推案競爭結構,作為新推個案供給者推案策略或產品定位之參考。 / The aim of this real estate analysis is to know what home owners want and how the construction developers analyze their housing projects. This market analysis will help housing developers better understand current and future market trends. In residential markets, the housing developers closely follow leading development projects and then decide to either follow the market trends or take an alternative development path. In the past market analysts attempted to define housing submarket trends and then cross-reference these trends with current market developments. However, these developers have been questioned that it is too subjective to choose potentially attractive development projects by relying on what is more likely qualitative market analysis instead of more objective quantitative data. This paper creates a model to analyze competitive development projects more objectively than what was previously available. The paper will follow a comparison study of cross-referencing multiple development projects based on dual parallel models. The research area is based on Northern Taiwan in the metropolitan areas of Taipei City and New Taipei (previously known as Taipei County). The model used will first sample data from four market sensitive developer criteria which include housing attributes, housing prices, listing time and distance between dual project development models. Next, we measure the degree of competition between the development projects and give then a value between 0 and 1. To establish value, if the housing attributes and the housing price of the two development projects are similar, the listing time is in the same month, and they are located adjacently, the value of competitive degree is closer to 1 and therefore more competitive. From the research findings, the distance is the most important factor of the four criteria and the housing attributes are the second. The research established the degree of competition in Taipei City is greater than in New Taipei. This research demonstrates that if used it will increase a housing developer’s objective understanding of correctly choosing a competitive project, and therefore better understand the overall market environment. keyword:market analysis、similarity、the degree of competition


楊宗憲, Yang, Chung-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣從事不動產市場研究的人,想必常有一種困擾,即理論與實務存在不小的差距,使得不動產市場研究並不易與實際市場行為產生密切的互動。這一方面是基於資訊的不透明,研究者不易取得足夠資訊進行實證研究;另一方面則是相關市場分析研究的累積太少,此二者相互影響,甚至惡性循環,以致研究者無法擴展市場分析的學術研究深度,並進一步與實務界產生更積極的互動。 本論文從住宅市場分析的角度出發,探討目前實務界最關心的三個議題:產品定位、餘屋、及第二屋。先從建商產品定位的行為研究開始,觀察建商的產品定位決策與其市場競爭環境的關係,以釐清建商在不同都市發展程度地區所採取不同的產品定位方式的原因,並建立建商在實務上產品定位的做法。接著,建商的推案有成功、有失敗,失敗意即被市場拒絕的產品,也就是餘屋,餘屋的存在意味建商市場分析及產品定位的錯誤,本研究透過建立餘屋機率模型,分析餘屋發生機率與餘屋本身屬性、產品定位、產品定價、供需環境間之關係,以找出何種市場分析及產品定位方式有助降低餘屋發生機率,進一步對建商的市場分析提供具體意見。最後,第二屋的議題在於換屋或第二屋市場已漸成為國內重要的住宅次市場,研究第二屋的購屋行為有助於建商在進入此一市場時擬定正確的產品定位,本研究從換屋自住與非換屋自住的動機差異去分析何種動機購屋者會選擇何種第二屋,並藉此建立第二屋購屋行為的輪廓。 值得一提的是,本研究運用台北縣市15個地政事務所的建物登記資料及國泰建設公司的新推個案市場調查資料作為實證資料,前者為建物存量資料,用以建立市場新建住宅的產品定位屬性、找出餘屋、及擁有二屋之所有權人及其所擁有之二屋特徵;後者則藉由與餘屋的交叉比對,找出餘屋之興建建商及其推案時之個案產品定位、產品定價資訊,以進一步同時分析餘屋之產生原因。實為以往難得之實證資料。 在建商推案行為分析方面,過去一般認為建商在產品定位的追隨者是一窩蜂的盲目現象,實證結果顯示,建商在發展成熟都市推案時,由於成熟都市所呈現的高開發密度與高地價,使得產品定位的規劃彈性較小,此時建商易作為跟隨者,意即跟隨者的行為是現實環境促使建商皆呈現近似的產品定位;而在開發中的都市,由於地價與開發密度相對較低,產品定位變化彈性較大,此時建商易作為區隔者,而當建商面臨複雜競爭環境時,易以小面積或低總價作為避險的產品定位策略。 在市場分析差異性與餘屋之關連分析方面,實證結果顯示,餘屋存在非典型住宅特徵,主力面積因有較多之行銷資源,故其餘屋發生機率較低;而在某一面積類型供過於求之地區,該類型之住宅發生餘屋機率也高;此外,台北縣在產品定位規劃不當所造成餘屋機率較台北市大,顯示台北縣在產品定位時應投注更多市場調查與分析資源,避免產生較高的推案風險。 在第二屋購屋行為方面,實證結果顯示,相較於非換屋者,換屋目的購屋者會選擇品質較第一屋高的住宅,且換屋者在購屋行為上存有情感習慣性及地域性的偏好,較易購買與原居住房屋相同類型及相同區位的房屋;此外,購屋者在面臨自住與投資的住宅服務支出時,會優先將預算花在與自住相關的住宅服務上,使得換屋自住的第二屋購屋間隔時間較非換屋者為短。

從傳統化工產業進入電子特用化學品的4C行銷競爭策略分析¬-以D公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis for the Electronic Chemical Business-The Case of D company

王興嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業為台灣主流產業,相關化學品使用量很大,過去多仰賴國外進口,是台灣傳統化學化工產業可用以轉型並切入的利基點。但台灣電子產業製造廠對本土化學材料供應商卻信心不足,有時根本連上線測試的機會都沒有。D公司是作者曾經任職的電子化學材料公司,也是A光電公司(LCD面板製造商)與E化學公司合資的公司,A公司的策略考量為掌握面板的上游原物料,E公司之策略則為穩定下游產品出海口。A光電公司知道要做什麼樣的產品,E化學公司則在過去累積了許多特用化學品的專業知識,所以D公司事實上是所謂know-what and know-how的結合,是電子化學材料公司轉型成功的一個案例。 本研究為導入邱志聖(2014)的4C架構,並分析D公司如何以產業的後進者,卻能克服日本競爭者的先行者優勢,而成功的關鍵點,並以此作為後續其他進入此領域或相類似產業公司的參考。藉由D公司與此產業主要競爭對手日本化學材料公司的4C比較分析可以看出,外顯單位效益成本涵蓋範圍廣,大家各有勝負,很難點出問題的核心及思考解決的策略;又日本化學材料公司的道德危機成本低於D公司,很難立即改變;但D公司的資訊交易成本比日本競爭者低(因為客戶A公司是同集團公司)。這也許是一個很好的切入點,所以D材料公司的行銷策略方向與順序為先利用降低交易成本的方式(與客戶建立合資公司),進而提升技術與成本降低等外顯單位效益成本的競爭力,並藉著產品導入的機會與實績,逐漸提升與建立聲譽(降低道德危機成本),再利用時機點的掌握與對手的可能犯錯,有策略的解決及導入有高替換成本的產品,最後再以此更強化道德危機成本。 本研究案例可提供傳統化工公司轉型之行銷策略參考,亦可適用於其他行銷門檻較高的產業。 / The electronic industry is one of the major industries in Taiwan. The chemicals consumption in this industry are huge and most imported from abroad. This could be the right industry or relative new area that the traditional chemical company in Taiwan can transform to. “D” company is a joint venture of “A” optoelectronic company (LCD panel maker) and “E” chemical company. “A” company knows the electronic products and technology trend, while “E” chemical has experience and professional knowhow in specialty chemical domain. “D” company possesses the knowledge of “know-what” and “know-how”, and is a successful chemical company in electronic industry. This study introduced the “4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis” (Chiou 2014) and analyzed the key points that how the “D” company can succeed as a latecomer in the electronic chemical industry. By means of 4C analysis, it is clear to identify that the C2 (cost of information search) in “D” company is much lower than competitors due to belonging to the same group with major customer. By this, “D” company has the platform and advantages to further reduce the cost of utilities, such as technology learning curve and cost structure. By successfully introducing the products to customer one by one and build-up the credibility and reputation step by step, this can reduce the cost of moral hazard. However, the cost of asset specific is difficult to overcome. Sometime it needs to wait for the opportunity and/or the mistakes made by the competitors. With the overcome of cost of asset specific can bring more credit and reputation to further reduce the cost of moral hazard. This case study can be applied as the reference of strategic marketing analysis for transformation of traditional chemical company to electronic chemical company. It is also suitable in the area with high marketing barrier.


張午寧, Chang,Wu-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣產業投入於技術的研發資源增加,近幾年台灣於美國專利商標局(USPTO)獲得之專利數也呈正比例上升;然而投入研發資源之「量」的增加以及獲得的專利數上升,並不代表研發成果「質」的等比例提升。這一點可從台灣企業及政府研發單位所獲得的專利,其國際專利引證率遠低於平均值,可見一般。 究其原因,一部分的問題在於台灣的企業(及政府研發單位)於最開始各相關資訊的搜集上不夠完全以及沒有一套良好的開發評估程序供其依循,這使得研發方向及標的的確立上有所偏差,而導致研發結果與商業需求有落差。 基於上述背景及動機之下,本研究的重點在於確立一套資訊收集及分析評估流程,以幫助台灣的企業(及政府研發單位)有效降低研發成本、提升研發方向的正確性,更進一步做為其決定研發策略的參考依據。 本研究之目的,即在於以產業分析、技術分析、專利地圖分析三個具邏輯順序性的外部分析為主軸,並結合組織本身核心技術、網絡關係等與組織相關之分析,來對組織的未來研發標的作一評估及策略建議。 本研究最後得到了以下的發現: 1. 市場□技術□專利之研發評估程序具有分析邏輯性。 2. 「市場需求研究」所找到的產品「需求功效」,可推導出達成功效可能的技術,並可藉此確立出專利分析時需要的「技術項目」。 3. 「市場需求」研究所找到的產品「需求功效」,可推導出達成「功效」所需要的「技術項目」,再以此去進行專利地圖的「技術/功效」二維關聯矩陣分析時,技術軸面項目與功效軸面項目兩者因具有因果性,故其相交關聯性極易判斷,也很容易明確定義出哪一個技術/功效相交關聯洞是有意義的、是可實際進行研發的。 4. 以產業市場□技術□專利三程序所完成的的「技術/功效」二維關聯矩陣圖,雖可容易的定義出哪一個技術/功效相交關聯洞是有意義的、是可實際進行研發的,但「哪一個可實際進行研發的技術/功效相交關聯洞具有較高關鍵性、重要性及有較高開發價值?」仍需藉由對技術及產業價值鍊熟悉的專家意見才可做出判斷。 5. 此方式組成的技術/功效二維關聯矩陣不但可看到目前已知的技術/功效相關聯部份(如本研究中的主要關鍵技術與主要關鍵功效相交處)專利佈局狀況,也可看出在未來的技術/功效相聯部份(如本研究中的主要輔助關鍵技術與輔助關鍵功效相交處)專利可能發展方向。 6. 產業市場分析、技術分析、專利地圖分析等三個組織外部分析須再配合組織原有的核心技術與網絡關係的評估,才可正確制定出組織未來研發的路徑及作為。 / Along with the enterprise and government investment increasing to the technical research & development(R&D) resources, Taiwan obtains the US patent number also to present the proportional rise in recent years; however, the investment of research & development resources and the granted patent number are not proportional to the quality of research & development achievement. This can be proved by the lower patent citation rate of Taiwan enterprises and the government research & development institutes than the international mean value. Investigates its reasons, part of questions is that most of the enterprises (and government research & development institutes) do not collect enough market information and do not have a set of good research & development assessment procedure while the beginning of R&D project in Taiwan. This causes that the research and development direction and target has a deviation, and causes that the research and development result and the commercial demand have the dropping variance. Based on the above background and the motive, this research key point lies in establish a flow of information collections and the analysis appraisal. It also helps Taiwan’s enterprises and government’s R&D institutes effectively reduce the research and development cost, and promote research and development direction accuracy, further help for making the decision of research and development strategies. The goal of this research, namely lies in take the industrial analysis, the technical forecast, the patent map study three logic order exterior analysis as a main axle, and combine itself core technology and the network relations of organization to suggest organization's future target of research & development. By this research, we discover 1. The R&D appraisals procedure of market-technology-patent has analysis logic. 2. The marketing research finds the demands of consumers, and the demands of consumers may infer to the functions of products, and the functions of products may infer to the possible technology sources. 3. The possible technology sources may form the technical items of patent analysis matrix, and the functions of products may form the functional items of patent analysis matrix. 4. The two-dimensional technical/functional patent matrix completed by the market-technology-patent three procedures can easily define which technical/functional intersectional connection hole can be affiliated; however, to judge which technical/functional intersectional connection hole is more important still needs the advice of experts familiar to the technology and the industrial value chain. 5. The three organization exterior analyses of market analysis, technical analysis and patent map study have to coordinate the organization original core technology and the network relations appraisal.


洪志仁 Unknown Date (has links)
RFID(無線射頻技術)產業發展一直政府所支持與關注的重點,隨著近年來我國政府持續執行RFID 公領域推動辦公室及2008 RFID 加值應用旗艦示範計畫,再再顯示政府重視RFID 產業發展成效,並將RFID列為政府施政重點,如何有效推動產研合作、落實技術開發、移轉成果予產業界,進一步透過技術創新,提升我國RFID產業持續發展與落實成果效益,是本研究主要的研究課題。 本研究藉由文獻探討之回顧,從RFID 技術介紹、全球RIFD 產業現況分析、我國RFID 產業現況、我國RFID 公領域推動辦公室計畫、各國 RFID 創新應用實例介紹,進而討論各國RFID 產業推動政策,最後,以未來我國RFID 產業發展機會與政府推動政策建議為結論。 本研究針對RFID 全球、區域、日本、我國市場分析,並將美國、歐盟、日本、韓國等各國RFID 產業推動政策彙總整理,探討RFID 台灣未來發展機會,進而提出未來我國政府RFID 推動政策之主要問題與挑戰,作為後續我國RFID 產業發展之參考。 / The government always supports and concern about the development of RFID industry. Recently, RFID promotion office of public region and Value-added application of RFID flagship model program in 2008 are main projects of our government. Obviously, the government pays much attention to the RFID industry development, and regards RFID as a policy focus. However, how to promote collaboration between research institutions and industries effectively, the implementation of technology development, through technological innovation to enhance the sustainable development of RFID industry and the implementation of the outcome of effective are main topics in this paper . According to the literature Review, we discuss the RFID technology, global RFID industry analysis, domestic RFID industry analysis, domestic RFID promotion office of public region, global RFID innovation case study. Moreover, we discuss the RFID policy of all over the world. Finally, we offer the conclusion that is the opportunity of Taiwan RFID industry development and the recommend of government’s policy in the future. This research is aimed at the analysis of RFID’s global market. and combine with the RFID industry policy in America, European Union, Japan, and Korea to discuss the opportunities of RFID industry in Taiwan for the near future. Pointing some main problems and challenges of the RFID industry policy that could be useful f domestic RFID industry development in the near future.


周柏宏 Unknown Date (has links)

商用不動產市場開發模式之研究-以機場捷運A8車站為例 / Development Model Study on Commercial Real Estate Marketing - Airport MRT A8 Station of Structure Building Case Study

李俊興, Li,chun hsing Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在探討與捷運共構商用不動產市場開發模式之研究,期能參考國外經驗及以市場調查與潛在業者訪談方式,建立商用不動產之市場分析模式,作為開發者投資開發時之產品規劃依據,並評估以開發者之企業文化及潛在業者之經營意願,建議全案之營運或銷售模式,及進行開發效益分析與比較。 經以機場捷運A8車站為例進行研究,獲致結論主要為:捷運共構之商用不動產乃政府衡量車站用地以徵收方式取得困難,遂以鼓勵民間(地主及投資開發者)投資、參與公共建設方式,由政府與民間共享開發效益,達到三贏局面之最佳開發模式,由財務及其他各方面分析效益得知,政府除可免去取得私有土地紛爭或時程延宕外,亦可透過共同開發,挹注重大交通建設經費,民間亦可經由參與公共建設共享獎勵及開發效益,獲取高於土地被徵收時之利益,為一值得效法與推廣之開發模式。 惟開發者應在投資開發前,審慎評估個案之市場定位及投資效益,以作為規劃設計及將來營運模式之參考,避免規劃錯誤造成將來營運或產銷之效益不彰,影響投資報酬,並可作為前期招商之依據,因此建立可靠的商用不動產市場分析方式甚為重要。本文主要重點在於以個案分析進行商用不動產市場開發模式之研究,以作為後續開發相關案例之參考。 / This article is to explore the MRT structure of the commercial real estate’s market model of development. With drawing on foreign experience, the market research and interviews with potential operators, we can establish the commercial real estate market analysis model, as developer’s product planning principles when develop. And according to the corporate culture and potential industry management, it will be recommended to the case of operations or sales model, and to develop effective analysis and comparison. Taking the co-structure building of A8 MRT station to the airport as a case study, to achieve the main conclusions are: To avoid the difficulities of acquiring private land, the government submits to encourage private investment (landlord and investment developers) to participate in public construction, share benefit to both the government and private. The MRT structure of commercial real estate is the best model of development to have a win-win situation. From financial and other aspects of effection, the government could dismiss the disputes of acquiring private land and avoiding the time-delay of engineering development. By co-structure of MRT and the commercial real estate building, the government could inject major transportation infrastructure funding, people can also enable the sharing through participation in public construction and development of effective incentive to get higher than the interest of the land acquired. Thus it is resumed a worthy example to follow and a promotion of the development model. However, developers should evaluate assessment of the case of market position and investment results carefully in investment before development, and be a reference business model for future planning and design, so as not to cause an affected or inefficient investment returns of future operation and marketing sales because of planning errors, and also can be used as a basis for merchants. So how to set up a commercial real estate market analysis methods is important. This article focuses on commercial real estate market to establish a development model, as a reference for follow-up development of related cases.

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