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效率工資與最適公共財提供條件之研究李子文 Unknown Date (has links)
A.C Pigou在1947年曾提出若以扭曲性租稅來籌措公共支出的財源時,租稅的課徵將會扭曲人們的經濟決策,產生超額負擔因而提高公共財提供的機會成本。因此我們就不宜再以公共財的重接成本作為決定最適公共財的依據,而應將扭曲性租稅本身可能造成的扭曲效果加以考慮。基於Pigou這項觀點,本文嘗試利用效率工資的模型,分析政府提供公共財並利用所得稅來融通時,對個人工作努力、廠商生產決策及勞動市場均衡的影響。然後試著導出在效率工資模型下,最適公共財提供條件的修正,並說明修正項目對最適公共支出水準的影響。最後將失業保險制度納入模型中分析,討論當政府以薪工稅(payroll tax)來籌措失業保險基金的財源時,失業保險制度對勞動者努力程度以及廠商生產決策的影響。
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效率工資與貿易政策效果--台灣經濟可計算一般均衡模型之應用吳崇仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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效率工資與公共支出之研究田家峰, Tian, Jia Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討在效率工資假設下公共財提供之問題,其目的在於分析公共財的提供和努力程度的關係。利用效率工資模型來研究最適租稅的學者如Wilson(1990)、Chang(1995),其研究重心在於對勞動課稅(薪資稅或從量稅(specific tax))所產生的福利損失,例如:努力程度下降和失業率上升等。較少提到以課稅來融通公共財時,公共財的提供也會影響努力程度,進而改變個人及廠商的最適化行為。
本文利用非偷懶條件(non-shirking condition)來求取修正後公共財提供條件。獲得結論:當個人因偷懶而更偏好公共財時,應降低公共財數量及薪資稅;反之,當個人因偷懶而不偏好公共財時,則政府應增加公共財之提供及提高薪資稅,以避免偷懶行為的發生而造成的效率損失。
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分紅制度、不完全競爭與經濟成長 / Share-based Schemes, Market Imperfections, and Economic Growth劉嘉瀅, Liu, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖在一個內生成長的理論架構下,去探討分紅制度所扮演的角色。在第二章中,我們設立一個商品市場不完全競爭的內生成長模型。在分紅比率為外生給定的情況下,我們發現分紅比率越高,對於就業越有利,但對經濟成長的效果則是不確定。此外,我們也探討在規範分析下的最適稅率。在第三章,分紅比率經由廠商與工會協商談判決定,藉著這樣的設定,我們成功的解釋為何失業與經濟成長率之間存在正向的關係。並且,在一個分紅制度的經濟體系之下,工會化的程度與經濟成長之間並不存在一個單調的關係,而是取決於談判的方式。為了解釋廠商為何會有動機去採行分紅制度,第四章我們將效率工資引進一個採行分紅制度的成長模型中。經由分紅制度的採行,我們發現,效率工資可視為一個使經濟成長的動力。並且,我們發現,資本使用與經濟成長率之間存在一同向關係,但勞工的努力程度和經濟成長之間的關係則是不確定的。 / This dissertation is a theoretical attempt to examine the role played by share-based schemes in an endogenous economic growth model. In Chapter 2 we set up an endogenous growth model with monopolistic competition in the goods market. Given an exogenously-determined worker share, we show that while a higher revenue-sharing ratio attributable to workers will promote employment, it will have an ambiguous effect on the balanced-growth rate. In addition, we investigate the optimal tax policy response to a revenue-sharing scheme and market imperfections, which are two market distortions.
In Chapter 3, the worker’s share is determined via the negotiation between a trade union and an employer federation. By shedding light on the role of revenue sharing and the bargaining institution, we successfully provide a theoretical explanation as to why unemployment can be quite compatible with high economic growth. In addition, in a share economy, unionization does not exhibit a monotonic relationship with growth. It also depends on the presence of revenue sharing and the bargaining institution.
To explain why firms themselves could be motivated to accept revenue sharing, we introduce the efficiency wage into our analytical framework and focus on the incentive effects of revenue sharing and their consequences on economic growth in Chapter 4. Specifically, our model comprises work effort and capital utilization. By virtue of the characteristics of modeling, we show that work effort can serve as an engine of economic growth. Of interest, we find that the balanced-growth rate is procyclical in relation to capital utilization, but it may be countercyclical in relation to work effort.
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