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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
國中編班問題多年來一直困擾著教育單位,教育部雖三令五申要求學校必須實施「常態編班」,然而卻仍有「掛羊頭賣狗肉」變相編班或實施後教學成效不彰的現象。尤其近日公視「魔鏡」節目的播出,編班問題再度成為社會大眾關心矚目的焦點,甚至直接與中國教育思想家孔子的「有教無類」、「因材施教」等教育理念,一起來深入探究國中常態編班教學問題。 本研究旨在瞭解國中常態編班中優良教師的教學困境與教學策略問題。主要的研究目的有二:一、探討國中常態編班教學優良教師的教學困境;二、探討教學優良教師的有效教學策略,再綜合研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育單位及教師參考,俾能解決常態編班的教學問題與提昇教師的教學成效。 本研究採質性方法為主,研究對象以台北縣國民中學現職教師,在教學方面曾獲POWER教師獎、師鐸獎、於杏壇芬芳錄受提名教師或經學校推薦的優良教師,其教學領域以學習標準差異大的四領域,如國文、英語、數學、自然與生活科技各選取二位教師,共八位教師為研究對象來進行深入訪談研究。 本研究獲致的結論歸納如下: 一、國中常態編班的教學困境包括:「學生程度嚴重差異,影響教師教學成效」、「程度好與程度差的學生難以兼顧」、「教師教學時間不足」、「學生上課的多樣態挑戰教師的班級經營能力」、「學生注意力無法專心,扼殺學習興趣」、「弱勢學生放棄學習」、「犧牲資優學生的學習權益」。 二、針對國中常態編班的教學困境提出的教學策略包括:「教師於課前必須充分備課」、「必須與學生建立學習默契」、「無私的愛,是教學成功的關鍵」、「引導學生參與每一個學習過程」、「教師應隨時擷取新知,並在教材教法上求新求變」、「針對不同程度的學生,設計不一樣的作業與評量」、「立即給予學生正面回饋」、「規劃學生能展現發揮的舞台」、「教師應投入更多時間與心思指導學生用心學習」、「以德感化,扮演學生學習路上的領航者」、「個別教學法、合作學習法可適時運用」。 最後,本研究根據研究結果及結論,分別就教師個人、學校、教育行政機關及未來進一步研究提出具體之建議。


簡財源, Chien, Tsai Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
2002年教育部頒布「創造力教育白皮書」之後,創意教學儼然成為當代顯學。 創意本身的背後隱含創造力的發展,創意教師不僅要發揮他的創造力行為,同時也需要將創意理念在教學情境中傳達給學生具備有創意能力。然而,在一片創意教學的風潮中,國人對於創意教學的模糊認知和長久以來對於現行教育體制的刻板觀念,使得創意教學在執行過程中遇到了某種程度上的問題。但是,在諸多外在環境限制中仍有老師願意突破傳統思維,勇於嘗試、改變自己的教學模式,其實是更值得我們去探討和研究。 本研究旨在瞭解在目前教育環境中,創意教師所擁有的個人特質、其在教學過程中所面臨的困境及教學上所使用之教學策略,再綜合研究、探討結果,提出具體建議供為從事教育工作者參考,俾使提升教學效能。 本研究採質性研究方法為主,研究對象為台北縣國中現職教師,且在三年內曾獲「GreaTeach 創意教學獎」、「教師創意教學方案」、「POWER敎師獎」之創意教師,其教學領域以學習差異性較大的四個學習領域:國文、英語、數學及自然與生活科技各選取一位教師進行深入訪談研究。 本研究所獲之結論歸納如下: 一、在教師人格特質方面包括有:「生命中影響至深的貴人」的生命歷程關鍵、「力求自我實現」的積極動機、「深受環境影響的生命特質」的發展歷程。 二、在創意教學過程中所面臨的問題包括有:「升學制度」、「常態編班」、「時 間問題」、「觀念問題」及相關教育制度問題等。 三、在創意教學過程中所採用的教學策略及發展歷程包括有:「結合學生自身的 經驗」、「異質分組教學」、「親自操作,主動參與」、「提供創作的園地」、「自我充實,讓創意源源不斷」、「精心設計評量工具以增進學生學習動機」、「不同作業,讓每一位學生都有成功的機會」、「學習檔案,記錄學習軌跡」、「腦力激盪」、「與學生對話」。 最後,本研究根據研究結論,分別就教師個人、學校行政、主管教育機關及未來進一步研究提出具體建議。 關鍵字:創意教學、創意教師、教學困境、教學策略 / Since the Ministry of Education promulgated “The creativity education white paper” in 2002, the creative teaching (CT) has been becoming the current trend. Creativity itself involves its own development. A creative teacher not only has to display his creative behavior, but simultaneously also needs to transmit the creative ideas in the teaching situation to the students. However, in the trend of CT, people still get a fuzzy idea about CT and still hold a stereotyped attitude toward the educational system. This causes the teachers to meet some problems while doing CT. Fortunately, despite the environment limits, there are some teachers who are still willing to break through the conventional thought and change their teaching approaches. That's what's worth our exploration. This study aims to explore the personal qualities the creative teachers have and the teaching strategies they adopt. With the result and discussion, we come up with some suggestions for educators to promote their teaching efficiency. This study adopted a qualitative approach. We interviewed four teachers. They currently teach in junior high schools in Taipei County. In the past three years, they once won “The Grea Teach Creative Teaching prize”, “Teachers whit Creative teaching plan”, the “Power Teacher Rewards.” They respectively stand for four learning domains: Chinese, English, Mathematics, Science and Technology. Our findings are as follows. First, there are some vital personal qualities the four creative teachers have: For example, they have a key life process of meeting someone with the deepest influence on him/her, an active motivation of self-realization, and a developing process -- a life quality- being deeply affected by the environment. Second, the problems that teachers will meet while doing CT are “selective education system,”“normal class grouping,”“time distribution,”“concepts and ideas,”and those related to “the educational system.” Third, in CT, the strategies and processes of development include “combining the students' experiences,”“heterogeneously grouping teaching,”“operating in person and participating actively,”“offering a corner for creation,”“self-enrichment and endless inspiration,”“evaluation instruments designed elaborately to enhance students' learning motivation,”“individualized assignments-letting each student get opportunities for success,”“learning files-recording the processes of learning,”“brainstorming,”and“the conversations with students.” Finally, the study, based on the conclusion, comes up with some suggestions for the teachers, for the school administration, for the educational authorities, and for the future study. Key words: creative teacher, creative teaching , teaching difficult position, teaching strategy


謝妃涵 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣新興的跨國婚姻熱潮使得由台灣男性與東南亞籍女性組成的新住民家庭漸多,新住民子女現今多就讀幼稚園與國小低年級,新住民子女教育的研究多為小學階段其學業成就等能力,研究取樣差異使結果大相逕庭,對新住民子女幼教老師本身的研究缺乏,故研究者將研究重點放在新住民子女幼教老師。本研究採質性研究法,探討兩位背景相當的幼教老師教學。目的在瞭解多元文化教學觀點有哪些、持不同教學觀點老師之教學困境、解決策略有何不同,並深入探討其觀點與困境、策略之間的關係。資料蒐集採深度訪談法,用三階段編碼分析資料,研究對象是從9位教師的訪談中分析出最符合同化觀點的小慧老師與涵化觀點的小芳老師。 研究結果如下:(1)透過文獻探討歸納出多元文化教育場域中有兩類教學觀點,一為同化觀點,一為涵化觀點,兩者分別對低社經地位與少數族群學生學習成就低落原因的解釋、文化有無優劣、文化融合有不同的主張。(2)兩位老師皆面臨的教學困境有語言、家庭、課程方面,小芳老師尚有幼兒方面的困境。新住民幼兒說話腔調使教師聽不懂,小慧老師致力矯正其口音與腔調、小芳老師則是課後請教家長;此乃因小慧老師持有同化教育中官方語言教育的觀點。(3)新住民子女的學習與行為較依賴老師,小慧老師認為新住民子女的學習較差乃因其本身文化不利、新住民沒有教育下一代的能力,所以請父親輔導其課後學習,而母親監督就好,不需參與輔導;小芳老師則肯定新住民的教育能力、並認為新住民子女行為問題是家庭文化與學校文化之間落差使然,故充分與家長溝通,調整母親工作時間使其有時間教育孩子。(4)小慧老師認為新住民文化是低落的,且不需要傳承、新住民沒有能力傳承其文化,故在課程中沒有東南亞文化教材,而在教授台灣文化教材時發生幼兒經驗不足無法團討的困難;小芳老師認為新住民有教育能力、並認為雙重文化是優勢,於是請新住民子女分享其回東南亞的經驗、設計相關文化主題活動。(5)小芳老師班級中的新住民子女感到自卑時,她會鼓勵其尊重母親原生文化以增加幼兒自信。最後建議教師應培養反思能力、建立多元文化教育觀點量表。 / The new immigrant families have increased with the surge of cross-cultural marriages between Taiwanese and Southeast Asian spouses, most of whose children study in kindergartens and elementary lower grades. Sampling may result in significantly distinct analyses on learning capabilities of those elementary children, and researches on their preschool teachers are relatively absent; therefore, the study focuses on preschool teachers and applies the qualitative research to 2 teachers of similar backgrounds in order to explore which perspectives in multicultural education field, explore the variations on teaching difficulties and resolving strategies of teachers with dissimilar education perspectives and to discover the relationship between both. The study includes in-depth interview for data collection and three-stage coding for data analysis, and selects Teacher Hue and Teacher Feng respectively matching assimilation and acculturation perspectives out of 9 interviewees as research targets. The study reveals the following findings: (1) assimilation and acculturation perspectives in multicultural education fields through documentation induction, stand different on reason explanations for lower social and economic positions and learning achievements of the minority students, cultural superior or inferior quality, and cultural integration, (2) two teachers have teaching difficulties in terms of language, family, and course, as well as kid issues only for Feng, and when getting confused of kid’s expressions, Hue with official language prospective in assimilation education is devoted to correcting assent and pronunciation while Feng consulting parents after school, (3) those students used to rely on teachers on learning and behavior, and Hue contributes inferior learning capability to disadvantaged culture background and education ability of new immigrants and suggests home learning assistance of father and supervision of mother instead of after school programs while Feng considers cultural gap between family and school resulting in their behavior issues and emphasizes communications with parents to enhance mother’s education, (4) education difficulties on their involving in discussion in grass-root course happen to Hue who believes no necessity for heritage of inferior Southeast Asian culture and absence of heritage potential of new immigrants, and thus ignores Southeast Asian culture in teaching materials while those children are welcome to share their alien experiences and design relevant cultural activities by Feng who accepts education capability of new immigrants and ensures advantages of dual culture, and (5) Feng encourages those children feeling inferior to respect mothers’ culture, enhancing their confidence. The study eventually suggests that teachers shall cultivate retrospective potentials and establish multicultural education perspective inventories.

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