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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳玫芳 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是屬於知識與創新的世紀。教師身為典型知識工作 者,每天都在知識大量流動的場域作育未來世界的接班人,教師是掌 握教學成敗的靈魂人物。本研究之研究方法,以個案研究法輔以訪 談、教學觀察與教師自評,析討桃園縣在國中國文教學表現優異之不 同師資養成、不同年齡與不同學校背景的教師們,其知識管理與創意 教學之後設認知。 本研究從三位教師進行國文教學之知識取得、知識蓄積、知識轉 移擴散、知識創新應用四向度,探討其課程教材、教學方法與專業成 長三面向之創意教學成效;再利用後設認知之計畫、監控、評估深入 分析三位優秀國文教師之知識管理與創意教學,並針對本研究結果提 出建議,以供正不斷在知識管理與創意教學追求精進之教師,與未來 研究者之參考。 本研究結果如下: 一、三位教師背景雖不相同,但無論在課程教材設計、教學方法 的創意表現或是教學知識的管理上,均先經過縝密的思考計畫,並能 根據學生能力選擇適合單元教學的知識、方法進行教學。 二、三位教師在教學過程中除了能將符合教學目標與學生能力的 知識有系統、有創意並且有效地教授給學生,亦能隨時修正自己的教 學。 三、研究對象均能針對自己所需,進行各種專業成長進修。此外, 三位教師均能兼顧多元評量方式,無論教學過程中或結束後,均能隨 時評估學生學習狀況,並以此為自己教學修正的依據。

幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力與創意教學之研究 / A study of the early childhood teacher of passion, stress and creative teaching

翁嘉伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在瞭解幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力與創意教學之現況,與探討不同背景變項的幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力、創意教學之差異情形,包括:園所類別、年資、兼任行政與否。同時探討幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力與創意教學三者間關係。本研究採問卷調查方式,以臺北縣市422位幼稚園教師為研究對象,使用的研究工具包括教師教學活動熱情量表、幼稚園教師工作壓力調查量表、創新教學行為量表。研究結果摘述如下: 一、幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力與創意教學之現況 1. 幼稚園教師的教學和諧性熱情及強迫性熱情為中等偏高程度;且「和諧性熱情」高於「強迫性熱情」。 2. 幼稚園教師所感受的工作壓力為中等程度。而教師工作壓力來源的不同層面上,以「角色職責」壓力最大。 3. 幼稚園教師創意教學表現為中高程度。 二、不同背景變項的幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力、創意教學之差異情形 1.私立幼稚園教師工作壓力感受顯著高於公立幼稚園教師;公立幼稚園教師教學和諧性熱情稍稍高於私立幼稚園教師。 2.幼稚園教師的年資會影響創意教學,年資20年以上之幼稚園教師的創意教學表現最高,年資0-2年幼稚園教師創意教學表現最低。 3.幼稚園教師的年資會影響工作壓力,年資3-5年之教師的工作壓力最大,而年資20年以上的教師工作壓力最低。 4.不同年資幼稚園教師和諧性與強迫性教學熱情皆有顯著差異,年資3-5年教師的和諧性教學熱情最低,但其強迫性教學熱情明顯最高。。 5.幼稚園教師是否兼任行政不會影響工作壓力與創意教學,但會影響教師教學熱情;有兼任行政的幼稚園教師教學熱情較高。 三、幼稚園教師教學熱情、工作壓力與創意教學三者間關係 1.幼稚園教師和諧性教學熱情越高,其創意教學表現越佳。 2.幼稚園教師工作壓力愈大,其創意教學表現愈差。 3.幼稚園教師的和諧性教學熱情與工作壓力交互作用,及幼稚園教師的強迫性教學熱情與工作壓力交互作用後皆會影響創意教學表現。


郭蒨樺, Kuo,Chian-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以質性研究的方法,深入了解新竹縣雲雲國民小學(化名)學校本位課程創意教學實際呈現的樣貌、發展的歷程以及影響機制,藉由個別訪談、焦點團體座談之內容及資料蒐集與分析,瞭解學校實施學校本位課程創意教學之現況。本研究內容共分為三大項: 一、學校本位課程創意教學實際樣貌 (一)觀念創新 (二)環境創新 (三)技術創新 (四)流程創新 (五)社區、民間團體交流創新 (六)產品創新 (七)活動創新 (八)特色創新。 二、學校本位課程創意教學發展歷程 (一)發展背景的SWOT分析 (二)發展的契機 學校發展需求、教師要自我成長、培養學生認識家鄉、校長辦學理念、 時代潮流趨勢以及社區家長期盼。 (三)教學團隊的發展階段 形成期、溝通期、調整期、表現期以及轉換期。 三、學校本位課程創意教學影響機制 (一)助力因素 學生方面、教師方面、學校行政方面、校園環境方面、家庭方面、 教育行政機關方面以及外界資源提供方面。 (二)阻力因素 學生方面、教師方面以及學校行政方面。 根據研究內容之論證,可知,雲雲國小學校本位課程創意教學是「新奇的」並且「有價值的」。

在中學實行創意教學:兩位英語教師之個案研究 / Implementing creative language teaching in high schools: a case study of two EFL teachers

張憶欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣中學英語教師的創意教學,並且進一步探究社會文化情境因素如何影響老師的創意教學。本研究的個案為兩位資深且具有豐富教學經驗的創意教師,分別任教於國中以及高中。本研究採質性研究法,藉由教室觀察、訪談以及文件分析收集資料。 本研究顯示兩位創意教師的教學創意主要展現在:(1) 採用多樣化的教材以及教具,(2) 語言教學結合真實語言使用,(3) 採用學習者中心的教學法,(4) 採用多元性的評量以及 (5) 展現純熟的教室管理技巧。此外本研究也發現社會文化情境因素的確對教師發展教學創意有影響,特別是學門的守門人。而兩位創意教師的教學經歷也顯示出發展創意教學可能遇到的困境。即便創意教學的本質被認可,但是在沒有滿足社會期待的狀況下,並不一定會被學門或是領域所認同。有鑑於兩位個案教師所曾經歷的困境,本研究提出教學上的建議:實行創意教學應當先從教學上做小規模的改變,從小規模的改變開始慢慢發展,以期達到發展創意教學以及減少無法滿足社會期待的衝突。 / The preset study aimed to investigate teacher’s creativity in teaching foreign languages, with emphasis on high school English teachers in Taiwan, and further investigated how sociocultural contexts influence the teachers’ creativity. The participants are two acknowledged creative English teachers, teaching in junior high school and senior high school respectively. The data collection instruments include classroom observations, interviews and document collection. The data was analyzed qualitatively to see how two creative teachers employ their creativity in teaching English as a foreign language in everyday classroom practice and how the sociocultural contexts influence the teachers’ creativity. Through analyzing the data, the two teachers’ teaching creativity was found to be demonstrated in (1) adopting a variety of teaching materials and aids; (2) making connections between language learning and real life; (3) giving ample space for learner-centered instruction; (4) creating multiple ways of assessment; and (5) exhibiting sophisticated classroom management strategies. Besides, the results indicated that sociocultural contexts have indeed had impacts on the teachers’ development, especially from school authority and students’ parents. Difficulties that the two teachers encountered suggest that not all the creative teaching efforts would be accepted with appreciation, although the efforts might be recognized as creative. With regard to challenges that the language teachers faced, the result suggested that implementation of creative language teaching should start with rather smaller-scale changes in teaching and progress gradually in order to maintain a balance between creative teaching and social expectations.


簡財源, Chien, Tsai Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
2002年教育部頒布「創造力教育白皮書」之後,創意教學儼然成為當代顯學。 創意本身的背後隱含創造力的發展,創意教師不僅要發揮他的創造力行為,同時也需要將創意理念在教學情境中傳達給學生具備有創意能力。然而,在一片創意教學的風潮中,國人對於創意教學的模糊認知和長久以來對於現行教育體制的刻板觀念,使得創意教學在執行過程中遇到了某種程度上的問題。但是,在諸多外在環境限制中仍有老師願意突破傳統思維,勇於嘗試、改變自己的教學模式,其實是更值得我們去探討和研究。 本研究旨在瞭解在目前教育環境中,創意教師所擁有的個人特質、其在教學過程中所面臨的困境及教學上所使用之教學策略,再綜合研究、探討結果,提出具體建議供為從事教育工作者參考,俾使提升教學效能。 本研究採質性研究方法為主,研究對象為台北縣國中現職教師,且在三年內曾獲「GreaTeach 創意教學獎」、「教師創意教學方案」、「POWER敎師獎」之創意教師,其教學領域以學習差異性較大的四個學習領域:國文、英語、數學及自然與生活科技各選取一位教師進行深入訪談研究。 本研究所獲之結論歸納如下: 一、在教師人格特質方面包括有:「生命中影響至深的貴人」的生命歷程關鍵、「力求自我實現」的積極動機、「深受環境影響的生命特質」的發展歷程。 二、在創意教學過程中所面臨的問題包括有:「升學制度」、「常態編班」、「時 間問題」、「觀念問題」及相關教育制度問題等。 三、在創意教學過程中所採用的教學策略及發展歷程包括有:「結合學生自身的 經驗」、「異質分組教學」、「親自操作,主動參與」、「提供創作的園地」、「自我充實,讓創意源源不斷」、「精心設計評量工具以增進學生學習動機」、「不同作業,讓每一位學生都有成功的機會」、「學習檔案,記錄學習軌跡」、「腦力激盪」、「與學生對話」。 最後,本研究根據研究結論,分別就教師個人、學校行政、主管教育機關及未來進一步研究提出具體建議。 關鍵字:創意教學、創意教師、教學困境、教學策略 / Since the Ministry of Education promulgated “The creativity education white paper” in 2002, the creative teaching (CT) has been becoming the current trend. Creativity itself involves its own development. A creative teacher not only has to display his creative behavior, but simultaneously also needs to transmit the creative ideas in the teaching situation to the students. However, in the trend of CT, people still get a fuzzy idea about CT and still hold a stereotyped attitude toward the educational system. This causes the teachers to meet some problems while doing CT. Fortunately, despite the environment limits, there are some teachers who are still willing to break through the conventional thought and change their teaching approaches. That's what's worth our exploration. This study aims to explore the personal qualities the creative teachers have and the teaching strategies they adopt. With the result and discussion, we come up with some suggestions for educators to promote their teaching efficiency. This study adopted a qualitative approach. We interviewed four teachers. They currently teach in junior high schools in Taipei County. In the past three years, they once won “The Grea Teach Creative Teaching prize”, “Teachers whit Creative teaching plan”, the “Power Teacher Rewards.” They respectively stand for four learning domains: Chinese, English, Mathematics, Science and Technology. Our findings are as follows. First, there are some vital personal qualities the four creative teachers have: For example, they have a key life process of meeting someone with the deepest influence on him/her, an active motivation of self-realization, and a developing process -- a life quality- being deeply affected by the environment. Second, the problems that teachers will meet while doing CT are “selective education system,”“normal class grouping,”“time distribution,”“concepts and ideas,”and those related to “the educational system.” Third, in CT, the strategies and processes of development include “combining the students' experiences,”“heterogeneously grouping teaching,”“operating in person and participating actively,”“offering a corner for creation,”“self-enrichment and endless inspiration,”“evaluation instruments designed elaborately to enhance students' learning motivation,”“individualized assignments-letting each student get opportunities for success,”“learning files-recording the processes of learning,”“brainstorming,”and“the conversations with students.” Finally, the study, based on the conclusion, comes up with some suggestions for the teachers, for the school administration, for the educational authorities, and for the future study. Key words: creative teacher, creative teaching , teaching difficult position, teaching strategy

幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格與創意教學之研究 / A Study of the relationship between the Teachers’ awareness of Organizational Culture of Kindergartens, Creative Personalities and Creative Teaching

葉怡伶, Yeh,Yi-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格對於其創意教學之影響及三者之關係。首先瞭解幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格與創意教學之現況;其次分析不同園所屬性與教師個人變項在三者之差異情形;第三,分析幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格與創意教學三者之相關性;最後,以多元迴歸及結構方程模式分析幼稚園教師組織文化知覺與創意人格對其創意教學之預測力,以及三者結構方程模式之適配情形。 本研究透過文獻探討以及問卷調查法來瞭解上述研究目的,利用「診斷組織文化測驗」、改編之「創造性人格量表(Creative Personality Scale)」以及自編之「教師創意教學量表」為研究工具。以台北市公、私立幼稚園教師為研究母群體,並藉由兩階段抽樣方式抽取107所園所,321位教師為主要研究對象。共發出321份問卷,整體回收率有效問卷為63%。問卷回收後,使用SPSS14.0統計軟體及AMOS5.0進行描述性統計、信度分析、初探性與驗證性因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Tukey多重比較、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸以及結構方程模式來分析資料。本研究主要結論如下: 壹、幼稚園教師所知覺之組織文化類型為「階層型文化」,且教師整體而言具高度創意人格與創意教學,且以「積極靈巧」之特質最為明顯;且能省思自己的教學目標。 貳、教師年齡與年資差異存在於其創意人格及創意教學中,其中,教師年齡越長、越資深,越具有明確的教學目標,在教學方法與評量上也越具創意。學歷程度之差異則存在於其創意教學中,且顯示教育研究所畢業之教師創意教學程度高於一般大學畢業之幼稚園教師。 參、共識型組織文化與創意教學相關程度最高。然,共識型的組織文化雖有助於教師創意教學的產生,但不保證教師能有高度的教學創意。 肆、教師本身之創意人格與創意教學有高度相關,且比幼稚園組織文化更能預測其教學創意程度。 伍、「共識型文化」、「發展型文化」、「理性型文化」三種文化類型與教師創意人格及創意教學之結構方程模式適配度尚可接受。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結論針對幼稚園、幼稚園教師以及未來之研究提出建議,以期對未來學前階段之創造力教育有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study was to: (a) understand the current situation of the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching; (b) explore the data of the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching between different backgrounds and influencing factors; (c) analyze the relationship between these three variables; (d) explore the predictive power of the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens and creative personalities on the creative teaching;(e)use SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) to explore the goodness-of-fit of the model between the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Three scales were used to measure the following constructs: “Creative personality scale”, “Diagnosing Corporate Culture”, and “Creative Teaching Scale for Kindergarten Teachers”. A total of 215 teachers from 107 kindergartens (both public and private schools) participated in this survey in Taipei, and with an effective response rate of 63%. The questionnaire data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach αcoefficient analysis, explorative factor analysis, confirmative factor analysis, T-test, one way ANOVA, Tukey posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling through the use of SPSS14.0 for windows and AMOS5.0.The major results were summarized as follows: 1. The teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens is an Internal Process Model (a bureaucratic type). Teachers are smart with high scores on creative personality and high scores on creative teaching, especially in the aspect of teachers’ teaching goals. 2. Teachers with over 21 years of teaching experience are more creative on teaching than the beginning teachers with only 1 year of teaching experience. Furthermore, the young teachers have less creative personalities than the older teachers. Besides, the teachers with a master degree in education are more creative on teaching than teachers with a bachelor degree in other fields than education. 3. A human relations model may contribute to teachers’ creative teaching, but would not necessarily bring about teachers’ high creative teaching. 4. Teachers’ creative personality is more predictable than the organizational culture of kindergartens. 5. The goodness-of-fit of the models between the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching are acceptable, especially in the human relation model, open system model and rational goal model. Keywords: Kindergarten teachers, creative teaching, creative personality, the organizational culture of kindergartens, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

國中英語教學創意團隊之個案研究 / the Case Study on the Creative Team of English Teaching

王淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃以台北市一所國中的英語團隊為研究對象,藉由訪談與觀察,就團隊的英語創意教學、英語創意團隊的特質、英語創意團隊的發展歷程及影響英語創意團隊發展內外相關因素四個面向進行分析,並得到以下的結論: 一、英語創意教學 (一)營造優質英語學習環境,從校園中雙語環境的建構開始,讓學生能自然 而然學習英文。 (二)每日一句與闖關活動,透過提供學生每天一個英文句子的構想,逐漸累積學生的英語學習基礎。 (三)推展英語閱讀風氣,由老師規劃選定英文書籍,提供學生進行選讀。 (四)建置線上測驗題庫,擴展學生更寬廣的學習空間。 (五)舉辦各項英語競賽,提供學生一個表現與揮灑的舞台。 (六)有效的英語教學策略,堅持符合學生個別差異,發展適合的教學方式。 (七)彙編英語學習護照,將學校推展的各項英語課程設計與活動進行統整。 二、英語創意團隊的特質 (一)團隊成員間充分合作精神,無論在創意活動的討論、或工作分配都是完全配合。 (二)對於工作的認真投入與付出,已是成員間的一種共識。 (三)沉重工作量所造成的負擔,並未使成員們卻步,反而讓老師們基於對教育專業的堅持,更加努力與投入。 三、英語創意團隊的發展歷程 (一)團隊成員的生態重組,正好資深教師退休,英語團隊成員彼此年齡接近且想法接近。 (二)由於對新的九年一貫教育政策不了解,英語團隊成員轉而依賴領域會議的討論與彼此的支持。 (三)召集人兼具規劃與帶領的角色,引導著團隊創意教學的研發。 (四)領域工作量劇增所帶來的疲備感,團隊成員會私下抱怨並相互打氣,只是這樣的聲音卻不曾影響到團隊的運作。 (五)隨著團隊人員數量的變動,例如缺乏實習教師的編制,召集人亦針對英語領域的創意活動進行調整,以適度減輕成員的工作負荷。 四、影響英語創意團隊發展內外相關因素 (一)教師專業進修的充實,奠定英語團隊的基礎資訊能力,。 (二)行政全力的配合與協助,以及公開場合對英語團隊公開讚賞與支持,給予團隊成員莫大的鼓勵。 (三)學生在學習態度上積極認真,且整體聽說讀寫能力亦大有進步。 (四)校內其他領域教師未對英語領域給與過多的關注與壓力,讓英語團隊有著更寬闊的空間。 (五)領域召集人對教育的堅持及領導風格,是帶動團隊發展的一個關鍵。 (六)教育政策上的頒布,提供老師一個進修及合作的機會點。 (七)隨著創意教學的落實,學生在英語表現漸有成果與進步時,家長的支持力量也展現出來。 根據研究發現與結論,本研究從以下三方面提出建議: 一、學校行政人員:學校領導者應統整學校本位課程課程,行政處室主動提供協助並促進各領域交流及對話。 二、學校領域團隊:應慎於團隊領導人的選定,且其角色功能應重於領導與協調;而團隊其他成員,則可從其教育熱忱的強化著手。 三、後續研究:對於未來相關研究的建議,首先在研究向度可加入學校教師文化的探討,另可將創意團隊與創意個人的表現作一比較。 / The research focuses on a junior high school in Taipei. Analyzing the presentation of English creative teaching, the characters of the creative team, the development of the creative team and the factors that affects the development of the team. And the researcher gets the conclusions as the following, A.The presentation of English creative teaching includes providing a good environment of English learning with bilingual signs and posters, inventing activities like “one English sentence every day” to let students accumulate their English sentences, promoting the students’ ability of English extracurricular readers, redacting the English tests on line to afford the students wide space of learning, holding various kinds of English contests, making the effective strategies of English learning according to the difference between students, and compiling an “ English Passport” to integrate all of the curriculum and activities. B.The characteristics of the English creative team consist of complete cooperation, earnest work and the insistence of educational profession. C.the Development of the Creative Team At first, some English teachers retired, and the members left in the team are similar in ages and thought. Second, the teachers got the need of forming a team because of the new educational policy, like “the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum.” The leader of the team plays the role of the guidance and coordination. The members keep the enthusiasm and they encourage one another even feeling tired. At last, the team comes to modification based on the comprehensive opinions. D. The factors of creative team development are divided into the ones of the inner and outer school. The inner factors are the support and assistance of the administration, the students’ progress, the attitude of the other teachers in the school, the leadership of the team chief and the teamwork of the whole members. Besides, the outer factors are the educational policy and the alimentation of students’ parents. According to the exploration and conclusion, the researcher addresses the advice, A.A principal should be the leader of the curriculum in order that he can conduct the teachers to develop the school-based curriculum. And the administrative staffs have to give the most assistance to all the teachers. B.The leader of the team is a very important role, especially his leadership style. And about the members, we need to cultivate their enthusiasm. C.They can be added into the further research like the exploration of teachers’ culture and the discrepancy of creativity between individuals and teams.

幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之研究-以台北市幼稚園為例 / A study of relationships among organizational innovative climate of kindergartens, teachers’ knowledge sharing and innovative teaching

劉華鈴, Liu, Hua Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為對創新教學行為之影響以及三者之關係。首先瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之現況;其次,探討幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之相關性;最後,以多元迴歸分析幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為對創新教學行為之預測力,以及探討學校組織創新氣氛是否透過知識分享行為此中介變項影響教師創新教學行為。 本研究以台北市公私立幼稚園教師為研究對象,以「校園創新氣氛量表」,以及修改之「知識分享行為量表」與「創意教學行為量表」為研究工具,有效樣本為272份,資料回收後分別以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析,以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究獲致之結論如下: 1. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 2. 知識分享行為與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 3. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為達顯著正相關。 4. 學校組織創新氣氛的「工作條件」跟「學習成長」面向可以有效預測教師的 創新教學行為。 5. 知識分享行為的「行動示範」、「知識共構」可有效預測教師創新教學行為。 6. 就學校組織創新氣氛、知識分享行為對創新教學行為的整體模式而言,學校 組織創新氣氛中的「工作條件」可透過知識分享行為中的「行動示範」與「知識共構」此兩個中介變項預測幼稚園教師的創新教學行為。 最後,研究者根據研究結論針對幼稚園組織與幼稚園教師,以及未來研究提出具體建議,以期對未來幼稚園實行創新教學及相關後續研究有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study were as following: First of all, understand the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. Second, understand the relationships among these three variables. Third, explore the predictive power of the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. This study adopts the survey method by questionnaire. This study included 272 kindergarten teachers in Taipei city, Taiwan. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive Statistics, Factor analysis, Cronbach α coefficient analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and Regression through SPSS18.0. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and creative teaching. 2. The relationships between teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and creative teaching were positive. 3. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior. 4. Job Conditions and Professional Learning can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 5. Action Demonstration and Knowledge Building can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 6. It appeared that knowledge sharing plays mediating roles among organizational innovative climate and innovative teaching.

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