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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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留學英美教師及國內進修教師:對英語教學之溝通式教學法的信念及教學行為 / US/UK-Trained English Teachers vs. Locally-Trained English Teachers:Beliefs and Practices in Communicative Language Teaching

龔怡禎, Kung, Yi -chen Unknown Date (has links)
溝通式教學法在英語教學界蔚為主流已有數十年之久。過去的研究亦指出此教學法的實施成效與該實施國家一貫的學習文化具有相當程度的關係。本研究旨在瞭解曾至海外留學的英語教師,因其受到溝通式教學法的影響可能多於在國內進修的教師,他們的信念是否比在國內進修的教師更清楚地顯現在教室行為中。 本研究採用質性研究方法,選擇了三位曾至英美等國取得碩士學位的教師,以及三位在國內進修取得碩士學位的教師。二組教師中各有一位任教於高中一、二、三年級。資料收集主要來源為問卷、訪談及課室觀察。資料分析後比較(1)曾至國外進修教師之信念及教學行為;(2)國內進修教師之信念及教學行為;(3)兩類教師之相同處;(4)兩類教師之相異處。 本研究主要的發現有:所有教師,包括國外及國內進修者,對溝通式教學法都傾向認同,但在課室中卻不是經常用到此教學法,反而是融合傳統的及溝通式教學法的折衷現象較為普遍。至於在教學時,限制溝通式教學法的使用,主要因教學環境因素所致,例如來自考試的壓力、有限的教學時數、及班級人數。另外,海外留學經驗並未對教師信念有所影響。 本研究根據以上四個議題討論結果,在文末進一步提供建議,作為教育學者們參考。 / Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has dominated the field of language teaching for decades. Previous research also indicated that the effectiveness of CLT has a lot to do with the culture of learning in the country where CLT is implemented. The aim of the present study is to explore whether foreign-trained English teachers, who are presumably under more influence of CLT than locally-trained teachers, have manifested their beliefs and practices more explicitly in the classroom instruction. This study adopted a qualitative research method. The participants are 3 US/UK-trained English teachers and 3 locally-trained English teachers, who teach in a senior high school in northern Taiwan. In this study, the instruments for collecting data included questionnaire, classroom observations and follow-up interviews. The data were analyzed to answer the following research questions: (1) US/UK-trained English teachers’ beliefs and practices in CLT, (2) locally-trained English teachers’ beliefs and practices in CLT, (3) the similarities in teachers’ beliefs and teaching practices between US/UK-trained and locally-trained English teachers and (4) the differences in teachers’ beliefs and teaching practices between US/UK-trained and locally-trained English teachers. The major findings are all participants, including both foreign-trained and locally-trained teachers, claimed to hold positive attitude toward CLT. However, CLT was not used frequently in class. It was an eclecticism that was mostly adopted, instead. As for the major constraints from applying CLT, all participants agreed the contextual factors, such as pressure of exams, limited teaching hours, class size, mattered a lot. In addition, the overseas educational experience made no difference to teachers’ beliefs. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions are presented at the end of the paper.

幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之研究-以台北市幼稚園為例 / A study of relationships among organizational innovative climate of kindergartens, teachers’ knowledge sharing and innovative teaching

劉華鈴, Liu, Hua Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為對創新教學行為之影響以及三者之關係。首先瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之現況;其次,探討幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之相關性;最後,以多元迴歸分析幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為對創新教學行為之預測力,以及探討學校組織創新氣氛是否透過知識分享行為此中介變項影響教師創新教學行為。 本研究以台北市公私立幼稚園教師為研究對象,以「校園創新氣氛量表」,以及修改之「知識分享行為量表」與「創意教學行為量表」為研究工具,有效樣本為272份,資料回收後分別以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析,以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究獲致之結論如下: 1. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 2. 知識分享行為與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 3. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為達顯著正相關。 4. 學校組織創新氣氛的「工作條件」跟「學習成長」面向可以有效預測教師的 創新教學行為。 5. 知識分享行為的「行動示範」、「知識共構」可有效預測教師創新教學行為。 6. 就學校組織創新氣氛、知識分享行為對創新教學行為的整體模式而言,學校 組織創新氣氛中的「工作條件」可透過知識分享行為中的「行動示範」與「知識共構」此兩個中介變項預測幼稚園教師的創新教學行為。 最後,研究者根據研究結論針對幼稚園組織與幼稚園教師,以及未來研究提出具體建議,以期對未來幼稚園實行創新教學及相關後續研究有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study were as following: First of all, understand the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. Second, understand the relationships among these three variables. Third, explore the predictive power of the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. This study adopts the survey method by questionnaire. This study included 272 kindergarten teachers in Taipei city, Taiwan. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive Statistics, Factor analysis, Cronbach α coefficient analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and Regression through SPSS18.0. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and creative teaching. 2. The relationships between teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and creative teaching were positive. 3. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior. 4. Job Conditions and Professional Learning can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 5. Action Demonstration and Knowledge Building can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 6. It appeared that knowledge sharing plays mediating roles among organizational innovative climate and innovative teaching.


詹婉鈺 Unknown Date (has links)
「熱情」是心理學研究上新興的研究主題,包括熱情的概念、熱情的前置因素以及影響後果等研究。本研究的主要目的在探討國中小教師的教學熱情現況,與可能影響教學熱情的人口變項,包括教師的性別、年齡、任教年資、擔任職務、及最高學歷、畢業科系與教學熱情的關係。同時也探討教學熱情的影響後果,包括教學省思行為、教學內在動機、學習者中心教學信念、深度對談、專業合作及自我導向學習、創新教學行為、創新擴散與教學熱情的關係。本研究採問卷調查方式,以北、中、南區公私立國民中小學418位國中教師和160位國小教師為研究對象,使用的研究工具包括教學活動熱情量表、輔導活動熱情量表、教學省思行為量表、教學內在動機量表、學習者中心教學信念量表、專業合作與自我導向學習量表、深度對談量表、教學創新行為量表、創新擴散量表。 研究結果發現︰ 一、關於國中小教師的教學熱情和教學各變項之現況 1.國中小教師的教學熱情程度中等偏高,其中教學活動和諧性熱情顯著高於其他三種教學熱情,輔導活動和諧性熱情顯著高於強迫性熱情,而教學活動強迫性熱情僅顯著高於輔導活動強迫性熱情。國小教師除了在輔導活動強迫性熱情上顯著低於國中教師外,其他三種教學熱情均顯著高於國中教師。 2.國中小教師在教學各變項上大致為正向反應,其中教師的教學內在動機顯著高於其他教學變項,學習者中心教學信念僅顯著低於教學內在動機,而教學省思行為則顯著低於教學內在動機和學習者中心教學信念,創新教學行為和專業合作與自我導向學習顯著高於創新擴散和深度對談,而深度對談則顯著低於其他教學變項。此外,國小教師除了在專業合作與自我導向學習未顯著高於國中教師外,在其他教學變項上均顯著高於國中教師。 二、關於人口變項在教學熱情上的差異情形 1.不同任教年資、最高學歷以及男女國中小教師,在教學熱情上並無顯著差異。 2.不同年齡、擔任職務、畢業科系、任教科目和輔導經歷的國中小教師,在四種教學熱情上均有顯著差異。 三、關於教學熱情與教學各變項之關係 1.分別或整體探討國中小教師的教學熱情與教學各變項之關係,教學熱情越高,其教學省思行為、教學內在動機、以及學習者中心教學信念、深度對談、專業合作自我導向學習、創新教學行為和創新擴散則越高。 2.從預測角度來看,在多元迴歸模式中以教學活動和諧性和強迫性熱情對國中小教師的教學內在動機、創新教學行為最有正向預測力;以教學活動和諧性熱情對教學省思行為、學習者中心教學信念、深度對談最具正向的預測力;以輔導活動和諧性和強迫性熱情對專業合作及自我導向學習具有最佳的正向預測力;而以輔導活動強迫性熱情對創新擴散具有最佳的正向預測力。 四、關於人口變項、教學熱情與教學各變項之關係 1.無論在教學活動或輔導活動方面,有越多和諧性熱情的國中小教師,會有較多的教學省思行為、教學內在動機、學習者中心教學信念出現。 2.無論在教學活動或輔導活動方面,有越多強迫性熱情的教師,會有較多的創新教學行為、創新擴散出現,也會傾向專業合作及自我導向學習。 3.國中教師、21-30歲教師、以及輔導室教師較傾向專業合作及自我導向學習和深度對談。 4.最高學歷為研究所、畢業科系為大學教育科系、師範教育科系、師範非教育相關科系的教師,較傾向專業合作及自我導向學習。  最後,本研究根據研究結果對實務與未來研究提出建議。

探討實習課對職前華語文教師教學信念與教學行為之影響 / A Case Study of How Teaching Practicum Influences Interns’ Beliefs and Practices

黃子耘, Huang, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討實習課對職前華語文教師教學信念與教學行為之影響,以某國立大學華語文教學碩士學程二年級的七位台籍學生為研究對象。首先,教學信念之探討係透過質性訪談、試教後的反思札記、及修改前後之教案等相關資料進行分析;其次,教學行為的探討則以剖析職前華語文教師試教錄影檔案中的行為表現為主;最後,再進行交叉比對,以探究教學信念與教學行為之間的關係。主要研究問題為:第一,實習課如何影響職前華語文教師教學信念(共分為教學方式、師生角色、課程與教材、教學任務四個面向進行探討)?第二,藉著實習課錄影檔案,探究職前華語文教師的具體教學表現行為為何?第三,教學信念及教學行為之間的關係為何?分析方式則是藉由Nvivo 統計分析軟體編碼以質化方式分析教學信念,其次以量化方式分析教學行為,然後再以紮根理論方式探討教學信念與教學行為間的關係。 研究結果顯示:(一)本個案中的教學實習課對職前華語文教師所形塑之教學信念較趨向效能取向; (二)本個案中的教學實習課對職前華語文教師教學行為之影響主要為提高其以學生中心方式教學的比例; (三)本個案中的職前華語文教師之教學信念與教學行為間的關係並非完全一致,而是呈現出些微相異處;(四)整體而言,教學實習課有助於職前華語文教師增進教學專業能力,亦其助其瞭解學習者特性知識與教育現場所需的脈絡知識。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議供未來華語文師資教育之參考。 / This case study aims to understand how teaching practicum might impact pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practices. Participants were seven Taiwanese Chinese language pre-service teachers who were in their 2nd year of graduate study and they were from the Department of Teaching Chinese as Second Language at a national university in Taiwan. To implement, firstly, this study analyzed pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs using qualitative interviews, reflective teaching journals, and their teaching plans and other relevant information. These data were coded by using Nvivo statistical software. Secondly, this study analyzed pre-service teachers’ teaching practice using their videotaped records. Lastly, this study made use of all above collected data in a more integrated manner to analyze the relationship between pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and their teaching practices based on grounded theory. The main findings of this study include the following: (1) After teaching practicum, the teaching beliefs of the participating pre-service teachers became more efficiency-oriented; (2) After teaching practicum, the teaching practices of the participating pre-service teachers became more likely to perform more student-centered teaching; (3) It was found that the relationship between pre-service teachers’ teaching beliefs and teaching practices was not fully consistent; (4) Overall, it was found that teaching practicum employed in this course not only enhanced pre-service teachers’ professional teaching ability but also equipped them with more knowledge of learners, as well as learners’ characteristics, and more knowledge of educational contexts. Based on the findings, three suggestions for cultivating more effective Chinese language pre-service teachers were made.

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