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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蘇榮宗, Su, Jung-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從國中教師工作職能著手,探討國中教師甄選面談項目內容之研究。具體而言,本研究欲探討:(1)教師的工作任務中,影響整體工作結果較大的是那些工作層面?(2)教師在執行上述工作層面時,與那些工作職能(KSAOs)相關性較大?(3)教師甄選面談過程中,面談者對應徵者觀察與評分的項目有那些?(四)工作分析所形成之面談評分項目與多數人心中的項目是否有顯著差異? 為達成以上之目的,本研究經由文獻的探討。決定在研究方法上,採用工作分析之專家問卷,找到各校推薦優秀的教師或行政人員(包括校長或退休校長)等共20人做為工作分析問卷之專家小組。再將結果分析後獲得教師甄選面談的評分項目;再以合目標抽樣的方式,進行大樣本的抽樣調查,以確定工作分析結果,是否受到普遍的認同。由於本問卷填寫者需具備若干重要特質,因此採取合目標抽樣。針對彰化縣以北諸縣市,抽取80所國中,共發出1200份問卷,回收815份,抽掉57份廢卷,留下758份有效問卷;有效問卷回收率為63.16%。經統計後,進行平均值與標準差的運算,進行排序比對。 本研究的結論,可分為兩大部分,一是工作分析法的專家樣本問卷與大樣本問卷的對比。具體言之,工作分析法的研究中,獲致三個結論:(1)教師的工作中,有八個較為重要的任務層面。(2)教師在成功的工作中,較重要的工作職能(KSAOs)共有17項。並在本研究中據此提出教師的工作說明書,載明教師的各個工作任務執行時,與其相關的工作職能(KSAOs)。(3)並挑選出十項更關鍵的工作職能(KSAOs),做為教師甄選面談中,面談者對應徵者評分項目。然而,在大樣本的抽樣調查中,本研究發現,工作分析所獲得的十項工作職能(KSAOs)中,有九項工作職能完全與大樣本抽樣結果相符。尚有一項則有些許的出入。 本研究依據結論,對主管機關、學校單位與後續研究者提供建議以供參考: 1. 教師甄選面談評分項目可為下列十項:(1)教室管理與紀律維持的能力、(2)國中學生心理、生理特質的知識、(3)穩定而合宜的情緒處理、(4)任教內容領域的相關知識、(5)教學理念的知識、(6)教與學的知識、(7)與人良好溝通的技巧、(8)學生事務管理的知識、(9)對學生的輔導技巧、(10)問題解決的能力。 2. 工作分析法所得教師甄選評分項目受到普遍的認同,可供未來在教師甄選評分項目的決選上參考使用的方式。

在低結構化口試情境下應試者人格特質與口試結果之關係 --從五大人格、自我監控、自我效能談起

陳淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為檢驗在低結構化口試情境中,應試者的人格特質,如五大人格、自我監控、自我效能與口試結果之關係。 本研究採取問卷調查法進行,分成研究一與研究二,研究場域為北部某縣市高中職教師甄選,研究一的研究對象為該場教師甄選的口試委員,共27名,所採用的研究工具為「中等學校教師甄選口試現況調查問卷」;研究二的研究對象為參加教師甄選第二階段口試的應試者,共216名,有效問卷214份,研究工具為「性格自評量表」、「自我監控量表」、「一般自我效能量表」。 研究結果指出在本研究場域教師甄選口試屬低結構化狀態,應試者自評的五大人格、自我監控、自我效能分數與口試結果未達顯著相關。 研究建議在辦理教師甄選實務工作上,朝提高口試結構化方向努力;在未來研究上,應注意社會期許效應的控制、擴大樣本的特性及人格測量方法的檢證。 關鍵詞:口試結構化、教師甄選、人格特質、口試結果 / The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the interviewee’s interview outcome and his/her personalities presented in such measures as Big Five, Self-Monitoring, and Self-Efficacy. The interview in which the interviewees are involved is a low-structured situation. The data of the research are collected from a senior/vocational high school teacher test in one of Taiwan northern counties. The research is divided into two sub-researches—Sub-research 1 and Sub-research 2, and different questionnaires are used to collect research data in the sub-researches. The subjects of Sub-research 1 are 27 committee interviewers, who are asked to do the “Questionnaire for investigating the applicants’ interview performance in the senior school teacher test.” The subjects of Sub-research 2 are 216 applicants, who are approved to interviews. The measures used in this sub-research include “The Scale of Big Five,” “Revised Self-Monitoring Scale,” and “General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale.” Of all the applicants, 214 samples are collected. The findings show that in the low-structured interview situation there is no significant relation between the interviewee’s interview outcome and his/her scores gained from the chosen measures. For the future programs in selecting new teachers, a high-structured interview is suggested. For the future research on this topic, the effects of the social expectation, the characteristics of the subjects, and the personality measures should be paid attention to. Key word:structured interview、teacher selection、personality、interview outcome


呂秋萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的旨在探討國中教師甄選口試,背景變項(口試委員特徵、應試者特徵、應試者學經歷)及口試委員心理因素(應試者儀容舉止、應試者受喜愛程、應試者教師專業、口試委員類我效應),如何影響國中教師甄選口試評價結果以及這些因素與口試評價結果間的因果關係模式。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行,研究工具為「口試評量表」。資料蒐集的對象以93年度台北縣、台北市及桃園縣擔任國中教師甄選之口試委員為對象。參與本研究之口試委員共78位,每位口試委員口試應試者的人數3至23人不等,共回收口試評量表883份,有效量表844份。每位口試委員填答之量表以10份作為本研究原始資料選取之基準,共選入有效量表570份進行資料分析。 根據資料分析的結果,本研究獲致結論如下:(1)口試委員口試經驗、教育程度、職務,應試者教育背景、任教領域等背景變項對口試評價結果有顯著影響。(2)本研究建構之「國中教師甄選口試決策模式」,獲得實證資料驗證。模式中各心理因素對口試評價結果之總效果以口試委員類我效應最強,其餘依次是應試者受喜愛程度、應試者教師專業、應試者儀容舉止。 / The purpose of my study aimed at investigating how the background variables (interviewer characteristics, applicant characteristics, the educational background and past experience of the applicants), the interviewer’s psychological factors (the appearance and behavior of the applicants, the likability of applicants, teacher specialty of the applicants, and the perceived similarity of the interviewer), influence the interview assessment of the teacher selection in junior high school. And how the relations of cause-effect modeling between those mentioned-above factors and the result of interview assessment are formed. The survey is used and the instrument is the Interview Assessment Form. The objects of data-gathering are those who are the interviewers of junior high school teacher selection in Taipei County, Taipei City, or in Taoyuan County, in 2004. A total of 78 interviewers participate in my research, and each interviewer has 3 to 23 interviewees. Thus, a total of 883 Interview Assessment Forms are collected, 844 of which are effective forms. The average ten Assessment Forms answered by each interviewer are chosen as the standard of the choice of original data, and a total of 570 effective Assessment Forms are selected for data analysis. According to the result of data analysis, the conclusions of my research are as follows: (1) Such background variables as the interviewer’s interview experience, level of education, job position, the educational background of the applicants, and teaching fields have significant influences upon the result of interview assessment. (2) The decision model of the interview of junior high school teacher selection well developed in study is verified by well-examined data. From the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling, the strongest influence of the psychological factors upon the total effect of interview assessment is the interviewer’s perceived similarity, followed by the likability of applicants, teacher specialty of the applicants, and the appearance and behavior of the applicants.

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