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我國現行公務人員考試方式改進之研究─以口試為例 / The Study of Improvement Selection Methods of the Republic of China Civic Service ── The Case of Oral Test方秀雀, Fang, Chiow-Chiueh Unknown Date (has links)
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在低結構化口試情境下應試者人格特質與口試結果之關係 --從五大人格、自我監控、自我效能談起陳淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:口試結構化、教師甄選、人格特質、口試結果 / The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the interviewee’s interview outcome and his/her personalities presented in such measures as Big Five, Self-Monitoring, and Self-Efficacy. The interview in which the interviewees are involved is a low-structured situation.
The data of the research are collected from a senior/vocational high school teacher test in one of Taiwan northern counties. The research is divided into two sub-researches—Sub-research 1 and Sub-research 2, and different questionnaires are used to collect research data in the sub-researches. The subjects of Sub-research 1 are 27 committee interviewers, who are asked to do the “Questionnaire for investigating the applicants’ interview performance in the senior school teacher test.” The subjects of Sub-research 2 are 216 applicants, who are approved to interviews. The measures used in this sub-research include “The Scale of Big Five,” “Revised Self-Monitoring Scale,” and “General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale.” Of all the applicants, 214 samples are collected.
The findings show that in the low-structured interview situation there is no significant relation between the interviewee’s interview outcome and his/her scores gained from the chosen measures.
For the future programs in selecting new teachers, a high-structured interview is suggested. For the future research on this topic, the effects of the social expectation, the characteristics of the subjects, and the personality measures should be paid attention to.
Key word:structured interview、teacher selection、personality、interview outcome
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我國現行司法官口試制度之研究 / The research of judge oral examination system盧逸斌 Unknown Date (has links)
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專家與新手教師在班級經營的知識結構差異研究-以口試題目檢驗之賴慧珠 Unknown Date (has links)
一、在教師背景變項中,不同導師年資的教師在班級經營知識結構與班級經營 效能上達顯著性的差異。
二、專家與新手教師在班級經營知識結構的三項量化指數(PRX、PFC、GTD) 上達顯著性的差異。
六、班級經營知識結構的三項量化指數(PRX、PFC、GTD)與班級經營效能皆 達顯著性的相關,其中以PRX指數關係最密切。
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國中英語教師班級經營效能量表之編製 / The measurement of classroom management efficacy for English teachers in junior high schools林悅平, Lin, Yueh Ping Unknown Date (has links)
三、研究各分量表之Cronbach’s α係數介於0.686~0.929之間,且在內部一致性團體對照法之t考驗中,各題高低分組之差異皆達顯著水準,顯示本研究具有可接受的合理信度。
五、判別分析Hit Ratio值為0.86,代表本研究自編班級經營效能量表能有效區別出高效能與低效能之英語教師。
(四) 有基礎特教背景之教師,其班級人際互動顯著優於無特教背景者;
根據上述結論,本研究提供五點建議:(1)班級教師應正視班級內學生的多樣性、(2)班級經營的各影響面向皆應受到重視、(3)本量表可作為英語教師增進班級經營效能之參考、(4)教師應不斷自我精進、(5)學校班級應控制班級人數與每週上課節數。 / "Classroom management" is a main dimension of teacher’s professional knowledge. Most dimensions that former researches demonstrated are based on educational theories, teaching experience and classroom observation from few researchers. Therefore, this study goes from a practical perspective. By analyzing 853 classroom management related items, which were collected from junior high school teacher selection interviews, a measurement of classroom management of English teachers in junior high school can be made as an effective tool for evaluating teacher’s professional knowledge.
Classroom management can be organized into five dimensions, including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management, English teaching quality. According to the study, there are seven findings as follows:
(1) The criterion-related validity of this research for teacher efficacy is up to 0.797, and for English learning achievement up to 0.605. It reaches .01 level of significance under 2-tailed test, which shows the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement can examine the attributes that we want to find out.
(2) The correlative coefficient of the sub-scales and the scale from 0.86 to 0.95 shows very good coefficient value and good internal consistency of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement.
(3) The subscale of internal consistency Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement ranges from 0.686 to 0.929. According to the t-test of internal consistency group comparison, the high score group and low score group reaches a significant difference. The two result shows reasonable reliability of the measurement.
(4) The model confirmatory factory analysis shows that the model of this study is reasonably fit, with five dimensions including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management and English teaching quality. We can even extract one latent variable from the five dimensions—classroom management efficacy.
(5) The hit ratio value of discriminant analysis is 0.86, which shows that using this self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement, we can distinguish
high efficacy English teachers from low efficacy English teachers.
(6) The junior high school English teachers’ background demography including gender, age, educational background, special education background, English teaching improvement courses, teaching age, class teacher age, and class teacher attitude reach a significant difference, which shows as the following:
(a) Females’ teaching quality is better than males’
(b) Those with older age, longer teaching age, longer class
age are better in all subscales than others.
(c) Those graduated from normal university are better in
class practice than others.
(d) Those with basic special education are better in
harmonious relationship among students, parents and
teachers than others.
(e) Those who attend more English teaching improvement
courses are better in all subscales than others.
(f) Those who are more willing to be class teachers are
better in all subscales than others. The class teacher
attitude can expect classroom management efficacy by
(7) The junior high school background demography including school location, class scale, course number within one week reach a significant difference, which shows as the following:
(a) English teachers in Taipei County are better in all
subscales than English teachers in Taipei City.
(b) English teachers with classes of 21~35 students are
better in harmonious relationship and classroom
discipline, than English teachers with classes of more
than 21~35 students.
(c) English teachers with 3~4 courses for one class within
one week are better in harmonious relationship,
classroom discipline, diversified classroom management
than others.
Building on the above results, this study made the following four suggestions: (1) class teachers should pay more attention to the diversity within students; (2) all dimensions of classroom management should be taken seriously; (3) this measurement is an effective reference and tool for English teachers; (4) teachers should always keep learning and improving; (5) student number within one class and course number within one week should be moderately limited to a proper one.
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國中教師甄選口試決策歷程之研究--以結構方程模式檢驗呂秋萍 Unknown Date (has links)
根據資料分析的結果,本研究獲致結論如下:(1)口試委員口試經驗、教育程度、職務,應試者教育背景、任教領域等背景變項對口試評價結果有顯著影響。(2)本研究建構之「國中教師甄選口試決策模式」,獲得實證資料驗證。模式中各心理因素對口試評價結果之總效果以口試委員類我效應最強,其餘依次是應試者受喜愛程度、應試者教師專業、應試者儀容舉止。 / The purpose of my study aimed at investigating how the background variables (interviewer characteristics, applicant characteristics, the educational background and past experience of the applicants), the interviewer’s psychological factors (the appearance and behavior of the applicants, the likability of applicants, teacher specialty of the applicants, and the perceived similarity of the interviewer), influence the interview assessment of the teacher selection in junior high school. And how the relations of cause-effect modeling between those mentioned-above factors and the result of interview assessment are formed.
The survey is used and the instrument is the Interview Assessment Form. The objects of data-gathering are those who are the interviewers of junior high school teacher selection in Taipei County, Taipei City, or in Taoyuan County, in 2004. A total of 78 interviewers participate in my research, and each interviewer has 3 to 23 interviewees. Thus, a total of 883 Interview Assessment Forms are collected, 844 of which are effective forms. The average ten Assessment Forms answered by each interviewer are chosen as the standard of the choice of original data, and a total of 570 effective Assessment Forms are selected for data analysis.
According to the result of data analysis, the conclusions of my research are as follows: (1) Such background variables as the interviewer’s interview experience, level of education, job position, the educational background of the applicants, and teaching fields have significant influences upon the result of interview assessment. (2) The decision model of the interview of junior high school teacher selection well developed in study is verified by well-examined data. From the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling, the strongest influence of the psychological factors upon the total effect of interview assessment is the interviewer’s perceived similarity, followed by the likability of applicants, teacher specialty of the applicants, and the appearance and behavior of the applicants.
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不同甄選情境中人格印象、能力評估、喜好程度及應對表現對口試成績的影響 / Effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability and interview performance on university enrollment interview with different settings袁明玉, Meng Gek WANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以實驗法進行,採3「甄選情境」× 5「考生」二因子混合設計。其中「甄選情境」分為「視聽組」、「聽覺組」及「文字組」三組,「考生」則分為「甲生」、「乙生」、「丙生」、「丁生」及「戊生」五位。每組均由17位口試委員對5位考生進行評分。由於三組之口試委員不同,各組之評分不會彼此影響,因此「甄選情境」為獨立樣本,即受試者間設計;五位考生均會接受17位口試委員之評分,因此「考生」乃相依樣本,即受試者內設計。
本研究以3「甄選情境」× 5「考生」混合設計二因子變異數分析檢定不同的甄選情境在「人格印象」(他人親和取向、個人愉悅取向)、「能力評估」(專業能力、問題處理能力、人際關係處理能力、行政能力、外語能力)、「喜好程度」、「應對表現」及「口試成績」上之差異情形,結果發現處在不同甄選情境中的口試委員在這些變項上(外語能力除外)均可獲得頗為一致的判斷。研究者認為造成此結果的可能原因為:(1)參與推甄口試的考生無論是在課業或是人格特質、能力上均有相當程度的相似性;(2)大學推甄所使用的書面審查資料較職場口試中所使用的豐富,足以提供考生之人格、能力相關訊息;(3)實驗過程中口試委員閱讀書面審查資料的時間和口試時間的間隔太短,考生書面資料造成的初始效應過於強烈。
綜合本研究發現,在大學推甄口試方面,考生的肢體語言、外表、聲音等對口試委員的影響並不是很重要。此外,人格特質在大學推甄口試上的影響亦非常輕微,因此研究認為大學學系應重新衡量是否應繼續保有口試?抑或改以其他方式進行學生的甄選,以達到既有效又節省的取才方式。 / The purpose of the study is to identify which of the following variables: personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview performance, is actually affecting the outcome of the university enrollment interview with different settings.
Subjects were 51 post-graduate students, randomly assigned to three groups – “Audio-visual Group”, “Audio Group”, and “Script Group”. Those in video group watched the video of the university enrollment interview, while those in audio group listened to the audio of the same interview, and those in script group read the transcript of the said interview. Vitae of the applicants were given to the subjects for reference prior to the stimulus. Each subject reviewed 5 applicants’ video (audio/transcript), and filled in the Personality Impression Form and Interview Assessment Form.
2-way ANOVA is used to examine the effect of different settings (audio-visual, audio, or transcript) on personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview content, and it is found that all variable can be judged in coincidence among subjects within different settings.
Pearson correlation is used to examine the effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview performance on the decision-making of interview in different settings, and it is found that interview result is (1) highly correlated to interview performance in all settings; (2) highly correlated to personality impression, specialty, and likeability in “audio group”, however, it is loosely correlated in other groups; (3) highly correlated to problem solving skills in “audio group”, however, it is loosely correlated in other groups; (4) loosely correlated to inter-personal skills, administrative skills and foreign language in all settings.
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