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財務市場資訊不對稱下之市場現象與參與者行為之研究謝易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
財務市場資訊不對稱的現象已由不少學者研究, 本文利用真人實驗方法對此一議題再檢驗, 依照擁有資訊的程度分為: 完全知訊者、不完全知訊者與外部者。結果發現, 價格收斂情形與知訊者的多寡有顯著相關, 然而卻與知訊品質的高低相關性較低。成交量與價格收斂情形呈反向關係, 雖顯著但相關性有限, 我們推測對資產定價的落差雖是交易動機的原因之一,但並非僅只有此原因。市場內財富差異性亦與價格收斂有所相關, 價格收斂越好的市場, 市場吉尼係數就越小, 顯示參與者間貧富落差越小。與過去文獻差異較多是擁有較多資訊的參與者不見得有較好的利得,因此, 擁有資訊的程度不再是決定利得的唯一因素, 策略的選擇將是影響利潤的重要因素之一。
根據實驗結果, 發現限價單使用比例與期末利得有顯著的正相關, 且排名較為前面的參與者能較快學習到此一結果。本文將限價單使用比例的增減做為一策略選擇, 並利用三種強化學習模型解釋市場現象, 此三種模型皆從Roth 與Erev 的文獻中而來, 前二種模型中有二種參數: 新進因子與經驗因子, 新進因子表示前一期策略的動機對本期採同一策略動機的影響,經驗因子則表示前其策略所引發的利潤對本期策略動機的影響, 此一參數亦隱含了參與者強化學習之能力。第三種模型則多增加了參與者對利潤敏感的的測度。結果發現, 無論是此三種模型的何種參數, 在不同資訊結構的市場與不同類型的參與者間幾無差異。然而, 若以參與者利得的表現區分, 參與者對過去利潤的反應, 即經驗因子, 有顯著的差異, 說明了利潤高低與是否能從過去利潤結果學習到經驗(即強化學習能力) 有密切關係。上述三個現象說明, 參與者的行為參數在進入實驗室前就已決定了,因此利用市場環境與參與者身份將之分類比較的差異性不大, 但這樣的差異卻會影響之後的利得。故本文的結論與過去文獻不同的是, 在此實驗中決定參與者利得
多寡的不再是資訊掌握程度, 而是其學習(策略) 之能力。
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企業採用高訊息招募策略對組織吸引力與口碑散佈意願之影響研究-以涉入程度和雇主品牌形象為中介變項 / The impact of high-information recruitment practices on organizational attractiveness and word‐of‐mouth intention-the mediating effect of involvement and employer brand image張聖萱 Unknown Date (has links)
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從廣達與LGE案看專利權耗盡之專利授權管理策略 / From Quanta v. LGE to patent licensing management strategies黃苑菱, Cynthia Huang Unknown Date (has links)
即便銷售後限制(Post-sale restriction)確實提供了專利權人避免耗盡其權利的好方法,但專利權範圍則限縮了專利權人所享有的權利控制範圍,換言之,專利權人僅能擁有專利法所賦予的權利,且其加諸於被授權人的購買條件限制僅限於該專利之功能及使用目的。而超越該專利功能及使用目的的過分限制,則可能導致專利權濫用。而在開放WTO框架下,國際貿易的頻繁也使得權利耗盡衍生出了在散佈等方面的相關討論,平行輸入/輸出的議題亦隨著跨國交易的興盛而隨之重要。
故此篇論文的研究目的不僅僅探討權利耗盡理論及其相關議題,更旨在藉由廣達案的啟發,提供台灣的IT產業一有效的專利授權策略,並提供不論專利權人或被授權人於制定授權契約時,能有一更具有策略性的思考方向。 / The Supreme Court’s current decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. brings the exhaustion doctrine also known as first sale doctrine up to a new phase. This case is believed significantly overcome quite a lot of past precedents and will effectively influent industry business operations in the future. The core goal of intellectual property right aims to find a balance between protecting the incentives to create and innovate, and providing the benefits to public interests. Exhaustion doctrine has been long standing as part of patent law to prevent patentees’ over control. The interpretation made by Supreme Court regarding the first sale doctrine does vibrate the conditional sale strategies long believed by patentees. Now the Supreme Court brings the issue from the phase of patent law down to the contract law level. Subsequently, the litigations of antitrust and fair trade are therefore involved while patentees are tempting to make an “end-run” control over the downstream purchasers.
Though applying post-sale restriction provides a way out for intellectual property owner from triggering the exhaustion, however, the scope of the patent claims determine how far the privilege is given to the inventors. A patent owner or licenser can only enforce its patent right while the right is truly granted by the patent law. Subsequently, the restriction set forth to limit the licensees or purchasers must be accordance with the function or feature of the patent claims for. On the contrary, the patentee intends to restrict its purchasers by holding the exclusive right which beyond the scope of the patent granted may result to patent misuse, for instance, the resale price maintenance, prohibition of manufacturing the competing products, the conditional license which incorporates another license, and overwhelming royalties on the price of the whole product instead of the actual usage of the patented article.
Under WTO, the concern of intellectual property protection has become more critical in the perspective of international trade, different issues and disputes regarding exhaustion have also been generated. Not alike the traditional domestic exhaustion, the discussion regarding distribution has therefore been derived. Moreover, the issues related to parallel import/export are generated in accordance with the frequent cross-border transaction.
The purpose of this research does not merely lead us look into the doctrine and restriction patentees used to impose for avoiding exhaustion. But I intend to further illustrate a guideline based on the inspiration from Quanta and the explanation of the Courts. This guideline should provide both patentees and licensees an orientation while considering making a licensing agreement.
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