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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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彭春蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學教育學系九十一年度碩士論文摘要 論文名稱:新竹縣市國民中學教師評鑑指標建構之研究 指導教授:湯志民博士研究生:彭春蘭 本研究旨在探討國民中學教師評鑑理念內涵、理論基礎,了解新竹縣市教育人員對指標看法的差異,以建構新竹縣市國民中學教師評鑑指標。 本研究以新竹縣市地區公立國民中學教育人員,包括校長、主任、組長、教師等為母群體, 以「新竹縣市國民中學教師評鑑指標調查問卷」為工具,以簡單隨機抽樣方式,對新竹縣市國中教育人員,抽取樣本893份,進行問卷調查。問卷資料採T考驗(T-Test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、多因子變異數分析及雪費事後比較(Scheffe' Posterior Comparisons)分析等方法。獲得重要結論與具體建議如下。 壹、重要結論 一、獲致「國民中學教師評鑑」重要理念與內涵。 二、國民中學教師評鑑的理論基礎包括「動機理論」、「學習型組織理論」、「績效責任理論」與「生涯發展理論」。 三、新竹縣市國民中學不同「性別」與不同「組織參與」教育工作人員對整體指標體系看法沒有顯著差異。 四、新竹縣市國民中學不同任教「地區」教育人員在「學生輔導」、「教學設計」及「專業態度」層面上有顯著性差異。 五、新竹縣市國民中學不同「學歷」教育人員在「學生輔導」及「教學實施」層面上有顯著差異。 六、新竹縣市國民中學不同服務「年資」教育人員在「教學設計」、「專業態度」層面有顯著差異。 七、新竹縣市國民中學任教不同學校「規模」教育人員在「專業態度」層面上有顯著差異。 八、新竹縣市國民中學不同「職務」的教育人員在「學生輔導」、「教學設計」、「專業態度」層面指標有顯著差異。 九、新竹縣市不同類別教育人員對「新竹縣市國民中學教師評鑑指標」層面之間看法部分有差異。 十、新竹縣市國民中學教師評鑑指標包括「學生輔導」、「教學設計」、 「專業態度」及「教學實施」等四個層面,共計四十六個指標內容。 貳、研究建議 本研究依據文獻探討與問卷調查統計分析之研究結論,提出教師評鑑指標應用與教師評鑑相關研究建議如下: 一、評鑑指標體系可做為國民中學教師平日工作自我檢核的依據。 二、評鑑指標體系可做為國中教師年終工作績效考核應用。 三、評鑑指標體系的應用需考量不同類別教師的觀點。 四、評鑑指標體系可作為建立學校本位評鑑計畫依據。 五、評鑑指標體系可作為師資師資培訓機構與教師在職進修課程設計的參酌。 六、重視國民中學教師在「學生輔導」與「教學實施」層面指標內容的工作支持與知識能力需求。 七、培養國中教育人員專業研究、學習分享、團隊工作及社區參與的觀念與行動。 八、加強國民中學教師評鑑制度研究。 九、加強國民中學教師評鑑制度研究 十、繼續國民中學教師評鑑指標的研究。 關鍵詞:新竹縣市、國民中學教師、教師評鑑指標。 / 【abstract】This research aims to study the connotation and basic theory about junior high school teacher evaluation.and to try to understand Hsinchu district teachers' different opinions on indexes system.Acorrding to the research material,we try to set up“Hsinchu's junior high school teacher evaluated indexes.” The members of this research is to rest on Hinchu district public junior high school education members ,including principal、managers and teachers as mother body,simple draw 894 copies of questionnaire to be the investigation samples in total. This research uses “ a research questionnaire for hsinchu jumior high school teacher evaluated indexes“ as a tool.T-test,One way ANNOVA ,MANNOVA、Scheffe' Posterior Comparisons and Pearson correlation are used to analyze the information getting from the above mentioned tools. Important conclusions are obtained as follows: 1. This research has gotton the important conceptions and connotations on the evaluation system of junior high school teachers. 2. The basic theories of junior high school teacher evaluation include: motive theory ,learning organization theory,accountability theory and career development theory. 3. The participating teachers from different sex and different organization show the some views on evaluation indexes. 4. The teachers from different district show different views on some indexes about student counselling ,instruction designing and professional attitude items. 5. The teachers from different academic background show differenf views on some indexs about student counselling and instruction practicing items. 6. The teachers from different service years show differenf views on some indexs about instruction designing and professional attitude items. 7.The teachers from different school scale show differenf views on some indexes about professional attitude item. 8.The teachers from different funtion of office show differenf views on some I indexes about student counselling,instruction designing and professional attitude items. 9.The teacher in different background elements still exist some different views on the evaluation indexes. 10.There are 4 items and 46 indexes in Hsinchu district’s junior high school teacher evaluation index system which includes“student counselling”、“instruction design”、“professional attitude” and“instruction practicing”. According to above conclusions,some suggestions are give as follows: 1. The evaluation indexes system can be applied as the base of self-daily check of junior high school. 2. The evaluation indexes system can be utilized as The evaluation indexes system can bethe junior high school teachers' annual assessment. 3. The application of evaluation indexes system must consider the viewpoints from different categories of teachers. 4. The evaluation indexes system can be used as the foundation of school-based evaluation plan. 5. The evaluation indexes system can be applied as the reference of teacher foster organization and on-job training curriculum design. 6. School masters should pay more attention on the demand of teachers' knowedge and ability about student counselling and instruction practicing 7. To cultivate the concepts and motions of the junior high school teachers' professional research ,learning share ,teamw.rk and community. 8. To enhance the research on teacher's evaluation system. 9. To keep on the research on the indexes of junior high school teachers’ evaluation . Key words:Hsinchu county,Junior high school teacher,Teacher evaluation index. II

「都市化」、「派系得票率」及「選舉投票率」關係之研究-新竹縣(市)的個案分析 / Urbanization, Local Faction & Votes Rate: A Case Study to Hsin-chu County and City

張世澤, Chang, Shih-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的地方派系在台灣政治發展過程中,扮演著相當獨特的角色,因此,派系政治是一個相當值得從事台灣研究工作者進行觀察的對象。而在派系與選舉的相關實証研究中,經常被提出來的對應分析變數是「現代化」或「都市化」程度;不過,截至目前為止,相關的研究卻經常把這兩個變數視為一體,致其研究的成果,未能與預期的發現一致。 因此,本研究是對新竹縣(市)地方派系的發展與變遷歷程中,都市化、派系得票率與選舉投票率間的因果關係及其影響感到興趣,並想進一步借著新竹縣(市)地方派系的個案研究,對相關研究假設與分析變數的應用,從事更為精確的探討。 而經過實証的分析後,本研究發現,在新竹縣(市)近年(1994~1998)七屆次各層級的選舉中,都市化程度與派系得票率間的關係,呈現負相關;都市化程度與選舉投票率間的關係,亦為負相關;而派系得票率選舉投票率間的關係,則為正相關。而以上三項的研究發現,完全符合原初的研究設計與假設。 此外,在質性分析面向上,本研究亦發現,決定新竹縣(市)地方派系發展的重要因素,在新竹縣部份是宗親力量,而在新竹市部份則為族群問題。而地方派系與政黨間的互動,在新竹縣部份,國民黨與派系間的關係,為派系主導國民黨的運作模式,在民進黨部份,則為合作共生的關係;至於,在新竹市部份,則為派系與國民黨合作共生的模式。 基此,本研究相信,台灣地區其它縣市地方派系的生態與發展,將可援用本個案分析的架構,藉由實証觀察模型的套用,為台灣地方派系的研究,累積並修正更多可供應用的事實發現與研究假設,以進一步建構解釋地方派系影響力變遷的實証性理論。

提升公共圖書館服務品質之研究 -以新竹縣政府文化局圖書館為例 / A Research of improving the effectiveness for Public Libraries :A Case Study of Hsinchu County Library

王彥筑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻探討對服務品質理論及LibQUAL+™量表進行瞭解,進而對於國內外探討圖書館服務品質之作法加以探討,並選擇新竹縣立圖書館為個案研究對象,對新竹縣立圖書館入館讀者採隨機抽樣調查,就研究結果提出關於服務品質之相關分析與建議,作為新竹縣立圖書館未來營運管理及讀者服務之參考,期使藉由本研究讓圖書館能更正確瞭解讀者需求及圖書館現況問題並能有效調整資源分配,提升圖書館服務品質,提供民眾更優質的公共圖書館。    本研究採用問卷調查法,以圖書館服務品質LibQUAL+™量表為基礎,於106年3月期間對新竹縣立圖書館入館民眾進行隨機抽樣調查。研究結果顯示:(一)新竹縣立圖書館讀者類型中以自修族群為最多(二)以讀者使用資源頻率來看,低涉入讀者為最多(三)讀者不同背景對於使用圖書館館藏資訊系統上有差異性(四)讀者最重視圖書館環境構面的服務品質(五)圖書館服務品質中表現最佳是服務影響性構面(六)以四象限分析法探討服務品質要項,讀者最在意的為環境 (七)讀者服務涉入程度與服務品質三構面上有重要關聯性(八)讀者對圖書館服務成果認同度排名第一為整體閱讀環境(九)不同學歷背景讀者對服務成果認同度有顯著差異(十) 56歲以上年長族群相對較少(十一)服務成果與服務品質三構面有高度正相關(十二)讀者的意見回饋中,以「圖書館環境」為讀者最重視因素(十三)圖書館可依服務藍圖檢視服務品質改善方法。 根據上述研究結果,本論文提出七項建議:(一)改善閱讀空間品質,滅少干擾元素(二)加強閱讀活動辦理,鼓勵讀者參與(三)強化資訊提供功能,改善數位資源及設備(四)成立館藏發展小組,加強編目專業訓練(五)深入瞭解讀者需求,提升服務品質(六)保持優質服務態度,暢通讀者意見回饋管道(七)加強分齡分眾概念之服務。 / The key goal of this research is to discuss the improving of service quality of some university libraries through applying LibQUAL+™ as a qualitative method and theory. We apply this to evaluate the library service quality of the Hsinchu county library through random sampling on the library readers. From the result of the research, we can get some conclusion and advices for the library to take it as as the reference. We expect that the library can realize the demand of readers more and find the bottleneck of it's operation so that they can rearrange the allocation of the resources to improve the service quality from the reader's perception. We complete the research with the questionnaire method through applying LibQUAL+™. The investigation was carried out by random sampling the readers of the Hsinchu county library during the opening hours in March in 2017. The research result shows that: (1) The major part of the readers are those for self-studying. (2) From the view of souring frequency of library resources, most readers are "low involvement". (3) the sourcing of Library Information Processing System differ from the background of the readers. (4) What the readers care most are the enviromental factors of service quality. (5) The service factors get highest score. (6) from the Four quadrant analysis, what the readers care most are the enviroment. (7) The involvement of the readers is high related to the three factors of service quality. (8) What the readers recognize most considering the service result is the reading enviromment. (9) The recognition degree of the service result differ from the educational background of the readers. (10) The recognition degree of the service result differ from the "service involvement" of the readers. (11) The service result is highly related to the three factors of service quality. (12) The library can get the way to improve the service quality through th service blueprint. According the research above, this thesis propose 7 suggestion: (1) To improving the Reading space to minimize interference. (2) To hold more reading activities and encourage more readers to participate in. (3) To enhance the information support and improve the information indicaiton. (4) To establish the Library Collections Development Panel and enhancing the training of cataloging. (5) To enhance the electrical resource to improve the information equipment. (6) To understand the demand of readers more to improve the service quality. (7) To provide service with good attitude and keep the communication chanels smooth.

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