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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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賀語宸 Unknown Date (has links)
校史可以展現學校的風格與文化,可以作為學校發展的依據,可以為教育工作者及學生留下生命的紀錄,亦能作為學術研究的材料,校史的價值無庸置疑。而校史檔案正是學校歷史的真實紀錄,若能妥善整理、典藏,並加以研究、運用,則能使校史發揮最大價值,並讓學校文化得以持續傳承下去。 本研究採用「個案研究法」、「問卷調查法」及「訪談法」,針對臺北市十四所百年小學進行校史檔案管理與運用之研究,希望藉此瞭解國民小學目前校史檔案管理與運用之現況,以及所面臨的問題及解決方式,期盼本研究結果能提供國民小學未來規劃校史工作之參考。 根據實際研究結果,提出結論如下:一、各校校史檔案管理單位不一;二、各校校史檔案管理的情形不盡相同;三、各校校史檔案運用的方式雷同;四、各校缺乏常設性的校史檔案管理機制以支援校史工作;五、各校校史檔案管理的人力、經費與校史檔案典藏空間普遍不足;六、各校校史室的功能有待充實;七、各校可以設立校史委員會以解決校史檔案管理的問題;八、各校可以重新規劃校史室並擴充典藏空間以發揮校史室功能。 針對上述研究結論,提出六項建議:一、重視校史價值並積極保存校史檔案;二、建立校史檔案管理制度;三、徵詢專家意見規劃校史工作;四、積極籌措校史工作經費;五、參酌他校經驗擴展校史室功能;六、擴大歷史學習範圍並建立校際交流管道。

高中校史檔案管理與運用-以台灣光復前成立之中等學校為例 / The Management and Utilization of High Schools Archives: Using Taiwan’s High Schools That Established Before 1945 as Examples.

周旻邑, Chou, Mei I Unknown Date (has links)
教育是傳遞文化的工作,學校則是教育的主要場域。學校產生的校史檔案蘊涵了社會文化的活動歷程,若能善加典藏、整理,必能從中發掘許多歷史瑰寶,讓過去的經驗得以傳承。 本研究採用「訪談法」(case study method)做為資料蒐集工具,針對台灣光復以前成立之五十九所中等學校分區進行抽樣調查,訪談對象共計十一所。期盼能藉此瞭解高中校史檔案管理與運用之現況,並且歸納整理其所面臨之問題,試圖提出解決方案,以供校史工作者參考。 研究結果包括:一、校史檔案工作少有專責人員,常被視為額外的工作負擔;二、校史檔案管理缺乏制度化規章;三、校史檔案多運用在展覽、編研與實施校史教育;四、校史檔案管理專業知能不足;五、校史館功能尚待擴充。 最後針對以上研究結果提出七項建議:一、設置高中校史檔案管理專責人員;二、確立校史檔案管理制度化,訂定計畫與工作目標,使管理人員交接時能清楚工作內涵與目標;三、制訂校史館館藏發展政策,提升校史館藏內涵,也能避免過度典藏;四、制訂館藏內容描述之Metadata;五、強化專業人力與管理;六、活化校史室功能;七、積極與外界交流。 / Education is a work of culture transmission and the school is a major place of education. History archives contain the course of social and cultural activities. If school archives can be appropriately kept and organized, we will find more historical treasures, passing down the experiences. “Case study method” is used in the research. There are eleven high schools in different districts which are conducted by a sample survey from fifty-nine high schools established before 1945. This research is done with hope to understand management and application of these archives at these schools, to sum up the faced problems and to propose resolutions for school archives workers. Based on the results of the research, the conclusions are as follows: 1. School archives jobs do not have professional staffs, often regarded as extra work load. 2. School lack institutionalized rules of school archives management. 3. School archives are mostly used for exhibit, research and conducting school history education. 4. School archives management is lack of professional ability. 5. School archives rooms are not fully functional in all schools Finally, with regard to the above mentioned results, seven recommendations are proposed: 1. Set a professional staff responsible for school archives 2. Form a school archives and control system, set a schedule and a goal, and let staff know the contents and objects of the work when taking over from the other staff 3. Form school archives room’s develop policy, enrich contents and avoid excessive collection 4. Form metadata of collection’s description 5. Strengthen professional manpower and management 6. Activate function of school archives room 7. Communicate with outside school positively

我國大學檔案館設置可行性之研究 / A Study of the Feasibility to Establish University Archives in Taiwan

黃亭穎, Huang, Ting Ying Unknown Date (has links)
大學檔案館記錄創校以來經歷的歷史典故,呈現出學校與學生的校園記憶。鑑於目前國內大學校院大都只有校史室,而無檔案館之設立,但是目前國內校史室之功能不彰、定位不明,普遍不受重視。本研究試圖闡明大學檔案館在校園中的地位及重要性、定位大學檔案館的角色、探討現今校史室功能與經營的困境並規劃大學檔案館之館藏內涵,以作為設置大學檔案館之參考。   我國大學及學院校史室的現況,有以下幾項:   1、公文檔案管理單位以總務處文書組最多,校史檔案管理單位為秘書處最多。管理校史檔案與校史室多數是屬於秘書處的職責,其次是圖書館。   2、大多數的大學皆設有校史室,設有校史室的學校與未設校史室的學校相比,兩者的比例約為3:1。校史室設置的目標,主要為保存史料、編纂校史、促進校友與學校情感、提供研究等。   3、校史室經費編列的方式,主要是專款編列,經費及來源並不固定。   4、校史室人力屬於不足與勉強可以應付的狀態,且人力不足的情形,尤以公立大學更為嚴重。   5、校史室館舍面積多數並不大,大都為30坪以內,私立大學校史室則比公立大學有較大的館舍面積。   6、校史室的功能仍限制在靜態的保存典藏及陳列展覽,在推廣與開放利用上都不普遍。   7、國內校史室的館藏內容,著重於圖像式資料及文物,對於紙本文件、公文書與個人手稿文件的收藏都較缺乏,這點相對於國外重視紙本文件、公私文書、個人文件與文物不同。部分學校的校史檔案管理單位與校史室已開始注意到地方文獻的收集。   我國大學及學院校史室發展的困境:   1、體制:在人力資源、館舍空間及相關政策方面,私立大學校史室及文物館都較公立大學有規模。究其原因,公立大學無論經費、人力等方面都需依據政策。   2、組織層級:由於校史室之組織層級多屬二級單位,且無館藏選擇權,造成館藏內容不全,無法全面性的呈現學校發展。   3、行政資源:因組織層級不高,行政資源稀少,上級的重視與支持度決定發展的方向、業務的推展、經費與規模的大小。   4、人力資源:國大學及學院校史室在人力資源上是缺乏的,校史室多為兼管業務,有一半以上比例的學校並無專職人員管理。   5、館舍空間:空間狹小,也限制了校史室的業務及其發展,這情形在公立大學尤為嚴重。   6、館藏政策:無明確的館藏政策及正式的徵集辦法,造成徵集不易,所徵集的檔案資料只是片面、瑣碎的資料。   針對國內大學及學院設置校史室或校史館之建議:   1、對校史檔案與公文檔案管理的建議:合併放置、專人專職管理。   2、對校史室的建議:提高校史室之組織層級、爭取學校之行政資源、充實人力資源、結合學校之教學活動、改善館舍空間、擬定館藏政策。   3、對校史室基本館藏之建議:公務性文書檔案、校內文宣與出版品、個人手稿與文件、歷史性紀念文物。   4、對校史檔案管理人員的建議:積極展現校史的重要性、改變校史管理人員的觀念、充實校史管理人員的知識。

苗栗縣國中校史檔案管理與運用之研究 / An Investigation on Archives Management and Application of Miaoli County High Schools

陳海鵬, Chen, Hai Peng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以苗栗縣的國民中學(簡稱國中)校史檔案為研究對象,針對學校校史檔案管理與應用之現況調查與探討,其中檔案管理部分包括校史室的建置與情形、行政管理的情形,應用包括資料編修、研究及展示等,藉以了解校史建置工作的歷程和困難點,希望能提供進一步的改善方法,供需建置校史的學校參考。 本研究藉由對苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案管理與運用情形的了解與探討,進而分析目前苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案典藏管理及面臨方式問題和解決之道,研究結果期盼相關單位對校史檔案及校史價值能有更多的認識與討論,使這些珍貴的學校資產能得到應有的重視,並獲得妥善的保存與維護。 本研究所採行的方法為「問卷調查法」與「訪談法」,問卷調查以各校校史檔案管理人員為問卷填寫對象;訪談以各校校史檔案管理人員或實際從事校史編纂工作相關人員做為訪談對象,主要對象是校長秘書、總務主任、設備組長、圖書館管理人員或兼任校史檔案管理工作之行政幹部。 本研究主要目的是探討苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案管理與運用情形,並透過問卷調查及訪談的方式,了解苗栗縣國民中學校史檔案管理與運用現況所面臨的困境,提出研究結論如下:一、苗栗縣各國民中學校史檔案管理單位不一,學校校史檔案無專責人員;二、苗栗縣各國民中學校史室之成立與使用規模;三、苗栗縣各國民中學學校大都未有校史設置作業法規;四、苗栗縣各國民中學大都欠缺校史檔案的徵集政策;五、苗栗縣各國民中學學校校史檔案整理分類作業情形現況;六、苗栗縣各國民中學學校校史檔案的維護及其他安全措施;七、苗栗縣國民中學學校校史檔案目前保存的狀況;八、苗栗縣各國民中學校史檔案的運用面向。 學校是教育的重鎮,成立學校的最終目標是培養將來社會的人才,學校一切的工作都是以此為出發點,在實現此一目標之時,需要學校所有的處室配合,其中最重要的一項就是學校校史檔案工作。學校校史檔案管理工作是隨學校發展而展開的,學校校史檔案工作是為整各學校教育單位服務,也應該屬於行政部門的一部分,檔案管理單位是做好學校校史檔案的保障。本研究提出五項建議如下:一、盡速訂定校史設置作業法規;二、配置校史檔案管理專責人員;三、擬訂校史檔案的徵集政策;四、妥善進行校史檔案之整理與分類;五、實體校史檔案之管理與數位校史檔案之備份儲存。 / Using the archives of junior high school in Miaoli County as an object of study, this study assess the management of school history archives (SHA) and provide extensive discussions of its current applications. The section of SHA management examines the foundation and administration of school archives room; the section of applications is primarily concerned with literature revision, research and exhibition. Our objective in this study is to address the process and challenges regarding the establishment of SHA, and to present improvement approaches as a reference for schools being in need of SHA establishment. The focus of discussions presented in this study is on the management of SHA and its application in order to provide analyses related to administration of SHA management, encountered problems, and solutions, in junior high school in Miaoli County. Findings have broad implications in a number of areas: corresponding departments’ growing understanding of SHA and its value, holding high regard for school assets, and being concerned with maintaining and preserving access to historical collection. The methods to carry out this study were using questionnaire survey and interviewing. The participants for questionnaire survey were administrators at school archives, and those for interviewing were selected from the administrators at school archives or the professional staff members responsible for archival materials (e.g., Principal’s secretary, Chief of General Affair Section, Section Chief of Teaching Facilities, school librarian, and administrative workers). The major purpose of the present study was to investigate the management and application of archival materials in junior high school in Miaoli County. By utilizing questionnaire survey and interviewing, we present a conceptual framework for the process and challenges regarding the establishment of SHA. The results revealed that, first, no steering committee responsible for any aspect of selection, preservation, or use of archival materials; second, the foundation and scale of SHA in junior high schools in Miaoli County; third, junior high schools in Miaoli County does not establish basic working rules; fourth, most junior high schools in Miaoli County lack regulations in relation to SHA; fifth, the current condition of archival material classification in junior high school in Miaoli County; sixth, maintenance policy and other measurements concerning archival materials in junior high school in Miaoli County; seventh, current condition of archival material maintenance in junior high school in Miaoli County; eighth, application of archival material in junior high school in Miaoli County. School is the cradle of education. The object of education is to create suitable member of the society. Cooperation between different offices and management of SHA in a school may be of importance in explaining how all the works in a school are designed to reach this goal. Furthermore, the management of SHA not only booms with school development, but facilitates collaboration and consensus, which also belongs to part of the administration division; the dept. of SHA definitely plays a vital part, taking responsibility for school history archive. While this study has limitations, 5 suggestions are given as follows: 1.establishment of basic working rules and regulations; 2. organization of steering committee of individuals responsible for historical documents; 3. collection policy to define the types of archival materials to be collected; 4. proper use of organization and categorization; 5. management of paper format SHA and backup copy of digital format SHA. Key Words: archives management; school history archives; junior high school archives

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