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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳鎮祺, WU, ZHEN-QI Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文題目為「中華民國與沙烏地阿拉伯王國關係之研究」,旨在尋求中沙邦交由 肇始,奠基發展鞏固乃至衰退、逆轉整個變化軌跡之合未來關係走向之參考。本篇論 文架構包含七個章節,茲分別簡述如下: 首章緒論說明研究動機與目的,研究方法及研究範圍與限制。 第二章論述沙國建國經過以彰明沙國之伊斯蘭與阿拉伯文化背景。並為使讀者於進入 本文主題章節前,先對沙烏地阿拉伯王國外交政策各層面有相當了解,乃先就其影響 因素、人物、機構及政策與目標等做一概要說明。 第三章則簡略回顧溯伊斯蘭教傳入中國之歷史沿革以及中沙兩國初期交往情形, 尤 其著重於影響兩國初期關係關鍵人物私人情誼之互動,然後再就兩國關係之制度化做 一分析說明。 第四章涵蓋具相關性之兩個不同互動領域一宗教事務與官式互訪深入研究過去四十年 來我國回教朝覲團與因兩國領袖互訪而達到高潮之官式互訪, 在維續及提昇兩國關 係與相互了解上所扮演之重要角色。 第五章一一檢視中沙互動關係中更具體而實質之內涵; 包括雙方文教交流與經技合 作兩層面。 第六章的內容主要在於說明中共運用宗教、經貿、國際事務影響力、體育及軍官等手 段滲透拉攏沙國並經由階段性之策略;由商務代表處之互設終而達到與沙國建交之目 的。 最後第七章結論部份則就本文各章節所探討之主題做一總結與評析, 尤其呼應第二 章所述影響沙國對外關係之各個層面之剖析,針對沙國何以會與中共建交闡釋個人淺 見, 最後筆者並就如何因應中沙關係新局加強兩國關係提出原則性的看法, 以做 為筆者個人實際從事對沙外交工作之基本念。


蘇信維, Su Hsin-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
1990年7月22日,沙國與中共建交,我國隨即也宣布與之斷交。中、沙兩國的外交關係雖然消失,但雙方的實質關係仍繼續存在。例如在經貿關係方面,沙國是我國在全世界中第16大的貿易夥伴,同時也是在中東地區的第一大貿易夥伴,同時我國進口之原油約有30%以上來自該國。 儘管沙國是中東地區的重要國家,也和我國維持多項實質關係,但中、沙實質關係的發展,卻鮮少有國內的專家或學者深入探討。有鑒於此,加上沙國在國際社會以及我國對外關係上所扮演的重要角色,因而促成筆者研究此一專題。 本文總計五章,共十六節:第一章為緒論,指在闡明本文之研究動機與目的、研究途徑與方法等;第二章為中、沙兩國在斷交前的關係做一扼要說明,內容包括政治、外交、經濟、貿易、教科文與宗教等各層面之交流及其分析,此外也將對中、沙斷交之背景、過程做一深入之探討;第三章則將焦點放在兩國新關係之分析,自新關係談判開始,終於對新架構之評估,以補此方面研究之不足;第四章將針對斷交後的各方面交流與實質關係做一通盤整理,並進行觀察與分析,以期深入了解兩國關係﹔第五章為結論,將本文所探討之內容做一總結,檢討中、沙兩國關係得失,並提出未來展望與建議。 / On Jul. 22nd in 1990, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(S.A.) established its diplomatic relations with Mainland China(P.R.C.), meanwhile, Republic of China(R.O.C., Taiwan)also declared to break off that with Saudi Arabia. With the termination of Saudi and Taiwan’s mutual official relations, however, the communication and pragmatic relations between the two parties are still keeping moving on. For example, in terms of economic and trading dimension, Saudi Arabia is the top 16 trading partner in the world as well as the top 1 in Middle-East Area for R.O.C. in 2002, and 30% of Taiwan’s imported crude oil comes from S.A. annually. Though the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in Middle East, and she does maintain lots of pragmatic communication with R.O.C., only few domestic scholars or experts take their studies on Saudi and Taiwan’s interaction and/or relationships. In addition to that, S.A. also plays a very important role in international society as well as for Taiwan’s foreign Relations. As a result, I decided to research on such a theme. There are 16 sections composed to 5 chapters in this thesis: Chapter 1 is an “Introduction”, the motive, and the purpose for the study, as well as the researching approach will be illustrated here; in Chapter 2, we are going to summarize the communication before the termination of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and R.O.C., including politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, education and etc.; Chapter 3 is focused on the two parties’ new framework for mutual relations; in Chapter 4, to clarify in all respects that the development of Saudi and Taiwan’s relations in recent years after the diplomatic relations been severed will be the key point; and in Chapter 5, we take a whole review and make some conclusions for readers’ or even governmental reference.


蕭俐婷, Hsiao, Li Ting Unknown Date (has links)
葉門共和國(Republic of Yemen)位在亞歐非三大洲交界地帶,不論在軍事、交通、經濟等方面扮演相當重要角色,身為產油國但卻是世界最貧窮的國家之一。除內政、經濟危機外,還需面臨內部叛亂團體和恐怖主義組織等問題,這些都成為其國家安全威脅主要來源。九一一事件發生後,跨國性恐怖主義問題更成為美葉之間安全合作關係之主軸。 本文以結構現實主義理論為基礎架構,分析美國與葉門反恐安全合作關係之背景、發展過程及內容,並探討該二國外交政策及其合作關係對國際社會之影響。

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