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我國銀行法令遵循制度之研究 / A Study of Compliance Function in Taiwan Banking Industry吳瓊佩, Wu, Chiun Pei Unknown Date (has links)
為建立能及時揭弊除錯的通報制度,有學者建議應設計誘因以提高法令遵循之成效。惟我國目前尚未針對「吹哨者」建立保障機制,企業內部人往往囿於避免遭到企業報復、影響生計、甚至名譽受損害、面臨民刑事責任追究,而懼怕舉報。建議我國可參酌現行美國、英國、日本之吹哨者保障機制,加以立法保護,鼓勵內部人通報,以健全我國銀行業之法令遵循制度。 / In order to prevent another systematic global financial tsunami such like the enterprise internal control failures happened in 2008 triggered by Lehman Brothers, most of the financial regulatory authorities in the world have been strengthened supervision through legislation requiring banks to enhance regulatory compliance function. Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission also has amended the "Implementation Rules of Internal Audit and Internal Control System of Financial Holding Companies and Banking Industries" recently to highlight the importance of the compliance function and require banks to strengthen the professionalism and independency of the compliance officers.
After studying the regulatory requirements of the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong, this Article concludes that the Board of Directors of a bank shall be obligated for the oversight liability of the compliance governance system. Banks shall set up an independent responsible functional unit to identify, assess and monitor the compliance risk, and escalate the detected compliance breach or issue to the Board of Directors in a timely manner to ensure the effectiveness of the internal self-regulatory mechanism of the bank.
To establish a timely internal alert system to detect and correct the compliance breach or issue, some scholars have suggested to provide incentives. Taiwan has yet legislated a single law for "whistleblower" protection mechanism. Most of the employees are not willing to report the findings because they tend to avoid being confined to retaliation, job losing, reputation damage or even criminal liability. This Article compares the relevant whistleblower protection legislation in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, and provide suggestion for legislation to protect and encourage insiders to escalate for any compliance breach or issue they found in order to improve the internal reporting system and therefore to enhance the banking compliance system.
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論保險經紀人之自律規範與法令遵循 / Study On Code Of Conduct and legal compliance of insurance brokers林媗琪, Lin,Hsuan-chi Unknown Date (has links)
2004年10月14日,美國紐約州檢察官史匹哲(Eliot Spitzer)正式起訴國際保險經紀人,此起訴案為保險經紀業界投入震撼彈,引發保險經紀人之利益衝突等問題。而我國亦隨之檢討保險經紀人於保險交易中,雙重代理及保單條件與再保條件不一致之問題。因此如何避免保險經紀人之利益衝突,並尋求解決之道,無疑係現階段各國監理機關之重要課題。
而本文以「論保險經紀人之自律規範與法令遵循」為題,嘗試先就保險經紀人之利益衝突之態樣、國內外案例及解決方法做一探討;其次再就美國、歐洲、巴塞爾銀行監理委員會及國際保險監理官協會等之法令遵循計畫做介紹,嘗試為我國保險經紀人之法令遵循制度勾勒完整之藍圖;再其次針對英國金融服務管理局、保險監理官協會、紐約州之保險經紀人自律規範為介紹,引導出我國保險經紀人自律規範之立法走向;最後做一評析與建議。 / Since the entrance into WTO, the market of insurance is opened speedily and the marketing of insurance also trends to diversify in Taiwan. To be a part of insurance marketing, it is essential for the regulatory to enhance the operation of market of insurance brokers regularly and protect the rights of consumers.
In 14 Oct,2004, the New York Attorney General Spitzer filed a civil suit in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, bringing charges of fraud and antitrust violations against leading insurance broker Marsh & McLennan Cos. (MMC). This case shocked the industry of insurance brokers and emerged the scandals of conflict of interest. Therefore the fierce debate on dual brokerage and difference in condition during the process of insurance mediation was going on in Taiwan. So undoubtedly the most important task of the regulatory all over the world right now is to avoid the conflict of interest of insurance brokers and solve it .
The main theme of this paper focuses on the issue of Code Of Conduct And Legal Compliance Of Insurance Brokers. In the first place, the forms of conflict of interest of insurance brokers in Taiwan and overseas are addressed and the solutions are suggested. Second, some models of the legal compliance are examined, including U.S., Europe, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and International Association of Insurance Supervisors. And the structure of legal compliance of insurance brokers in Taiwan is established. Third, the codes of conduct of insurance brokers abroad, ex: the Financial Services Authority of UK, National Association of Insurance and the Insurance Department of New York State are introduced. Then the guidance of code of conduct of insurance brokers in Taiwan is proposed. As possible contribution to the reform of insurance brokers in Taiwan, some conclusive remarks and suggestions are submitted in the final place.
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台灣銀行業作業風險的新挑戰-金融消費者保護法及個人資料保護法之因應高秀嘉, Kao, Hsiu Chia Unknown Date (has links)
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論我國公開發行公司內部控制法制之研究 / A Study of the Regulation of Internal Control in the Public Company林士和, Lin, Shih Ho Unknown Date (has links)
我國內部控制法制係全盤繼受美國COSO Report,其適當性容有探討空間;現行證券交易法中對於內部控制制度之部分罰則法條的適切性,得再檢討;對於法條競合,亦有待更多法院判決來統一見解。關於內控重大缺失之揭露,採用重大訊息之即時公告,應比內部控制制度聲明書之年度揭露,更有助於資訊透明度。另為抑止弊端或為政府新政策增添配套管理措施,主管機關不斷地增訂內部控制制度規範或擴張其範疇,此雖有相當功效,但部分事項也產生逾越法律授權範圍或行政裁量是否恰當之爭議。內部控制制度除硬性法規命令之強制推動外,軟性輔導企業內化至其日常作業中,應更能輔佐立法意旨之達成。
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