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從理念到實踐: 台北地區高中英語教師文法教學之信念與實踐鍾雅蓓 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 教師在文法教學的角色為幫助學生正確地溝通。
2. 教師的文法教學法主要採取演繹法且經過課前設計。
3. 教師的教學內容主要取決於學生程度及教材。
4. 教師的教學信念與實踐大致符合。
5. 教師的學術背景主要影響教師針對文法教學的時間問題上;
6. 而參加研習會影響教師的信念較顯著,表現在文法教學的方法和內容上。
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台灣英文教師對文法教學信念與實踐之差異研究 / A Taiwanese Teacher's Tensions between Grammar Teaching Beliefs and Practices林珊琪, Lin, Shan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本個案研究旨在深入研究一位國中英文教師在文法教學信念與實際教學之間的差異之處。本研究以Green (1971) 所提出的core belief和peripheral belief為基本架構,採用質性之資料收集及分析方式,以期對教師的教學信念、教學行為及兩者之間的不一致做出較詳盡的描繪及討論。參與本研究的教師為一位新北市公立國中的資深英文教師,對文法教學及英語教育有自己的一套理解及看法,備受同校老師的尊重。資料收集方式以課堂錄音觀察、半結構式訪談為主,教師的教學資料、自編的段考考卷、校內英文老師的領域會議紀錄為輔。
研究結果顯示,此教師的文法教學信念和行為的確有些許落差,主要反映在課外英語學習資源的使用、文法教學所佔的比重、以及文法術語的使用頻率上。造成此落差的原因主要是教師的core beliefs和peripheral beliefs內容的不一致,導致在教學現場上大部分的時間都用來完成core beliefs,因此peripheral beliefs的實施時間便受到壓縮了。此外研究者還發現,這位老師的core beliefs主要以較傳統、較常見的知識傳輸模式為主,而peripheral beliefs則是和英語教學理念較有直接相關,這部分呼應了Phipps and Borg (2009)所提出的假設,且此一現象是在教師信念的文獻中較少被提到的。根據這些發現,本研究提出對教師文法教學信念及實踐之差異的看法及未來研究的建議,以期對台灣的英語文法教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the tensions between an English teacher’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices. The participant was an experienced junior high school English teacher who had her own principles in grammar teaching and English education. Green’s (1971) distinction of core beliefs and peripheral beliefs was adopted as the framework to analyze the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs. Data were collected from multiple sources such as semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, stimulated recall interviews, and documents such as the teacher’s teaching notes and test paper. By using initial coding and second level coding, these data were carefully examined to obtain the most salient themes of the participant’s grammar teaching tensions.
The findings revealed three most significant tensions between the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices: tension on the use of extracurricular teaching resources, on the proportion of grammar instruction, and on the use of grammatical terminology. The participant’s tensions were mainly due to the inharmonious relationship between core beliefs and peripheral beliefs. The former were more related to teaching philosophy in general, and the latter were more related to English teaching itself. In other words, the tensions between participant’s beliefs and practices were actually the gaps between knowledge transmission perspective and ideal English teaching principles. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions and pedagogical implications were raised for future research as well as English education field in Taiwan.
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星斗之命——从補運儀式看北斗崇拜在台灣漢人社會中的療癒性格 / The Star Mandate and Destiny: Analyze the Healing Practice of Great Dipper from Luck Replenishing Ritual孫美子 Unknown Date (has links)
北斗崇拜是一個悠遠的信仰母題,它作為文化基因被各個宗教傳統所分有。任何一個微小的儀式細節背後都有一個大的信仰傳統作為其理論支持,本文意在討論北斗崇拜作為一個龐大星辰信仰的分支如何在法教儀式中實踐。本文將北斗崇拜聚焦於星命與本命的議題,選取台灣北部獅場補運和台灣南部進錢補運兩則大型補運儀式作為田野研究對象;從魂魄觀、性命觀兩個角度討論北斗崇拜在補運儀式中所載負的療癒特質,進而檢視法教和道教在儀式傳統、療癒觀念上的區別。最後,從文化、社會兩方面重新審視漢人的「致—治」病的觀念,試圖說明一個完整的宗教療癒理論可以將疾病與治療平行放在社會文化脈絡中進行考察。本文試圖建立「北斗崇拜——補運儀式——宗教療癒」這一範式,將其視為日常生活中解決生命危機和災厄困境的一種宗教邏輯,而非一個儀式操作上的絕對標準,試圖說明北斗崇拜如何在時間、空間各個方面影響著台灣漢人的日常生活。 / The Great Dipper worship has a long history and tradition, it is assimilated into various religions as a Cultural Gene.Every ritual action is supported by a big theoretical system, this article is intended to explain how are the Great Dipper worship practicing in the Faism ritual as a branch of the huge stars belief.This article focuses on the subject of star mandate(星命)and destiny, chooses the Luck Replenishing Ritual by exorcising of Northern Taiwan and Luck Replenishing Ritual of Southern as the locations of field investigation, to analyze the healing practice of Great Dipper both in view of soul-body and nature-life, so that we can explain the difference between the Fa and Dao in ritual and healing concept .At last, re-examine the concepts of getting and healing disease through both cultural and social approaches. This article attempts to explain a complete religious healing theory can place disease and its treatment both in a social and cultural context. The article tries to establish a paradigm about the Great Dipper worship, Luck Replenishing and Religious Healing, by which to discuss how the Great Dipper worship affects the daily life in society of Han nationality in various dimensions to help them solve life crisis and disaster as a religious logic rather than an absolute standard of ritual.
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國中英語教師與學生對於文法教學與錯誤訂正信念之研究 / Similarities and differences between EFL students’ and teachers’ beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction洪安嫻, Hung, An Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
文法教學與錯誤訂正一直是課堂上的重要元素,因此了解老師與學生對於文法教學與錯誤訂正的信念有助於教學。本研究旨在探討台灣國民中學英語老師與學生對於文法教學與錯誤訂正的信念差異,並了解不同背景變項對於老師與學生信念的影響。研究工具採自編問卷,針對大台北地區141位國民中學英語老師與214位國民中學學生進行抽樣及問卷施測。資料分析採用SPSS 18.0版本,並將所得的資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析進行資料分析。本研究的主要結論如下:
關鍵字:教師信念、學生信念、文法教學、錯誤訂正 / Grammar instruction and error correction have always been important elements in class. Understanding students’ and teachers’ beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction is helpful to teaching. The purpose of the study is to investigate (1) similarities and differences between Taiwanese junior high school students’ and teachers’ beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction, (2) background factors that may cause differences in teachers’ beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction, and (3) background factors that may cause differences in students’ beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction. Self-designed questionnaires were distributed to 141 English teachers and 214 students in junior high schools in Great Taipei Area. Number distribution, percentage, average, independent-samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA were adopted to analyze the data collected by the questionnaires.
A summary of the results is as follows:
1. Both students and teachers believed that while grammar instruction and error correction are essential, communication is more important.
2. Both students and teachers reported their preference for grammar practicing in the same sequential order of group oral practices, group writing practices, individual writing practices, and individual oral practices.
3. Students valued grammar instruction and error correction more than teachers, while teachers valued grammar practices more than students.
4. Students valued peer correction more than teachers and believed error correction is beneficial to those who make errors and their classmates.
5. Students believed both spoken and written errors need immediate correction. Teachers believed that correcting written errors is necessary, but that there is no need to correct the spoken errors as long as they do not obstruct communication.
6. Teachers’ genders, seniorities, degrees of formal schooling, and their majors were influential to their beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction.
7. Students’ genders, grades, personal experiences, and learning experiences were influential to their beliefs in grammar instruction and error correction.
Based on the findings, suggestions are provided for junior high school English teachers, educational institutions and researchers of related topics.
Keywords: teachers’ beliefs, students’ beliefs, grammar instruction, error correction
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論語音表義兼談其在英語教學上之啟示 / On Sound Symbolism: Its Implications on English Pedagogy陳瓊玉, Joan Chen, Chiung-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文完整探討英語中語音表義現象,具有以下幾點貢獻。首先,本文從發音語音學並配合聲學語音學上之佐證完整探討英語語音表義現象,是前所未見的。此外,將語音之歷史發展納入研究考慮因素,認為二輔音群如sc-、sch-、sk-與sh-以及三輔音群scr-與shr-分別具有相同之語音表義現象。而在含有輔音s之輔音群部分,根據Kaye(1992)以及優選理論,本論文將s與後繼語音視為異音節來討論其語音表義現象,亦為本文另一獨特之分析。另外,本論文證明英語中除了擬聲字以外,在聲音與意義之間仍有許多自然之關聯。 / This thesis aims to explore the phenomena of sound symbolism (SS hereafter) in English in terms of articulatory phonetics and acoustic phonetics. The scope of the research covers 5 cardinal vowels, the schwa sounds, 20 single consonants, 29 word-initial two-letter consonant clusters, and 6 word-initial three-letter consonant clusters. Meanwhile, there are some implications on English pedagogy found in the research. First, by providing the association between sound and meaning, SS enriches phonics, which deals with the relationship between spelling and sound, so that spelling, sound and meaning are combined in English vocabulary teaching. Besides, SS turns passive, teacher-centered vocabulary instruction into an active, student-centered one, and this corresponds with the principles of cognitive learning theory. Moreover, the application of SS in teaching English language will help develop learners’ phonological awareness, which improves their pronunciation, spelling and reading abilities. SS at the same time completes other vocabulary teaching methods. Lastly, SS strengthens the instruction of English phonetics in that, if provided with some example words subject to SS phenomena, the features of a sound will be observed and conveyed more easily.
Complete in the analysis of SS in English, this thesis pioneers in the following aspects. First of all, this topic is treated in the viewpoint of both articulatory phonetics and acoustic phonetics. Secondly, the historical development of a sound is taken into consideration, and consonant clusters such as sch-、sk- and sh-, therefore, are deemed to have the same sound-meaning relationship with sc- and shr- with scr-. Besides, such s-initial consonant clusters as sl-, sm-, and st- are analyzed in an unprecedented way, some phonological evidences considered. Finally, this thesis proves that there are other non-arbitrary associations between sound and meaning besides onomatopoeic words.
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臺灣華語「在」構式的時空用法分析與應用 / The Spatial and Temporal Functions of Zài Constructions in Taiwan Mandarin: Analyses and Applications陳英智, Chen,Yin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的在於探討「在」各種構式的概念、句式的意義以及語意上的各種分布,從語料中觀察母語人士和非母語人士「在」使用上的差異,並將研究結果應用於華語教材的設計中。研究者將先前關於「在」的詞類討論、構式的內容、句式義、相關變式的文獻做一整裡,發現過去「在」的研究多集中於語言現象的討論,在教學上的應用較少,於是運用認知功能學派的理論釐清「在」的概念、構式意義和功能後,調查語料庫「在」的語意和構式的分布,發現「在+處所」的構式無論是臺灣母語人士的語料庫還是中介語語料庫都顯示極高的頻率,占學習者書面語語料中的76.6%,口語語料也占了63.5%,其他語意範疇所占的比例不高,和母語人士相較下,調查結果顯示非母語人士在書面語上對「在」的使用掌握度不夠全面,仍停留在原型的語意,而口語的掌握度較高。因此,本文以構式語法和認知語言學的理論為基礎,一方面使用語料庫研究法考察語意範疇的分布,另一方面採用對比法研究檢視華語學習者的中介語句,並使用變換分析法討論句式變化的合理性,更進一步將構式、隱現、相關變式的考察成果結合認知功能教學法與任務式教學法,設計出符合認知功能主張的教材內容與練習,以幫助學生徹底掌握「在」構式的深刻內涵。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate concepts associated with zài constructions, focusing on their different meanings and semantic distributions. Having observed native speakers’ and non-native speakers’ different performances in corpora, the researcher applies the study results to the design of Taiwan Mandarin teaching materials. After reviewing literature on discussions about part of speeches of zài, zài constructions, meanings of sentences and related transformations, the researcher discovers that previous studies have made more efforts to discuss linguistic phenomena rather than pedagogic applications. As a result, by utilizing the theories of cognitive-functional approaches to clarify the concepts, constructional meanings, and functions of zài, the researcher investigates the semantic and construction distributions of zài and finds out that “zài+ location” displays the highest frequency in both corpora of native and non-native speakers: 76.6% in interlanguage corpora in form of written language and 63.5% in interlanguage corpora in form of spoken language. Other semantic categories, however, have lower frequency. In addition, the result of investigation indicates that non-native speakers hardly master all dimensions of zài, and they still remain at the prototypical level in written language, but know spoken language better. Therefore, based on construction grammar and cognitive linguistics, this study on the one hand uses corpus study to inspect the distribution of semantic categories, and on the other hand, adopts contrastive study to inspect Mandarin learners’ interlanguage and employs transformation analysis to debate the rationality of transformation. Furthermore, the researcher, based on the results of studies on constructions, appearance and disappearance of zài , transformations with cognition-functional teaching methods and the task-based approach, designs contents and exercises conforming to cognition-functional approaches in order to help Mandarin learners know zài constructions thoroughly.
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