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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


謝加川, Hsieh Chia-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
企業流程整合,透過資訊系統,結合人員、組織及資訊科技技術,使企業能夠產生協調作用,以滿足企業各種不同層級的需求。過去許多資訊流程整合的研究,廣泛探討系統整合技術與執行效益,卻很少著墨資訊流程整合可能引發的缺失。對於企業來說,導入資訊系統的流程整合並非改造企業的萬靈丹,不該輕忽資訊流程整合所帶來的負面傷害。本研究以縱觀的角度探索資訊流程整合對企業所帶來的影響,並以資訊流程整合的缺失為本研究的重心。 本研究從策略面、作業面、組織面、功能面、資訊與技術面等五大方向,探討資訊流程整合的影響,期望藉由全方位之檢視,找出企業可能忽視的資訊流程整合缺失。進一步從企業的商業流程設計、使用者意願和能力及系統設計者能力三方面,著手研究整合缺失的來源。 藉由實際個案探討,本研究驗證資訊流程整合的缺失項目與缺失來源之關聯性。探討過程中,有四項新發現。 第一、不同階段的資訊流程整合,產生不同的缺失與來源。不同的資訊流程整合階段,企業所面臨的環境及考量的因素不相同,因而產出不同的缺失。 第二、資訊流程整合缺失可區分為相對不可避免性與可避免性兩類。企業資訊流程整合過程中,有許多效益是其他成本替換(Trade-off) 的結果,因而相對不可避免其他層面的缺失。然而,有些相對可避免的缺失,實際上是可以預防與避免的。 第三、資訊整合的效益與缺失,經常是於不同環境或條件下同時出現。無論是節省成本或是效率提升都有此現象,也就是說,效益或缺失會依資訊整合內容不同,而有不同結果。 第四、全面整合的流程可能消減有效的人性溝通。資訊流程整合後,變成機器與機器的螢幕溝通,減少或消除了人與人之間的深度溝通,終將影響到整個企業的敏感度、判斷力與即時反應力。也就是說,整合的科技無法完全取代人與人的溝通與互動。


陳逸秉 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的競爭下,電子商務日益蓬勃發展的同時,國內外各大企業紛紛投入各類型之網路交易的建置,但如何營造一個讓使用者方便使用且安心參與的環境,是未來網路交易成功的關鍵。 目前的網路購物機制不勝楣舉,但大多是站在企業的角度加以思考,而未思索網路交易的啟動者─網路客戶的需求。雖然,一個完整的網路購物交易需要網路公司、物流業及扮演金流的銀行業者三者共同合作才算完整,但是,消費者希望感受到的不是受到「三個個別的服務」而是「一個完整的服務」,所以在規劃網路交易整體作業的流程設計時,不再只是要吻合內部管理的需要,而且必須以外部客戶的需求為導向,才不會造成網路購物速度的延宕及消費者的抱怨。 本研究首先採取 AHP 研究分析方法,找出影響便捷網路購物交易的顯著因素,並透過對各業界專家的深入訪談來加以驗證後,就目前的網路購物交易機制,加強網路公司、物流公司、銀行之間的資訊流串聯,以加速整體網路交易流程;並導入實體憑證之動態密碼以提高網路交易安全,建構一個方便、安全、即時的 BtoBtoC 網路購物機制,供日後業界及學術界的參考,並讓網路無空間的理想更有實現的可能。 / Under the global competition, while e-commerce grows vigorously day by day. Most of big enterprises build all kinds of internet-shopping platform. But how to build an environment that offers more conveniences to the users? It is the key for the internet-shopping succeeds in the future. So far, there are many types of online transactional modes. These modes stand for the enterprises' inside procedure but the customers' demand. Although an intact trade of internet-shopping needs network company, logistics industry and bank to cooperate together, the consumers hope for 「an intact service」 but a 「three specific services」. That is to say, when we plan an internet transactional procedure, we must put emphasis on the customer' demand rather than the need of inside management, which will accelerate the speed of the internet-shopping and the reduction of the customers' complaint. This research takes AHP method to find out the factors that influence "The convenient internet-shopping mode", and establish the convenient internet-shopping mode, which contact the information flow among the network company, logistics company and bank in order to accelerate the internet transactional speed, and use the One-Time-Password of entity's evidence so as to raise the security of the network trading. After visiting the industry experts to verify this mechanism's practicability, this research will build a more convenient, safer and faster BtoBtoC mode, to let business and academia for reference, and let the ideal without space of the network can be realized.

An ebXML-based Collaborative Commerce Business Process Model -A Global Logistics Example / 以ebXML為基礎之協同商務企業流程模式-以國際物流業為例

吳慧茹, Wu, Huei-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
對企業而言,Internet和電子商務的興起提供了一個全新的商業交易方式。許多企業企圖融合新的資訊科技與企業流程,讓他們可以跨越企業間的藩籬進而互相分享價值鏈中的決策、工作流與資訊。然而,當企業嘗試著以其內部的資訊系統與交易夥伴溝通時,卻發現到處都是問題。雖然XML 提供了一個多功能的且健全的資料交換格式,但仍然不夠,必須有一個流程整合的標準來進行企業間交易流程的塑模(modeling)、部署(deploying)、執行(executing)以及管理(managing)。在本篇研究中,將探討企業對企業間協同流程的整合,並且發展一個以ebXML為基礎的協同商務企業流程模式。基於UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM)此一致性的塑模方法論,本研究以邏輯化且系統化的方式來發現並詳細表達出國際物流業的跨企業交易流程,並以ebXML流程分析表格(ebXML Business Process Analysis Worksheets)為流程塑模輔助工具,進行國際物流業流程分析結果的記錄與表達。 基於此一ebXML為基礎之流程模式,本研究開發了一個企業間流程整合的雛形系統,藉以證明此企業流程模式是可行的,同時提出一個即時有效率的企業間電子商務可行方案。 / Internet technology and electronic commerce (EC) have brought up a complete overhaul on the information and communication technology infrastructure to do business in a new manner where companies try to leverage new technologies to enable a set of complex cross-enterprise business processes allowing entire value chains to share decision-making, workflow, capabilities, and information with each other. However, companies often have problems in making their internal information technology (IT) systems communicate with their partners. Although eXtensible Markup Language (XML) represents the most versatile and robust format for exchanging business information, there is also a need for process integration standard that enables processes to be modeled, deployed, executed, and managed. In this research, business-to-business collaboration process integration issues have been studied and an ebXML-based Collaborative Commerce Business Process Model is developed. According to a consistent modeling methodology, UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM), we identify and specify the inter-enterprise business processes of the global logistics industry in a logical and systematical way. The ebXML Business Process Analysis Worksheets is used as modeling aids to record and represent analysis results of global logistics industry. Based on the ebXML-based business process model, we develop a B2B process integration prototype system which shows that the business process model is feasible and suggests a possible solution for real-time and efficient B2B electronic commerce.

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