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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中小企業海外發展策略-以越南台商為例 / International Expansion Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprises-A Study of Taiwanese Firm in Vietnam

連浩成, Lien, Hao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文將以兩家台商企業在越南市場的發展為例,透過與兩家公司高階經理人的訪談,來比較兩家公司分別在選擇越南為海外進入市場的原因,以及進入模式選擇背後的影響因素,還有當地市場的經營模式等,透過文獻資料的驗證,來確認兩家公司在選擇的策略與經營方向上是否符合傳統文獻上的假設。 而在文獻的驗證中,確實證明了當企業是以 Asset Exploitation 為動機時,海外市場的選擇會傾向以較低度開發的國家為主,另外在進入模式的選擇上,雖然兩家公司採取一樣的進入模式,但影響的因素卻是完全不同,不過結果仍符合文獻中所提出的假設,最後,在市場經營模式上,更是完全符合既定的印象與理論,對於當地市場不同的策略定位確實會直接影響到企業在當地市場的經營模式。

台灣產物保險業國際市場經營策略之研究 / A Study On Oversea Business Strategy In Taiwan Non-Life Insurance Industry

劉裕昌, Liu,Yu Chang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產險業在西元1991年後,配合台商產業外移擴張及政府南進與西向政策,紛紛於東南亞及中國大陸設立辦事處以服務台商。雖然產險業於海外設立據點已有十九年,但礙於各國保險法令規定及保險業投資限制,致使產險業在國際市場之經營迄今仍無重大突破。 本研究將針對目前產險業在海外東南亞據點及未來最大之保險市場-中國作完整探討,對各國目前經濟成長、保險市場、外資投資保險法令、及台商在該國的投資狀況分析及歸納,以做為台灣產業未來在當地經營發展之參考。 本研究文以日本產險業三井住友保險集團為比較模式,利用多國籍企業與海外市場進入模式,探討保守的日本保險公司如何在海外經營日商業務;進而以購併方式取得海外當地業務,以達到該公司全球策略願景。 台灣產物保險業應根據海外各據點之資源及條件,運用本身的競爭優勢以及自己的需求到不同地區做投資佈局;台灣產險業未來全球佈局的考量應是市場重於成本。 / In view of Taiwanese enterprises’ expansion to world market since 1991 and government’s policy toward Southeast Asia and policy toward West Mainland China, Taiwan non-life insurance companies decided to go abroad to set up office for serving their clients. Although Taiwan non-life insurance companies have 19 years experience in exploring world market, however, they still have no breakthrough in overseas business. In this study, I will bring out my view for the operation of non-life insurance companies in Southeast Asia and Mainland China which will be the biggest market in the future. The analysis for countries economic growth, local insurance market, laws of foreign insurance company entry, Taiwanese enterprise investment is also presented in the study. In order to study Multination Enterprise & Overseas Market Entry Model, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group is taken as a model to analyze how the conservative non-life Japanese insurance company expand their international business and write local accounts by merging to achieve their global perspective. By the analysis, we can find that Taiwan non-life insurance companies shall utilize their advantage and resource to explore their strategy in different countries. Basically, they shall center on market instead of cost when they build global strategy.

市場進入策略與營運策略之動態性研究-以資訊軟體產業為例 / Foreign Market Entry Strategies & Dynamics of Operation Strategies-The Case of Firms in the Software Industry

黎遠駿, Li,Francis Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球經濟和社會發展需求的變化,資訊產業的全球性結構調整日益明顯,由硬體主導型的發展轉為向軟體和服務主導型發展。經濟全球化為我國軟體產業發展提供了難得的機遇,我國軟體產業要積極參與國際分工,就必須走向世界,但是在走向世界的同時,也必須仔細思考什麼才是自己國際化的目的、自己企業內部的核心資源是什麼、做好自己的國際化策略或戰略的準備嗎?也因此在國際化動作中,如何選擇正確的海外市場進入策略就顯得格外重要,要採用怎樣的進入策略與企業核心資源、國際化策略、企業服務內容與產品等等之間的關係與互動已不是單純不變的環結,而是隨著市場變動不停變化的,也因此動態性調整就成為一個很重要的課題。 在眼前的日常生活當中,什麼事情已經都脫離不開資訊。也因此作為資訊產業核心的軟體及資訊服務產業,已成為新世紀全球的第一大產業。IDC 在2005年9月的研究報告中顯示全球資訊服務產業在 2003年產值已高達6410億美元,爾後年平均成長率一直保持在 5-9% 之間,可以說是一片欣欣向榮的氣象,到去年 2005年整個產值達到 7400億美元,預期到 2009 年,整個資訊服務產值將到 9250億美元,這也意味著繼工業大革命後的另一個新經濟時代的到來。 在整個產業成長中,又以亞太地區成長最大,從 2003-2009 CGAR 達 9.7%,遠超過全球平均 CGAR 6%。我國因具備良好資訊基礎設施、具備與華人相同語言、文化背景、接近並熟悉亞太市場、充裕資金與高階經營人才、與西方的技術合作經驗、豐富的 PC 軟硬體整合經驗等。充分顯示台灣軟體產業在競爭的市場環境中比起歐美資訊大廠已率先佔據極佳位置。 因此本研究就以進入策略的學術理論做為基礎,再結合個案公司實務上軟體業海外發展經驗,整合一套適於軟體產業的海外市場進入策略供企業參考。以研究結論來看,資訊軟體業因為產品與服務的特性關係,較易偏向採用較高承諾度的資源投入方式,將營業拓展至海外市場;除此之外,在地化的深耕發展也是必需要走的一條路,而且因為隨著地主國市場的投入,對地主國市場的熟悉度也會漸漸增加,也因此會在地主國市場進行一系列動態性的營運策略調整。這裡所謂的營運策略,不僅僅只是產品策略或市場策略,甚至整個市場的進入策略也會隨之調整,譬如說由獨資的進入策略轉變為合資的模式。 / As today’s global economic and social development needs continue to change,the Information industry’s global economic requirement change has gradually become more obvious;shifting from a hardware-driven type of development,to software and service-lead development。Economic globalization has brought along excellent opportunities to the development of our national software industries;to actively participate one’s software industry in the international division of labor,one will have to proceed toward the outer world;meanwhile,one must also carefully consider the purpose of one’s internationalization,the core resources of one’s inner enterprise,and whether one is prepared with a proper internationalization strategy。Consequently, knowing how to correctly select suitable foreign markets and entry strategies to be incorporated into the strategy is exceptionally critical in the process of internationalization,and in addition to that,the decision as to how the foreign markets should enter into the strategy,the enterprise’s core competence,internationalized strategy,the service content and product of the enterprise and etc. ,the relationship and interactivity between the each are no longer simple and invariable connections;instead,they are now constantly varied in accordance with the market change,and as a result, dynamic adjustment has became a very important topic today。 In today’s society,our everyday lives have become inseparable from the information technology;therefore,as being the core of information industries,software and information service have become one of the worlds top main industries of the new century。In August,2005,research from IDC have shown,that the global information service industries’ industrial output value in 2003 has increased up to 6410 billion USD;from then on,the output value has successfully maintained an annual average rate of 5-9%。Apparently,that was the sign of a long-term prosperity,as last year (2005) the output value has boosted up to 7400 billion USD。Predictions have been made that the value will continue to rise dramatically in the years to come,and in 2009,the output value for information service industries will reach a height of 9250 billion USD;this also meant the arrival of the age of new economics after the industrial revolution。 Within the whole industrial development in general,the Asia Pacific area stand to have the most rapid growth,with a CGAR rate of 9.7% from the year 2003-2009,which highly exceeded the world average rate of the CGAR of 6%。The reason for our outstanding industrial development is basically due to our possession of a good information infrastructure,similarity of the language and cultural background in Asia, familiarity toward the Asia Pacific market,abundant funds and talented individuals with high management skills,and our rich background experiences with the western technical collaboration,PC hardware and software integrations and etc。These qualities all demonstrated that apparently,in today’s competitive market,Taiwan software industries have already exceeded many of Europe and America’s top information manufacturers。 The following study will use the academic theories for the process of foreign market entry strategies as the fundamental base,and on top of that,the practical aspect based on personal experiences of software industry’s foreign market developments;these will be combined into a set that is applicable to software industries for the foreign market entry strategies,suitable for enterprises’ reference。


黃勝雄 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對大陸低廉的生產成本競爭下,台灣許多中低階產品之生產製造已逐漸移往大陸,這是比較利益法則下無法避免之趨勢,因此就台灣廠商未來之長久發展考量,強化行銷或設計研發能力是必走的途徑;由於台灣本國市場規模較小,加上新產品之研發設計成本不斷提高,因此如何能成功的將新產品導入海外市場銷售,以增加整個產品之總收益為企業值得思考的課題。   無線通訊產業為台灣目前十大新興產業之一,而且就台灣廠商現有資源來看,如果要成功的推出新產品在海外上市,在通訊產業中若考慮技術標準掌握度及成本競爭力以無線通訊終端產品之成功機率較高。此外,由於台灣廠商較缺乏新產品在海外上市之經驗,因此本研究希望藉由最低之最終總交易成本觀念之分析探討,幫助台灣廠商在擬定新產品海外上市策略時,在有限資源使用下將產品、通路、推廣組合與定價策略做最有效之搭配,以提高成功機會。   本研究之研究架構先以學理基礎為背景,再配合國內外案例做深入個案探討,針對將新產品行銷至國外市場之廠商,先經由文獻探討、資料收集後,再藉由與負責個案產品上市之相關人員進行深度訪談,將結果加以分析、歸納與整理,讓理論架構與實際狀況做一印證並從中歸納出對廠商之新產品上市行銷策略建議,供國內無線通訊廠商在進行新產品海外上市時之參考。 / As facing the low-cost competition from China-made products, lots of manufacturers of low-to-middle tier products have moved their production basis to China. It's the trend and not be avoided based on the conclusion of reference. Therefore, to enhance the capability of Marketing and Research & Development are becoming a crucial point. Furthermore, the issue about how sucessfully launch a new product to overseas market in order to raise the total contribution is getting important. That's because the size of local market and high cost of development in Taiwan.   The Wireless Communication is one of the growing industries in the world. Based on the current resources what Taiwanese companies have as well as the owned expertise about technology standard and cost competance, the terminal products of wireless communication is most likely to be successfully penetrate to overseas markets comparing with other categories. Besides, lots of Taiwanese companies are lack of experience about launching new products in overseas markets. So, this study is trying to come up with a principle, which is based on the analysis of concept of lowest exchange cost, and to help Taiwanese companies set a proper launching strategy. This strategy will be a best fit from four aspects including of Products, Channels, Promotions and Prices.   The structure of this study is started from theory analysis referred to related thesis, then get involved into two practical cases which described how these two companies set their launching strategy, respectively. During the process, the interview with related persons provides a valueable collection of insight. After that, a conclusion is built up and confirmed it with facts from practical cases. This concluded principle could be a valueable reference for Taiwanese companies.

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