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個案分析:PLM廠商之營運策略 / Analysis of the business strategies and advantages of PLM supplier- Case study of MT Co.廖昱惠, Liao, Kristy Unknown Date (has links)
個案分析:PLM廠商之營運策略 / The case study provides an analysis of the business strategies and advantages of MT Co., a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software company. This study reviews the importance of PLM market that major software vendors would enter the market via acquisitions, PLM introduction, what can PLM benefit companies, the roles of PLM vendor, and the study of MT Co. which is one of the major PLM companies.
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外商公司在台灣營運策略研究 / Foreign companies operating in Taiwan Strategy陳哲明 Unknown Date (has links)
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從價值分析探討個案企業之營運策略與財務策略王基鴻, Wang,Chi-hong Unknown Date (has links)
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連鎖經營之營運策略研究張德元, ZHANG, DE-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究方法
第三節 研究限制
第四節 本論文之結構
第二章 連鎖店之本質
第一節 連鎖店的定義與分類
第二節 連鎖店的沿革與興起的原因
第三節 連鎖店在歐、美、日發展的現況
第四節 連鎖店在台灣發展的現況
第五節 連鎖店經營之本質
第三章 文獻探討與研究架構
第一節 營運策略
第二節 國內相關文獻之探討
第三節 有關競爭條件之國外文獻探討
第四節 有關經濟效益之文獻探討
第五節 觀念性的架構
第四章 策略分群的方法及結果
第一節 策略分群的方法
第二節 連鎖體系樣本研究之結果
第五章 競爭條件經濟效益與營運策略選擇之關係
第一節 競爭條件與營運策略選擇之關係
第二節 經濟效益與營運策略選擇之關係
第三節 區別模式之建立
第六章 競爭條件,經濟效益,營運策略選擇和企業績效之關係
第一節 財務績效的種類和意義
第二節 不同區別群體之績效分析
第七章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
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亞洲區域營運策略 - 美國半導體設備公司之個案研究 / Regional Operations Strategy in Asia — A Case Study of an US Semiconductor Capital Equipment Company張翰, Chang,Kevin Hann Unknown Date (has links)
Please see the English Abstract / In the 21st century, the globalization movement to multinational corporations is an inevitable process to maintain the continuous business growth. Asia, in particular, has drawn all the attention of multinational corporations worldwide and is considered as the region of the century. This research is designed to study the Asian regional operations of a multinational corporate in semiconductor equipment industry.
In response to the regional customers demand, the regional competition, and the regional operations cost reduction, the case company has strategically established regional operations centers in Asia, covering the aspects of technical support, technical training, parts logistics, parts sourcing and repairing, as well as service outsourcing.
This study found that the outstanding regional operations strategy plays a key role in the industrial competition and the overall operational excellence. The service enhancement through the technical support and spares sourcing can directly benefit the IC manufacturing customers and reword to the cost reduction of the regional operations.
The studied case company clearly can be a benchmark of the regional operations practices for semiconductor equipment industry as well as for other related industries. Furthermore, the objective of this research is to provide useful suggestions that may help the firms in the industry on their future regional operations strategies setting as well as offer the academic researchers with a good case study of the development of regional operations in Asia. Read more
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消費性電子產品零售業經營策略之個案研究-以R公司為例 / A case study of r company on retail consumer electronics business strategy林正勇, Lin, Cheng Yung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過個案R公司,曾經是一個近百年經營歷史的美國前二大消費性電子類產品零售商,擁有自有品牌,代理及加盟店總數曾經高達7000多家,零售點幾乎遍佈全美各州.公司業績曾超過美金60 億美元,(約NT 1,800億元),其企業形象與產品服務等,曾為美國消費者認為是新科技創新與零售產業之標竿。
本研究經由探討及分析個案公司過去不同時期的營運策略及商業模式運用,歷程如何極大化其競爭力領先市場競爭者。 然而面對消費性電子產品市場不段變遷、新科技及網際網路創新之商業營運模式下,個案公司如何面臨重大經營挑戰而下市。科技的發達,帶來消費行為的改變,不論是實體零售業者、或是線上業者,都必須與時俱進才能保持競爭力。未來,業者若不加緊腳步,整合虛實通路行銷、產品及服務的需求,及適時的調整營運模式與策略,恐怕會在業績上重大衝擊。希望由此個案研究結論, 能給相關企業未來參考進而有所助益。
關鍵詞:零售業、營運策略、商業模式、競爭力 / In the face of global market and intense competition, how to maintain the long-term competitive advantage of survival and sustainable management, and to enhance the value of shareholders, has become the pursuit of business goals and mission.
The world's major business model of circulation activities, of which the retail industry to face the ultimate consumer of the main business, and with the diversification of consumer lifestyle, sales model breakthrough and innovation, and the increasingly fierce market competition, But also gradually have a new look, but also brought the business strategy on the challenges. How will the retail industry manage new business opportunities through transformation and innovation?
This study, through Case R- Company, was a top consumer electronics retailer in the United States for nearly a century, with its own brands, agents and franchises totaling more than 7,000 retail outlets in almost all states. The company's performance has exceeded US $ 6 billion (about NT $ 180 billion), its corporate image and product services, etc., was the US consumer think is the new technology innovation and retail industry benchmark.
This study explores and analyzes the use of business strategies and business models in the past different periods of time, and how the process maximizes its competitive leading market competitors. However, the face of consumer electronics market is not changing, new technology and Internet innovation business model, the case of how companies face major business challenges and market. The development of technology, bringing changes in consumer behavior, whether physical retailers, or online industry, must keep pace with the times to remain competitive. In the future, if the industry does not step up the pace, the integration of the actual situation of marketing, product and service needs, and timely adjustment of business models and strategies, should have major impacts of the performance. Hope that the case study conclusions, to the future reference to the relevant enterprises and then help.
Keywords: Retail, Operational Strategy, Business Model, Competitiveness Read more
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連鎖經營之顧客利益研究楊立政, YANG, LI-ZHENG Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究架構
第三節 研究方法與限制
第二章 連鎖經營之理論與現況
第一節 源起
第二節 歐美連鎖店之經營現況
第三節 規模經濟與顧客利益
第四節 營運策略與顧客利益
第五節 整合程度與顧客利益
第六節 我國連鎖經營之現況
第三章 實證研究:不同產業之顧客利益
第一節 小型超級商店之顧客利益比較
第二節 食品罐頭店之顧客利益比較
第三節 眼鏡店之顧客利益比較
第四節 冰飲店之顧客利益比較
第五節 照片沖印店之顧客利益比較
第四章 實證研究:連鎖經營整體之顧客利益
第一節 連鎖商店之整體印象比較
第二節 連鎖商店之顧客利益與重要程度
第三節 連鎖商店之目標市場與適用行業
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
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電子零組件通路商未來發展策略之個案研究陳建州 Unknown Date (has links)
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新產品與創新之討論-以某電子化學品公司為例覃彤, Chin,Tung Unknown Date (has links)
1. 產業環境:要求多、競爭者多為跨國大企業與高技術者。
2. 營運現況:具有十一類解決方案、品管嚴格、營運成長。
3. 未來發展:環保與競爭高、實驗室、市場與成本具優勢、強化研發與顧客關係、落實規模經濟與客戶聯盟。
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市場進入策略與營運策略之動態性研究-以資訊軟體產業為例 / Foreign Market Entry Strategies & Dynamics of Operation Strategies-The Case of Firms in the Software Industry黎遠駿, Li,Francis Unknown Date (has links)
在眼前的日常生活當中,什麼事情已經都脫離不開資訊。也因此作為資訊產業核心的軟體及資訊服務產業,已成為新世紀全球的第一大產業。IDC 在2005年9月的研究報告中顯示全球資訊服務產業在 2003年產值已高達6410億美元,爾後年平均成長率一直保持在 5-9% 之間,可以說是一片欣欣向榮的氣象,到去年 2005年整個產值達到 7400億美元,預期到 2009 年,整個資訊服務產值將到 9250億美元,這也意味著繼工業大革命後的另一個新經濟時代的到來。
在整個產業成長中,又以亞太地區成長最大,從 2003-2009 CGAR 達 9.7%,遠超過全球平均 CGAR 6%。我國因具備良好資訊基礎設施、具備與華人相同語言、文化背景、接近並熟悉亞太市場、充裕資金與高階經營人才、與西方的技術合作經驗、豐富的 PC 軟硬體整合經驗等。充分顯示台灣軟體產業在競爭的市場環境中比起歐美資訊大廠已率先佔據極佳位置。
因此本研究就以進入策略的學術理論做為基礎,再結合個案公司實務上軟體業海外發展經驗,整合一套適於軟體產業的海外市場進入策略供企業參考。以研究結論來看,資訊軟體業因為產品與服務的特性關係,較易偏向採用較高承諾度的資源投入方式,將營業拓展至海外市場;除此之外,在地化的深耕發展也是必需要走的一條路,而且因為隨著地主國市場的投入,對地主國市場的熟悉度也會漸漸增加,也因此會在地主國市場進行一系列動態性的營運策略調整。這裡所謂的營運策略,不僅僅只是產品策略或市場策略,甚至整個市場的進入策略也會隨之調整,譬如說由獨資的進入策略轉變為合資的模式。 / As today’s global economic and social development needs continue to change,the Information industry’s global economic requirement change has gradually become more obvious;shifting from a hardware-driven type of development,to software and service-lead development。Economic globalization has brought along excellent opportunities to the development of our national software industries;to actively participate one’s software industry in the international division of labor,one will have to proceed toward the outer world;meanwhile,one must also carefully consider the purpose of one’s internationalization,the core resources of one’s inner enterprise,and whether one is prepared with a proper internationalization strategy。Consequently, knowing how to correctly select suitable foreign markets and entry strategies to be incorporated into the strategy is exceptionally critical in the process of internationalization,and in addition to that,the decision as to how the foreign markets should enter into the strategy,the enterprise’s core competence,internationalized strategy,the service content and product of the enterprise and etc. ,the relationship and interactivity between the each are no longer simple and invariable connections;instead,they are now constantly varied in accordance with the market change,and as a result, dynamic adjustment has became a very important topic today。
In today’s society,our everyday lives have become inseparable from the information technology;therefore,as being the core of information industries,software and information service have become one of the worlds top main industries of the new century。In August,2005,research from IDC have shown,that the global information service industries’ industrial output value in 2003 has increased up to 6410 billion USD;from then on,the output value has successfully maintained an annual average rate of 5-9%。Apparently,that was the sign of a long-term prosperity,as last year (2005) the output value has boosted up to 7400 billion USD。Predictions have been made that the value will continue to rise dramatically in the years to come,and in 2009,the output value for information service industries will reach a height of 9250 billion USD;this also meant the arrival of the age of new economics after the industrial revolution。
Within the whole industrial development in general,the Asia Pacific area stand to have the most rapid growth,with a CGAR rate of 9.7% from the year 2003-2009,which highly exceeded the world average rate of the CGAR of 6%。The reason for our outstanding industrial development is basically due to our possession of a good information infrastructure,similarity of the language and cultural background in Asia, familiarity toward the Asia Pacific market,abundant funds and talented individuals with high management skills,and our rich background experiences with the western technical collaboration,PC hardware and software integrations and etc。These qualities all demonstrated that apparently,in today’s competitive market,Taiwan software industries have already exceeded many of Europe and America’s top information manufacturers。
The following study will use the academic theories for the process of foreign market entry strategies as the fundamental base,and on top of that,the practical aspect based on personal experiences of software industry’s foreign market developments;these will be combined into a set that is applicable to software industries for the foreign market entry strategies,suitable for enterprises’ reference。 Read more
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