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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣大學僑生之涵化- 傳播行為之研究

鍾雲蘭, ZHONG, YUN-LAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文乃一實證研究,全文約五萬字,分成五章,各章內容提要如下: 第一章緒論,旨在說明本文之研究目的,理論架構,以及研究假設:涵化動機、環境 因素兩變項,與僑生的人際傳播行為,和大眾媒介消費行為有顯著關聯性。 第二章文獻探討、回顧以往國外有關移民與外籍生傳播行為的研究,並予以批評。 第三章,研究方法,說明資料的蒐集,抽樣、問卷設計以及所用的統計方法。 第四章,研究結果的敘述,以及圖表的呈現。 第五章,探討本研究的限制,並提出若干建議。

《你淪陷了嗎?網路色情面面觀:談網路色情內容對青少年的涵化效果》 / Internet pornography's impact on sdolescents: an analysis of cultivation

林奐名, Lin, Huan Ming Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路的日漸普及,網路色情的數量也與日遽增。透過網路,色情資訊傳遞的狀況也愈來愈普遍,網路色情對青少年的影響,更成為各界關切的問題。 本研究首先運用內容分析法,分析網路色情內容,以了解網路色情的內容與面向。研究結果發現,網路色情內容的主要情節包括「性器官的特寫」、「戀物」、「口交」、「角色扮演」、「使用情趣用品」、「性虐待或性暴力」和「強暴」等。 此外,本研究也採用問卷調查探討網路色情對青少年的涵化效果。抽樣方法採多階集群抽樣(multi-stage cluster sampling),從台北市所有的高中/職,隨機抽出15所,然後從被抽中學校的三個年級中,再各隨機抽出一個班級。本研究總計發出1,714份問卷,回收1,688份,訪問達成率為96.48%。 研究結果發現,男性學生每天使用網路的時間略多於女性學生,而總計約23%的青少年固定或經常性收看網路上的色情內容。若將受訪者分為「重度收視者」與「輕度收視者」,則重度收視網路色情的青少年以男性為主;輕度收視網路色情的青少年雖然亦以男性為主,但女性比例也相當高。 本研究最重要的貢獻,是發現收視網路色情內容頻率愈高的青少年,愈認為「網路色情內容頻率出現較多的性活動」在現實世界的性活動中出現的頻率較高;另外,網路色情的重度收視者也會比輕度收視者更傾向認為「網路色情內容頻率出現較多的性活動」在現實世界的性活動中出現的頻率較高;最後,網路色情的重度收視者會比輕度收視者愈認為強暴受害人受到的傷害不大。因此,網路色情可能具有涵化效果。 / With the rapid rise of the Internet, pornographic materials on the Internet have shown tremendous growth. Through Internet, pornographic materials have been posted, distributed and presented in unprecedented and interactive dimensions. The influence of Internet pornography on adolescents has been a social concern and a focus of media effects research over the past years.   This study examines the impact of exposure to Internet pornography on adolescents from a cultivation effect theoretical approach. It began with a content analysis of pornographic pictures and films on the Internet. Results of the content analysis showed that the principal themes of Internet pornography are “close-up of sexual organs,” “feticism,” “cunnilingus,” “role playing,” “use of sex products,” “sexual abuse and violence,” and “rape.” Furthermore, a large-scale survey was conducted to explore the relative influence of the Internet pornography on perceptions about the incidence of various sexual activities in the real world. Guided by a multi-stage cluster sampling plan, respondents were drawn from 15 randomly selected high schools from all high schools in Taipei. Of the total 1,714 students, 1,668 completed questionnaires for analysis. The completion rate is 96.48%. Results showed that about 23% of the respondents reported seeing Internet pornography frequently, with boys reporting significantly higher exposure frequencies than girls. When respondents were divided into “heavy viewers” and “light viewers,” heavy viewers who consumed greater quantities of sexually explicit materials on the Internet tended to estimate larger incidences of sexually explicit activities in the real world than did light viewers who consumed much less these materials. Consequently, heavy viewers were more likely to think victims of rape do not seriously hurt. Taken together, this study concluded that Internet enhances the impact of pornography and the results of the study lend support to the cultivation hypothesis.

台灣人怎麼看非洲? 台灣大學生的刻板印象認可程度之探索式研究 / Taiwan’s Eye on Africa: An Exploratory Study of Stereotype Endorsement Among Taiwanese University Students

慕以萱, Moi, Barbara Unknown Date (has links)
大學生是一群熱切使用媒體和科技的世界公民,他們特別會透過新媒體接觸來自整個地球村的大量資訊。大學生可以透過學校課程與活動、與國際學生社群互動以及到國外旅行都是其中的管道。本研究援引社會建構理論與涵化理論,以質性研究探討台灣大學生的人口變項、與非洲接觸行為、西方媒體使用、世界主義意識以及媒體呈現偏誤之察覺與台灣大學生對非洲刻板印象建構之間的關係。 線上問卷收集共215位台灣大學生有效樣本。研究顯示非洲接觸行為與媒體呈現偏誤之察覺,皆與刻板印象認同呈現正相關。 / University students are some of the more cosmopolitan groups in society, as voracious consumers of media and technology, especially new media, and exposed to a plethora of information about the global community. University courses, interaction with the international student communities, events on-campus and opportunities to travel abroad are some of the avenues available to them. Using quantitative analysis, this study examined the relationships between demographic and contact variables, Western media exposure, cosmopolitanism and perceived bias of media portrayals and its effect on Taiwanese university students’ endorsement of stereotypes of Africa. The research framework is informed by the theory of social construction of reality and the cultivation theory. Using an online survey, data was collected and analyzed from a sample of 215 Taiwanese university students. The analysis reveals that contact with Africa and perceived bias of media portrayals have the most significant influence on stereotype endorsement.

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