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股權擔保債權憑證之研究:因子模型的延伸 / The Pricing and Hedging of Equity Collateralized Debt Obligations (ECDOs): Using an Autonomous Factor Copulae Model周政偉, Jheng Wei,Jhou Unknown Date (has links)
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使用學生製作立體虛擬世界以提昇動機和建構式學習策略:以英語為第二外語的台灣大學生為例 / Using Student-built 3D Virtual Worlds to Promote Motivation and傅傑瑞, Fulton,Gerald C. Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Motivation is an important and essential element in promoting student learning and ensuring student success. Educators have used various methods and materials in search of ways to motivate their students to be involved with their studies and to take control of their own learning. One currently used direction involves the use of technology and technological tools to provide motivation. This is due partly to the increased use of technology and computers by students themselves, but also due to technology’s ability to deliver a more interesting and knowledge-rich educational experience. This study looked at using student-built virtual worlds as a vehicle for providing academic motivation and for enhancing constructivist learning in an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom environment. Constructivist learning environments encourage students to actively participate in class activities, intensively collaborate with others, and deeply reflect on their own experiences related their own learning processes, and this study used virtual world building as the basis of course content and as an educational method for providing motivation towards learning English.
Thirty-five Taiwanese university students took part in a conversation course which blended virtual world building instruction with related conversation activities. Students constructed virtual worlds which were based on a story of their own choosing and performed conversation activities related to the building elements of their created virtual worlds. The study used a mixed methods research methodology to investigate the specific case and utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods and measures in course of the investigation. Qualitative data included surveys related to second language learning and computer motivation as well as a survey regarding the constructivist learning environment of the technologically oriented course. Qualitative data included in-depth student interviews and teacher observation journal information. These data were collected, analyzed, and evaluated based on the mixed methods research triangulation design.
The pretest to posttest survey comparison did not show an increase in motivation towards English or in computer attitude over the timeframe of the course; however, posttest statements regarding motivation towards both English and computers were generally positive. In addition, quantitative and qualitative data indicated the favorable constructivist environment of the course and its activities. Students were motivated to put time and effort into their virtual worlds and reported that these activities not only helped them to think about their projects but also allowed them to use their English skills. Overall, this study showed that student-built virtual worlds can provide a motivating and intellectually stimulating constructivist environment in an EFL setting.
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俄羅斯反對北約東擴之研究葉玟宗, Yeh, Wen-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒 論 --------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究目的與研究動機 --------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 文獻述評與研究途徑 --------------------------------------------------------- 4
第三節 假設命題與研究架構 -------------------------------------------------------- 10
第二章 北大西洋公約組織擴張的進程與俄羅斯的反應 -------------------------------------------------------- 13
第一節 北大西洋公約組織擴張的進程 -------------------------------------------------------- 13
第二節 俄羅斯對北約政策的辯論 -------------------------------------------------------- 29
第三節 俄羅斯對北約東擴的反應(一)-- 俄羅斯的亞太政策 -------------------------------------------------------- 38
第四節 俄羅斯對北約東擴的反應(二)-- 俄羅斯與獨立國協的關係 ----------------------------------------------------- 52
第三章 俄羅斯反對北約東擴的因素(一)-- 俄羅斯國家安全的
考量 -------------------------------------------------------- 65
第一節 地緣政治的考量 -------------------------------------------------------- 65
第二節 軍事戰略的考量 -------------------------------------------------------- 76
第四章 俄羅斯反對北約東擴的因素(二)-- 俄羅斯政經情勢的
變遷 -------------------------------------------------------- 89
第一節 一九九二至一九九三年政治情勢的變遷 -------------------------------------------------------- 89
第二節 一九九二至一九九三年經濟情勢與一九九三年國會大選 -------------------------------------------------------- 99
第三節 一九九四至一九九五年政經情勢與一九九五年國會大選 ------------------------------------------------------- 110
第五章 結 論 ------------------------------------------------------- 120
附錄 俄羅斯軍事準則基本原則 ------------------------------------------------------- 127
參考書目 ------------------------------------------------------- 138 / Viewing from the perspective of geopolitics and Kremlin politics, this paper attempts to systematically analyze Russia's reactions and policies toward North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) enlargement and accordingly, to explore the dynamics that drive Russia opposing to NATO's expansion eastward.
In Russia, NATO's enlargement leads to debates for Russia's foreign policies and policies toward NATO. In order to deal with NATO's threat, Russia began to adjust its foreign policy, shifting from that of "inclining toward the West" to a more equilibrium position between the West and the East. There are two factors that Russia opposes to NATO's enlargement. First, Russia sees the enlargement of NATO as a severe threat to its security because of the consideration of its geo-political position, the comparison with the military strategy of NATO. Therefore, Russia firmly opposes to NATO's enlargement. Secondly, from 1992 to 1995, the domestic political transition in Russia also leads Russia to change its attitude from the tacit consent to definite opposition to NATO's enlargement. In the early independence, all Russians were eager for the western aid; therefore, almost all policies followed the blueprints designed by the western countries. But, the aid was actually much less than what they promised. This situation led Russians to start to oppose to the West. At this very moment, NATO implements the plan of eastward enlargement. This decision makes Russians feel even more extremely discontented with the West and firmly oppose to NATO's enlargement.
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文天祥儒學思想研究 / 無林怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
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組織文化如何影響組織承諾之研究-以國防部軍事安全總隊為例 / How the organizational culture influences organizational commitment:a case study on military security brigade of M.N.D何永吉 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
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司法無邊江元慶 Unknown Date (has links)
──Gerry Spence
With Justice for None:Destroying an American Myth
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無我與解脫--清辨、月稱關於《中論.十八品》「人法二無我」詮釋之比較研究簡淑雯 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Usability of e-government Taipei city web accessibility for the visually impaired persons (blind)吳怡玉, Goh, Yi Yee Unknown Date (has links)
Usability of E-government Taipei City Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired Persons (Blind)
Yi Yee Goh
This is an empirical research on e-government web accessibility exclusively for visual impaired persons, in particular for blind people in Taipei, Taiwan. Universal access is an important telecommunication concept in the information age, aiming to eliminate the digital divide. Persons with disabilities are one of the most disadvantaged groups that suffer from the digital divide. Web accessibility for this group therefore is important in the discussion of universal access. Although there has been a growing concern in related studies in the fields of web technologies, policies and end users, still, the difficulties for disabled persons, especially for visually impaired persons, remains. Narrowing down the focus to the usability of web content, with the evaluation tools of the International Web Accessibility guidelines on Web design, this paper suggests what the web designers of e-government city websites, should attend to when designing Web pages which in turn could be presented as a model for the other websites. The purpose of the present study is to determine the implementation of the guidelines to web content and what criteria might be missing from the international guidelines when websites are designed for Taiwanese Internet users.
Keywords: Web accessibility
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亞太地區無紙化貿易最佳典範 / Best practices for paperless trading in Asia Pacific region史蘭亭, Say, Alicia Unknown Date (has links)
亞太地區無紙化貿易最佳典範 / Globalization boosts the leap of international trade to its full scale as the market and production site of any products are extended far beyond the country boundary, depending on the optimization of cost and efficiency. However, the paper-intensive procedures of international trade can severely slow down the whole process and as a result, hinders the efficiency of international trade.
Implementation of paperless trading can increase trade efficiency. It can enhance the competitiveness and improve the services of both the public and private sectors. Basically all participants of trade can be benefited from the realization of paperless trading. Asia Pacific is the world's major trading area, the trade volume of 21 APEC member economies accounts for about half of world trade volume, economic aggregate accounting for about 67% of the total world economy.
This study aims to identify the best practices in paperless trading among economies in Asia Pacific region, and the critical success factors (CSFs) for cross-border paperless trading, from perspectives of government, regulation, and private business processes. By learning the implementation procedures of the best practices identified as well as examining the CSFs and evaluating the project’s conditions against the CSFs prior to the actual implementation of a paperless trading project, it is hoped that the increase of success rate of future paperless trading projects would be achieved and hence foster the development of regional paperless trading projects.
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Studies on Microstructure and Phase Structural Properties of Sn-based Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries / リチウムイオン電池用スズ合金負極の微細構造と相構造に関する研究 / リチウム イオン デンチヨウ スズ ゴウキン フキョク ノ ビサイ コウゾウ ト ソウ コウゾウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウTamura, Noriyuki 25 September 2007 (has links)
学位授与大学:京都大学 ; 取得学位: 博士(工学) ; 学位授与年月日: 2007-09-25 ; 学位の種類: 新制・課程博士 ; 学位記番号: 工博第2866号 ; 請求記号: 新制/工/1421 ; 整理番号: 25551 / The developments in microstructure and phase structure of Sn-based materials gave stable cyclability under the full charge and discharge conditions without the initial large irreversible capacity. Some important structures discovered and their mechanisms for improving the cyclability were discussed as follows. In Chapter 1, the electrode structure of Sn electrodes was discussed, where the theoretical capacity of Li4.4Sn was attained. Weak adhesion of Sn to the Cu foil prevented the powdered Sn electrodes prepared by a conventional slurry-coating process from providing the theoretical capacity of Sn metal from the initial cycle, where the Sn powder peeled off the Cu foil to be disconnected from the foil in electronic conductivity. The electrodeposition process improved the interface adhesion between Sn and Cu foil. The electrodeposited Sn film sticks tightly to the Cu foil after forming the intermediate Cu6Sn5 layer, and it reacts with lithium to the theoretical capacity of Li4.4Sn under the full charge-discharge condition with small irreversible capacity. The initial discharge capacity was 2.5 times as large as that of the graphite. In Chapter 2, the advanced phase structure of the electrodeposited Sn film was discussed, which improved the film in cyclability without a large loss of capacity. The Sn film-Cu foil interface adhesion was still weaker to be delaminated from the Cu foil. Also, the Sn film was pulverized and passivated by electrolyte reduction products. The film was disconnected from the Cu foil in electronic conductivity during the initial cycle and could not continue to react with lithium. The stepwise composition-graded phase structure improved the film in the interface adhesion and active material chemistry to provide better cyclability under the full charge-discharge condition without large sacrifice of their volumetric capacity. The phase structure consists of the Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn phases, where Cu6Sn5 phase is the active material with less volume change and electrolyte-reactivity and the Cu3Sn phase enhances the adhesion between the Cu6Sn5 phase and Cu foil. The annealing process formed the stepwise composition-graded phase structure, and the annealing condition controlled the structure to be optimized for better cyclability. In Chapter 3, the advanced microstructure of the electrodeposited Sn film was discussed, which improved the film with the stepwise composition-graded phase structure in cyclability. The annealed rough-surfaced Sn electrode showed better cyclability than the annealed flat-surfaced Sn electrode, even though they had the same stepwise composition-graded phase structure. The micro-columnar structure of the film improved the film in the interface adhesion. The structure self-organizes on the rough surface of the Cu foil during the first charge-discharge cycle. The film is divided into columns of about 10μm square by gaps to accommodate swelled film with much reduced internal stress and strain during the following charge, resulting in less pulverization and enhanced adhesion of the film to the foil. The wavy surface profile of the foil and moderate ductility of the film are critical factors to self-organize the micro-columnar structure of the film during charge and discharge. Close cyclability to typical graphite-anode cells was available for the small cell using the annealed rough-surfaced Sn electrode for 20 cycles. In Chapter 4, the electro co-deposited 79.8Sn-20.2Co alloy film was examined for electrochemical and structural properties, and the feasibility of formation of the microstructure was discussed. The micro-island structure was self-organized on the rough surface of the Cu foil during the first charge-discharge cycle, which is similar to the micro-columnar structure in mechanism for improving the cyclability as well as in the shape. As a result, the Sn-Co alloy electrode offered the same capacity at the 20th cycle as the initial capacity of about 60% of the theoretical capacity of Li4.4Sn. The mechanical properties of the film such as ductility and brittleness give another key for formation of the microstructure, in addition to the rough surface of the current collector foil. In Chapter 5, the anomalous cycle performance of the 79.8Sn-20.2Co alloy electrode was discussed in terms of morphology and phase structure of the film. The film showed four-step change in discharge capacity, which depends on the two-stage phase transformation and morphological change of the film. The film is transformed from the amorphous phase to a new phase with forming fcc-Co particles. The new phase is a key to stable reaction of the Sn-Co film with lithium. Although the new phase initially shows smaller capacity than the amorphous phase, the enlarged surface area of the film activates a new reaction of the new phase to increase capacity. As a result, the new phase provides as large capacity as the amorphous phase. In Chapter 6, the electro co-deposited 92.1Sn-7.9Co alloy film with the microstructure was examined for electrochemical and structural properties, which comprised the new phase of the 79.8Sn-20.2Co alloy film as electrodeposited, and the mechanism of the reaction stability of the new phase was discussed. The 92.1Sn-7.9Co alloy film had the nano-composite phase structure, where the less lithium-active crystalline phase surrounds the amorphous phase to accommodate volume change of the amorphous phase and prevent it from deteriorating, resulting in stable reaction of the amorphous phase with lithium to provide constant capacity. On the other hand, the morphological and phase structural changes of the film improve Li+ diffusion through the film-electrolyte interface, in the film, and in the amorphous phase to increase capacity. As a result, under the full charge-discharge condition, the 92.1Sn-7.9Co alloy film showed monotonous increase in discharge capacity from 663 mAh/g at the 1st cycle to 769 mAh/g at the 20th cycle, which is 77% of the theoretical capacity of Li4.4Sn. Since the phase transformation of the 79.8Sn-20.2Co alloy film caused deterioration of the adhesion between the film and current collector to degrade the cyclability of the film, the phase structure of the 92.1Sn-7.9Co film gives better cyclability when it is prepared in advance of the reaction. There should be still room for further stable cyclability in Sn-Co alloy films. For example, adding a third atom to the film composition may enhance the stability of the reaction of the amorphous phase. Not only electro co-deposition but various thin-filming processes will be proposed to control a three-or-more-component system. However, the adhesion of the film and Cu foil is the crucial factor for the stable cyclability, and the microstructure such as the micro-columnar structure and micro-island structure is the most fundamental and effective in enhancing the adhesion. The micro-columnar structure has been applied for Si and Ge systems and examined for its self-organization mechanism, cyclability, and other electrochemical properties. Some of the results have already reported [67-68]. The advanced lithium ion batteries of group 14 elements with the microstructure may become commercially available in near future. Also, the microstructure should be formed on the flat-surfaced foil with holes in the same stress-concentration mechanism as the rough-surfaced foil. Since the rough-surfaced Cu foil is formed by Cu electrodeposition, there are limitations to control the surface profile. However, the holes can be punched at intervals of a-micrometer-order by using physical processes such as a femto-second laser, resulting in formation of further size-controlled microstructure. Issues of the laser process are beam concentration to make holes of less than 10μm in diameter and long work time. A suitable grating should be a key to overcome the issues and find another potential of the microstructure. / Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第13395号 / 工博第2866号 / 新制||工||1421(附属図書館) / 25551 / UT51-2007-Q796 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料化学専攻 / (主査)教授 平尾 一之, 教授 横尾 俊信, 教授 田中 勝久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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